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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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the khan that was approved in the recent parliament, thank god, the government also followed up, especially in the last one or two years , in this direction, we are reaching good results, but the issue of monopoly is not only a matter of licenses, there should be an atmosphere of competition, this is what the leadership of the state enterprises sector said. the people should not compete with the private sector . the quasi-governments should not compete exclusively with the people of the private sector. the most important issue is to break the monopolies and the presence of the people a month ago in the same production exhibitions that the leader visited today. an institution was introduced that this institution came, for example, tui oil fields have invested, the supreme leader said twice that this institution is not a private sector , how can this be said, or in his speech the next day , he said some company.
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the last issue that you mentioned, how to involve the people in this section, is the basic question. you see, the best way for us is to refer to the policies, the general policies of principle 44 , the policies of the resistance economy, the national production policies , we have clear solutions after these policies in the laws. i personally believe that we do not have a lack of laws. recently , in recent parliaments, the law on improving the business environment has been approved and the work of the law on removing barriers to self-production, article 44 , and the amendments made to the education law.
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if it is necessary, for example, to amend or amend the law or to remove the law, two issues are needed: one is belief, that is, our executives must believe in involving the people in the economy, and one must have determination. i would like to state clearly here that some of our loved ones do not have this belief yet, that means they still have that authority. a government official still thinks that, for example, a government official should do all the work in the government. still, this thinking has not been reformed, and some people who now believe in it are doing it. there is no executive determination, the reason is the successive obstacles that are created, the bureaucracy that we still have , we still have problems in business environmental indicators, the predictability of our economy and the article 24 of our improvement law have not yet been implemented.
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recently, thanks to god, with the follow-up, article 24 of the recovery law found that if the government wants to change its economic decisions, the regulations of economic procedures, for example , it should inform the people as soon as possible about the same point that mr. ghaznavi mentioned. let him go and bring some of his own resources the hope is that he will get financing from the banks or from the capital market, his development will go forward, but
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as mr. fouladgar pointed out, that was the confidence that the investor should have in order to bring his capital to your production sector as someone who is in this as a minimum representative on behalf of the investor, we can consider you tonight. please tell me what should happen so that the investor ensures that he brings his own capital instead of investing in unreasonable spaces and participates in the production sector . thanks for the order. mr. poladgar who to point out correctly, we need a path to be designed to increase national confidence in investment. this path must be designed and approved . who should design this path? look , the government must design this, the private sector must help , and god willing, it will be approved in the parliament. if we do not do this, you as the private sector have a proposal to the parliament government to form a working group that will develop a path for the development of production.
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do you understand that we do not have a road map? yes, look, we must be able to approve the path of industrial development within the next 6 months. if this does not happen in these 6 months , the country will definitely fall behind. we had the 6th or now the 7th plan, no , you see, in the 7th plan, only the government is required to present the industrial development route within 6 months. this should definitely be done in relation to the discussion of guiding large-scale domestic companies in the direction of increasing competitiveness and globalization and being on the path of the global value chain. currently, our companies
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have no place in the global value chain , so they should be in the same strategy. let's plan an industry in such a way that large-scale companies can be on this path. in relation to the discussion let me tell you two things about handovers. let's decide not to hand over government companies to quasi-governments. if there is a question of people's participation , it should not be left to the quasi-government. if you don't obey the law , you will be handed over to the pseudo-government. they should do something , let the government approve the organization of privatization of the economic sectors of the government. who wants to hand over to the quasi-governments, don't hand it over to the governments, just look at the governments , mr. doctor, there is a time when these quasi-governments get power or buy or monopolize it , suppose they have economic enterprises, maybe the public sectors or private investment sectors, see this power your excellency's administration was years ago
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. today, the economic sectors of the private sector are very powerful. we can design and form consortia. we placed companies, we priced them, we brought them to the auction, but no one could come to win , so there is something wrong with it, we have to come and change the pricing method , that is, trusted companies should be chosen by specialized institutions, institutions such as
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providing trusted capital, the government should choose he should do it, let them do an expert to find out the price, and let a representative from the private sector who wants to come and buy it, if this happening. the organization of privatization and transfer of public economic sectors to the private sector is nothing more than a slogan . this year is also passing. we are coming to the end of the year. we are saying that nothing has happened, only quasi-government sectors or a series of problems that have happened in the past in privatization, those things will happen, fine. because the popular part of the participation in this discussion , we knew that the jump in production was one of our priorities, so we went to the people for a report, my colleague. prepare , let's go, see people's conversations, listen, come back, continue our conversation , the more the production, the lower the prices , the lower the production, the lower the price, the higher the production whether the people are farmers, ranchers, or industrialists , it is the people's hand that the leader develops
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, because the government alone cannot do anything with the participation of the people, it is necessary that policymakers, marketers, banks, academics, and elites all be the basis of the work, and this researcher it is not possible except with the support of the people that in this part of us, many university professors and experts in the economic field are working, besides the government that works in this part, university professors as part of their scientific and specialized organizations can . help to the government and executive officials until we can be successful in this area. the support of the authorities to give us the permits , their help, their facilities , make it a little bit easier for us , reduce the difficulties of this paperwork a little bit, and support
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us. it will be easier for us, the people, the work of the officials will also be easier. west azarbaijan province is one of the regions where agriculture is agricultural and animal husbandry . with the investments that the government can make on agriculture and animal husbandry, it will also create jobs and resources. the youth will excellent products too we will have agricultural and animal husbandry products that can greatly help the country's economy, the production rate will increase, we will become exporters from the state of single-responsible economies, which will be prevented in some parts, as well as imports, banks will give loans to the people , and these licenses will also be granted. which is going to be issued in a few weeks, it will be issued very soon with the support of the government. from small producers , small workshops, the property tax will also
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come a little way. with producers, we can use the format of home businesses in the form of quick-opening companies, loans that are available to the people. they can start home businesses with them. in my opinion, this matter of realizing the slogan of the year is actually a two-way process, both on the part of the people and on the part of the executive officials, and in fact , the people are in charge of the people's affairs, so they should support iranian goods. and on the other hand, the government should actually help to make this slogan stop by actually providing the infrastructure for production and lowering the production cost. people, their role is their participation in the growth of feather production. trust everything
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we have to stop it. in my opinion, we need social funds to increase people's participation. i even suggest that we create a committee to protect social capital from all powers. pay attention to where this social capital is lost in the economy? where an inappropriate encounter with an activist. it becomes an economy that has no right, we should pay attention to these things, even if we pay attention to our elites, where there is a collision, for example, of food with, for example, doctors, if doctors, for example, see their security in danger, it will cause them to leave . we need a sector that has funds just pay attention, i think there is no organization in this field, we should form this organization. look at these social capitals, because we want to have the participation of the people
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, protect and develop these social capitals and chains of the value chain . we have to see where the people should be placed in this economy. to the value chain of small companies, which are almost over 90% of the companies and workshops of our production activity in small companies, that is, five or six people, then small companies, and then medium companies and large-scale companies, these are all a chain . if we convert this production economy into a value chain, we can say that we can succeed in industrialization . now that home jobs and these things have been brought up, these are all good, but
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it does not make our country an industrialized country. we have high value-added products . do you sell large household appliances? worth paying attention to. the role of small and medium-sized companies becomes clear. one part goes to make parts, another part goes to produce raw materials , they make long-term contracts with these engine companies, and we produce products that have global prestige and can play a role in that global value chain. god forbid that the discussion of people's participation should not be misinterpreted as that we should make the economy smaller. by the way, we have to strengthen the economic tree. let's make it bigger and stronger, and the way is
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to clarify the role of large-scale economic driving companies first, just like what we did. all over the world, countries that are industrializing are doing the same thing, first clarifying the role of large-scale propulsion companies, and then placing small and medium-sized companies in their value chain, because it does not cost a large company all the parts of the material. but if he produces it himself, he sees that it is better for them to be in the hands of the value chain and he should lead it. well, it can be done by guiding them and connecting in this value chain, for example. a locomotive that pulls the wagons behind it. very well, mr. afsali, they have re-established contact with us. director general of the economic studies office of the ministry of economy, mr. afsari. you followed us, all the issues of obstacles were mentioned , we want to ask you what will happen in the new year in the ministry of economy to
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remove these obstacles, what are your future plans. i will do it. we will have plans in several areas, god willing, although the summary has not been finalized yet, but i will present them to you in chander. well, the ministry of economy is the secretariat of the supreme council of article 44 of the constitution , so we have plans from the beginning of this year , god willing, for discussion. we will definitely have the management of companies in the private sector and based on approvals at the end of 1402, we received s64 from the supreme council, god willing , we will follow up on this in 143 . we will follow up so that
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, god willing, this matter will be sent to the parliament in the spring of 1403, god willing. i think it will be a coincidence that the amendment of article 64 will be sent regarding other issues, including the issue of production financing, and the ministry of economy has been active and will definitely continue this role in the coming year. you are talking about employment reforms or the same reforms known as note 18 of note 8 of the budget law . well, now the secretariat is located in the ministry of economy , the general supervision secretariat. 40 out of 1400 , so far trainings have been given for medium-cost companies , we will try to double this figure by the first 6 months of 1403, god willing , as friends have said, we should allocate this training with a program, one of the programs
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that the ministry the economy will guide this education towards the country's priorities as. for example, one of the country's priorities is probably the issue of energy efficiency, so we will try in the coming year , we will direct the projects that are introduced by people in the private sector and cooperatives in the field of energy optimization to that direction and leverage this education . we give a zero rate , it varies with the education of the banks and for example with one rate. there will also be a discussion of new financial financing tools, such as gam bonds, which in the last one or two years have amounted to 50 thousand billion tomans . in this way, we can provide financing to companies. next year too, when, god willing, a little economic stability
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will return to our economy, it seems that the role of bonds can be planned. is it of your concern or not? it is certainly of our concern, but you know that the ministry, for example, somewhere like the ministry of position , has a fundamental role in this field, but as much as our role is, it is certainly of concern to the ministry, very well, we will definitely reflect the events of this. in any case, the central economic enterprise that is supposed to be established with the presence of both the private sector, the public sector and the quasi-government sector, god willing, my last question to you is about quasi-governments, for the transfer of article 44 what are your plans so that the bitter events of the past are not repeated? well, are you waiting for the discussion of the limits and awareness of the presence of quasi-governments in the economy in article 6 of the law on the implementation
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of general policies out of the four assigned tasks, but what is in place is being implemented. it seems to be one of the most important , and the most determining roles are the competition council. dealing with the issue will be one of our priorities in 2014. thank you very much mr. afsari, general manager bureau of economic studies and ministry of economy , let me ask mr. fouladgar my last question and sum it up, referring to the role of the quasi-government and the solution that you, mr. fouladgar , should tell us in one minute, what should be done to properly implement article 44 of the constitution. yes, of course, it is very difficult to sum up this discussion in one minute, but i just want to say one thing, with the experience of several sessions of the parliament, both in the discussion
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of legislation and supervision, and in the last few years, which is now together with the supreme council, article 44 and we cooperated with the ministry of economy on the issue of making our economy more competitive and that the companies affiliated with public institutions and institutions of the islamic revolution want to express in the field of competition a national order and also a dialogue where all the elements of the country are coordinated on this issue , for example, for business licenses , or in other cases that led to the result, everyone is unanimous. there needs to be a consensus on this issue , now the tormented leader of the revolution is saying that it comes at the lower levels, in the parliament, in the government, in the institution itself, and it is interpreted in a different way. therefore, a voice is needed here. thank you very much, mr. kolad. we will follow this issue again. thank you for your participation in the discussion. thank you very much, mr. doctor.
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ghaznavi, i am grateful to you, secretary general of the iranian entrepreneur association, our dear, our time is over , and to you, dear viewer, and gnaghat, who stayed with us until the end of this conversation, i sincerely thank you, have a good night and god bless you. it made a difference, it didn't make a difference. no, it didn't make a difference. it made a difference. no, it didn't make a difference. yes, it made a difference
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. let's give light to our countrymen with optimal energy consumption. in may 1402, from the complaints of internet taxi drivers regarding the commissions they pay, we said that they get 16% 17 commission and it doesn't matter to me if the fare is low or high, the commission will be reduced. 8 nights and that's about 700,800 in total , i think the average is 20,300 tomans for work, we're just running to work as we said, that's the time. the position of the competition council was this : refer to the website of the competition council, if there is a complaint about internet taxis, whether it is about the fare or
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the commission that the drivers have, we got it. . 3 months later, in august, the spokesperson of the competition council announced that 100 drivers complained about internet taxis . your complaint is being reviewed since your time you are invited to see that all the investigations have been done and are placed on the council's table for decision-making , and that is where the plaintiffs and the complainants will be placed there, and to give further explanations, and i hope that soon we will have an answer for this case and two months after those three. at the end
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of the month, we are the advisor of the head of the competition council in egypt. in bahman, people's complaints about the option of being in a hurry were raised . it is unfair. there is no need for a person to do this. well , their job is an organization, a company, which should not be needed because it is a hurry. they are taking a lot of money from people, the price is higher than what they are people demand that i am in a hurry , but it shouldn't be like this, this is injustice, the spokesperson of tazirat organization. the government gave a warning to internet taxis: someone chooses the option i'm in a hurry, not only to get him to
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his destination sooner. no, it is not possible to give additional services to people, this is a violation, it is high selling , we give a serious warning to internet taxis to remove this option from their set of options. after these talks, two big internet taxi companies removed the option of "i'm in a hurry". but people have complained about the increase in the cost of trips after the removal of haste. i have the option of hurrying at all get for example, i used to go from gharb town to gharb town. i was coming from gharb town to gharb town. now almost 30% of the cost has gone up. the price is 137,000 tomans. how much did the cloche cost before? it was 90 tomans. i think 90 is 90 tomans. now it is 47 tomans. the method of this
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issue is from the taxi authorities. . we followed up on the internet, but only snap officials agreed to respond and announced that the price change has nothing to do with the removal of i am in a hurry. with the arrival of the last week of the year, the traffic volume of intra-city trips has reached its peak and the transportation situation is severely affected due to the increase in demand and the decrease in the number of driver users. it has become special. in such a situation where the balance between supply and demand is upset , price fluctuations may occur to convert more requests into our travel. however, the head of the government punishment organization gave a warning to internet taxis in this regard. if it is confirmed that you oversold the route that you assumed was 50 tomans until yesterday, after removing this option , you increased it and you are basically looking to take people hostage, be sure that the action will be decisive. the head of the government punishment organization announced that if people
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have complaints about internet taxis, they can call number 135. mohammad elhari , radio and television news agency.
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payandeh mani and jabadan of the islamic republic of iran.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the islamic resistance of iraq issued a statement and announced that the tel aviv power plant was targeted by an aerial attack on thursday morning. the islamic resistance of iraq emphasized in this statement that in the framework of the second phase of the operation to confront the occupation and support the oppressed people of gaza and respond to the zionist crime against the defenseless civilians of palestine. it will continue to crush enemy positions. in the attack of zionist fighters on a vehicle in jenin 3 one person was martyred and another person was injured. the jenin brigade announced that in the air attack of the zionist regime on the car of ahmad barakat, nicknamed kirar palestine, the commander of military operations of the jenin brigade and two of his comrades
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