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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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we will solve it somehow, but please keep in mind that we are talking about how many millions of iranians are living in the home, drivers of snap, passengers of snap, those who either use cheap gasoline directly or think that cheap gasoline will affect their lives a lot. take , for example, 50 million people. and by the way , they are also in large population gatherings, that is, for example, in the vicinity of tehran, in the vicinity of isfahan, in the vicinity of, i don't know , karajan, in the densely populated places, those who are less privileged, those servants of god are in remote provinces, for example, in i don't know, khorasan. i don't know the southerners in sistan . we and the deprived people seem
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to be providing the field, that is , we have to pay more attention to it, as nirfield famously said, those who can feel sensitivity near large gatherings in the capital in population centers . and we are now facing an existential threat to the users of the internet taxi , because of the relative price relationship of this person, whose lifestyle is completely dependent on this is gasoline, when you come and execute such a script, naturally, there will be chaos, right? now you expect some people from remote cities , deprived provinces, now millions of people , but you don't come to those places, for example, suppose
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that the suburbs of tehran and the suburbs isfahan and these people should say that it was our right, the government gave us your right , i want to say that when we reach the real social scene , we should not assume that it is rational. if you are against this now, that means yes, i, or we let's do this now, the meaning is that 40 iranians who use cars, starting tomorrow, will have to change their car and gasoline, for example, at a price they want , of course, not me, but now, in november 2018, that is , simply because there is a possibility of a price change. are you against this, not me ? my point is that in november 2018, when that unforgivable tragedy happened, i said, sir, that in 1999, 1 gas was burned. let's make it expensive, so
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that the error should not prevent us from forgetting our semantic system, we should slowly put the gasoline back in its place, let's say gasoline. it is a commodity. now gradually, if we had started in 2018, maybe today, for example , we could sell 5,600 tomans of gasoline, that is, even the minimum that i mentioned, until 2018, it is almost as much as i remember. gasoline would become 20 % more expensive every year, no one at all, that is us. when i went to buy gas in nowruz 84, i expected that gasoline would be expensive. for example, i don't know if it was 80 tomans, or 100 tomans , or something like this. then, contrary to my expectations, gasoline did not become expensive, that is, we for several years, 4-5 years , we were used to gasoline being 20% ​​more expensive during eid holidays. it was very normal. see, i want to say that apart from the fact that you said that it is possible
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, for example, the number you mentioned, 30 million people, according to your order, may be affected by the price changes , because according to the order of mr. zamaniyan, we will allocate the subsidy to everyone, do you have another reason to oppose this happening? note that the person who gains a profit will be happy by one unit, and the person who loses will be sad by 10 units, that is, the feeling of loss. your point of view, if you assume that you will lose a billion tomans or lose a gold coin, this will have 10 times the effect of someone giving you a coin as a gift. if you see any point in your time from this point, mr. doctor, what you say is understandable and correct, but i will go back to the same point that i said at the beginning, what is the result of this, the result is that nothing happened, you say that i wish we had for example, we used
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to increase the price of gasoline year after year. first of all, the fact that we do not increase it requires an analysis, why should we increase it, when it is supposed to be in the decision. it should be taken by those who, in any case , have a populist attitude in them, so they don't do this, it means that whatever we say, this should be the case. it should not happen. when we give a solution , the requirements of that solution should be included in it . first of all, we should know that it will not happen. now, let's skip that from an economic point of view , i do not believe that the price of fuel should be determined in the form of an order and in the parliament and the government. i don't have a job, so this won't happen, or because it should happen, it didn't happen today due to some circumstances. you are caught talking about that solution , now you are in a 40% inflation of the fuel price, which has actually reached one-fifteenth of the actual import price of what we are importing now. and with inflation of 40%, we are talking about 10 % and 20% reforms. we are completely stuck
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. well, my friend , i do not doubt that he is talking about price increases. if he wanted to, i would actually be in favor of drastic price increases, which, well, i would be like stabilization. i used to say as much as possible. fix it, whenever it doesn't work, ruin it for the people overnight , i have a slave to tell you, if you leave this to the people , the people themselves will actually solve this problem together in a gradual process . i will leave this aside , we are not talking about taxis, vans, etc this is another issue . let's let them burn cng for now . i mean, i don't want to deal with the issue of people's transportation right now, or at least it's my issue. we give that part of the energy, gasoline, that we have for personal use. first of all, let's distribute it more fairly. i 'm not going to talk about the word justice, at least let's distribute it more fairly. now, we should either give it to everyone, or give it to 90% of the people , or to a select group of people. let's give and let
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it become the problem of the people, actually within the people, when it becomes a people's problem, look at us now we have the housing issue, i am asking about the housing issue. it is more important in people's livelihood portfolio , gasoline, housing is definitely more important. gasoline cannot be compared to housing with any index. well, year by year, if it is, due to inflation, the price will be gradually corrected, even though it gives, even though it puts pressure on the people, even though it is uncomfortable, but it is a problem. it is being resolved within the society, the society is eliminating this within itself anyway, we are not worried that tomorrow there will actually be a huge riot in the country, the society will fall apart, it is so interesting that the government has tried to stabilize it many times and has not been able to, that's what i mean. that we why don't we want to leave the issue of gasoline to the people, let the people decide on it, don't we say that we are the people's government , so let's give it to the people, the government has so many tools at its disposal that it should not be allowed. now
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, tomorrow, give me a quota for gasoline. i will sell them, for example, 40,000 tomans. mr. faribzadeh says that a very large population will be affected. first of all, i am not talking about special classes. in general, those who benefit from this plan are the poor who are worried that the statistical data it is already showing that a significant part of in fact, the benefits of cheap fuel reach the rich classes in a general way, so with this redistribution, we first benefit the poorer sectors , since these are statistical data , it cannot be denied, it cannot be denied, the government is present. it's not like tomorrow if people buy gasoline with a quota. now here is the market for speculation and smuggling, and i don't know about the overnight price shock. after all, the government has its own regulatory role. the government can still supply in parallel markets. the government can control the amount of exchange and prevent it from sodagari should prevent fuel hoarding
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. these criticisms are that he has taken it away, but in a gradual process, if the price is actually going to be corrected, it will happen by the people themselves. if the price is not going to be corrected, i always recommend the government. well, keep it constant, make the quota exchangeable between people, the price ceiling is also in your hands , you can have so much fuel at the free supply point for 3 tomans that people should never exchange their prices above 3 tomans the worry of price increase disappeared, but if one day you have to decide to fix the price yourself, at least don't put 90 million people in front of you . let this happen, if it is going to happen , let it happen gradually. let me emphasize again that i am not looking for idealism at all. i say, mr. dr. ferduktzadeh, if
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you do not agree with this , take an operational strategy to get the country out of this situation, what we should have done and what we should not have done. biftadi diash is the past, we have the present we talk that's why my main issue is pragmatism, what should we do to get out of this lock? mr. fardubizadeh? you see, if we go ahead with these terms and conditions that your excellency said , there will be no effect on gasoline imports and gasoline imbalances, because after all, we want not to have too much price jump, so the consumers who do not reduce their consumption will only pay a money that my government you have to pay the money, that means you have to import or export gasoline at the same world price, bring it, we just
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have to do something, 40 million iranians don't benefit from this, that means they don't use it, so this is an important assumption for us. i mean, one idea could be that this is unfair to the deprived provinces, the people who live in remote cities, who don't drive cars at all, and don't travel at all .
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it is valuable in its own place , but the problem is that now i told my residents about their typology again , it is very important. yes , there are some people from the middle class and above, who finally ride khadre. they travel 5 thousand kilometers during eid. i want to say that the department it is remarkable that they are not many million people. who are in the suburbs of tehran, in the suburbs of isfahan , in the suburbs of big cities , if they face a price shock now, if this shock is too big , in november 2018, if it is too little, it will have no effect on consumption , so they will consume it . you are doing well, we have arrived at a good place, see what is happening, we believe that the price should be the same. it should remain as it is, it's one scenario , another scenario, no, the price should actually be corrected, if
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the price is going to be corrected, i think this is the consensus. we believe that this should happen gradually. there is no doubt about it. in fact, i have a proposal, a package of policy proposals . it would be fairer to say that the number is not many. well, no. ok, there is no problem. well, the sum of these inequalities that we are creating is actually a small number of unfair methods. now let's fix one of them , fix two of them, and we will be one step closer to fairness. face let's keep it the same, the least characteristic is that it is more fair, if we are going to correct the prices, this will at least help the corrections to happen gradually and within the society, well
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, besides being fair, this will lead to reforms such as those in the market. it takes shape, usually, especially if it is with a government supervision , there is always a gradual process. there are many goods that are exchanged between people. we have this concern, mr. doctor, even though generally the price our placement is ordered by the government. because the government does this once a year, once in ten years, once in four years. so my problem is that i am saying that whether you want to correct the price or not to correct the price, in both cases this proposal is better than the current situation. there are pests that are similar to speculation and such things as i said , all of them have technical solutions, because in any case, they all happen in systems that can be controlled . it should be created anyway. gradually , it always helps that we actually have the ability and opportunity
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let's adapt to the people. of course, i will say this because i emphasize a lot on gradualness. this is an important issue, whether the shock happens or not , which has its supporters and opponents. there is no general rule in economics that shock is always bad or doubt is good. it has been discussed in detail. i am in this position today in the gasoline position. and in the position of many energy carriers, i believe that it is actually gradual , that's why i say that we must create this platform, but if you don't want to block a way, say no, i want this feature, i don't want that feature, that's fine. continuation of the status quo. and again, waiting for a new trouble and god forbid the next crisis in the country , we were convinced that since the problem started here , we removed gasoline from being a commodity and turned it into our right. if we come, now we have a secondary right, we want to create
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if we do it again, it means that now, in a certain sense, it will be more fair, but from the point of view of the relative relationship between the price and the deficit , and the revenue effects it will have in the government budget, it is possible that we will fall from a hole into a well in a part of the problem. i mean, we have to pay attention to it, because now, what part does this mean, mr. doctor? in this way, for example, there are 50 million iranians who are now entitled to gasoline. now suppose that gasoline is adjusted. for example, it went up to 20,000 tomans and 30,000 tomans. they are taking names. well, now the government has to provide gasoline at the same 3,000 tomans . well, i would like to make a note here. first of all, this is not a secondary right, at least it will be converted into a right. a right exists and is more fair. well , i repeat, i am not saying that equality is justice, but
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at least it is fairer. so, first of all, we are talking about the fact that we are not the ones who can solve the current situation at all, for example, we are solving it. why do you want to create a new right? at all, this trick was created but in a wrong way, so we want to turn this trick into a fair right , mr. doctor, by the way, even if we want to look at the story for a budget, we also want to look at the interests of the government, in fact, this is the idea. better, i am one of the opponents of those ideas that say that we should divide all the energy, oil and property among the people. i never talk about this at all . i am talking about the consumption of about 50 to 60 million liters of gasoline out of a total of 120 million liters. i'm talking, i say you come 60 put million liters of this in the hands of the people, let the people, in fact, it is their own problem, if the government wants to stabilize it, it can do it with the 70 million liters in its hands, if not, the government has 70 million liters of gasoline, which is now he can export it at all
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, he can convert it into whatever type he wants , he can stop petrochemicals from producing gasoline , and so on. i myself am the beneficiary of this story , mr. doctor, in my opinion, an important point in this idea and the ideas surrounding it is that this duality is that either the government wants its own pockets. fill it up and he has to hit the people or by spending money from his own pocket, which of course can actually cause inflation and trouble to the people. let's go out and say, dad, can we do something that will benefit both the people and the government. we shouldn't be so involved in this. let's face double opposition, a report. i invite my colleagues in the energy group of the sada vasima news agency to prepare. let's go and see it together . we will return to the public's opinion . we will find out about our debate in the final minutes. we are going to vote for a candidate that economy gasoline
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will be given to the national code. i agree with the national code . are those candidates who are talking about in your list or not ? i don't think it's a good thing . i think it's based on the license plate of the car. why, anyway, see if it's allocated to 80 million, it's a mess . it's a mess. it wants to sell. it's a broker, it can be bought and sold . i don't think it's necessary. how to distribute the subsidy? gasoline among the people. it was the twelfth candidates during the election period of the islamic council , during the period of election campaigns, they answered that the gasoline subsidy should be allocated to the national code of the people or to the car out of 245 elected people in the first stage of the election of the islamic council.
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they have said about gasoline subsidies. 100 people agree to allocate this subsidy to the national number of people. people who are poor and don't have a car, what should they do? in the current form, some people are benefiting a lot from this issue, and some people are not benefiting at all. anything that benefits the public in my opinion, it is preferable to want to see the more beneficial people and ignore others. two people said that gasoline should still be assigned to license plates. if it belongs to the car , it is better with the current conditions. 3 people said to allocate gasoline to the national number. should more expert work be done? a detailed expert work should be done so that the whole nation will benefit. and 3 people are of the same opinion that
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other methods should be provided to manage the consumption of gasoline and distribute its subsidy, other than allocating the subsidy to the national number or license plate. i do not consider any of these two methods to be reliable expert methods. better than experiences. beshari and also use our own experiences to target the helpers. ruqiyeh hoyda , radio and television news agency. we saw the report of my colleague mrs. hoyda together . we have about four minutes, two minutes for you to summarize your thoughts. we want to sensitize the people on the issue of wasting energy on distribution in a fairer way . these national resources are very good, of course , i would like to say that maybe gasoline is not a good starting point
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. see, now we only have waste in gas and in electricity, for example, in the complex, suppose that the gas industry, for example, cooking stoves, for example, ceramic factories. building, for example, cement work, for example, greenhouses, for example, the power plants themselves, that is. so much now, the wastes are actually in the above form. now , it means gasoline, suppose that we have gas, for example , we pay 1 cent. in some places , we have gas for one tenth of a cent. pay attention, that means we pay gas for one tenth of a cent per cubic meter, for example, if we say gas for example , it costs 33 cents, what do i know, 17,000 tomans, 20,000 tomans. but this goes in a system that is called production , for example, a greenhouse, for example, it is a greenhouse that
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is in a cold area, now suppose a plant produces hot fruit, i say we cannot which is still the sensitivity coefficient of the mindset of energy governance in iran where it is one tenth with a cubic meter. the tradition is now living with the people, then here is the gasoline, which again due to the error of the policy that he made, for example, i will go back to pirizh street in the east of tehran, if we build the pardis freeway in tehran right away instead of coming here in the 70s. we would build the tehran-perdiso railway line and increase the gasoline accordingly. today , there was no problem with 30,000 tomans gasoline, so look, because the mistake was made by the politician himself another pillar of the problem is that we
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have such a high level of conflict. if we want to consume the capacity of the governance structure , the social capital of governance, i think it might be gasoline. it's fine, and all the drivers of high-consumption cars buy a nissan van, so i don't know, and this and all the passengers, that means a lot of us, we are facing a lot of saddles, but if you go to the tire factories with, for example, 500 factories you are facing if you go to the ceramic if in the greenhouses , you have to deal with the so-called businesses, but here it is very difficult with each and every person . i don't want to say this. i mean, in principle
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, i agree with the gradual increase in the price of gasoline, but i say , first, instead of us coming , we should create a new right again. that we will get caught later , let's finally get rid of this swelling that now we have dealt with so-called bigger and more difficult subjects, mr. i would like to say two things. but none of them should be another obstacle when you go for gas there is a discussion there with a huge amount of industries, commercial sectors, households whose means of livelihood are cold garlic gas and hot garlic gas, and i don't know meters other than, in fact , unknown people. we are faced with the unknown, which means that wherever we go , it has its own problem, first of all, and that's why
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i don't think it should be postponed . the government can use those tools to implement various policies, whether it is price or non-price, in an appropriate way i hope that in spite of all these discussions , god willing, the new year will be the year of the government's dialogue with the people about the issues of speech. no matter how small or small, let them surrender to let us solve the big issue, let us talk to the people, gas imbalance, gas imbalance , energy imbalance, these are some of the imbalances that have actually been mentioned in the country's economy and are really bringing the country to the ground. this happened and there was a feeling in the society
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may the father rule and the people. they can solve big issues together, then, god willing, we will be able to reach other issues as well, but just stressing that for now, don't discuss them, don't talk about them, for now , let's continue, let's believe that the only thing that will happen is further destruction of the social capital of the government , the government will be blamed, unfortunately. accusing the government of lying, why, because when you give confidence , you say with confidence that all the good viewers of the higher program who have accompanied us until this moment , may god protect you or ali bala is higher than any goya, wherever we are today. you are more
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nowruz trips, the emergency department has announced that with the start of nowruz trips, traffic accidents have accounted for 23% of the missions since march 24. here is the vardavid road emergency base. tehran is one of the 1900 road stations that serve the people with 64 ambulance buses in the nowrozi health plan. tehran, as the biggest emergency in the country , will cover the exit axes of tehran province to other acceptable provinces during nowruz. 26 thousand emergency forces are on standby in nowruz health plan. we have 52 helicopters that
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provide air emergency services and two with airplanes. wing it is certain that for the long routes and the southern islands of the country, which were deprived of night flight medical services until this year , they will be able to provide these facilities, which god forbid was a problem. special code province is activated. in the five provinces of ilam, lorestan, khuzestan, charmahal , bakhtiari and kokhliu, boi rahmat is active. it has been activated and all the dear people are requested to avoid unnecessary trips to these places for the next few days due to the possibility of rain and snow incidents. nowruz health plan will start from 24 asfan and continues until april 25. happy nowruz, we are with you. heinj aliinejad
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news agency. god and heaven, in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. peace be upon you , my dear and honorable compatriots. the government's procedure in the housing sector should change from management to supervision. baqarpour said: if the government initiates interaction with cooperatives, it will achieve its goals in building housing. you brought our people.


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