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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21. five provinces are waiting for the heaviest flood of the year due to the emergency meteorological red warning. pregnant mothers in hard -to-reach areas should be moved to safe areas .
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the martyrdom of dozens of palestinians in the zionist attacks around the shafai hospital in gaza and the occupiers' attack on this hospital for the fourth time. the occupiers also robbed hundreds of palestinians. the european union's foreign policy official said that the zionist regime's use of netanyahu's hunger weapon caused violence it is in gaza. holding the second stage of the elections of the twelfth term of the parliament. including tehran
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, the election will be fully electronic and the success of danesh banyans in localizing the new generation of dressings with faster wound healing and preservation of skin structure will make it possible to repair and replace damaged parts and wounds caused by burns. shell may it be lost in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten farjah. good evening, dear and respected viewers. welcome to the news section at 9 p.m., the preparation of the five provinces. in the western half of the country to deal with
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floods following the red level warning of the meteorological organization the rain system that has been reported for the past few days entered the country this morning. today's rains started in the north-west and reached the western and central parts of the country. the activity of the varshi system on the eve of the new year and the last days of march. rain was reported. by god, we are very happy, the rain gives relief to all cultivated fields, the water will be abundant, it is good for everything, finally. in the afternoon, the rains continued and reached some areas . it reached the west and center of the country and
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it rained in lorestan, ghazvin and alborz provinces. but the meteorological organization has predicted the peak activity of this system for tomorrow. our red alert is for 5 to ilam province, lorestan, chaharmahal bakhtiari kokele, bar hamad and khuzestan. silmon's warning system shows that the water flow in these areas can be high and these rivers may burst out of their beds. it is possible. block the roads . according to the crisis management headquarters , these five provinces are fully prepared. the leave of the members of the crisis management staff was canceled and all the necessary devices and equipment were put on standby. we emphasize to the traffic police to close the road if there is any danger. my request to dear people is not to insist on crossing the regions risky head of the organization. red crescent society
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has announced that 12,000 troops are on standby in 12 provinces . also, according to the managing director of khuzestan water and electricity organization , there are conditions for storing running water in such a capacity that we can manage it if the rains are more concentrated in the upper reaches. forecasts of the meteorological organization say that the rains will continue until wednesday. saeed hajizadeh, radio and television news agency. tomorrow, with the strengthening of the rain system, more heavy rains. in the western half of the country, it is predicted for five provinces, in this area, the warning level is red and for the provinces another orange warning has been issued. in the same context , i am having a conversation with meteorologist mr. zarabi , please tell me how will the rainfall be tonight and tomorrow in the provinces where the red warning was issued, and
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how do we predict the rainfall situation in the other provinces where you issued the orange warning, in the name of god i want to say hello and courtesy to the viewers. dear mr. zahorian, today, when the rain system has entered our country and you can see the beautiful cloud cover , we have had reports of rain in 14 provinces of our country since morning, in the western half, from the northwest, and parts of the west. areas from the western shores of the caspian sea and the southern slopes of albarz to some extent in the center of the country , as time passes, the intensity of the rains will increase, the system will strengthen, so tomorrow we expect it to spread and form the western half of the country. put it under the influence of its own rainfall activity. regarding the red level warning, you said yes, the red color also beautifully shows the intensity of rains on the central zagros in chaharmahal bakhtiari provinces, which is the mercy of lorestan , areas of khuzestan and ilam provinces, where the intensity
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of tomorrow's rains will increase. it will allocate itself , it can lead to flooding in a wide area okay, separately, our advice to our dear compatriots is that they must manage their travel expenses . our request is that tomorrow and tomorrow in the western half of the country, the conditions are not suitable for travel. at times , it is accompanied by snowfall, the road surface is slippery , rock fall from the mountain will definitely be a certain phenomenon that we have in the central zagros and central alborz highlands, especially in the passes . roads should have a horizontal view of course dear drivers. mon will be reduced separately. again, we ask you to refrain from traveling tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in the western half of our country, and even parts of the caspian coastal provinces and central alborz roads, as well as the dear nomads, take note of this matter. many of our dear nomads will start their early migration tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
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, refrain from going to high altitudes in central zakros, and also refrain from traveling on the banks of the seasonal rivers , my dear ranchers, and avoid grazing their livestock on the banks of the seasonal rivers for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. well, it is obvious that going to the heights it is not recommended at all for the mountains tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, well, our orange level warning tomorrow is mostly for west azarbaijan and east ardabil provinces, as well as gilan , the western parts of mazandaran, kermanshah kurdistan, as well as parts of central hamedan, qom, parts of asman provinces, its western part, and the northern parts of the provinces fars and bushehrem will allocate the intensity of tomorrow's thunderstorms to themselves, warning at the orange level. this system will gradually affect parts of the northeast of the country from tomorrow onwards , so that on wednesday, most of the provinces
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of our country will have rain, even parts of sistan baluchistan and hormozgan will also have showers , but they will be very small and scattered, and their concentration for wednesday will be in golestan province, north khorasan and the northern half of razavi khorasan. again, the rains will be in line for wednesday, as you can see, the north of fars province and the north of bushehr province will also face the volume of showers on wednesday , but on thursday we will have scattered showers in the northeast. the system goes out, the wind is blowing on us generally , the same can be done for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in the eastern half of the country. there is a risk, considering that we have rains in alborz heights , it can bring snow blizzards in areas with snow , although it is true that the temperature has increased compared to a week or two ago, generally the rains are in the form of rain but also in the form of snow. in the highlands , it will be reported in a scattered form, even compared to
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the previous days, but in the persian gulf, we expect rough and choppy waters for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow . thank you very much, mr. zarrabi. meteorologist, but to further check the readiness of the device and organizations i am having a conversation with the head of the country's crisis management organization, who is present at the khabar 21 studio . mr. nami, you are very welcome, mr. related organizations. now, with all their capacities , they are on standby . what is their state of readiness? in the name of allah, rahman, rahim , i offer my courtesy and respect to the dear iranians of barztun. 2100 operational teams in these five provinces are ready to carry out any rescue operations. it means that there is no problem in this field, all the provinces are on standby. all equipment in the provincial crisis headquarters and crisis headquarters
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the cities are fully on alert. you are waiting for the governors in the provinces who are the head of crisis headquarters. in the cities, the governors have also been notified to all the dear villagers that today, especially tonight and tomorrow night , they are not allowed to travel. in the villages , they should avoid the city or vice versa, because most of the rural roads are either next to the rivers or on the way of the rivers. to give birth in bayan city , be sure to request from the red crescent or the emergency department to transport these loved ones to the city with suv ambulances. it has been notified to all the crisis headquarters of the honorable governors, the honorable governors, the governors, the governors, that
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the dangerous roads should be closed . what are the most dangerous roads? they are the roads whose level level or their height code is less than one meter compared to the level level of the region. this road must be closed. yes , there are levees on the way of these roads, probably they are of low height or new intersections, these roads must be closed and traffic should be avoided, especially tonight until tomorrow night. it is necessary to visit the places of the bridges in this one week, the rivers that have been visited, the rivers that have more water input , this restriction must be taken into account according to the height of the bridges, that if even the level or as the name is known
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, the height code of the road it is above one and a half meters , but this road will be blocked to enter because we had in the past periods that by bringing trees that cut off the water or the possibility of some large parts, the bridges or the entrances will be closed and the water will rise. the important point is that our dear people must have evidence bases the officers and all our loved ones should cooperate in the road management . we had a bitter memory of blocking a road in the past rounds . a loved one came from the side roads and went into the water . be aware of road closures , because the way the exit from the cities and also the entrance
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from the other side are closed, it is obvious that the road is closed , but in the middle of the road, it is possible that our loved ones from the cities between the roads and the villages between the roads predicted this. for example, in our last august flood 3 of us closed a resort. a motorcycle rider with two turkish people does not cross the road, you go behind that middle height and unfortunately these loved ones lose their lives. it is important to pay attention to these warnings. fortunately, we have had a good executive operation in the last two years, especially the last three years and good exercises have been done, maybe i can tell you now that in the last three years, about 8 thousand people in cities, provinces, cities and villages have done all this so that we
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are ready to help and protect our countrymen when necessary. god forbid from our countrymen do not enter the dangerous area, because if a loved one gets caught in this path, it will be very difficult to save him. yes , mr. nami, report now, because our time is limited , i will ask you the questions right now. it has been reported that an area has been flooded due to today's rains. from 11:00 tonight, the amount will be close to the expected amount of rain . many people are waiting for the heavens in these five provinces that i mentioned , lorest, ilam, lorestan, khuzestan, koklieh and arhman , chaharmahal, bakhtiari, and in the north of fars province, only in a part of the province, such as masatsari and noorabad, but well our other provinces are raining, this
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does not mean that others are not in danger, we have bitter memories of the past. like koran gate and others in 2018, dear ones should be ready. yes, the next thing is that all dear governors are in these five provinces for 7 days now, and they are supervising the crisis headquarters of the cities, visiting the areas, especially in the areas where nomads live. moving our dear nomads, nearly 160 emergency camps have been prepared, all the necessary provisions have been made. on the other hand, the honorable president, mr. dr. raisi, has orders to the interior minister, and follow them regularly they are also mr. dr. mokhbar
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. if there is a lot of precipitation , there is not even a river, but the path will be located , they should predict that there will be no people by the rivers , that there will be no people even in the roads , all the so-called centers that are on the side of the river or probably in the river bed. these have been evacuated and changed to emergency accommodation areas.
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all the dear ones are ready, the emergency room is perfectly ready, thank you. the president called negligence in providing the judicial security of the society as an irreparable violation and damage. at the meeting of the supreme council of health and judicial security, mr. raisi
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considered the noise and abuse in the field of food and medicine to be unacceptable and emphasized: businessmen who play with people's lives should be put in the hands of the law. to deal with them. the president also mandated the food and drug organization, the standard organization and the veterinary medicine organization to cooperate and coordinate fully to ensure the food security of the society. mr. production chief he considered healthy, cheap, quality and accessible food for everyone, relying on domestic capacities, as one of the components of ensuring and maintaining the country's health. judicial health security must be continuous. there should be justice , which means that it should be completely justice-oriented. all people can benefit from healthy food with cheap quality . if a person achieves it
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, there is no more difference between rural and urban, between this city and that city, we have to define the amount of calories needed for protein. anyone can access with a mechanism . emphasizing the necessity of managing the market and prices, the president considered the export of agricultural food products to be subordinate to meeting domestic needs and asked the ministry of agricultural jihad to give priority to meeting the needs of the domestic market. you said production without export. it doesn't make sense, it's definitely the same . we believe that you should export somewhere, like you said , you exported eggs, but not at the cost of making them more expensive . mr. raeesi emphasized the importance of self-sufficiency in food production
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he also mentioned the implementation of the cultivation model and gave a mission to the ministry of agricultural jihad. our country is a country that has full potential to produce these basic goods within us and to use many of our own products and we do not need to import them. on the sidelines of this meeting, the minister of health said about the actions of the 13th government in providing judicial security: one of the very good things that has been paid more attention to, especially in the popular government , is the installation of markers on food items. let them see how it looks like. pointer to colors it is different in all products today. as mr. president said in today's meeting,
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the issue of self-sufficiency in educational products, god willing , it is one of the duties of the ministry of agriculture to do this, and the issue of monitoring food safety, monitoring food quality, monitoring that food is healthy. this is one of the duties of the ministry. with the well-equipped laboratories that exist all over the country and the hard work of our dear employees, we make every effort to ensure that healthy food reaches the hands of all people, and we can ensure people's health, god willing. the economic growth rate of 1402 was more than 5% has been the minister of economy said that this year the government's effort was to stabilize the economy. as a result , point-to-point inflation has decreased by 20% to about 35%. mr. khandozi also announced the increase in attracting foreign investment.
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until yesterday, 5 and a half billion dollars of foreign investments have been approved, i.e. the start of foreign investment and the entry of resources into iran's economy . we have seen it in the attraction of foreign investment in our country the budget didn't work, the minister of economy mentioned financial discipline as one of the goals of the government during his visit to the treasury and said that the completion of the treasury unit account was a long-standing dream that has been fulfilled this year, until today 67 thousand billion tomans, which if the treasury unit account was not implemented, the ministry would have had to the economy
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will make government payments through borrowing and paying the central bank, these have been achieved zero, and therefore we have at least 67 thousand billion tomans increase in the monetary base of the country, and then the positive factor and the effects it will have in the field of liquidity and inflation have helped to this is a structural modification of obstruction. swelling of be the government budget area. with the confirmation of the correctness of the islamic council elections in 75 other constituencies , the validity of the parliamentary elections in all constituencies was confirmed by the guardian council. the spokesman of the guardian council said that in the constituency of lanjan stanan, isfahan , due to numerous reports regarding violations and the report of the inspector group. the members of the central monitoring board of the second person's vote annulment of the first person and the third person entered the second stage. also, in the constituencies of varamin,
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pish and qarchak, the second and third candidates of this constituency made it to the second stage. also, according to mr. tahan nazif, in the constituency of suleiman mosque, lali, endika and haftkal due to the closeness of the votes of the first and second, after recounting all. the votes were determined by the transfer of the first and second reza jabari as elected in this area. the second phase of the 12th election cycle of the islamic council will be held on may 21st. the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters announced this news and said with the proposal of the ministry of interior and the approval of the election guardian council in eight constituencies. tabriz, tehran, abadan, shiraz, kermanshah, khorram abad and chegni, qaimshahr malair will be held electronically. the second stage
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of the 12th election. this period of the islamic council it will be held in 22 constituencies for the remaining 45 seats out of 290 seats in the parliament. at least 81 palestinians were killed in the attacks of the zionists on the gaza strip in the last 24 hours. 116 in these attacks. according to the announcement of the gaza ministry of health , the number of martyrs in the gaza strip has reached 3126 people.
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on the eighth day of ramadan, northern gaza was repeatedly targeted by the zionist regime. for the rights of the citizens and for the refugees, the children , the children, may god have mercy on the children, may god have mercy on the children , may god have mercy on the children, may god have mercy on the land, praise god, the lord of the worlds, in the zionist attacks around
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hospital. in shafa province in the north of gaza, a number of people were martyred, including a number of children. these attacks started in the continuation of the attack on shafa hospital this morning. zionists attack this hospital for the fourth time under the pretext of finding hamas forces. according to news sources, the zionists beat and arrested at least 80 medical personnel and journalists and a number of displaced persons living in the areas around the hospital. i am having a conversation with mr. mohammad al-hams, a radio reporter in gaza. mr. hamz, please let us hear your report on the latest news and developments in gaza. hello to
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viewers of the news channel, the israeli regime's attacks on civilians continue for the 164th day in a row. in the past few hours, 81 people have been martyred. in fact, since october 7th , more than 3170 defenseless and innocent citizens of the gaza strip have been martyred. the watch.
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they had taken refuge in this hospital and they were arrested. since last night, their attacks on shefa hospital began with heavy attacks and massive military attacks . the soldiers of the zionist regime


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