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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the 60 liter gasoline quota for private cars without any change. he was happy in personal fuel smart cards. according to the announcement of the national oil products distribution company , the fuel quota for public and service vehicles was also deposited according to the quota table of the fuel consumption management plan. the company also announced that by sending numerous operational groups and inconspicuous patrols to stations all over the country , it closely monitors and monitors the operation of fuel distribution in the country. the technologists of a company
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of scientists succeeded in producing a new generation of short-term agriculture based on indigenous knowledge. this product is made iran, which increases the productivity of farms and agricultural crops by 40% , has been launched on the market with a quarter of the price of a similar foreign sample. biological siyakood, which is produced in this company under the title of a knowledge-based product , is a collection of activated micro-organisms with the latest knowledge and technology , which are actually placed in an excellent substrate with the use of super-fiber engineering technology. increase in yield can reduce water consumption and also reduce pests and diseases in plants and in this way we have multiple effects in one product which ultimately
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it leads to an increase in productivity in gardens and agricultural lands. the researchers of a daneshbonian company managed to create a system that can measure the standard of ventilator parts . before this, manufacturers have to customize the system through other countries to standardize software sectors. and the parts are very sensitive and have a direct relationship with the patient's life, so all the parts must be tested before they are cut in half on the glove. localization of a system to measure the standard of parts in artificial respiration in your production process will not go anywhere against the previous standard. oxygen pressure and volume time are the most important parts of the standard measurement.
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apart from standardization, sensitive parts are tested several times. flow sensors and damper foams, as well as the turbofan technology used for the pipe engine, are being tested. the blue anti-suffocation parts are very sensitive parts, and if any of these parts fail , the device may have a problem. the software test of artificial respiration devices is according to international standards. marji devices. we have that they themselves are connected to the international authority and they themselves calibrated are calibrated. these testers of ours are actually calibrated with those reference devices and measured in terms of accuracy and precision, and we are confident in this device that we can use this device in our production line. determining breathing modes and controlling the effective factors in task-oriented breathing. it is electronic. the different parts
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of this board are tested with a large number of tests that are defined in the system to make sure that all the electronic parts of the device work accurately and correctly. it is the most important part of making a breathing machine. the software is the one that we can customize by making it . foreign devices can't be adjusted inside the country. we can't do the adjustment, but this device and all its software are at our disposal because of its technology. if we compare one with a reference and need to adjust, the company itself can do it . according to the activists of this field, the localization of this system will increase the production capacity of artificial respiration devices. vahid zakrat of the sed and broadcasting news agency. the minister of roads and urban development, pointing out that the popularization of production in the housing sector, including politics he said that people's participation in housing construction
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will reduce the price and improve the quality according to the islamic iranian model. i put this as this year's slogan. production jump. with the participation of the people, the popularization of production in the housing sector is a policy that should be paid attention to in the 13th government using past experiences in housing construction. a house that people build themselves in a one and a half year course? we will see a housing that is direct government intervention from zero to 100. today, we are witnessing mehri housing , which now after 10 years, we will come and deliver the house, and it will be very expensive, economic experts. housing they believe that the popularization of production in the housing sector will both increase the speed of housing construction projects and reduce costs. the experiments that are currently being built in this national housing movement
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show the experiments that are being carried out. so that we can start the project , zahedan is an example of zahedan. the government believes that popularization of production in the housing sector will increase the quality of construction. naturally, the people themselves who are involved must be of better quality and appropriate a more favorable model of islamic iran is to perform forgery operations. pathology of the housing construction plan , especially in mehr housing, shows that housing construction with the participation of people has had better results. according to the pathology of the national housing harvest project , we went in this direction, under the supervision of the engineering system , under the regulation of the ministry of roads and urban development, under the supervision of the municipalities, the employer process is done by the people themselves, the construction management is done by the people, and the capacity of local contractors is used so that let the projects move forward, according to
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housing economics experts, the government's trust in the people, housing education and the provision of land is the solution to the housing problems in the country, which can be achieved by popularizing production in the housing sector. mohammaduri of the sed and cima news agency. the president announced that this year we will see a change in the electrification of urban transport. average consumption of 110 million liters of gasoline per day, as the ceo of the national refining and broadcasting company says. air pollution in the city of shahrhar and of course moving towards technology. world day is one of the reasons why the ministry has forced the government to move towards electric vehicles . we use at least 10 liters of gasoline for every 100 kilometers, and at a high price. for example, we have 27,000 tomans there, 270,000 tomans
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, in fact, we use fuel for every 100 km , you consume about 13 kilowatts, which is about 70,000 to 80,000 tomans, according to the calculation of the ministry of petroleum, by replacing each taxi. with an electric taxi, 1050 euros or about 650 million tomans will be saved in fuel. in 7 years, the buses will be electric, the subway is now electric, taxis , motorcycles, especially these are the first priority because the distance traveled by a taxi per day in tehran, there is much more than a car to buy for the public transport fleet of tehran municipality 5 thousand electric buses in hand. the path of movement is based on public transport frameworks towards electrification. by replacing these buses in the urban transport fleet, 40 thousand liters
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of fuel will be saved per year for each bus with an average travel of 80 thousand kilometers per year. on the other hand, the production of domestic electric cars has started. this car is now ready , the first tests have been done , we are finding sources of supply of electric parts with the company of domestic scientists, and we are also producing electric motorcycles like this peak motor from a side drive. he is using it, it is 4,000 watts, with a lithium battery and it can be replaced with the move towards the electrification of the country's car industry, part of the above rules. among other things, the law on organizing the automobile industry, the clean air law, and the eight-article decree of the president are implemented. this year, god willing , we will see a change in the field of electrification of the urban transport fleet. reza safari, radio and television news agency. the next part is at 5 o'clock.
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but sadat insisted on his decision and finally , after two days of resistance, shazli was ordered to advance directly from the minister of defense to the commander of the 2nd and 3rd corps of the egyptian army in the sinai desert. therefore i am against this progress at all inside sinai due to javadi's supremacy, it is a military error. october egyptian forces
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penetrated deep into the sinai desert from four axes by the direct order of anwar sadat. israeli tanks were counting the moments for this battle. roy faced a disastrous defeat in the sinai desert . america started to set up an airline to
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support the israeli army. this airline was called nickel grass. by nixon's order, almost all of the crown of the israeli army in all forces. by the end of october, america will send more than 55 thousand tons of weapons and ammunition to israel. did with the arrival of american aid to the israeli army, on october 16, the arab countries that produce oil decided to stop
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exporting oil to the countries that support israel, especially the united states. they reduced the production and export of oil in support of the egyptian and syrian fronts, which led to a fourfold increase in the price. oil ended in a short time and world markets. it shook the event known as the oil shock of 1973. now the effects of this war went beyond the middle east region and affected the whole world . but this was not the only alliance between arab countries at that time. iraqi army forces. jordan, saudi arabia and morocco entered the golan to help syria. however, israel's advance
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continued up to 35 kilometers from damascus, and this situation gave the leaders of the zionist regime the opportunity to think about how to continue the war with egypt on the sinai front. their idea was to cross the suez canal and penetrate into egypt, a plan that, if implemented , would change all the equations of the battle scene, a plan proposed by ariel sharon, who was the commander of the 143rd armored division in the sinai desert for 3 and a half years before the war. he was one of the army that was in front of the egyptian forces. he prepared a plan before the war
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was to go to the other side of the channel and surround the egyptian forces from behind against any possible attack by the egyptians. this plan was prepared 3 months before the start of the war. now on october 15. arillon's forces struggled to cross the canal. this plan was not completed in the first stage due to the resistance of the egyptian soldiers.
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the next morning, however, a small unit consisting of 15 vessels capable of carrying tanks. precisely from where there was no egyptian force in front of them. sharon's forces were behind the egyptian soldiers. but on this day, unaware of the infiltration of sharon's forces into egypt, anversadat celebrated the victory cairo and went to the egyptian parliament with general ahmed ismail, minister of defense
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. announced the complete withdrawal of the israeli army from the sinai desert. an hour after this ceremony, gollamir, the prime minister of the zionist regime, announced in a speech in the knesset that israeli forces are on the west bank of the suez canal and in the territory of egypt. which made the people and politicians of egypt extremely lucky. the egyptian military command decided to take action to correct the gap between the 2nd and 3rd corps. general saad shazli believed that an armored brigade of the egyptian forces must return to the west of the swiss canal and fill this gap on this side of the canal and also
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prevent the movement of ariel sharon's special forces. an issue that again and in complete disbelief was met with sadat's opposition. therefore, the last thing is the lack of desire in al-munurah with the al-munawrah forces . chasley insisted on his opinion and threatened to demote him if he repeated this issue al-mafroud al-dawr al-alia, so that you can say that he says to me , atfazl, naam, qal-qal-qarar, don’t pull out a bandaqiya or a tank from the east to the west, and everyone is united and every formation
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is fighting in its place. it was like that the second strategic mistake of the egyptian army happened again with anversadat's insistence. arilon forces destroyed a large number of samdo missile systems on the west bank of the suez canal. therefore , unlike a few days ago, israeli fighters hunted egyptian tanks over the sinai desert and the suez canal without worrying about the parachutes of these systems .
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these parties seriously harmed the morale of the egyptian forces entered. now the egyptian forces in both sides of the channel were suffering heavy defeats. with sadat's stubborn decisions, every day and every hour of the year , the situation on the battlefield changed in israel's favor . on october 21, sadat held a meeting with the soviet ambassador and told him: egypt
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is ready to accept the ceasefire. but it was already too late and israel, which had achieved great victories on two fronts, was no longer willing to accept a ceasefire, that too on the terms of egypt and syria, that is, leaving the sinai desert. and it was not the golan heights. at this time, egypt and syria were allies of the soviet union and israel was an ally of america. therefore, at the same time as the battle in the sinai desert and the golan heights, the tension between these two powers also increased. after intensive negotiations between the us and the soviet union, the resolution. on october 22 , it was approved by the un security council to stop the war in sinai and golan. anwar sadat
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accepted this resolution. the next day, october 23 , hafez assad, who saw himself alone in the battle scene with israel, agreed to accept this resolution. despite the start of fire, israel continued to advance on both the northern and southern fronts . only a few hours after the start of the ceasefire the golani brigade of the israeli army was able to re-occupy the important heights of mount hermon and its observation post in the golan heights, which was liberated by the paratroopers of the syrian army on the first day of the war. with this success, israel was able to prevent any further advance of the syrian army in the golan. but in the sinai desert, the forces that
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had penetrated to the west of the suez canal were divided into two groups. some under the command of general margon and general adan surrounded the movement of the 3rd egyptian corps from behind. they also took over the only communication route between the egyptian army and aqaba, the road from cairo to suez. now the third army of egypt he was under siege from all sides with 35 thousand soldiers. on the other hand, forces under the command of ariel sharan went to the north and were able to
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completely surround the second egyptian corps and the city of ismaili . israel's main goal was to completely blockade the two strategic port cities of suez and ismaili, so that they could use it as a trump card in the upcoming negotiations. on october 23, the united nations security council passed the second resolution number 339 to stop the military attacks. israel approved . this resolution should have been implemented from 7 am the next day. but israel this resolution too ignored and advanced into the city of suez.
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but contrary to expectations , he faced resistance from the popular forces. israeli forces were finally forced to retreat with 80 dead and 120 wounded. on october 25, the security council approved its third resolution to stop the conflict in the middle east. as the israeli army continued to advance, the soviet union sent a threatening message to washington. in this message, the soviet union warned that if the zionist regime continues to disrupt the ceasefire process
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, it will unilaterally stop the israeli army. that is, 3 weeks after the start of the visual war between the commanders of the egyptian and israeli armies at some point in between suez and cairo road was established. this was the first time in the history of israel that its military met with the representatives of an arab country. a
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week later henry kissin. he went to cairo to meet with sadat. as a result of the two talks, the ground was provided for the final agreement between egypt and israel to leave the conflict. according to this agreement, israel would withdraw from the western part of the canal and return to the sinai desert, and the un forces would create a buffer zone between them and the egyptian army. israel also accepted. to be completely out of the sinai desert by 1982. on february 19, 1974 a great victory celebration was held in cairo and sadat honored the great commanders of the egyptian army on this day and gave them bravery medals. but this celebration
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had a big absentee, and that was general saad shazli, the main architect of the october war. the one who has been preparing night and day for the defeat of israel and revenge of the six day war for the past 3 years . on june 5, 1974, an agreement was officially signed to end the conflict between the representatives of syria and israel in geneva. and the syrian army returned to the contact lines in the golan heights, and the only city richer than this war was won by syria. after 243 days of war it's officially over. in the following years, with the mediation of america , there were negotiations between israel and egypt for peace, and on november 9, 1977,
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sadat. but with the passage of time, some facts slowly became clear. only 10 days after this meeting, the plane carrying sadat and the egyptian political delegation landed at bangrin airport in tel aviv. this happened so far.
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it was expected that even the leaders of israel could not believe it. the president of the most powerful arab country, who has been holding the flag of the fight against israel for years, was officially welcomed by the israeli government. the image of politicians present at the airport are sitting there. don't be the face of people who have achieved a great victory. there is a huge high wall between us. i tried to build it for a quarter of a century. this is a heresy.


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