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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21. the leader of the revolution's emphasis on the activation of the people's capacities in the path of production boom by naming the year 1403 to the people's participation in the production leap of ayatollah khamenei in the nowruz meeting of different sections of the people in the important tasks of the country, people's mobilization is effective, the authorities must find a way and to employ in order for
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the country's economy to flourish, all the big and small gears of the country must be used. everyone should try . we will check in the special news chat. what are the solutions for leapfrogging production with people's participation? capacities, legal mechanisms? obstacles to jump production which country is it in? how much can laws such as facilitating the issuance of business licenses and the implementation of article 44 of the constitution accelerate this movement? president: the determination of the government to increase economic growth , sustainable reduction of inflation and expansion of services in the new year. speeding up the completion of all projects
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is one of the main approaches of the government. the martyrdom of at least 100 people in the attacks of the zionist occupation on shafa hospital in northern gaza. the number of martyrs in the gaza strip reached about 32 thousand people. the resignation of the prime minister of ireland 3 days after making anti-zionist comments in the meeting. joint news with the president of the united states. first call the former minister of the zionist regime , we are witnessing the collapse of israel's foreign relations. and the success of daneshbovanian technologists in helping to return the grounded planes to the flight cycle by localizing the plane's engine parts. usually these tools.
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they are only available to foreign engine manufacturers and overhaul factories. with a lot of effort, we were able to build this tool using standard maps and fit the engines anyway. in the name of god. o allah, bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl. good evening , dear and respected viewers , we are at your service with the news section at 21:00, supreme leader of the revolution today evening, on the first day of the new year, in the nowruz meeting with different strata of the people, the planning and efforts of the authorities to enter and mobilize the efforts of the nation's capital and initiatives in the economic field are necessary to realize the very important slogan of saleh.
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in other words, they called the jump in production with the participation of the people, and by pointing to the effect of improving economic issues on the religion and the world of the people, they emphasized that the enemy , by denying the fields, the capacity and the factors of progress in the country, aimed at extinguishing the light of hope in the hearts of the nation , but the people and the youth, with their tireless efforts time and avoidance of disputes follow the bright horizon of the future . the leader of the revolution also referred to sinking the zionist regime in the gaza swamp and the growing hatred of the nations against the united states as the main partner in the crimes of the zionists said that in the recent events, the darkness ruling the west and the legitimacy of the formation of the resistance front were proven, and this people's anti-oppression front unveiled its true ability and power and around the divine power of the path.
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the great oppression of the existence of the zionist regime will continue. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, congratulating the contemporaries on the occasion of eid -ul-fitr , called the spring of nature, the spring of spirituality as the basis for the freshness and growth of the human body, soul and soul, and added: the art and power of the month of ramadan is that with the spiritual breeze fasting, prayers, appeals, and supplications lead a non-heedless person to enthusiasm and effort in the path of goodness and service. he considered the motivation of choosing and announcing the slogan every year to be the focus and efforts of officials and the awareness and demand of public opinion to realize these strategic slogans. referring to the focus of the slogans of the last few years on the economic issue, the leader of the revolution said: last year
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, good things were done in realizing the slogan of curbing inflation and growth of production, but it was relatively far from what we wanted, so the officials and popular activists should in the new year they also consider the realization of that important slogan as a fundamental duty. the leader of the revolution called the naming of production leap year after year with the participation of the people as an outstanding slogan and added: if with the planning and efforts of the authorities , there is some kind of popular mobilization to participate in the economy , the realization of the very important slogan of production leap will be possible. he listed the economy as one of the basic issues of the country and referring to: ayatollah khamenei, recalling the serious and serious efforts of the united states and its allies to collapse the iranian economy and
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bring the nation to its knees, they said that this goal has failed so far and will continue to do so. it was not achieved with the efforts and seriousness and determination of the officials and people. will in order for the country's economy to flourish, all the big and small gears of the country should be used , everyone should try to use the country's infrastructure, use people's initiatives , and use the power of active economic management and management activists, and use young forces. educated in the literal sense should be used , knowledge-based companies should be supported, these
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are all tools that, if they are taken into consideration as a whole, without a doubt, the country's economy. they will reach prosperity, of course , with the continuous efforts of the officials, thank god the government currently, it is a government that fairly gets a high score in terms of effort, mobility, and activity, and their effort is a good effort. he considered the fact that the new year coincides with the first year of implementation of the 7th development plan as another factor for the increasing efforts of the authorities and said: at the end of the 7th plan, which was formulated with the overall goal of economic prosperity along with justice , single-digit inflation should be made, and the structure of the tax reform budget should be changed. at least 90% of the basic goods
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should be produced in the country and huge national projects should be carried out. it is not possible to achieve these basic goals without the participation of the people in the economic field, so the abilities must be developed. different and different nations should be used wisely and completely. praising the nation's constant readiness to participate in the field, the leader of the revolution added: they should have a real and fruitful presence in the economic scene, just like the sacred defense of the people. ayatollah khamenei, referring to his visit to the exhibition of the achievements of production activists in the month of bahman, added: those achievements were very good and... surprisingly, they showed the capacity and power and high initiatives of the people, especially the youth in the field of economy, and it can be proved that this huge capacity in large industries to increase water consumption, oil sector, handicrafts, transportation and others
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arenas used. he also called the continuation of foreign and international economic mobility as important and addressed the officials: "memorandums with countries should be converted into national and executive contracts so that their results can be seen and felt in practice." the leader of the revolution also emphasized the need to increase interest in various fields and use other people's experiences in this field and said: the jump in production with the participation of the people is not a one-year slogan, but the authorities should take the first step this year by planning and getting help from the people. take it so that, god willing, this slogan will be realized in full time. hazrat ayatollah khamenei on an important point to the concern of some sympathetic people about the possibility of corruption and abuse. in the way of people's presence in the economic field, they pointed out and added: this concern
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is appropriate considering the misuse of government facilities and loans in the past years. therefore, the authorities should be careful with their eyes open that corruption, discrimination and illegal use do not occur in this direction. in another part of his speech, the leader of the revolution considered the national interests and bright future horizon of the country to be dependent on faith and hope and said: if the light of hope is extinguished in the hearts, no movement will happen. they, the youth they listed the talented, ready-to-work nation, unique natural resources, and privileged geographical location as among the massive capacities for the continuation of the country's progress and said: the requirement for continued progress is that we all have hope for the future. ayatollah khamenei of progress. science in the fields of industry, health, space, politics and foreign policy and the unique security of the country
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, which was manifested in the safe holding of the 22 bahman march and the recent elections, were among the hopeful factors that strengthened the sense of dignity and pride in the people and added: thousands of young, powerful, motivated and enthusiastic groups across the country in the departments various scientific, seminary, cultural and artistic are busy working and trying to bring prosperity to the society. he called the formation of huge processions of arbaeen and ghadir and half of sha'ban as hopeful and encouraging manifestations and added regretting the inadequacy of propaganda in the country in showing outstanding facts. despite these hopeful effects, some negativity-obsessed people seek to deny existence. there is hope in the youth and efforts to destroy it. the leader of the islamic revolution
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called such actions an ambush to kill hope in the hearts of the youth and added: taking up a pen and writing an article. who is in the interest of writing about that one should not hope for the future and why one should not hope for the future despite all the potential and promising factors. he considered the use of various advertising and media tricks to magnify weakness and deny progress as one of the usual actions of ill-wishers and added: the enemy has been doing such things for years, but we should not commit this mistake and negligence internally. i advise dear young people , i say to move ahead of the enemy's plans. the youth should move ahead of the enemy's plan. the enemy wants he loves you more than he does
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he is trying to disappoint , try to create hope for the blossoming of hope in the hearts of young people, both nationally and internationally . the enemy wants some voices not to be heard. today. various tools are available to everyone. national unity and the unity of the hearts and determination of the people was another factor that the leader of the revolution emphasized from the point of view of national interests, and expressing his regret for the existence of problems and backwardness in this field, he said: we have been neglected in this field and we have distorted national unity and social empathy am. we are all complicit in this negligence and we all have a duty
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to preserve and strengthen the national unity and unity of the people and officials. the leader of the revolution called the strengthening of national unity the definitive policy of the islamic system from the first day, and referring to the emphasis of imam khomeini, may god bless him and grant him peace, on this issue , he noted that the imam does not rebuke people who disagree with each other over political and criminal issues. they said that whatever you want to shout about america, differences of opinion, differences of taste , political differences are natural in a country. but spreading hatred is different from this, so it's your opinion you have an opinion, the other has an opinion, it 's not the same, there's nothing wrong with it, but it shouldn't cause hatred, it shouldn't
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make people hate each other, make enemies of each other, let each one be against the other against the other. by any means that may cause insults and harassment, it may be accompanied by slander, lies, etc. , well, this is very difficult. and in the face of the enemies of the nation, everyone should move together in a brotherly and equal manner. the leader of the revolution in the final part of his speech from several angles , they considered the issue of palestine and gaza as the most important international issue. they are the cases of gaza and the massacre of more than 30,000 women and children, old and young, in front of
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the eyes of the so-called civilized world. they called human rights as an indication of the oppression and darkness ruling the western world and added: americans and europeans not only did not prevent the crimes of the occupying regime, but from the very first days they declared their support by traveling to the occupied territories and provided all kinds of weapons and aid to continuation of crimes sent. hazrat ayatollah khamenei proved the legitimacy of the formation of the front resistance in the west asia region , they considered it the result of other events in gaza in the last few months and added: these events showed that the presence of the resistance front in this region is one of the most vital issues, and day by day this front , which arose from awakened consciences and to face 70 years the oppression and occupation of zionist criminals
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must be strengthened. in these last few months , the resistance front unveiled its real situation. maybe neither the americans, nor the westerners, nor the governments of the region knew the power of the resistance and the ability to resist in this region as it really existed. i understood now. this palestinian resistance look at the patience of the oppressed people of gaza , see the will to motivate the palestinian resistance fighters from hamas and other groups, see
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the strength of will in the resistance in lebanon. in yemen, in iraq, see this resistance. this resistance revealed its real existence, its abilities, its situation, it showed the world what resistance means, all the calculations of america are messed up. every in america, every america, every leader of the revolution added the power of resistance. he confused them and showed that the americans not only cannot dominate the region, but they cannot even stay in the region and they have to evacuate the area. he considered the clarification of the chaotic and critical situation of the zionist regime
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to everyone as the reality of other incidents in gaza and said: these incidents showed that the zionist regime is not only in a crisis in protecting itself, but also in a crisis in getting out of the crisis, because by entering the war gaza has entered a quagmire, whether it comes out of gaza or not, it has failed. ayatollah khamenei added: deep contradictions and differences among the officials of the qasib regime bring this regime closer to its fall. he emphasized that america chose the worst position in the gaza issue they said: people's demonstrations in favor of palestine in the streets of london and paris and america itself, are actually a declaration of hatred for america. the leader of the revolution considered america's stance and miscalculation in the gaza issue
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to be the cause of america's hatred in the world and a tenfold increase in its hatred in the region. from yemen and iraq to syria and lebanon, where the fighting and brave resistance forces are taking action against the americans, they attribute this action to iran. ayatollah khamenei added: this shows that americans are people the region and the brave and determined youth have not recognized it. this wrong calculation will definitely bring the americans to their knees. he emphasized that the islamic republic of iran supports and praises the resistance and supports it as much as possible . but this actually. it is the resistance groups themselves who decide and take action, and they are right. emphasizing that the great oppression in the region is
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the existence of the zionist regime, which must be ended, the leader of the revolution said: we are supporters, supporters and helpers of anyone who enters this islamic jihad with humanity and conscience and with god's grace, we will achieve this goal. ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a message on the occasion of the beginning of 1403, while congratulating the people of iran, especially the families of martyrs and all the nations that honor nowruz , named the new year the year of a leap in production with the participation of the people. the leader of the islamic revolution cherished the memory and names of the martyrs and imam of the martyrs and wished the iranian nation to benefit from the two springs of nature and spirituality
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. the underlying production technology was the epic presence of people in various gatherings, especially on quds day and the 22nd of bahman, the safe and sound holding of the esfan mah elections and the international mobility of the government in various economic and political fields. hazrat ayatollah khamenei read the economic and livelihood problems of the people, including the news of talakh of 1402 and added: the tragic incident in kerman on the anniversary of martyr soleimani, the flood in balochistan at the end of the year, the incidents that
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happened to security officers and security guards during these months are among the events were bitter and the most bitter was the incident in gaza, which is one of the important international issues of the leader of the islamic revolution referring to last year's slogan , they evaluated the work done in the field of curbing inflation and production growth as good but not as good as desired, and emphasizing that one should not expect such an important issue to be realized in a year's time, they said that in the new year , the country's major issue is also it is still the economy because the point. the main goal of the country is in this field and it should be active in this field. ayatollah khamenei emphasized that a basic key to solving
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the country's economic problems is the issue of production, domestic production of national production. that is why we have relied on our production in the past few years. if production growth. production and forward movement in national production should be carried out in a favorable manner. many important economic problems such as inflation, employment, and the value of the national currency, these basic issues of the economy will be well resolved. the production issue is therefore an important issue and that is why. . this year , i am relying on the issue of production and i expect
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to wait. god willing, a leap in production will happen this year, the leader of the islamic revolution emphasized that a leap in production is not possible without the presence of people in the economy and in the field of production. be resolved and the great capacities of the people are activated, therefore, on this occasion, i have set this year's slogan: production leap with the participation of the people, this is the slogan of this year . we hope , god willing, that this slogan will be realized in the best way. the planners of the country should plan, the experts should cooperate intellectually economic activists will participate in this work in a practical way, god willing. he also offered
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greetings to the presence of hazrat baqitullah, may allah bless him and grant him peace, and prayed for the success of the great and dear nation of iran. most of the inflation rate and extensive service to the people . in his new year's message, mr. raisi emphasized on the increase of government services and said: in these two and a half years, whatever effort was made to complete half-finished projects and achieve a big project in various sectors will be increased this year. in
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the new year, speeding up the movement to finish half-finished projects is one of the main approaches of the government. we should direct the funds towards development and infrastructure works . and at the same time make up for the backwardness of the 90s. i assure you with trust in almighty god and your company. dear and honorable people of the year 1403 years of more prosperity of production and economy will be more reduction of inflation rate and extensive service to dear people. referring to the statistics of the official institutions, the president said: "the government
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has chosen the right path for sustainable reduction of inflation and economic growth." the speaker of the parliament said in a message congratulating all iranians on the new year: the parliament will have effective supervision over the implementation of the 7th plan. referring to the naming of the new year by the leader of the revolution, mr. ghalibaf emphasized: looking at the experiences gained in the past two decades, a new national perspective should be designed and implemented to realize people's participation in the economy. speaker also referring to people's participation in the parliamentary elections. he saw it as an opportunity to transform governance in line with public interests for elected officials. in his nowruz message, the head of the judiciary announced supporting producers and economic investors and removing their obstacles from the main priorities of the food system in 1403. mr. mohsen yezhe also comprehensively fight against the manifestations of corruption, deal with the disturbing elements of people's security and resolve disputes
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without forming. in a telephone conversation with the supreme leader of the revolution, the president listed the judicial case as one of the other priorities of this branch in the new year, while congratulating him. the coincidence of the month of ramadan and the beginning of the new year made it difficult for him to continue his dignity and pride from the divine door. mr. raisi emphasized that the government will use all its power to fulfill his wishes, especially in the field of fulfilling the slogan of the year. the supreme leader of the islamic revolution also prayed for the success of the president and the government in this conversation. in separate conversations with ayat, makarem shirazi, nouri hamdani shabiri zanjani, javadi ameli sobhani , while congratulating the beginning of the month of ramadan and the beginning of the new year, the president also called for the continuation of spiritual attention and prayers for the authorities to send taqlid for the success of the government in solving the country's problems. became a suitor references for sending taqlid also in these
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conversations with gratitude to the servant


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