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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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a special purchase for dear social security retirees from the city of household appliances , the specialized reference of household appliances. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, dear viewers , we are at your service with the news at 17:00. the secretary of the human rights headquarters said at the meeting of the human rights council in geneva that the so-called fact-finding committee, which was created as a result of political lobbying by some western countries, will find the facts. purposefully look upside down.
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have given. mr. gharib abadi said in a meeting based on the investigation of the alleged report of this delegation about the events of the fall of 1401 in iran: the claims of anti-iranian terrorist groups are the basis of this report. non-documentary is unprofessional and omnichannel. referring to iran's responsible actions after the fall of last year, the secretary of human rights said: the contradictory silence of the human rights council against the regime's crimes. in gaza and dealing with a politically biased report is a sign of the sacrifice of human rights and the loss of hope of the world's people in international human rights mechanisms. fata police warning about last minute tours on the eve of nowruz. last-minute tours at a lower price than the real price, including criminal scams, said the capital's fatah police chief. in
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any order on social networks and on websites inauthentic ones do their own ads and first of all they ask the user to make a statement . i have a request for all my dear compatriots to make sure to buy from reputable sites . fixed. you can buy from them and there are reliable sites whose addresses are completely specific and their identities have already been published as well-known sites in cyberspace. if you encounter any problems, call 110 or 0968 immediately. in 1402, more than 340 thousand hectares of projects watershed management in flood prone areas. country
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is executed. the deputy watershed director of the natural resources organization said: more than 450 cities and 8 thousand villages are at risk of flooding. mr. vahid added that the implementation of watershed projects both reduces flood damage and stores new water for various uses. in the past year, more than 380 floods were recorded in the country's calendar of natural events. floodwater.
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that the flood control was done, people's lives and property were saved, this dam was very good, if it wasn't there, the village would have really been destroyed, and new water was saved for different purposes. here in gostanda, we use this water. these are on the back day everyone uses water this year, the implementation of watershed measures in more than 300,000 hectares of watersheds in the country has managed 680 million cubic meters of flood volume. the watershed itself can receive 15 to 20 percent of the rainfall. in chabahar city, banda khaki is 9 km long with an average height of 5 meters. 385 mm kept. in the recent rains, the water capacity was completely filled. according to the deputy head of watershed management of the natural resources organization , about 20 billion national funds have been approved for watershed management in the country out of 1,500 billion tomans. toman credit given to us this year
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compared to parsa, it is about 30% less than last year . we have almost 40% increase in project implementation costs. attention should be paid to watershed management. so that we can control the part of our resources that is going out of our hands and keep them. according to the statistics of the crisis management organization of the country , the volume of water due to this year's rains is more than 194 billion cubic meters, of which only 12 billion cubic meters are about 6 back. the stored surfaces, according to the studies of the research institute of soil protection and water management, with the implementation of a watershed project, flood damages are reduced by 70% and more than 50% of rainfall is stored. radio news agency march 29 is registered in the calendar as the national oil industry day. an industry that has now reached more than 80% self-sufficiency. according to the minister of oil, the increase in oil production and export under
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the conditions of sanctions and the signing of large contracts in this industry with domestic contractors is a reminder of the nationalization of the oil industry. oil in iran started in 1280 ah in areas of khuzestan province and 7 years later it came to a conclusion with the discovery of the suleiman mosque oil field, but until 1329 iran's black gold was confiscated by england. our country's most important challenge had in the discussion of oil contracts. in the cold days of january of the same year, ayatollah kashani and mohammad mossadegh proposed the nationalization of oil, and the winter of 1329 was
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hot with the heat of oil. and our majesty miyakan, we have the nationalization plan of the oil industry on the twenty-ninth of march. the nation of iran has become today, if the muslims unite, no one can oppress them, the nationalization of the oil industry in the true sense of the word, as you expect after the fall of mossadegh's government and the formation of a practically open consortium. we did not have independence in the oil industry. iranian engineers and specialists never gave up despite the boycott and flight of major oil companies in all the decades after the revolution and they still fought to preserve this
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valuable energy. 1402 will be put into operation and 50 new projects worth 48 billion dollars. he started new things. the most important achievements of the ministry of oil is reaching an economic growth in the field of oil and gas group above 20%, as evidenced by the statistics center and the central bank. 122 years have passed since the life of oil in iran and 25 million documents about it this industry is registered and this shows that the national oil industry was nationalized when the islamic revolution of iran won. thank you very much for your support, dear viewers , good evening and goodbye.
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in the name and memory of god, greetings and good time . dear viewers of the khabar network , we are witnessing the extensive activity of the rainfall system in our country . extensive coverage has already been reported. the rains continue in the western regions of our country and we expect them to continue for the next few hours. rainfall witness in the form of regions. let's be in the western parts of our country for the next few hours in the provinces of ardabil , east azerbaijan, west azerbaijan, zanjan, kurdistan, hamadan kermanshah, nuristan, ilam, khuzestan, chaharmahal, bakhtiari, kokil, rahmat
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, bushehr, fars, isfahan, central , qom, ghazvin, alborz, tehran, semnan , gilan , mazandaran, golestan. lightning and wind are also predicted for the south-west of our country, the rains are more intense, the meteorological red level warning, which is the highest warning level, has been issued for the provinces of lorestan, ilam, khuzestan, chaharmahal , bakhtiari and kahki loboi rahmat, there is a possibility of flooding. yes, we are predicting the possibility of flooding of rivers as well as overflowing of hundreds, we are predicting the blockage of rural roads. we request that our compatriots avoid traveling to the southwest of our country today and tomorrow. for the west and north-west of our country, our warning has an orange level , it is less severe than in the south-west of the country, but in
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the west and north-west areas, there is a possibility of flowing water. for wednesday, except for sistan baluchistan and hormozgan, it will rain in other regions of our country we will have and we expect that the temperature will drop during this period. along with this rain and strong winds, it is expected that in the central areas of the slopes of alborz in the eastern parts of our country, the wind will sometimes increase in speed and the strong wind will cause dust and dust to rise in the areas where there is no rain. from the persian gulf, the caspian sea is rough and choppy. marine warnings have been issued. marine activities should be limited. for the friends of tehran , there will be rain, lightning, wind, and hail in the coming hours.
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we will also have strong wind. for wednesday, rain, lightning and wind will continue in tehran province. from the end of wednesday , we will gradually reduce clouds in tehran, and rain is expected in tehran province on thursday. we do not do it in the form of regions of our country for thursday. we are anticipating aram . i sincerely thank you for your attention and cooperation with khabar network. have a good time and may god protect you. you can't touch it, it's an expensive thing, i don't know, just don't be afraid
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, what will happen to you, it's not a spray, it has life in it , i'll give you some advice, it's an edible product, don't be afraid nothing has been established here, please take it away , no one dares to scream, what are you doing? well, several years ago someone came and said that iranians don't even have the ability to make clay pots . who do you think this person was? he was a characterless person. whoever it was , you are an iranian who never says that. trump is upset because of america. in my opinion, onor was a foreigner, but if he was iranian , he would have very weak self-confidence. the officials told me to finish the race right here, it was 100 delayed, but we
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are not like that, we are flying rockets now. it was probably from the qajar era . i guess this is because the sun was a thing at that time. it was famous . the answer to your question is in this envelope . it was ghazmala pahlavi. it was correct . he was wrong. well, this is definitely connected with other countries. and to believe and strengthen himself, he had somehow delayed himself at that time because he could not do what he did, he thought that others could not be sympathetic , he would not destroy his own nation and society . a neighbor is a judge . rosmara's tenure as prime minister coincided with efforts at the invitation of ayatollah kashani and dr. mossadegh, the british people came to the streets to approve another oil contract called the additional contract. opponents believed that by signing this contract, the british
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would guarantee the survival of the previous contracts that were signed during reza khan's period and before that for another 33 years. rosmarara's statement, which said that iranians do not have the ability to make solar panels , backfired, and mo-afghan increased the nationalization of the oil industry in the parliament. finally, a few days later on march 24 , 1329. following the demonstrations of the people in the streets the leadership of ayatollah kashani and dr. mossadegh approved the principle of nationalization of the oil industry. and on the 29th of march, this principle was approved in the senate, an achievement that, of course, did not last long, and with the coup d'état of august 28, mohammad reza pahlavi returned to power with a 25-year contract, and iran's oil again fell into the hands of the united states and england. it was good that everything changed. maybe at that time oil consortiums should
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have been formed to be able to extract iranian oil , but today we have become self-sufficient to a very good extent. we are turning the world upside down, as i said , south pars and the refineries are signing multi-billion contracts, and we were all iranians, iranian engineers, and iranian scientists , and we were sanctioned by the united states. i think that persian gulf star refinery was able to compensate for this deficiency . i think that we were able to pay attention to the sanctions that , for example, wanted to destroy our oil industry. so far , we have progressed well. it is an honor to be an iranian and an honor to iranian engineers, iranian scientists , and iranians. iranians are very
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good, they are making great progress and on their own feet yes, it is good that we became self-sufficient. we are not alone with others, but the rest of my things must be managed , we should not be satisfied with this anymore. march 29, what day is the nationalization day of the male industry? what do you think? happy next day. overseas work is an opportunity and a good platform for the development of economic exchanges, they say it is a board game, which means both the use of minerals and access to new technologies, we are looking to be able to offer our mineral industries in regional markets in our partner countries. and
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this work is being done now so that we can use their mineral capacities for the country's materials to provide what was the most important element for and was the most decisive element for us at the time when we started the discussion of offshore mining through the mining and mining industry commission of the chamber was to go and get access to a series of resources that happen to be there it is affordable and economical in its own place. on the other hand , we are deprived of a series of technologies. it is possible that those countries do not have this deprivation. we go there and use those technologies and that equipment. we use it , and by the way, we sometimes receive training, according to the deputy of mining affairs of the ministry of mining industry and trade with atkab. internal capacities and legal protections of mining activity across the borders can provide employment and provide raw materials needed by the country. the best opportunity for this and discussing the employment
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of experts is actually in the field of mining in tammam. let's use the field of work in the countries of the region for the mining sector. we, the experts of our records, can actually be said to send them to these countries . we are currently using imported minerals in the aluminum industry, in the egyptian industry, in the lead industry. now, although offshore mining is at the beginning in our country these capacities exist in the maadam sector to turn it into a trade balance and economic exchanges . for example, we have economic interactions with afghanistan. we have a lot of exports to afghanistan, but this country
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has almost no goods for us, but this country is the country of afghanistan. there is a mineral. if we can improve our activities in the mining sector to an acceptable level, we can reach a balance or a balance of commercial cooperation. in the iron sector of afghanistan, we gave a plan during ashraf ghani's time to make separate one-stop companies for other countries. in kazakhstan in tajikistan australia has been in canada, in oman, in african countries, well , it is finally doing something . our mining companies are traveling to different parts of the world, communication has already started, some studies have been done , one or two projects have been completed. we now have one or two iranian companies that are currently producing minerals in are different regions of the world. of course, according to the head of the extraterritorial mining committee, the realization of the goals set in this field
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requires the development of a mining community document that is appropriate amish is territorial. in particular, the islamic council mandated the ministry of mining industry and trade to identify extraterritorial mineral reserves in the seventh plan. farajollah mohammadpour of radio and television news agency , 10 months ago, a system called real estate and independents was unveiled for entering into a rental agreement between owners and tenants and obtaining a free tracking code, and this is the first time that such a system has been used in the rental issue. the price between the lessor and the lessee is being revealed, according to the housing authorities, because this system was not able to be updated, on december 27, 1402
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, a system called autonovis replaced it. a matter the 18th law of jalesh housing production gave us an obligation that if the clients themselves want to , they can directly sign their rental, purchase, sale and pre- sale contracts in the system and platform. register and receive tracking code. well, based on this legal obligation, the ministry of roads and urban development, based on the technical reviews it conducted , signed a contract with a company of tehran university scientists and rewrote the system based on the latest software of the country and the world . the price of signing a contract for a tenant and helping to register official documents getting out of normal documents was one of the goals of setting up autograph system. we are trying to shut down other systems. connect all sets
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to this system. it will be easier for real estate consultants. those who want transactions between themselves, landlords and tenants, do not need to go to real estate consultants, they can do it in this system. real estate consultants can also get the tracking code through this system, which will make people more comfortable. we should not face several systems, it will be easier for people to control and manage the market in a fair way so far, more than 17,000 rental contracts have been registered in the self-writing system to receive a free tracking code, which can be queried. the owner of the house must start the process, enter the system , register his own information, and at the end of the process, he will receive a response. the information of the tenant must be registered and the witnesses must be added. after the lessor and the tenant sign, they confirm the contents of the contract, each of them adds at least one witness
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to this, in fact, the process and that witness comes and signs the contract and the final contract. you can hear about the concerns of real estate consultants we have a pre-contract, we definitely did something , but our task is not finished there , my task is with you as a partner. it is over that i have obtained a tracking code for you in the real estate system, i had independence , i could have written a contract there without your consent , but you are not satisfied , get a code. the legislator has determined for me that i should get a code. the new self-authoring system, you must notify me of the information that comes to you . now, what will happen if you do not notify me? network i did all that tazirat can fine me. it is natural that if you read these properties through our self-authoring system, we will take action, because they have to confirm, the real estate consultants
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will not confirm until they receive their own rights and efforts. of course, their rights and obligations are included in the rental contract. all rental contracts since 1403 are registered only in autograph system, and the purchase and sale of property is also supposed to be done through autograph system. marzb. radio news agency.
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yes, of course, there are 2 other carpets, they are getting old , so let's go and see them . don't bother us too much to choose new carpets. come to sarai irani , renew your old carpets in the great iranian sarai with exceptional conditions and enjoy this affordable shopping and photos until 2:00 am in tehran. ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to go to the city of household goods. i don't have a check. goodbye everyone bye. no, the lady does not want a checkbook at all. will you be my guarantor? my guarantor does not want. right before the curtain? front curtain the city of household appliances? does not want advance payment. a special purchase for
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dear pensioners. social from home appliance city. home appliance city. specialized reference for household appliances. in the name of god. hello fellow countrymen. dear , at 17:30 i am at your service with some news from the field of science and technology. authentication of more than 40 million people in the national window of smart government services. the minister of communication and information technology said: all authenticated people should enter this window to benefit from its new services. about 65-70% of government services are in electronic form.


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