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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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we only have one production plant in the country and in ardabil province, which is actually one of the poles of potato production. it can almost be said that we do not have conversion industries in that area . what is the plan for 143 ? we are actually completing the production chains and their value chains . it is not at all possible to have, so we have to do this we have a network, we see it in the form of a chain , and we are planning that in those production centers and places where our dear farmers have significant productions, and i can actually tell you about the conversion industry there,
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there will be a stain in those areas. center, god willing, this matter will be done so that this will help . in fact , we had to store the product until we have the opportunity to actually do the commercial work , and in the time when there is actually a shortage, we can also store it. created immediately in fact at that point to supply to market and not create tension in the market. an issue that is brought up every year is the purchases made by organizations and villages in the form of guarantees or support , and the storage that is done, some of them lead to the loss of products . what is the plan that will not be repeated for the new year and the years to come? yes, in the purchases
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we had since 1402, it is almost possible to say that we did not have enough products, that is, we did not even have one kilo of products per year. we didn't have 1402 and even in the purchase of potatoes that we did we gave directly there, in fact, first we monitored the market, the export market, in fact
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, we facilitated its export at first, with the grant of potatoes and onions, which caused the fluctuations in the price of onions and apples . in 1402, we had a very balanced market in the field of onions and potatoes. for the new year , the same thing will be done in the new year . in fact, we will definitely stock potatoes and onions based on experience. in fact, last year and god willing , we will continue this as our dear people in located in the field of these two products, which are among the basic and very popular products on the table, in fact , their food should not face price fluctuations. well , let's get to the topic of eid night fruit storage and its explanation. in 1401 and 1402, changes were made in the form
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of storage and explanation of pseudo fruit , explain how it happened, what was this change, and for the past year, how many apples and oranges were stored for satiety, and it was explained. see, in 1401, an innovation was actually done by the respected ceo of the organization at that time. that he was a respected minister and that he was lucky to be a minister now. yes in general, to reach this plan that we have this purchase at our disposal, in fact, the main part was to entrust a decision to the province and the provincial assembly itself decides how much it actually needs for the fruit on eid night, and this purchase is also through in fact, the organization and private unions should be carried out in the tawan village network, which has been a successful experience since 1401. in 1402, we
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also experienced this, with the difference that, well , we actually considered a precautionary reserve for this issue , and in addition to that , we covered the centers of distribution and high demand there , that is, those places that and the provinces that now they are mainly in big cities and they have a high level of need and demand . we have provided a suitable cover there with precautionary reserves, and the stocks that they have taken into consideration, for example, in tehran, the maidan organization was obliged to supply its own fruit. the welcome of the honorable mayor also helped in this regard and nearly 5 thousand tons of products were purchased for tehran, which was very effective in terms of price and price balance in tehran itself , because this product is a purchased product
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in its own possession. it was the organization of maidan and this issue both controlled the market of tehran and had an effect on it in fact, the country's market, how much did we store in total about 20 thousand tons , it was fully explained, what is the plan for the next year for shabhid fruit, then i will ask the general, we have almost the same plan as we had for the year 1402, the same amount. and we have the same plan , both the reserves, in fact, the fruits of the night of eid, and the precautionary reserves will continue, this will continue , with the difference that this year, we will probably have the centralized reserve, in fact, the creation and centralized production of these reserves at one point. so that we can actually compensate those price fluctuations in the country let's do it, that is, if there is a building in the center of production , god willing, we will provide it to portugal , for example, we have built it from two points in a centralized manner
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to produce and provide it to the provinces. some provinces that have their own capacity can actually produce it there. we leave the provinces aside, while we have a reserve and we will definitely find an entry during the production, so that we can actually have a high-quality product at the beginning of the production, and we can actually supply it at a much more reasonable price. please also create our first strategy and i would like to add to your service that repair is actually our specialized production chain that we have designed about 20 specialized chains so that we can enter them in a scientific way in the form of actually the chain
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in the field of commerce and marketing. let us strengthen the agricultural enclosures in our organization, whether with training classes, with meetings , or with visits . we are in the country that we are heading towards, in fact, we want these interest systems let's try to use our own wisdom and peasantry to go towards. large-scale and actually efficient exploitation systems should be carried out, which is a very difficult task, but at the same time, it is necessary and necessary for the agricultural complex of the country , and finally, the creation of an information network to
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convey to you that our resilient rural network in the country this information network can actually be very useful in the context of their commercial work, in fact in the field of e-commerce. in the discussion of clarifying their work and financial activities, so that we can actually have a good supervision, so that in addition to this good supervision, we can actually provide better assistance and in i would like to share more facts in the field of education and collection to you , so that we can do our duty towards them. mr. fasad , i thank you for participating in the due date program . i also thank you, dear viewers, for accompanying us. goodbye.
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hello, i would like to say that you are welcome to another program of technological discussions, special for nowruz 1403. in 1402 two, one of the products produced by knowledge-based specialists , which created a lot of buzz and spread in various industries, was the product of a device that could solve various industrial problems. agriculture, shirad, water purification, solution , and became a reliable and superior product in 1402. in this program , we serve the technology of this product. mr. judge, hello, happy new year. i say hello to you and all your respected viewers. happy new year, i am at your service. the year 1402 and of course the previous year made a lot of noise. what is your product ? can you explain it fully for the viewers? the product that we
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are actually producing, the title that we have considered for it is the bread and bubble system, which is one of the most important challenges of various industries that deal with gas and the working liquid can solve, especially the mixing of gas in liquids, which we deal with in most of the industries . various, for example, now i remember, i got the report in the greenhouse, what is working in the greenhouse , what is working in the fish cemetery , you opened a very large water filtration system in saveh , what is it doing there, and there were a series of objections to the system. let's talk about the conventional systems. see, in the field of agriculture, our focus is on the use of these systems in modern irrigation systems. using systems oxygen we can
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increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in irrigation water. this work leads to the improvement of the quality of the root structure. the better this improvement is, the better the absorption of nutrients, the plant will have healthier roots, and as a result , we can produce more products both quantitatively and qualitatively. let's do in the field of aquaculture, well, by using these systems, we can mix oxygen with the highest efficiency in aquaculture farms and actually spread oxygen in all places, which will reduce the stress of oxygen absorption in water. no matter how much you reduce this stress , you will have healthier fish and this will
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make your production increase at least three times by using these systems in your aquaculture field. in fact, you come with this system , we produce a series of nano-sized bubbles, and it performs the process you mentioned. yes, yes, i remember . in the report we prepared for this fish farm, the person who owned the farm there is mentioned. he said that he was even able to eliminate the algae in the water path as you can see, this canal has slowly destroyed everything that had algae, moss and micro-organisms , and it gives us clear water, free of micro- and pollution . it was used. can you explain about it ? yes, please. fortunately, this year. with the cooperation of the scientific and technological vice president of the nano headquarters, abfai engineering company of the country and
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afai engineering company of central province actually had this courage and put this trust in us, and it was decided that we will build a system according to the capacity. the rosary of the water house, let's create a clock, was placed in the circuit, and fortunately, since it was placed in the operation circuit, fortunately , we did not have any objections in terms of taste and smell. well, the united states is one of the leading countries in this field . by the way, our next question is technology. at the disposal of several countries in the world, yes, see what is happening in ashla , which is well industrialized, especially in these scales where the water scale is actually a city, or scales like, for example, the installation of sewage houses in
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larger ashla, we have 3 countries that are working . america, japan and our own country which is iran it means that we are one of the 3 countries that have this technology in eshel sanat on an industrial scale, and we use it . yes, we have the largest system in the world called azon in the country, even the current capacity is more than 10 times the same capacity that we have at the time of implementation. i mean , it can be used in my country, there is a plan. you see, many cities in our country are facing this problem , the big cities of the country are also facing this problem. well, negotiations have been held and there has been a good response to this issue, so that, god willing, we will be able to solve this problem with internal power from this system. fix it what is your most important goal for the year 1403, judge? development and promotion of the use of these
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systems in the industry where people are directly related to them. these systems can be seen directly in homes and people are directly benefiting from them, and the area of ​​sewage treatment and water treatment is actually excellent . thank you very much for being with us. i thank you. until just one year ago, couples expecting a child
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complained about the lack of insurance coverage for infertility treatment. it should not be that i am worried about the costs of our social security insurance, it is much less than half , i can say that it is paid by our insurance, 20 25 million, more than 100 million, 50 million , it almost cost us. we referred to a promise , we did not get any results, except for the second series, which we are referring to, with the emphasis of the law on the implementation of general population policies, insurance companies were obliged to provide more support for infertility treatment in the population youth law. it is clearly mentioned that government services are fully covered up to 90% and 3 times a year, up to 90% of their expenses are paid if they go to non-governmental centers, these expenses are calculated as public non-governmental expenses. based on this, last year, the umbrella of insurance protection for infertility treatment services was developed
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. related sources according to the law on population and youth and family support, it has grown by 21 and reached 1770 billion tomans, and now there is talk of increasing support for infertile couples in the new year. we identified more than 80,000 infertile wives and they are deprived of special health insurance services. also, these patients from 56 experimental items that are special for treatment infertile patients and them. which we recently added to the collection of infertility services and a new service which is actually freezing and storing tissue produced in egypt. these
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were recently added . he found that we used to have 28 pieces of equipment, but now there are 29 pieces. in fact, the increase in the number of expenses, in the number of equipment for the treatment of infertility , is actually used in the new recipe. the support that has been effective for these couples in terms of insurance and things that really help. in this sense, the service for infertility treatment is covered. yes, yes , thank god. what is the cost? is it free? yes, it is free. all the services provided to you were covered by your insurance. yes, it is a good feeling to become a pregnant mother. you became pregnant after 12 years.
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30% of infertility treatments are successful with tayyab kargar , a news reporter at haram. different cities of iran were the guests of imam mehraban in the biggest gathering of nowruz. he is from salmast , west azerbaijan. gilan kerman babol from yazd, from
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lushan gilan band rafsanjan, khuzestan , there were many newlyweds and grooms. we have been married for 5 months. one week becomes 8 months, 5 months. 3 months this is our first double trip together. with a worldliness. full of peace, full of comfort, full of health, may the hearts of all the people of my land be good, a year full of goodness and blessings for all muslims. may prosperity come to the lives of the people and
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the freedom of gaza and may the children of farset stay healthy. may everyone's needs be accepted, i prayed for my wife, and the end is for the good of the rain, which, at the same time as i read the supplication for the deliverance , we are alive in hope that an iranian young man will succeed and raise the flag of his country. things are going well.
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around now the beginning of the 11th year of the solar hijra and the new year has come. lovers of your eid
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, sit down and we have 2 doors. actually, we have a vital one, and the western side of the building, which includes the cellar and the kitchen, and the second floor of the basement, have vaults and accessories and stylish vaulted ceilings, which are were created with clay and clay materials and brick facades, and the upper spaces were residential rooms, which are now residential services they give the spaces under this discussion kitchen and storerooms and rest area. they support him. traces of the past can be seen in the colored glass and wooden decorations used in the doors and windows of this mansion. hornos
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have been created with colored glass for the presence of light in the spaces and a series of wooden decorations such as lions and wooden door decorations , which are luxurious and are available in these buildings of the province. what makes this mansion unique is the mirrored room. almost 1,500 pieces of mirror have been cut from fine to whole and worked in this space. mirror work and paintings from history and ancient stories of iran. the mirror works are a series of paintings taken from historical legends and iranian literature and the shahnameh and reading the shahnameh in these mirror works and paintings, taken from iranian and islamic architecture and now this old building. we have spent 4 billion tomans so far to make it attractive for tourists during nowruz holidays, and it took 18 months to complete the restoration work.
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the mahmoudieh mansion or the mirror room was registered in the national register in 1978 with number 22 86. there are more than 200 historical monuments in chaharmahal bakhtiari, each of which can be a part of the history of this region. describe for tourists. mehran hadari of sed and sima news agency of shahr.
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happy new year, the big festival of the city of household appliances and the city of carpets, this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr with every purchase from the city.
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and balance is the secret of continuity and movement. the first ones are streamers. ila nowruz 1403 with haft sin and haft sarai , full of variety and discounts in the great iranian sarai. your haft sintan table is full of good health . happy new year . there is no obstacle. there is no real estate collateral. it is not necessary to block the deposit up to 50 million tomans. it does not require a guarantor. this path is without obstacles. the deadline for opening an account is
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ardibehesht 1403, nikan mills loan, mills credit institution , the prices are broken when mr. farsh comes, it doesn't matter which carpet you choose, machine or machine , the prices of all carpets have decreased, mr. farsh has broken the prices. it is also broken in the purchase of installments , i'm sorry, mr. mr. farsh, the prices have broken in all mr. farsh branches.
9:00 pm
welcome to news 21. mosque of imam khomeini in tehran, host of the international exhibition of the holy quran focusing on women and family. every iranian and tehrani family that comes here is provided for their needs. 157 martyrs and wounded in the attacks.


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