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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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well, by the way, this is the problem that we had in your parliament, the representatives are putting pressure on the ministers that i don't want to come to work at this time, but in the steel sector, in the steel sector, when i can start my work with 31 kilos, why with 65 kilos? if i start my business, it means that they will help to reduce the production , to reduce the destruction of the environment. if we don't build, will we have resources? no, we have to think separately to secure resources . we have a problem in the gas debate. well, what does it have to do with alcohol, urban development, and the pattern of urban development? i mean, we are stuck . what does it have to do with high-rise or low-rise ? i can't supply gas , that's right, i couldn't supply water . i want them to annex
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the city at a high level. now the existing infrastructure does not have the capacity to serve this new annexation . the government has come and followed up on several policies . if you agree, let's keep our policies . let's go and see a report together. let's continue hamid reza arami, secretary of the working group civil engineering and urban development of majlis research center horizontal development of cities speeds up the construction process. also, since they are technologically advanced, the construction challenges will be minimized. considering the economic situation of the country, the higher the speed of construction, the more favorable it is. because it will not be affected by inflation. sohrab mashoudi, head of the urban development group of the society of consulting engineers of iran. due to the population growth in big cities, the construction of tall buildings is a medical solution. and
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it is suitable for housing people. but this issue does not apply in small cities and should be a development issue vertical or horizontal construction is looked at in a specialized way . farshid ilati, housing expert. the implementation of the horizontal development plan of cities has an effective role in reducing housing construction costs, and on the other hand , it provides the basis for accelerating the housing construction process. the horizontal development of cities , especially in tehran, can lead to a 50-6% reduction in land prices if speculative transactions are controlled, which of course is on the condition that we see an increase in land supply. ali asghar badri , managing director of the institute of city and economy studies. although the construction of existing high-rise buildings has decreased the values ​​of residence and reduced the quality of life, but the construction of high-rise buildings it is necessary in the right time and place, taking into account the macro economy and urban economy in big cities and tehran, but this. this
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should not happen in cities that have land and there are conditions for horizontalization. sahare nadai tosi, professor of architecture faculty of shahid beheshti university. the idea of ​​horizontal expansion of the city towards the periphery or in other words scattered over the city, although it can provide advantages such as providing housing and high-quality and desirable living space in the periphery of the cities, but it also has disadvantages compared to the development of intermediate and inner cities. horizontal expansion towards the costs of providing water infrastructure and increases energy. alireza bahadari, director of the urban development office of the 19th district of tehran. verticalization in big cities, especially tehran , is necessary because in terms of the macro-economics of the urban economy and the important issue of energy, verticalization should happen in big cities. vertical or horizontalization should be discussed according to each city. sahar mirzabegi of sed and sima news agency. yes
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, we saw the report of my colleague from the housing group of sed and sima news agency, mr. khatibi, are you satisfied? no, i would like to say a few things to you and dear viewers and friends . please see that we are saying that we do not have gas in our country. first of all, we have to accept that we are under embargo, we have been under embargo for years and our country and our people are suffering a lot if we want to say no embargo. you don't have a parsat paper, there is really no more discussion. the second point is that we are a family , we don't have gas, we don't have water, we don't have electricity, and this is the argument that he said, what does this have to do with housing, we have to go build housing and build our population. let's double it, we are against this issue , we are against the increase of the population without thinking, what does it mean that a family, i just make a statement, we just the discussion of building villas and apartments is focused on the population. it does not mean that we are focusing on the costs, on
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the construction conditions, on farhan, see our problem in building construction. when we want to build a building , it is not just about the number, width, and modesty. many parameters are based on this principle. the organization of its infrastructure includes the provision of resources , the provision of materials, then the cost of construction, and that, for example , a family whose father does not have money, let's say that there is an increase in the population, then the child is born, and he says that it has nothing to do with this matter. we are the existence of see, if it's not at all , i don't consider the existence of demography to be the north of demography, but i move forward with the realities of the society. i say that we will build a house that has no water, no electricity, no gas , we are not against building, we say to build, but we should not have a plan for a plan, it is not about a city. now, not a plan. that you
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are building a high-rise villa with a low height of 15 floors, all of this comes from a long-term plan for the country, which is going to be at this point. what kind of population should settle in the country? amish, because we go to every point in any direction and then change that plan , for example, our steel factory should go to the south , but we decide based on the pressures of this to come in the center, next to where the agricultural water and drinking water are all. it's right under shuhide, well, see the issues here in terms of cost and economy, a villa can be expensive. it will reduce the construction at the same time , but it is increasing the ratio of construction to hectare to square meter because of the price of the land, you mentioned hamadan, district 9 of tehran , it is very short, and it has a worn-out texture. what is the population if you take 100 in hamadan, in
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noda area, we have more than 140 people because of the culture of the people, because of our ability in the high places north of tehran. because there are people who have more economic resources, or as they say, they may be wealthier , their houses are bigger with lower density, which means that the number of people per square meter has decreased, the number per hectare has decreased . to reduce the number of our units, it seems that this is not the case in our urban planning everywhere in the world, and it is not the case that our engineer mr. let's build a villa. you say high-rise, a tower is being built, it has to come here for its facilities , well, the villa that is being built has to come here again, until the percentage of expansion will increase, we say high-rise construction in the places we see , we don't want to see the issue. in
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places where there is a lack of land, in places where the price of land is very high, the area around tehran may have land, but this is agricultural land , and it is a land that is used as a soil laboratory. we may not be able to use these or go to other places and annex them, unless we were in the country in ancient times. in different years, hasn't the land been annexed to the city of tehran, why isn't the price of our housing reduced? . well, year after year , we are taking steps to make the people poorer, and then with these conditions, we want to say that the party will come and buy some villas from us. again, i say, may god have mercy on the parents of that government that
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started the housing movement in our country. power started the fact that in some places, the seal of the ahmadinejad administrations may be in a bad spot it has been placed in some places, we don't have wrong written dictation. he is building in 100 cities in one city under a contract of his work or his consultant. there is a problem with it . it is clear that in the rest of our country , everything is rosy in this radio and television . we say not there either, so may god forgive his parents for making a start that we are still sitting on these debates and saying to each other that our movement is actually like the spelling . i always said that we should not come and say that the house is sealed by the way, one of my problems with the previous government was in the discussion with the previous minister that he said that mehr housing is nonsense . i said that this part of the minister's words was nonsense . he came with the national housing action, the name
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has been changed, now the national housing movement has come to do that work. yes, another minister has come, and now in this government, the same old team of friends is back . we have changed the name. we have the model , they are improving its flaws, and we hope that our housing movement will do the same. i don't have a name, but we should really build a unit for our people and think about the people. in the next discussion , i want to go to the shopping economy, sir. people are so small , they don't have anything to do with villas. you mean, if the government is going to develop the cities, housing should be built, like like maskan mel, if this happens, let it be mass-building , let's move forward in this way. yes, definitely, we are now in the western region of tehran. right now , ekbatan has been around for a few years. it is more than 50 years old. people still like to go to ekbatan. buying a house because of the quality, because of the type, because of the model and because of that
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the concept that was there. well, mr. soleimani , i thank you . i have finally reached one of the goals that i had in the debate, which is that our society and, in fact, our society of experts is a little like this . we understand that the number of floors must be increased according to your order. it doesn't lead to an increase in the number of units per hectare, that is, if we want to, we would like to say to the land, sir, because it is land, give me the statistics, so i should build a high-rise, it is not necessarily like this , this is a very important point, i don't know. if the photo and the picture that we showed you is a statistic that i posted a picture of with another model, what is your name ? this is another issue, our
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next issue is that we have a problem with financing now. i agree that the main issue with our housing right now is what does it mean to have suitable housing. i had money problems . they are going and buying now, the issue is finance, so how much can i reduce people's expenses , reduce the cost, can i be close to the realization of housing construction? that's why i'm saying that by reducing the amount of weapons used in our construction, i can reduce the cost of food. it's increasing with inflation , which means i'll save 20 kilomiles, which i'm doing now, next year it will be 20 kilomiles. if it is 30 tomans this year, next year it will be 50 tomans. i have an example for you. this means that if i have 600 tomans per meter this year, i will save. next year, i will save 1 toman
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per meter. where will people get money from ? the new ones of the ministry of home affairs that we sometimes have in you we read and study the sites and find that there are compensatory solutions for it, the experiences that are being built now are done in this national housing movement. the experiences that are being carried out show that if we start the project with 2 housing units in zahedan, the example of zahedan is that the people come to build by themselves, and give a burden to the mass builders, for example, 20% of the ones they built themselves have been completed. why? because their own people reduce some of the costs when they are building , we don't accept the cost at all. i don't want you to be their witness
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. i was now omari. in the last 6 months, i had about 20 trips . i went to visit my house . in fact, paying in advance to the contractor with that money is a matter of buying and leaving it in the workshop, did you pay attention , it means that he leveraged the money he had
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and was able to get it at a much lower price. so, iran has the macro management of our country because they don't supervise properly, that's why we have to reduce accumulation as much as possible.
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we can see, right now, go around and look, why didn't he go out, why did he mean , why didn't he go out, why didn't he go out, why didn't he come out of the project, he was building it well, then he didn't give his financial resources, he is left on the ground, he comes to other places , there are other companies in turkey. iranian companies are everywhere , those who came are finishing construction, what is it? we just finished a lot last week, well, it couldn't have been finished in 12 years. these new sources have not arrived, why are we partnering with them
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for years now. comprehensive contracting and embedding we are talking about this, mr. govt . do you have the money for mehr housing? in mehr housing, 80% of the construction was paid for by bank sources. we had no problems . it was not built in the national initiative . what happened? it's not over . we have a national one . yes
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, we have another national action. it's finished. we're done. we're done. one floor, we will deliver one floor to you in 6 months, turnkey completion, so that it is not 40%. we have a request right here, sir, there are people sitting here . we are making a claim . we are the contractors' association. you, who read this hand , deliver to us the above-ground unit today, by the way, we also have a one-story
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building, the financial resources you have, you say , the people bring it, the people themselves, well, the people give it. when people build by themselves, that means they don't trust the government. constructive people don't trust the government there is no trust, that's why we have to move towards popularization, we have to get people's participation , we have to get people's participation, now if you allow us to build that part , we promise the honorable people right here, we are radio and television, not to start , we are the man of the field. and we are practical, we took our word, we took the field, we talked, we talked, we talked , we proved, we stand by our word, mr. bezan , i always want to get the same promise from them. the money is the same resources that it gives to our bodies there for the friends of the villas
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the keys will be handed over within 6 months so that we can proudly come to our country and then move here next year. where the people themselves participate and the people themselves build, we build better. sir, in our national action, where could we do this now , in the name of god, another practical action you say on behalf of the association, now you say there are a number of projects. one unit cost 8 million 9 million per meter. my bank probably did not give him any money as you say, that is, all his own money , he had a loan, he had a loan, he brought the rest , and now you are stuck in the national housing movement. are you stuck that people don't bring themselves? why don't they come? they don't trust us. they are afraid that their building won't be built . they have a bad experience with our management. the bad experience
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of our contractors. there was a problem with our government management. the management has problems. it's true that the government has come to the conclusion that we should let the people build it themselves and get out of this trap. leave it to the people, let the people build it themselves . god willing, we will create a logo for the country because all the borders
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are welcoming and it is faster. why are we attracting more participation there? our times have changed. now you are in the course. we are not mehr housing, the building management method must be different , we must take a step forward in our popularization, we must be aware that we are in the post-industrial age
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, that is, we are in the industrial age, yes, why is it different now, what did we have in the industrial age , we had mass production. that is, we had mass production, but in the post-industrial age, what do we have mass order production? there was a time when you had to go to a restaurant to prepare food , thank you. to be able to have this opportunity, thank you mr. khatibi for two minutes, our slogan is that the people of the private sector, our slogan is that the government should stop taking ownership and give it to the private sector . we are one of those people who make people better. from a contractor who brought the entire civil construction of the country into question because from tomorrow we will give petrochemicals to friends who don't listen because the people
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don't have the management of the private sector . why not for? the construction of urban structures is the same, because the people remain the same. tomorrow, i will go to mr. jabali's place and sit upstairs , or at the place of my friends . i will talk about it from tomorrow. no, i will come here from tomorrow. i will make a network and tell the people to do the work. he should make an antenna for himself, we will go to his place, we will sit. tomorrow, anyone from the street, my father , for example, was a banker, he will go to soleimani's place , he will give his opinion. because the people are the best, i say that it is the work of the people, but they are blessings and investors. giving to the private sector that has the authority for this matter and we for the people you provide service, i definitely want to say this promise about your network, but the program will not come again , it is definitely a program.
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our people are in trouble. our people are under pressure. something should be done and our people enjoy it . let's accept it. people are crushed under the economic pressure . both guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the barter program, who accompanied us until this moment , may god protect you, or ali bala, above all
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, this seven-story building in the center of gaza with several rockets the zionist regime turned into a pile of rubble , many residents of this building were martyred. this palestinian man says: my father's two children, my mother and my brother.
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this building is completely destroyed. every year, families in gaza used to hold gatherings in honor of the prophet , may god bless him and grant him peace, during the nights of the holy month of ramadan . we ask god to make this month the month of victory, the month of resistance and the month of returning to our homes.
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ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to go to the city of household goods. i don't have a check. bye all of them bye. no, the lady does not want a check at all. will you be my guarantor? i don't want to be a guarantor. indeed, pay in advance. the city of household appliances. does not want advance payment.
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a special purchase. for dear retirees of social security from the city of household appliances. home appliances city, the home appliance specialist. wow, i did a lot of damage. it's a familiar face, i'm, what insurance do you have? but not for this financial situation. did you get the insurance yourself? i gave it to him. do not take at any cost. by comparing all companies with the best coverage from the site. nowruz 1403 with haft sin and 7 sarai, full of variety and discount in the big sarai of iran. the table
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful dear and respected viewers, welcome to sports news. the head coach of the national football team of our country invited 29 players to the camp to meet turkmenistan at the end of the 21st week of the premier league. biranvand nazam hosseini shakuri khalilzadeh


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