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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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[000:00:30;00] the leader of the revolution on the activation of people's capacities in the path of production boom by naming the year 1403 to the people's participation in the production of hazrat ayatollah khamenei in the nowrozi meeting of various qishes of the people in the important works of the
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country. get a job in order for the country's economy to flourish, all the big and small gears of the country must be used. everyone should try. president: government's determination to increase economic growth, sustainable reduction of inflation and expansion of services to the people. in the new year. speeding up the movement to finish half-finished projects the main approaches of the government. the martyrdom of at least 100 people in the attacks of the zionist occupation on shafa hospital in northern gaza. the number of martyrs in the gaza strip
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reached about 32 thousand people. resignation of the prime minister. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family and hasten their fate, dear viewers. greetings. on the first day of the new year, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution , in his nowrozi meeting with different sections of the people, said that the planning and efforts of the officials to mobilize the efforts, capital and initiatives of the nation in the economic field are necessary for
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the realization of the very important slogan of the year 10. that is, the jump in production with the participation of the people read and referring to the effect of improvement economic issues in the religion and the world of the people emphasized that by denying the fields, the capacity and the factors of progress in the country, the enemy has marked the extinguishing of the light of hope in the heart of the nation, but the people and the youth are pursuing a bright future with timeless efforts and avoiding disputes . the leader of the revolution also pointed to the sinking of the zionist regime in the gaza swamp, the growing hatred of the nations against the united states as the main partner in the crimes of the zionists, and said that in the recent events, the darkness ruling the west and the legitimacy of the formation of the resistance front were proven, and this anti-oppression popular front is capable of his real power
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was unveiled and revolved around divine power and the path to end oppression the existence of the zionist regime will continue. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, congratulating the contemporaries on eid-ul-fitr , called the spring of nature, the spring of spirituality as the basis for the freshness and growth of the human body, soul, and soul, and added: the art and power of ramadan is fasting with the spiritual breath. and worship and prayer. and the prayers of a non-observant person lead to enthusiasm and effort in the path of goodness and service. he considered the motivation of choosing and announcing the slogan every year to be the focus and efforts of officials and the awareness and demand of public opinion to realize these strategic slogans. the leader of the revolution referring to the focus of the slogans of the last few years on the economic issue
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, they said: last year, the slogan was realized. the production of good works was done, but it was relatively far from what we wanted, so the officials and popular activists should consider the realization of that important slogan as a fundamental duty this year. the leader of the revolution called the naming of production leap year after year with the participation of the people as an outstanding slogan and added: if with the planning and efforts of the authorities, some kind of people's mobilization to participate in the economy, the realization of the very important slogan of production leap will be possible. he considered the economy as one of the basic issues of the country and pointing to the existing economic weaknesses and problems , they said: improving the economic situation is effective in all issues of the country. ayatollah khamenei, recalling the hard and serious efforts of the united states and its allies
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to collapse iran's economy and bring the nation to its knees, said: "with the help of the right, this goal has failed so far, and from now on, it will continue with the efforts and seriousness and determination of the officials and the people." big and small of the country should be used, everyone should try to use the infrastructure of the country , use the people's initiatives, use the power of active economic management and management activists, use the youth forces. educated in the literal sense should
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be used. knowledge-based companies should be supported . these are all tools that, if considered collectively, are undoubtedly economic. the country will reach prosperity, of course, with the continuous efforts of the officials , which, thank god, is the current government, which fairly gets a high score in terms of effort, mobility, and activity, and their effort is a good effort. the fact that the new year coincides with the first year of the implementation of the 7th development plan is another factor. for the daily effort of the officials. and they said: it should be at the end of the seventh program with the overall goal economic prosperity is formulated with justice , inflation becomes single digit, the budget structure
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is reformed, the tax system is reformed, at least 90% of basic goods are produced in the country and huge national projects are carried out. . therefore, the different abilities of the nation should be used wisely and fully. praising the nation's constant readiness to participate in the field, the leader of the revolution added: they should have a real and fruitful presence in the economic scene, just like the sacred defense of the people. hazrat ayatollah khamenei referring to his visit in the month of bahman the exhibition of the achievements of production activists added: those achievements were very good and surprisingly showed the capacity and power and high initiatives of people, especially young people in the field of economy, and it can be proved that this huge capacity in large industries can be used to reduce
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the consumption of water in the oil sector of handicrafts. used in transportation and other areas. he also called the continuation of foreign and international economic activity as important and addressed the officials: "memorandums with countries should be converted into national and executive contracts so that their results can be seen and felt in practice." the leader of the revolution also emphasized the need to increase productivity in different fields and using the experiences of others in this field, they said: production jump with people's participation is not a slogan of one year. rather , the officials should take the first step this year by planning and getting help from the people. god willing, this slogan will come true in time. in an important point, ayatollah khamenei
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pointed out the concern of some sympathetic people about the possibility of corruption and abuse in the way of people's participation in the economy and added: this concern is due to the misuse of government facilities and loans in the past years. it is appropriate so the officials should be very careful with their eyes open. that corruption, discrimination and illegal use do not occur in this direction. in another part of his speech, the leader of the revolution considered the country's national interests and bright future to be dependent on faith and hope and said: if the light of hope is extinguished in the hearts, no movement will happen. he listed the talented youth, the nation ready to work, rare natural resources and privileged geographical location as among the massive capacities for the continuation of the country's progress and said: the need for continued progress is that we all have hope for the future. ayatollah khamenei: scientific advances in the fields of
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industry, health, space, politics and foreign policy they considered the unparalleled security of the country, which was manifested in the safe holding of the 22 bahman march and the recent elections, as one of the hopeful factors that strengthened the sense of dignity and pride in the people and added: thousands of young, powerful, motivated and enthusiastic groups across the country in the sectors various scientific and field. and they are busy with cultural and artistic work and efforts to bring prosperity to the society. he called the formation of huge arbaeen processions and ghadir and half-sha'ban festivals as hopeful and encouraging manifestations and expressed regret for the inadequacy of propaganda in the country in showing outstanding facts, despite these hopeful manifestations well done to some oblivious people with negativity in search of denial. the existence of hope in the youth and attempts to destroy
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it. the leader of the islamic revolution called such actions as an ambush to kill hope in the hearts of the youth and added: whose benefit is it to pick up a pen and write an article about the fact that one should not hope for the future, and why should one not, despite all these potentials and promising factors? was he hopeful about the future? he considered the use of all kinds of tricks and media to magnify weakness and deny progress among the usual actions of ill-wishers and added: the enemy has been he does such things, but we should not make this mistake and negligence inside. i advise dear young people, i say to move ahead of the enemy's plan, young people. the youth
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should move ahead of the enemy's plan. the enemy wants let him disappoint you more than he tries to disappoint you. try to create hope for hope to flourish in the hearts of young people, both nationally and internationally. the enemy wants some voices not to be heard. despite the enemy , listen to these sounds. today , there are various tools available to everyone. hazrat ayatollah khamenei the leader in a message on the occasion of the beginning of the year 1403, while congratulating the people of iran , especially the families of martyrs and all the nations that celebrate nowruz, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution
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called the new year the year of leap in production with the participation of the people. the leader of the islamic revolution cherished the memory and names of the martyrs and imam of the martyrs and wished the iranian nation to benefit from the two springs of nature and spirituality . science and technology of the following products. building the epic presence of people in various gatherings, especially on quds day and the 22nd day of bahman was the safe and sound holding of the march elections and the international movement of the government in various economic and political fields. ayatollah khamenei called the economic and livelihood problems of the people among the bitter news of the year 1402 and added:
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the bitter incident in kerman on the anniversary of martyr soleimani , the balochistan flood at the end of the year, the incidents that happened to the security officers and security guards during these months are among the incidents. it was bitter, and the most bitter was the incident in gaza, which is one of our most important international issues. revolutionary leader islamic referring to last year's slogan they evaluated the work done in the field of curbing inflation and production growth as good, but not as good as desired, and emphasizing that such an important issue should not be expected to be realized within a year , they said that in the new year, the main issue of the country
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is still the economy, because the point the basic weakness of the country is in this field and it should be actively acted in this field , hazrat ayat. an essential key to solving the country's economic problems is the issue of domestic production and national production. that is why we have relied on our production in the past few years. if the growth of production and the forward movement in national production the best way to do it. many important economic problems such as inflation, employment, and the value of the national currency will be solved in a good way. the production issue
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is therefore an important issue, and for this reason, the production issue will be addressed this year. i rely and expect that god willing, a leap in production will happen this year, the leader of the islamic revolution emphasized that a leap in production is not possible without the presence of people in the economy and in the field of production. fixed and large capacities. people become active therefore, on this occasion, i have made this year's slogan : production jump with people's participation. this year's slogan is, we hope, god willing, that this slogan
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will be realized in the best possible way . they made trouble for the success of the great and dear nation of iran. in a telephone conversation with the supreme leader of the revolution, the president, while congratulating the beginning of the month of ramadan and the beginning of the new year
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, prayed for the continuation of his dignity and pride from god. mr. raisi emphasized that the government will use all its power to fulfill his wishes, especially in the field of fulfilling the slogan of the year. leader the supreme leader of the islamic revolution also said: they prayed for the success of the president and the government during the conversation. in separate conversations with ayat, makarem shirazi, nouri hamdani shabiri zanjani, javadi ameli sobhani, while congratulating the end of the month of ramadan and the beginning of the new year, the president asked for the continuation of spiritual attention and prayers for the authorities to send taqlid for the success of the government in solving the country's problems. . reference. taqlid also expressed their appreciation for the services and efforts of the 13th government in 1402 and wished
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success to the government in serving the people and solving the country's problems. president with new year's greetings to the iranian nation called 1403 the year of increased production and economic decline. most of the inflation rate and extensive service to the people. in his new year's message, mr. raisi emphasized on the increase of government services and said: in these two and a half years, the efforts made to complete the half-finished projects and to achieve the results of the big projects in different sectors will be increased this year. accelerate the movement in the new year. all half-finished projects are from the main approaches of the government. we should direct the funds towards development and infrastructure works. and at the same time , we will make up for the backwardness of the 90s, i assure you relying on god almighty and accompanying you
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, dear and noble people, the year 1403 will be a year of greater prosperity in production and economy, a further reduction in the inflation rate, and extensive service to the dear people. referring to the statistics of official institutions, the president said that the government. has chosen the right path for sustainable reduction of inflation and economic growth. in a message with new year's greetings to all iranians, the speaker of the parliament said: the parliament will effectively supervise the implementation of the seventh plan . referring to the naming of the new year by the leader of the revolution, mr. qalibaf emphasized: we should look at the experiences gained in two decades. the past. he designed and implemented a new national vision for the realization of people's participation in the economy.
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also, referring to people's participation in the parliamentary elections, the speaker of the parliament considered it an opportunity to transform governance in line with the public interests of the elected officials. in his nowruz message, the head of the judiciary supported producers and economic investors and removed obstacles. he announced them as one of the main priorities of the food system in 1403. mr. mohseni vejei also mentioned the all-out fight against the manifestations of corruption, confronting the elements that disrupt people's security and resolving disputes without filing a court case among the other priorities of this authority. counted the new year.
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expulsion of arab knesset member due to anti -zionist statements ayman odeh, an arab knesset member of israel
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, was expelled from the knesset for accusing the israeli army of genocide and killing palestinian babies with hunger weapons in gaza. in a press conference that hastily outside the government buildings in the capital dublin. he said: my reasons for resigning are both personal and political. prime minister mustafa iranand made headlines a few days ago with his words during the visit of the american president at the white house. in his meeting with biden, prime minister eiland said: israel's use of weapons americans in gaza are not defending themselves. as you know. they are very offended by what is happening right in front of their eyes in gaza. when i
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travel around the world, world leaders often ask me: why does he express so much sympathy for the palestinian people? the answer is simple. we see our history in their eyes. a story of displacement, dispossession, national identity undermined and denied, forced immigration, discrimination, and now. the government of canada has decided to implement the plan of the parliament of this country to stop the sale of weapons to the zionist regime. canadian aid cuts internal disputes has increased in the occupied territories due to the presence of an incompetent cabinet with a very bad performance , we are witnessing the loss of israel's foreign relations. these words of yair. pete is the leader of the zionist regime's opposition movement in response to the events that have happened to this regime in the political arena, but the reason
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for his critical attack on netanyahu's cabinet was canada's decision to stop arms exports to the zionist regime , a decision that was made after the canadian lawmakers voted. has decided to act on the parliament's plan to stop arms sales to israel. weapons that directly kill to maim palestinians are used. although the anger and anger towards the canadian government was formed a long time ago. opponents of war. in the streets of canada, they also protested against their governments. the palestinian people of gaza and rafah are being killed by bombs and bullets from the air, from the ground and from wherever possible. that's why we are here to say jasin, rodu, you are complicit in the genocide in rifa and gaza. the continuation of genocide and crimes in gaza
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has led to further isolation of the zionist regime in the field of foreign relations. as far as governments. one after another , they have turned away from the zionist regime. to renew pressure on the regime effective action must be taken at all levels to end the zionist occupation and brutality of this regime. it can also be expected and hoped that we will without hesitation support the severance of diplomatic, cultural, economic, commercial, military and security relations with the zionist occupation regime. requests to join the opposition ranks of the zionist regime now to. the global reactions to the crimes of the zionist regime have effectively
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isolated the countries that support this regime on the world stage. he seriously supports israel. it is america, but the reality is that america itself is becoming more isolated in the international arena . with the internalization of this technology, it is possible to return some of the planes left on the ground to the flight cycle. alhamdulillah, we were able to build this piece with a high technology and with a several-year effort. we are talking about a part of the parts inside the airplane engine, which is the air flow guide vane it is named and now
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it was built with the efforts of a knowledge-based company. alhamdulillah, we were able to build and install a very standard, accurate sample with a quality at least as good as a foreign sample . those aircraft that are grounded return to the flight cycle. in addition to making parts inside the engine, this company has also localized the equipment needed to repair the aircraft engine. a corner of hundreds of special tools that to perform these repairs, it is necessary to show the term. all jet engines and airplane engines that fly should be opened and repaired when damaged. every part of the engine must be opened with a special tool.
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usually, these tools are only available to manufacturers and factories. they are external engine breathers. however, with a lot of effort, we were able to make this halo tool using standard maps and suitable for engines. equipment whose use has given positive results. with these, we also repaired the engine and it was 100% sure we found that these tools can be used in this field anyway. mehdi naqbi of sed and sima news agency. the president announced. this year we will see a change in the electrification of urban transport . according to the announcement of the ministry of transport, the production of four domestic electric cars will begin in 1403. also , a contract for the purchase of 5,000 electric buses has been signed for the public transport fleet. average consumption of 110 million liters of gasoline per day according to the ceo


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