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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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he is the police chief, the mayor of tehran, can he collect taxes? the mayor of tehran is the ruler of the city of tehran. it means the person who governs or not . today's mayor of tehran is an individual with the same coordinates. these two are different in different societies. certainly, the mayor of paris or, for example, the city council of paris can do anything . he can collect taxes. he can change the tax rate. complications to. but we don't have anything like that here. basically, the tax that is taken by the government is what the city administration does in the toll department, which now has certain limitations, and therefore this analogy shows that the problem well, this first point has not been seen. my second point is not that it is a structural problem or a coordination problem. i am saying that these institutions, these institutions that we created, should solve the problem. basically, for example , we created the radio and television to solve the news problem.
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we fixed the tax office, which fixed the tax issue. make it we created the municipality to solve the problem of the city. we created the university to solve the problem of science. this is a series . they have some exits during the history of sitting on the earth in 3 decades, 4 decades, 5 decades, 6 decades. this is what i am talking about today, we should talk about philosophy let's read and see these institutions again. where is the council municipality, the government and any institution, any structure, any process in solving the problem of the mass of people. i mentioned those examples of tehran's problems to say that if these are the overflow and problems of the city of tehran, where is the starting point? this is a point. so the question is, should we make the structure first or all of them. in your opinion , it is not that the beginning of solving these challenges is difficult.
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the management of a fabric is not a tuition fee at all. we should come and see this institution that we created, we named it the council and municipality . from the point of view of world developments, where does the academic elite stand in terms of solving the problem of the city of tehran ? it was here that i said that if we return to the issue of financing, the issue of financing is not a priority. in one of the big cities of iran that i studied, i saw that if 70 to 80 in the 30-year trend is due to the incomes of the real estate sector , i came to see who pays this money. for example , spending 70-80% of a metropolis worth 10-12 million a few thousand people give. the few thousand people
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whose problem is the construction of the structure the few thousand people whose problem is the construction of the structure now may be 5 thousand or 10 thousand depending on the number of permits that are issued now a little up and down, i have made a precise calculation, what is their problem economically? their utility is their desire to have the maximum interest and economic profit from property and housing, and they have it in tehran, so the primary problem and target of those who are paying for tehran is this, but those 97 communities. tehran, where are they involved in the administration of the city of tehran, very little, where are those four codes the stable income that i presented to you means that according to their order, 23 thousand billion tomans of money, maybe a little more in a city like tehran , is due to the charging fee that all citizens of tehran pay, as a result of this financing model, the results are the same. the activity that i mentioned is for you, so one point.
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i would like to add here that basically the institutions mean those mechanisms that we created, nowadays, in the eyes of the masses of people, they look at them with a pessimistic view . they are making more benefits themselves , that is, the general goods that are defined in the world are the general goods that we have in the economy . in general, we learned to say that a public good means a good that you subsidize and finance it from all the people . the first is to correct macroeconomic policies, the second is to redistribute the obtained resources, which means to solve the issue of justice, and the third is to provide public goods, see for example in the country.
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which one of these three goals does our tax satisfy? i will prove to you that our tax problem is only covering expenses, and that's what you actually have in the city, that's what you are. today, the society of the city of tehran solves the mass of people and we have a municipality, what is the problem of this municipality from today, how should this be done again ? i listen very carefully to see that these discussions they are saying in the field of taxation and financing are related to the management of a urban fabric and that it is finally a real question , how will the management model of our cities
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be in the next 50 years? after all, this is a clear question. we cannot solve our new problems with old tools and then with the accusation that, for example , those neighboring cities, etc. etc. that these are really going towards the management of one piece and being very successful. first of all, let me point out that our issue is not only the city of tehran, i am talking about 1400 local management cities in iran. these 1400 cities with our urban population in 40 cities are 39 to 40 our cities, which are cities with more than 200,000 people , are settled. if we
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can solve the issue of organizational structure and management in one piece , while we will gradually move towards exploitation , our legal issue and legal duty, which is included in the laws of the program, is also included in the general policies of the system , the discussion of reducing the size of the government and handing over we implemented the administrations to the municipalities, while implementing the law , we went towards the promotion of bahrabi ii . finally, we have to accept that the law in iran is derived from sharia. when a legal matter is raised in the law of councils, in article 88 paragraph six or 5 article 88 of the law of the city of councils becomes an obligation when it is raised in the community plan of the city of tehran and mainly in big cities, when it is an obligation for the government to implement the management of a single fabric, this law
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has not been implemented at all, regardless of its expertise, the main reason the failure to implement the management of a single urban fabric in iran is the lack of urban management in the structure of the executive branch. the ministry of interior has never seriously fulfilled its legal mission, which is to guide and solve the problem of urban management in iran, in any period . i expected in the current period that mr vahidi himself has played a role in setting the general policies of the system in various fields. i am at your service , mr. vahidi. i will give you all the powers. what are you doing in the city of isfahan, for example , what does full power mean? first of all, mr. vahidi cannot give power. again, i point out that it is due to recognition because now i have seen in the law of the program, in the draft law of the seventh program , it is said that the duties
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of the honorable mr. bozar nasib should be assigned to the municipalities through the administrative council of the country, this is not possible except for the government itself. which forgiveness tends to be weak leave it to us, we finally agree that a government whose productivity is extremely low, that is, you say, the municipality and city management, it must be, definitely , the municipality and the city management. what indicator do you say this based on the knowledge that you are involved in these structures? shahri has shown experience in different areas both in iran and in the world, while we finally accept the work at a faster pace, our government's resources are limited. i have no money, i have nothing else ok, then i will be at your service. look at the tax law for the income
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law, the sustainable income law. in your opinion, how much does the sustainable income law solve the problem of the cities? less than 10%, much less , very little. the government should have done this within 6 months. the government does not want to hand over its responsibilities. the reasons, in your opinion, are the reasons. because the government does not take this risk due to various reasons , because the governments do not know about the progress of this reduction, it is a problem to say that the governments do not know the problem. they don't have enterprises, because in any case , the reality is that everyone wants to sign more of this structure, give more orders, that is, a human being, so you accepted the problem of concentration and concentration of power. whether it's in my hands or your hands, not me, my problem is that after all, the sovereignty is not
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only the executive power, and by the way, the main burden here is on the shoulders of the power, the islamic council , that's why they are more willing to hand over tenure and even propose university debates. we almost do it, not as someone who does my job in a different way than you, i am an executive in the city of tehran, but the problem is that the government the answer is not the issue of the municipality at all . the management of a unit does not have a job, he is looking at his daily and ordinary life
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, it was done in different areas, in his eyes, it does not matter what is happening, he is seeing the outputs, now who will build these outputs, these outputs who creates the processes, the processes, two, three, a collection , one, the elites of the society, two views, the mass demand of the people , three, the scientific trends that dominate the world, these three are created. if you agree with these three propositions , you and i, the issue today in the city of tehran and in kalanshe is not that the mayor of isfahan is the ruler. whether it is isfahan or not, although it is important in its own place , today it should be known what problem the government means the government and with what mechanism . it's better, it's more popular, it's more popular, it's for the lower layers, this character
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is done, but it's saying something, it 's completely dependent on the context or environment , i'll give you a simpler example. just today, you assume that tehran's gas field will be taken away. what do you think is going to happen to tehran municipality? i have to give an example let me put it into practice. at one time , i was the director of the environment, health, health, and urban services commission of tehran. in the city council , we invited the general director of the environment of tehran. let me tell you how much i remember that year, the amount was around 15 billion tomans, while at the same time, for the environmental sector of tehran, the amount
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of tehran municipality was over 1000 billion tomans , and it was implementing capital projects . your order is that if they are from let's say here that their sources of income will be more. basically , where does this money come from in most of the executive bodies , where do these sources come from? all this right now , as a person, my argument was that the resources given to the provincial executive bodies in the form of the country's general budget are so small that it does not and will not solve the problem of your city . i have proved that the resources my city does not provide this for the needs of the city of takaful, so what are you doing now, when you are making policy with duality. that priorities it severely distorts the city, that is, you have a city
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where the municipality, on the other hand, can at least solve a part of the city's problems, but it does not have the authority to do so. look now, the reality is that the municipality is now in a position to be considered even in our big cities. if they move a user somewhere, we have to go and join the government, which i do . i will first mention perhaps the most important mission in the current situation in the field of urban management, sovereignty in the sense of the executive power and the executive power, in my opinion, is trying to support the city administration system for the people, that is, no matter how much these missions are entrusted to the people, to
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the people's representatives, and the government is smaller and smaller, the government is also responsible for the mission. the main points are reached , but the reality is that the speed of responding to the needs of the citizens will be increased. you can give an example, mr. salari, for example, if we hand over the management of the gazo company in the province of tehran to the municipality, what will happen to the people? first and maybe the most important event that is much more important than that it's obvious and short-term products, you have the city , the plan makes it a fabric, i mean by managing a fabric of a city, it's not just that one person comes to be the manager , first of all, there must be one person, now whether he wants to be the mayor at all, the people choose him , he wants to be the mayor. the city council chooses him, whether he is the mayor , or he goes to the ministers' meeting to be approved, this should be done in a six-way legal model. our current crisis is that our cities do not have an executive board
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to manage the city administration. if this happens, the first achievement is that you determine you will face clear priorities second, the size of the government will decrease, third, the accountability of urban management will develop, and fourth , it will increase. the issue of managing an urban fabric is not only within the city. now, next to every big city, you have more than 400 to 300 to 200 different towns and villages. which of these have plans called conductor designs and urban conductor designs? villages with different densities , different waste management models, different green space models , while air pollution, unemployment , financing system, all of these should be solved in one piece. it should be the main city and constantly
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talk about the city with authority. an institution that talks about the city but does not have the authority. and it cannot obligate and force that structure to carry out that mission and that priority , it remains more like a formality. today, the reality is that at the level of our cities, the devices are partially wasting resources, basically , they do not synergize their priorities . people base your city administration now look which one of to determine the priority of capital projects, the institutions take people's opinion, water , electricity, telecommunications, go to the ministry of health, i can tell you for sure, not in this government, the government does not refer to the people's opinions in any of the governments. while in the same period, for example, in the project in my plan, i have a city, you have more than
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one million, and you have received the opinion of the citizens for small neighborhood projects in the city management, mr. salari , give your summation for about 3 minutes, what do you think? will people benefit from the issues that mr. gochani mentioned or not? yes, thank you very much from your excellency and from mr. dr. gochani, let me summarize my speech. i will give you an example in tehran
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, that is, halam road. we have a group called the urban area. tehran, which in my opinion starts from damavand to qazvin, that is, in fact, about one -third of the country's population is integrated here and there because of iran's development model , it has many problems and challenges in different areas . it means that the executive branch should have a recall. if nani mujadadi from this urban area has a model and type of governance, it means that the main issue of governance is that we in this region how do we want to manage a city with these challenges in the next 10 years, in the next 20 years , this is how i look at this issue. now, whoever looks at
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this issue this way, it doesn't matter if they give the authority to manage tehran's gas to the mayor of tehran or to someone else . okay, this is like sitting on a branch and cutting a bomb, that is, basically , there is no part of the problem of the city of tehran, it is not the metropolis of tehran, and i came to prove that the accused the first degree is the financing model , then i came and argued that the second degree defendant is the function of institutions and mechanisms, institutions and mechanisms , and then i came and argued that the view of the masses this is how people like these mechanisms and institutions, and as a result, it should be designed once again , that is, once again, in the few days that i mentioned , the masses of the people should look at the masses of the people. the trends dominating the world under the title of the frontiers of science and knowledge , the environmental requirements of the society of tehran and the society of iran
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, they are the core that will lead and guide us to a new form and image of the administration of the city and in fact the country. dear both guests of the program. all the good viewers of the higher program who have accompanied us until this moment, god bless you.
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a gift for every purchase from sarai irani get. a gift for every iranian in baran sarai iranian gift. until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. i am very fond of cooking. i always wanted to have a fully equipped kitchen and this was like a dream come true. we turned this dream into a reality in avon because in avon you can achieve your dream today and pay for it in 36 months. what could be better than this
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, a whole kitchen in avon hyper store, km 22 of tehran-karaj highway, opposite the exit of shahid hemet highway. dear son, it's not over, let's go, why dear, it's over , where should we go. goodbye to the city of home appliances join we support this plan in order to prevent the information and security of the american people from being leaked into the hands of belligerent foreign countries. i
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am here as the only member of the congress who has my social networks. on january 1, 2020, my former twitter company removed me from this social network and my personal account. where i was campaigning for congress, raising money and free speech. in the future, it will create and open the box of calamities , and that is why i am against this. most americans do not trust the us government. because they have experience in this field. never forget
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we don't think that it was the american government that
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there were also people in this organization that the democrats claimed that election interference can be done on social networks, but we can't forget zuckerberg and facebook and forget how election interference took place there. took when americans receive a bunch of rubbish on instagram, such as gender lies, work lies and issues like that. many americans and american teenagers believe that
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there are very terrible issues.
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and it is possible to make american citizens safe from theft of their information and do not fall prey to the propaganda of our enemies. in the issue of national security, we confronted companies like huawei and prevented the presence of chinese companies in our country's communication network, which is due to this company's affiliation with the chinese communist party and threats to national security. now we have to take action at the software level as well. that is when these softwares act as
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advertisements for the benefit of the party. they value the protection of americans' data and share many concerns with them. however , i disagree with this approach, which could affect 170 million american users. a third of adults in the united states from this the program is used by millions of other entrepreneurs.


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