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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. martyrdom of 3 members of hamas in jenin. the qassam battalions of the jenin branch announced the martyrdom of three of its troops. 3 people were martyred and another person was injured in an attack by zionist fighters on a car in jenin. angry palestinians protested in the streets of jenin condemning this criminal act of the zionists. 20 more diseases
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were added to the list of diseases covered by special and incurable patients fund in 1403. the ceo of the health insurance organization said that so far, more than 2 million special and rare patients have benefited from the services of this fund they benefited from insurance. d of new metabolic diseases have entered the system. medicines for cancer patients, especially diabetic patients, were introduced in the system in 1401. and 4002 entered in 1403, we also have a more detailed plan, at least 20 of the diseases that were after these will definitely be entered into the system according to the preparations made by the honorable vice president of medicine of the ministry of home affairs in a meeting with scientific groups.
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almost finished, these will be announced and entered into the system, which will be sent to the provincial committees and paid outside the so-called inclusion criteria. there is no need to calculate and pay by yourself , the director general of the housing economy office says that the national housing movement is running with more than 300 thousand billion tomans of financial resources. nowrozi said more than 200 thousand billion tomans. it was brought by the people and another 100 thousand billion tomans was brought by the banks. wherever the banks pay facilities , the people get more than twice the amount, which means that this action that is being taken is a very appropriate action that will lead to a reduction in inflation and an increase in production in two respects. every 100 meters of housing that is built, more than one and a half indirect jobs and more than one job it creates directly. more than 120 moving industries. the seventh edition of the book "secrets of ramadan" has been published
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. this book is about the spiritual values ​​and customs of ramadan, which was published by faiz farzan publishing house. al-mulk al-quds, peace be upon him, al-mu'min , al-muhimin, al-aziz, al-jabbar, al-mutaqbar, al-khaliq al-balai.
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the holy month of ramadan has been paid . the holy month of ramadan is the spring of intimacy with the qur'an. sharia's advice in ounces with the qur'an these days informs about the secrets behind the curtain . this 241-page book has recommendations for fasting people and a poem by the author has finished. this collection is a five-volume set under the title. the etiquette of attending during these days is a collection of etiquette of attending during happy days, which has references to both the secrets and the practical aspects of these good and spiritual days . souvenir broadcasting, the researchers of a
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scientific company managed to build a system that can measure the standard of ventilator parts. before this, manufacturers must use the system to standardize parts and software other countries were customizing, the parts are very sensitive and have a direct relationship with the patient, so all parts must be tested before being installed on the device. localization of a system to measure the standard of parts in artificial respiration in your production process is nowhere. contrary to the previous standard, the oxygen volume and pressure is one of the most important parts of the standard measurement . apart from the standardization , the
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sensitive parts are also tested several times. it is being tested, even if it is anti the suffocation parts are very sensitive parts and if any of these parts, god forbid , the device will fail. there may be a problem with the software testing of artificial respiration devices according to international standards , we have a set of reference devices that are connected to the international reference and they are calibrated. from the point of view of having proper accuracy and precision , it is measured and our confidence is created in this device that it can. use this device in error mode to determine the modes breathing and controlling the effective factors in breathing is the function of the electronic circuit. the different parts of this board are tested with a large number of tests that are defined in the system to make sure that all
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the electronic parts of the device work accurately and correctly . the most important part is making a ventilator is the software that we can use to customize external devices. they can't be adjusted inside the country, we can't do it at your request , but this device, because its technology is at our disposal, and all its software can be produced by ourselves. if we compare one with another reference and need according to the activists of this field, the localization of this system will increase the production capacity of artificial respiration devices. vahid zakirat of radio and television news agency. the latest quarterly report of the statistics center indicates a decrease in the unemployment rate in the winter of 1402 compared to the same period of the previous year. the deputy of employment of the ministry of labor cooperative and social welfare says that the unemployment rate has decreased significantly in the past year. breaking the quorum of the unemployment rate
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of the last few decades in 1402, the deputy employment of the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare says this winter. compared to the same period last year, unemployment has decreased by 1.11 percent to 8.6 percent. statistics that, including the last three seasons , have led to breaking the quorum of the unemployment rate in the country . the annual unemployment rate reduction record for 1402 was recorded. the total unemployment rate for 1402 was 8.7% for the first time in recent decades . it reached almost the same 8%, which is a significant unemployment rate, which, according to mr. biranvand , has been accompanied by an increase in the rate of economic participation in the country. the economic participation rate of the whole year 1402 reached more than 41%. numbers and statistics
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which shows that this year the unemployment rate in 20 provinces has decreased in single digits and among graduates. the unemployment rate of graduates is more than one and one-tenth. it has decreased compared to 1401 and reached the number of 117. deputy minister of employment of the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare announced that the unemployment rate of graduates has decreased during the past few seasons . he said that the trend is decreasing but it is still not favorable. let's bring the total to less than 2 percent in 1403, sada and sima news agency said. the next part of the news at 2 o'clock:
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well, here in our studio mr. sasan shavisi is the secretary the entire chamber of commerce of iran is present. also , we will communicate with mr. izad khan , a member of the islamic council, who is in our birjand studio. members of the mining commission of the islamic council, mr. seyed shamsen din hosseini , is another member of the islamic council, who will add to jamoon as a contact. internet, which is a special commission. they are production, and being the minister of economy and
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having worked a lot with the original 44 plan and related laws, we can go into more details with them. mr. hassan khani is also an economic researcher. please let me know that we are talking about the people 's participation, that we are saying that the people should participate so that the jump in production happens, what exactly does it mean , how should the people make this participation ? you mentioned the slogan of years and years. let's go directly to the issue of people-centered economy , sir. is iran's economy people-centered today ? no, iran's economy is a state economy for a thousand and one reasons , which is also the subject of various debates . the title of oil and that an income with a base it has given the power to the government, this platform and this foundation has been formed in the lap of iran's economic system, and it insists on
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defining the distribution of powerful monetary and financial resources, the approaches and effects of the functioning of capital in different areas, and according to that , the actors of zinfan and the ability he also prioritizes things for himself and recognizes the needs . whether this is right or wrong is one issue. whether it should continue is another issue. maybe it was necessary before this in order to make part of the national resources work. let's define the needs, development plans , what about construction plans after the revolution before the revolution , it defined its function in a phrase on the heels of government resources, and by the way, this approach made a large part of the existing resources, human resources and natural resources that exist in a wandering form in the country, suffer from a dependency. given that their approach is that it is insisted that the economy should be defined based on the functions and approaches of the government. it has been pointed out time and time again the views of hazrat agha
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, his fraudulent demands, and on the other hand, by the way , the actors of the public sector, whether the private sector, the cooperative sector , or the people who work in the industry and small workshops. it seems to me that this scope should be focused on interventional approaches, maybe if in the year 2019 we leave the leap in production as the motto of the year , different packages in the field of knowledge, in the field of imitation and in the executive field , we used it to realize it, but what was intended did not happen, as you may have mentioned, in the following years , economic names were again proposed with a production approach, this shows that perhaps a belief and a basic capability of what is this mutation, what is its scope, what is it in how should it be looked at in the internal sector
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? how should it be looked at in the external and inter-sector ? there is a question that could answer many of these doubts this year by preferring the band with the participation of the people. let's say something more precise and simple if we want to express it now, for example, from the housewife who is sitting at home, the man who is the employee, the woman who is the employee , who is the man, the woman, the worker, if it is to participate in the economy, where should this participation come from and in what form and with what quality? mr. big installer, we should define the process and trends side by side and then place the role we want to give to the family economy in these processes and where in these trends? in other words, if all these discussions are supposed to lead us to the creation of wealth and production, this production
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has different components in its engineering , starting from the production of knowledge and services and ending with the production of wealth . it defines a chain. we must be clear. let's see what kind of actors each of these actors are where are the big actors defined in this value chain? if this capability is defined , then we will reach the priorities. who defines the political needs and necessities or the needs or necessities of making the economy more competitive in order to take a greater share in the geometry of the global economy ? if the answer is given, then the relationship between the institution, structure, knowledge, management and people can be better defined in this field .
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in one word, the side is the resistance economy. this resistance economy has aspects that the leaders try to highlight one of those aspects every year . the first important aspect is production. the economy should revolve around production, not capital sales, not oil sales, not crude oil. selling is not based on profiteering. the economy should be a productive economy. secondly , it should be endogenous and extroverted. we believe that our economy should have strong internal foundations. but it should act in interaction with the whole world. the third point is that the discussion of justice is centered on economic justice . economic structures must govern the structures. establish, not spread, discrimination. we now sometimes have structures that fuel discrimination . the fourth point of popularization is the popularization
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of economics in the school of islamic revolution. neither government nor capitalism. it has a third aspect, which we call popular economy. this popular economy is a new thing in the world. we do not believe in government monopoly . we do not believe in capitalist monopoly. we violate both. we say that people should have agency in the economy. the fifth aspect is the discussion of knowledge based knowledge. now this year the leadership pointed. and putting their own definition on becoming popular what does economics mean? that is, if we want our economy to be organized, we must get rid of poverty, misery and discrimination , get rid of corruption and rent, first of all, we must build the backbone of the economy on production, and secondly, this path will not be possible except through popular economy
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. there is a formula for popularizing the economy. it has a pattern. we have to go and create models according to the needs of the country . we don't need to imitate the world . we don't need to try the same banking model that england and america are experiencing . and entrepreneur we should stay behind the bank and not have a share of the bank and banking education. whether the people's savings are in the custody of banks or in the field of land , even though we are a vast country and have vast land resources, we have a balance, whether these are in the custody of the government or in the custody of big capitalists, and the general public , our farmers, our ranchers, our entrepreneurs, small and large . they cannot use these huge resources
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. we must put the economy in the hands of the people. we must make the people's agency flourish in the economy. we should free the land, the production resources, the funds, not in the prison of the bank, not in the prison of affairs it should be land, not in the prison of failed government agencies , it should be available to the public . mr. hosseini, what do you think? do you think that if we make the economy people-oriented , we should bring the people's participation to the places of production? what should be done, basically, this jump in production how is it achieved with people's participation? by the way, i want to focus on the general policies of article 44 of the constitution, as well as the law of the executives
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. overall 44 of the constitution goes back to the fact that we once made this decision in the country that we should get out of the monopoly of the government and return to the same arrangements as stated in the constitution after announcing the general policies of article 44 of the constitution and approving the implementation law. in the islamic council, we removed the prohibitions for the participation of people from the non-governmental sector in the economic sector, but unfortunately, i must say that the restrictions and excuses remain in effect. an appropriate action was taken in the 11th parliament, and that was to address this aspect, which means that the way for people's participation was actually opened.
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you see, you must be waiting. according to the analysis of the business environment, we are ranked 126th among 190 countries in the world, and again, with regret, we have to say that in order to start a business, it means the participation of the people , which means that the people start expressing their economic activities. we are 178 a.h. therefore, if i want to answer your question right here, if i want to give you a clear answer, this is that the 12th parliament, god willing, and the government will stand behind the implementation of the law on facilitating the issuance of business licenses. you say more examples than the 44 constitutions because the viewers a little more look, when you say people's participation, people's participation, what does it mean , do you think that, for example, people should march in the expression of production, which is not the case, what is meant
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is that people of different classes can now express investment, the introduction of production is investment , that is, when you you are establishing a company or you have a company whose capital is increasing.
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in fact, the jump in production and along with that, with the participation of the people, where is the bottleneck in the issuing of permits that you mention, how much work is going on, how many problems are there, where are the problems? compared to what it was before, the situation has improved a lot. at least , i can give you an example. now, i can tell you that 1,700,000 people have applied for licenses , and 1,000,000 people have been issued licenses. this law has not yet been implemented, i am here to help you, because of this, where can you see the issue, different devices , i have given many examples, for example, still assume municipalities. not connected to business systems, this same national portal of the business mages of agricultural jihad is still very weak in this field, the ministry of health and medicine in the same way
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so, i want to tell you something. look , when a slogan is raised, don't assume that we have to go back to the beginning of the line and start from zero . no, you should go back to the meeting that the economic activists had with the supreme leader about a month ago. . i was there and they brought up several issues, one of them was the facilitation of issuing business licenses, the other was actually financing. when we talk about financing, in fact, the presence of the people, i want to say again that we don't have enough resources to actually pour. we must have a proper financing system, now it is a law financing the production of the minister of construction approved in the 11th parliament, fortunately, went one way. in return , it was done with the guardian council, the major part of iran was eliminated, there were only a few iranians left, and it
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was also eliminated. i specifically want to emphasize this point again. let's hope that the investment will increase . in order for the investment to increase, on the one hand, the business environment must be provided . in general, the work of governance is actually facilitating the issuance of business licenses and the business environment, now the business environment of mr. hosseini, how many institutions and names did you mention for issuing licenses, which you said has become the bottleneck of the 12th parliament or in this same 11th parliament, how will you follow up? look, we have mechanisms in the islamic council, one of the mechanisms we follow is monitoring reports. so far, we have received two monitoring reports in the 11th parliament . we will definitely present the monitoring report . now , you should see some of them from now on. note that in the past year
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, we had both the budget law and the law. we had the program, our report is ready now, let's see god willing, considering the change in the evolution of the parliament in the 11th parliament, we will find this opportunity or not, but in any case, our report is actually ready . we were at your service, i am again emphasizing, my dear brother, my dear friends, please note that during the years 1390 to 1400, our economic growth was low, less than half, about half a percent , our population growth was over 1%, and our per capita income decreased in the year in 1401 and 1402 , the investment situation improved somewhat, and the economic growth situation improved it has gotten better, but i said that it is at the level of a bud , so that this bud will become a seedling.
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at least two of the basic tasks that i mentioned must be followed. one continues to emphasize the facilitation of issuing business councils, and here i expect the judiciary to provide more and better support . i personally believe that in many cases, some of the people who did not want to cooperate are behind some of the institutions in the judiciary. judiciary should help the islamic council and the next issue is the financing of infrastructure production . we refer to the activists economically, one of their issues is the low level of financing, which is also a good measure. i want to emphasize this , and finally, we should seek the approval of new laws in the 12th parliament rather than the approval of the same laws that were passed in the 11th parliament. and even the parliament before this law to remove the obstacles to production, the knowledge production law, the housing boom law, according
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to mr. hosseini, should open the way for entrepreneurs, for investors, in order for this public participation to take place, what measures should the governments take , what should the parliament itself do in the agenda is fine in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service as well as the audience. dear viewers, dear people of iran and your honored guests, i congratulate you on eid. may god accept your theater and prayers . god willing, we will soon be able to hear the news of the victory of the palestinian people at the world level . before i go into the points that my friends said, i have some points about the statements , especially of dr. hosseini izadkhah. i
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would like to point out that the jump in production requires a series of preliminary requirements, which are the most important it seems to me that the realization of paragraph eight of the general employment policies of the year 2019, paragraph seven of the general employment policies emphasizes the issue that the coordination and stability of the country's monetary, financial and commercial policies, i want to address this point and this question . i would like to ask whether the audience of this year's slogan is the people or the governing bodies or the economic governance of the country , including the parliament, the government, the judiciary, and in fact the governing body of the country. in the war, when the people showed up with the directive not to show up, it was the call of the imam saying that the people are lying in the field of economics, when
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leaders say: the presence of the people, the people are ready to do their duty, and they don't do it. this is the government, the parliament and the governing institutions are the authorities that should create the platform for the people's presence , mr. dr. hosseini. saying about investment or licenses, i think this is a bit of a reduction of the issue, the issue is not that we only obtain the license, if we actually create the license, people will attend , no, it is necessary for people to attend, but it is not sufficient , the condition is not sufficient, the most important the condition is the most important requirement before the permits before the capital people now it seems to me that the most important requirement is that the country's economic governance should basically work in harmony. in the 11th parliament and the 13th government , we clearly observed that there were some inconsistencies, especially in cross-cutting policies.


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