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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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after a few minutes, how many times did you hit 41 sir , how many times does prite take? i think 33 means that it was 41. yes, you probably lost your senses and 45 went away. but 45 to 45, no, 45 does not say, let's test and see to be sure. the driver tested the intended pump with a container approved by the standard organization, and it turned out that he did not ride with the tank at all. does this make a difference? it must be different. you have to search for it. to check the quality , the weight and temperature of gasoline is measured. now it was 745. what does 745 mean? the weight of the product must be measured with its temperature. the weight of the product is measured in the bill of lading. it has come here right now, it must be around hosh 84, exactly this quality of this product is now
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confirmed . you compatriots can call 096 in case of any problem anywhere in the country and register your complaint. tuesday is march 29, 8th of ramadan and march 19. the noon call to prayer in tehran will be at 12:00 and the maghrib call to prayer will be at 183:00. we are very grateful for your attention and companionship with this news series, dear and respected compatriots. good day.
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iran's honorable coach.
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greetings, courtesy and respect to each and every one of our dear and respected viewers, especially the higher program i am at your service for another debate . as you have already said, we want to talk about handing over the powers of the government to the municipalities and have a debate with the afghan opponents of the issue that i presented to you. basically , we want to see that in the field of urban management, management let's have a cloth, let the government come , i don't know some of its own powers in the area of ​​electricity, water, gas in the area. the budgeting of the health finance services should be entrusted to the municipalities or not. please accompany us until the end . why is your question an interesting question in this month of pricing? you are a football manager.
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the opposite title of the topic that i presented to you and mr. butan. urban management experts are present as supporters of handing over the authority of the government to the municipality. i would like to start with mr. buchani and this question, basically, when we talk about handing over the powers of the government to the municipalities and you agree with this issue, what powers should be handed over and what are your reasons for agreeing to this issue? the issue of assigning tenures to the set of urban managements in iran also originates from the constitution, especially. in the seventh chapter of the constitution
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, it originates both from the law of the councils and from the laws of the program from the third program. there are many. we have about 1,400 cities in the country, and out of these 1,400 cities, more than 40 cities
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have settled more than 50% of the country's urban population . initial test and put it as a trial period, we can really and seriously analyze the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats. the important fact is that based on the general policies of the supreme leader's notification system in the field of housing in the field of urban development in the field. decentralization is one of the key and very important principles in these general policies of governments, regardless of
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which government we want to name, for various reasons , the issue of handing over administrations to municipalities. due to the fact that the municipalities do not have a serious representative in the executive branch, this progressive mission has never been included in the agenda of the executive branch, and the bill has not been passed from the government side to the parliament. this is also shown let the municipalities, despite their many efforts and efforts, obviously, here i mean the municipalities of the centers and provinces and their big cities . urban management from a humble perspective , as i am an expert and have been involved in this issue for about twenty years, both in the university and in the implementation field of urban management, i know that this division
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of urban management and the dispersion of the budget plan of the structures are basically the cause of the reduction of productivity in the management system. it has become a city, and with this model, we are a civilization-building and famous city we will not be able to become the engine of national development and this model of ours will face serious damage. mr. salari, what do you think is the reason for your opposition to handing over the authority of the government to the municipality and the discussion we have about the management of an urban fabric that mr. what's wrong with pointing it out , please?
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in other words, this multiplicity of views shows that we are dealing with a single phenomenon, and that single phenomenon seems to have no consensus on its understanding. see, i design the problem like this and i will answer your question. basically, it is a matter of concentration and explain the power of the product of the development process the human. in the governance method of societies, it means that the more societies progress , the more complex they become, urbanization has increased, the population has increased, the economy has become more complex, and the processes have become more complex , according to that, humans have tried to find solutions
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, mechanisms, processes and institutions. make sure that those institutions can respond to the needs and demands of that society. so what is our problem today? our problem is that we are on the side of a very bold phenomenon called mass migration to cities, which constitutes a significant amount of iran's population and cities. and these cities have many problems, for example let's take the example of cities and big cities: they have traffic problems, they have density problems , they have the problem of operating beyond their biological capacity , they have the problem of social damage, they have the problem of inequality, they have the problem of dilapidated fabric , they have the problem of housing , they have all kinds of economic problems, these are the minimum priorities. if you do a public opinion poll right now, they will point to all of these , very well. if these issues are all these interactions that we call the explanation of power , it is in my hands, it is in your hands, it is in the hands of the government, the government
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said in the third program that it will hand over these things to the fourth plan did not happen. the fifth did not happen . the sixth did not happen . it is our key. now, i am coming from this point of view. i have a non-discursive view, that is, in the middle of this fight , should we give the authority to the government, reduce the authority of the government, give it to the municipality. what powers does the municipality have today? you see, i start from the municipality and come in i will be the issue of the government and then i will argue and prove that this issue should be looked at from another angle, the municipality. according to the law and based on the historical background that it has had for the past 100 years
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, it was built to be a place that collects more than 100 to about 150 tolls from the citizens who live in that city and brings them to the city fund and in that fund , he will enrich it, spend some of it himself, and spend a significant amount of it in the form of money. again, return to the society to explain what it means in the form of public goods , public goods means what it means to collect garbage, it means to create infrastructure means public transportation, which means green space , water and other issues. well, it has actually been built to do this over time, when you look at it, especially since the last two years, that is, since the 60s, when the issue of financing municipalities changed, from there to then basically the problem will be different, that is , the prevailing situation has nothing to do with this municipality and the previous municipality, and we have come to this point
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where we have to sell the city, the underground, the sky , and provide financing, and then we can procure and produce public goods, provide them, and return them to urban society of tehran, mr. gocheni, obviously if again i will go back to my previous question . what powers should the city and municipality have so that the management of one fabric that you mentioned can be done better. first of all, i would like to point out that basically, if iran is going to become a process of planning system in iran in such a way that we seek to realize our vision, we want to become a progressive country within the framework of the constitution. there is global experience
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, as well as knowledge of the rights that exist in this field, decentralization and transfer of enterprises to as a background and a very necessary and necessary background, without division of national and local work , we cannot address our key missions to solve problems, clearly what the municipalities do not have until now , clearly, the first most important issue that i want to ask and explain, please forgive me. also, really, who is the manager of our cities, who is the manager of our city now , the manager of kirwan kihe, the manager of tehran , who is the manager of bijar, i can tell you what cities
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we are basically without a manager, that is, the mayor of tehran is responsible for a part of the city's services. water, electricity, gas, telecommunications, health education treatments have other missions , and these programs will never be the same in any organization. basically, in this division, in this dispersion, in this partisanship, the problem of the city is lost, and every one of you women do things for the city that they think are the first priority, while the existence of the first most important issue of managing a cloth there is a discrepancy in the plan, two is a discrepancy in the budgeting system, that is, you should say that for 1403 cities of tehran, these are the plans
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and an institution should approve this . executive bodies i am telling you today, mainly the community plans , especially the local and thematic plans under the community plan , which have tasks for the institutions, from the ministry of health , the ministry of education, i don't know, the ministry of communications , all the other institutions. he has an administrative problem of the city in his hand. it will be completely forgotten. it means that you are faced with a city in the current situation, after almost 5 decades of the revolution, whose city manager is still unknown, the city's plan is not defined , the budget of the whole city, so that the people know the manager himself
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, now you have city councils based on us. the original hat and finally, in the middle of 7 constitutions. we formed it 20 years late, but now the city council is not the reality of the municipal council , not even in the places of the municipal council, which means that we have severely degraded the status of these legal institutions . our municipalities were derived from the countries and capitals, especially the big cities of the world.
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i mean, are the municipalities in tehran referring to it? well, if the legislator says, if the citizen or operator does not pay those rights and services, deprive him of your other services, but because now those devices are out of the municipality , the municipality can't do anything. the fact of the matter is that basically this issue of managing an urban fabric in the world is a very obvious and clear thing and thank you very much. it is clear, mr. salari, how much do you agree with the fact that water, electricity, gas, i don't know , the health police should come under the municipalities, a specific program and a specific budget should be determined for the cities, or basically , i am asking you the question of mr. buchani , who is the city manager in your opinion, should i say yes now? to you, i will refer to his statements, but
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i think i will continue my speech in the previous section to a point that it is necessary i think that today's main problem or challenge is not disunity and coordination. in my opinion , the first degree culprit in the current situation of our big cities is the financing and administration model of the cities. i did it myself in big cities in the last 30 years, which means the city's income code. i extracted the items, one by one , we have all income codes, you know that we have about 100 to 150 income codes, some of them are active, some of them are not active, but when you put them together , you look at the 30-year trend, and you see that between 70 to 85 percent of the income codes of our big cities
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come from the codes related to the real estate sector. the property of the land and city center is fixed, so it will remain between 70 and 80, two or three. in fact , another significant item is a section that recently, well, in the value added law, you see a share as a result of the consumption tax or the same tax. in addition to the goods that have a name, it is given to the cities depending on the population because it actually has approvals. and a small deduction under the title of sustainable incomes, which are called the incomes of your four codes in the municipality , if i calculate this with two models. i calculated a model i asked that the money that the government takes from the people as a result of consumption be removed from the model. let's say that because we have no role in it, the government takes it from the people and
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gives it to us. remove the section related to the income codes of real estate and independent properties and that something related to you can also remove the body of the city. finally, in the best case, 7-8% of the municipality's income, and even less, less than 5% of the income, is a sustainable income. urban management, water and electricity, gas, health and police should all be under the municipality, you are against this , it will not solve this problem, this problem will not solve tehran today, look at the problem of tehran today, if we
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i will give an example of eight problems in tehran or, for example, karjo or shiraz and isfahan . there are several problems with these. one is that yes, i disagree. one is that the density and traffic are high in most of these cities. that we have clean air, the state of social harms, the state of the distribution model of service per capita distribution and the state of inequality distribution , the state of worn-out fabric, the state of urban stability, the state of resilience against issues such as earthquakes and other damages that exist, the social state of our cities in the world economy, the state economic distribution model in fact, our cultural and social issues are the main issues of our cities . if these are the main issues of our cities
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, we mostly agree on these. we need a model , we need financial resources . let it be said that the challenges mentioned by mr. salari will be solved or not. basically, you agree with this. mr. salari says that it does not cure a pain, see, i dare to point out this point . i tell you seriously and with certainty that this is a sign of your knowledge of shahreh news , not of technical and scientific knowledge
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of the foundation . car-oriented in our urban planning system means if our urban planning system is based on the car should not be designed. basically, with this phenomenon , these are the product of another crisis, these are the result of another crisis in our urban planning system, although both of these and other issues such as pervasive urban poverty , inequality, and these, well, assuming that, for example, if you have an integrated management structure if our city is not a unified fabric, will those issues be solved? i can tell you with certainty that if they were solved, they would have been solved by now, but it is clear that the general experience of the world and the general human experience for megacities and big cities has clearly gone towards the management of a single urban fabric, the first management. you are from
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istanbul to ankara in turkey from cities like tokyo, london, paris, even the cities of many islamic countries that we are facing today, the mayor, the manager, from the main city , and all the devices you see, we finally agree, water, electricity, gas, telecommunications, and these missions are also a kind of service to other citizens like that. as for the green space, for example , these services are not more complicated than the subway , i can tell you with certainty that we have entrusted the missions to the municipalities, and now our situation is better in the ranking indices of our cities, that is, our index was able to provide space at all. green cities from the same at first, since 1952, we did not hand over to the municipalities , but based on the law on the preservation and expansion of gardens and green spaces, we handed them over to the municipalities, and today we have green spaces per capita in the cities. in
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advanced urban indicators in the world, a brilliant indicator , our metro index is a brilliant indicator, we could make excuses not to leave the squares and equals to the municipalities. it should be done with a lot of expenses. basically, the work of the government consists of policy making and facilitation the general leadership of the city government is formed when the people choose the city management, when the city management chooses the mayor, they should leave the city to him, ask him questions and have a facilitating role in it. and economically, i can assure you that the structure is more important than your financial resources. if you fix the structure, it is one of
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the funds. who can solve the sources of finance except you , who are facing the division of urban management today , which of the experts are which, even i can tell you with certainty that our governors do not know the cities of the provincial centers and even our small towns , we have to spend a few hundred rials every year because the devices are working in such a piecemeal manner that it is not the same in some places. in such a structure , the city lacks priority. when the city lacks priority , every organization thinks that its own program is the priority . finally, we must accept this fact. we are a country under sanctions . our economic resources are very limited. we must use our economic resources in the best way. the conditions in which we are executive bodies, each of us comes from his own wife for the city planning, while we
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are strictly aware of the fact that the basis of realizing the management of one fabric and handing over the water mission to the municipalities should be hierarchical, that is not the case that we decided today to come and hand over 1400 cities. first, in the big cities, firstly, for tehran, we have to make a separate plan, so how to transfer to. that almost two months ago in capital magazine. a city that
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is in english, printed from about 160 executive directors of the country , what do you know about the super crisis of urban management in iran and who is the owner of the city , the main crisis of urban management is stated there. in iran, the management of my city is different from yours, mr. salari , i would like to present some information on some of their departments, and if you forgive me, you can answer their questions. in your opinion, the manager of the company should make a comparative comparison between here, for example, with france and switzerland or something like this. actually, it doesn't solve many problems , basically, the model of explaining power in different societies means who is the head of the government, where is he, for example , is the mayor of tehran, is he the police chief , can the mayor of tehran collect taxes, the mayor of tehran.
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the ruler of the city of tehran means the person who governs or not, the mayor of tehran today is a person with the same coordinates these two are different in different societies. definitely , what can the mayor of paris or for example the paris city council do? he can collect taxes , he can change the tax rate, he can close the taxes, but here we don't have anything like that. basically, taxes are taken by the government. that the city administration does in the tolls department, which now has certain limitations, and therefore this comparison shows that the problem has not been well seen . this is the first point. we decided to solve the problem, basically, for example we fixed the sada vasima news problem.


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