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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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18 doctors from one class took care of all the fatigue of the people. with all the indigenous forces staying there, doing 30 and trying out of a class of 30 people, 18 of them study medicine. well, this is a good achievement. we can't compare the facilities with the capital city . we can't compare the comparison with the neighboring provinces. we are not at all comparable to other provinces, if the slightest attention is paid to the people of sistan and baluchistan province, especially our constituencies , it will certainly have a wide impact, naturally, but we need to meet a series of requirements, for example, budget and financial and he also considered credit in the government, one of the plans that is always talked about, for example, is the payment of subsidies, now it is a part of hidden subsidies , which is due to the fact that everyone has direct subsidies, some of them are eliminated, some of them are higher. they don't do it, or the lower deciles try
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to establish this social justice with these tools in some way according to their means. what do you believe , sir? do you think that these methods work at all, considering that your deprivation is much more than other provinces? i will tell you about these subsidized works i am a real estate agent. what is your suggestion for my constituency? i would like to say that they should organize our border. the economy of our election is secured in a legal way, not in a legal way . please do this. our easy border will become one of the richest provinces in the country. for example , let's look at the state of commerce and business that we have, considering the historical precedent between the province of sistan baluchistan or the city of saravan , our constituency, and the country of pakistan, which means that the government can easily a problem it is essential that the constituencies of the border or
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transit market should be legal , for example, there are a lot of fake jobs there, but if it is legal , it will not threaten the people, if it is legal to pass through a gate, for example , you can go about your business. give and return, the seeds will be brought to the table, the city will reach a certain prosperity, and the people will be satisfied. well, this is impossible if there are no other borders of our country, see how our people live. if these markets of ours are activated, we will have less problems in our constituency we hope that in this government even this work
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will be done before the government, for example, its time is up , for example, it reaches the next elections , this work will be done at least in the constituency or in greater sistan, for example, we have the border of the former commercial market in a very good condition. for example, trade is easily established, but we are deprived of this trade in saraban and we hope that this problem will be solved in this period, god willing, so your priority is to activate the border markets. it is a border, and after your ways are settled, it is not very likely that there will be two gangs. we are thirty years old people we have low expectations, yes, we have low expectations. our decency should not be abused anymore. we are the people who always congratulate the people .
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rain, floods, but the people stood up for the ideals of the regime , we had a participation of over 40 percent in, for example, hoarseness, and still the coughs that we make are from the same day , it is cold that day, that is, it is terribly cold in our province, but the people are standing by the regime. it requires our dear statesmen to stand up and try as they did they should redouble their efforts to reduce deprivations so that people are more comfortable, for example, with tayyab khater. at night, when they go home, they can sleep or at least their nerves will be more relaxed, so that they don't have to worry about it, or for example, they will have food for tomorrow. this requires the government men to do a lot of work, and we hope that this will happen in this government, god willing. for us, in the second part of this conversation, mr. ebrahim pour, elected by the people of iza baghemolek in the 12th islamic council elections, but because of the same weather conditions. and warnings
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the weather and the rains that are happening made it impossible for us to communicate. we postpone it to another night , god willing. he has a regional view and his constituency, and a national view of the issues. you think from a national point of view, the most important issues that you have to pursue in the parliament are the most important, unless one must speak honestly. the most important problem that we have now in my dear country is from it is the livelihood of all our people, programs must be given so that our people suffer less. if keshm and this issue of livelihood were solved, people would be less upset, people's dissatisfaction would be less, and this requires a lot of effort from our loved ones. this cohesion is my cohesion, but there should be more cohesion
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. we should not have conflict in our powers if we want to do something. let's take for example those of us who are in the parliament, for example , we are not elected by the people yet . i say my friends in the parliament, well, they do the legislation , but a law should not be enacted that conflicts with, for example , the executive branch. there should be laws that, for example , make things easier for the executive branch, because implementation of the regulations is done by the executive branch. in the same field of livelihood that you mentioned , i am asking you to give your opinion on some of these plans that are being implemented now. suppose now, for example, one of the debates that has been discussed for a long time , another model was tested before, it did not get an answer, and now the model has been changed. the discussion was about the allocation of preferential width, which means that the importer of the preferential width should be given government width or at least half of it, so that he can import the raw materials and then the product that is produced can be available to the people at a lower price.
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it should be arranged so that people are not put too much pressure, then a series of rents were formed and it is not known where the currency went, and in short, a lot of pity and desire happened in the middle of this procedure . we give the people a subsidy if the price of goods goes up . there is no problem in the form of a subsidy. we will compensate it with a subsidy . if such a plan and bill is discussed again in the parliament, which scenario and opinion are you in favor of, mr. khosravi? we ask our people whether it is sufficient for their lives, according to abda. to the importer should make the comments more accurate so that he does not have corruption, rents and such things, our monitoring should be accurate , our monitoring tools are reliable, i say that
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we can help the people's livelihood more easily that way. there are also people who were before me, but in spite of all this , it has become a trap, so a hope has formed in the hearts of the people , so we won't mention names, for example, i won't mention the legal names of people, there were people who were zainab in the judiciary, but their children are now in prison . there was something to be done, the children of the gentlemen should not come in
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they should be in prison, but there have been some incidents during this period , for example, with the presidency of ajrat al-islami and his predecessor mr. haj agha raisi, these two presidents were also previously in the judiciary. the judiciary has crossed those red lines and they are no longer afraid of aghazadeh and these gentlemen. a person who is clean is no longer afraid of anything. a person who, for example, has a bit of a problem himself , is afraid that i will come in front of someone who commits a wrongdoing. i will stop him, tomorrow he will turn against me, but what is the one who is free from calculation, and i hope that in the government of this period, the judiciary has spent a good amount of effort, we hope that let it continue so that at least we the people, for example, the general public, hope that they are being dealt with, so you are critical in the discussion of subsidies , these subsidies should not be paid directly to importers in the form of preferential treatment, but if the proper monitoring method is done, this is more effective. i am effective or, for example, regarding the removal of the subsidy of the high-income decades
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, and you think that it should be removed, those who do not, look at the holy table system of our republic, we must give a self-sufficiency to the people, the rest are people. respect them, he says, sir. for example, you don't need to fill out that form, but if we do let's cut it off. if it is going to be cut off, for example , it will be used for another corruption. it is better if it is not cut off. they have the audacity to do this. i believe that means that you are saying that the removal of subsidies, for example, for the higher and well-off people, should not be compulsory, at their own discretion, if our people want that much. the people of iran, who help themselves, these incidents that
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have happened in our country, for example, the flood that you see in our province, where did it come from, from the west? the country is the farthest point of our country, which means that people's aid has poured into our region. well, these people are not the kind of people that we should humiliate them with . ask me questions if this happens. more than half of the people are self -absorbed. they say, sir, you don't need to go to the bottom of the society to do this for them, or for example, because you brought up the livelihood, it goes back to the livelihood, the determination of workers' salaries, which is also discussed these days. very much it can be talked about, tomorrow , for example, it will be repeated, i have a law for it, i have specified indicators and criteria, but still it seems that we should sit down and talk about it again, what do you think, how should it be done, mr. khosri ruiz
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, for example, worker's rights should be based on inflation? let our inflation increase by 40 %, workers' salaries should increase by 10%, 15%, this cannot be justified by any common sense. except for our own conscience, mr. that is common sense what is the argument that you are talking about? his argument is that if i make this salary 40-50 instead of 15%, for example, if the working conditions are good , it will cause the employer to put pressure on him and not be able to pay him the same amount of money that the worker will pay for this. he is about to be fired, mr. khosr, so i will not discuss the opinions that are raised, our dear country , iran, is one of the richest countries, we are not an african country that can say like this that we are at all afraid to give a salary,
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god-given sources. we have it, where will it be spent, it is right these are our people, the people of iran must get their rights. well, in many places , we are facing challenges in their exploitation. you can assume the statistics that are almost said about all the mines that we are talking about in iran , the mines that are active now. they say something around 7. the total mineral wealth of iran, you see, nearly 93% of the mines are not exploited at all, because there is no possibility to exploit them, that is, it needs facilities to be exploited, and those facilities do not exist , it is rich, you cannot use it. yes, but mr in kosui, by using the knowledge of local forces, everything is possible, let's trust them, everything is unrelated. our own native scientists should trust our young people, they will give us a good answer for their trust
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. we should not always wait for someone from outside to take our hand. let's face it, these things are definitely possible. we have nothing less than the rest of the world . plans and bills come and you finally have a vote here, i say that it should be allocated to the national code
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, we are closer to justice. well, national wealth is the wealth of all people, and all people should benefit from it equally, but in return, my government and people have a duty to activate public fleet expression in cities and provinces. now , for example, what i said my wife has a wish for the citizens of my constituency, we don't have a public transport fleet in the constituency. a few after all , our seravan airport has been opened, and it is also thanks to the efforts of our loved ones in the army, they helped. if this happens to my friends, yes, it will happen. very well, i apologize considering that the issue it is very important to follow up on the rainfall situation in the country, according to the red warnings issued by the meteorological organization, let
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us accompany mr. hamzei and get the latest news and events from him. mr. hamzei, good night . the army land is on the way to the areas that are going to flood and there will be a lot of rain, amir ghorbani. hello , please tell me what you will do. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i also offer my greetings and good night. to all the dear ones who hear my voice , i would like to serve you according to the several weather warnings it has been announced that the ground forces of the islamic republic of iran in the given areas are all ready, alhamdulillah. the honorable commander-in-chief of the army and the honorable commander of the ground forces
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have issued the necessary orders, both by air and on the ground. thank god, we have always entered before the crisis management, and now we are fully prepared , if god forbid something happens in these areas that were mentioned, the people will be affected by floods and unfortunate events will happen to them, certainly by air and land, god willing, to serve the dear people we will be the amir, i myself will serve the amir closely
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i was mousavi and amir heydari was in. for about 40 days, we closely saw the efforts of the army ground forces and the army at all there. i think the army earthquake hit at the same moment because there was a barracks near there and all the equipment of the barracks was distributed to the people for free. but if anyone needs to use it, hello, you have my voice, amir . now it's fine. i told you from the memory of the karbanshah earthquake that amir mousavi and amir heydari were in their service there. amir mousavi and fermandeh were on the helicar and left it at the people's disposal, and we really remembered
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the equipment and facilities that we had installed in the abu dhar barracks until 4:00 in the morning. jandi shahpur university of medical sciences dear mr. mahzi , hello, please tell me about the preparation status of the republic of shapur university of medical sciences. we are going to go to the khuzestan university of medical sciences. the minister of health has issued an order that all the universities of medical sciences in the areas that have declared a red meteorological situation are to be 100% ready, both the hospital and the staff of other medical staff to provide services there.
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even special, smaller orders have been issued , for example, i will tell you that mothers who are about to give birth to their babies will be transferred to big cities if they are in different places. mr. moazi, you have my voice , we are hearing about the preparation of jundishapur university of medical sciences. greetings, courtesy and respect to you, dear colleagues and fellow countrymen. following the announcement of the khuzestan provincial crisis headquarters since yesterday, following the heavy rain that is going to happen tonight . from the previous day, the crisis headquarters. it was formed at the level of medical sciences of the province. all hospitals and medical centers in the province are on full alert notified since yesterday, special working groups have visited all hospitals in the province , doctors, nurses, all medical and support staff of the hospital and medical center are on full alert in terms of equipment and infrastructural facilities
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, emergency electricity, diesel generators, and water drainage pumps throughout the hospitals. they are active and all the treatment staff are ready and they are ready with full capacity. god willing, they will be able to provide proper service on time for the vacations of the loved ones, doctors, doctors, all the treatment staff, doctors, nurses. no, the vacations have been canceled and all the medical staff are fully ready so that, if needed, they can serve their friends at that time. thank you, mr. marzi. very well, thank you, mr. hamzei, and i say goodbye to you . we are at the service of mr. dehani in the final minutes of the first page program, and one of your challenges in
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your constituency is the lack of educational centers, especially in the field of supplementary training and universities in general. you are a university student, our only concern the state university in seraban is an excellent complex , at the same time, for example, with shahrara hamjovan. look at this complex, it has not been developed at all, it has not been turned into a university, so who should one tell about this pain, and the demand is high, yes, the demand is high, for example , we are the most cultural city in the province, in those days of mr. qosvi, other cities in the province did not allow women to study. the girls of saravani come to study , we want to be the most cultural city of the province, our current situation is like this, we have an excellent complex of knowledge. it is free , but the situation of many loved ones is not enough . tuition fees are high. at least we say that half
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of it would have been accepted by the government men or, for example, the ministry of science, it would have been something else, but zero to one hundred, our dear ones , the people of the constituency, the people of the whole country , have to pay for this. and it is our cure. let me tell you something. maybe you will laugh . we don't have an active hospital in sarde. there is a dilapidated hospital in saravan. the same type of foot is newly invented . we do n't have efficient staff. but there is no labor force where should one tell this pain to the loved ones who are serving there, dear mr. kotsabi, there should be a difference. we should not discourage the loved ones who are serving in privileged areas, for example , we say that you, sir , should give them a disadvantage, for example
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, make them a tax protector, give them incentive programs , sir, give them low-interest loans, for example, so that these dear ones are motivated. now, the nurses and midwives, our medical staff , are so upset because of the payments that are made to them, for example, before we started the program. come, one of us changed our mood , he said some problems, he said something, we said, god, i wish it wasn't us, for example, i wouldn't accept it, that is, our people, for example, our employees, for example , the loved ones who work in the health center, there are still 8 of them in the new group. if you say that your friends will say 20,000 tomans an hour, you will accept this. for example , our nurses are not paid 20,000 tomans an hour overtime for one month. now with this situation, this is the biggest insult to our medical forces. we hope that the government will solve these problems in this period, god willing if the parliament does the work, we will follow up in the parliament
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, god almighty will give him success and the good prayers of the people will be behind him, god willing , we will follow up in the parliament, and we will make this promise to the people right here that the voice of the people of the province, especially the constituency, will not be of any kind. we do not have any reservations , i am not afraid of any party or group except me. i will do this tomorrow. we have come to serve these four years for the target people. you are familiar with each other and you have an alliance with each other. mr. dr. birzai is one of my friends, the representative of chabahar haj, mr. rahmdel bamri, who is one of our loved ones, the elected representative of iranshahr and our front, who is one of our loved ones, for example, in executive work. with them , we can also talk about our distant relatives, for example, we talked with professor shahriari, the representative of qadr zahedan, one of
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the good and lasting people. it will be done and we hope it can be done, god willing, we have less than a minute. if there is anything left that i didn't ask, i would like to express my gratitude and i express my gratitude to the dear people of the province, especially the constituency. to be able to
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let us be their servants in the parliament, and god willing , they will not abandon us in these four years. after 4 years , they will tell us their grades. god willing, you will not abandon us. no, god willing , we are not just them. i don't know if any of you work with the villagers , god willing . a selection of the great and lesser ones and i am grateful to your friends and loved ones behind the scenes for doing us this favor . it has been ensured that the next courses will be successful and may you be a source of good and blessings for both iran and the people of your constituency. thank you for coming to the first page and thank you for looking . good night and god bless you.
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oh my god, no one's tried it before, the team here are pumping sea water, we are pumping around 1,00 liters per minute of sea water.
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sir, today we had an extra layer, so we had probably another 5 to 10 centimeters of ice thickness in this area, freezes and thickens , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good evening, 20 minutes with chand. news at your service we are you iran's cooperation with afghanistan in providing scholarships and tourism experiences. the ministry of information and culture of the taliban government announced the cultural advisor.


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