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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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the national elite foundation is researching and preparing a book on more than 50 topics about the life of iran's elites . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the secretary general of yemen's ansarullah movement described the genocide of the palestinian nation at the hands of the zionist regime as a planned policy that is carried out with the participation of the united states. seyyed abdul malik badreddin said in a speech on the occasion of the holy nights of ramadan: "the american-supported genocide in gaza is a proof of the moral and human degeneration of a country that calls itself a civilized country of the west." he added that the disaster in gaza is a clear example. breaking the rules
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and international norms and reminded america's black past, which was founded on crime and arrogance. the secretary general of yemen's ansarullah movement went on to state that the failure of america and england in protecting the ships belonging to the israeli enemy is obvious and added: since the time when americans and british participated in supporting the zionist enemy by invading our country, they are even able to protect they are not from their ships. he added that one of the criteria for the success of our forces is stopping the movement of zionist ships in occupied palestine or american and british vessels in the red sea. 96 the people of saudi arabia demand the severance of relations between the arab countries and the zionist regime. this statistic was published by the center for internal security studies of the zionist regime in a report on the normalization of relations between this regime and saudi arabia. based on this. the affinity with
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the zionist regime and the aversion to the idea of ​​relations with it are strongly rooted among saudi public opinion , which has created a clear gap between the positions of the people and the government in riyadh. the center for internal security studies of the zionist regime has announced: anti-israel sentiments among the saudi people have intensified since the beginning of the gaza war, and 87 saudis believe that israel will ultimately end up in this the war is lost. a general of the reserve army of the zionist regime stated that the security of this regime is broken and israel is sinking more and more in gaza every day. ishaq brik said: those who are pushing to attack rafah and lebanon's hezbollah do not understand what kind of consequences and disasters these attacks can bring to israel. yesterday, yair lapid, the leader of netanyahu's opposition movement, said: the foreign relations of this regime are due to the existence of the cabinet.
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the current incompetent is collapsing with very poor performance. the netherlands announced a 350 million euro arms aid to ukraine the meeting with the president of ukraine said that this package includes advanced reconnaissance drones and ammunition for f-16 fighters. denmark, the netherlands and the united states are going to send the first shipment of f-16 fighter jets to ukraine this summer. the netherlands announced. 2 billion euros in military aid for ukraine this year, a significant part of which is f-16 ammunition. from march 24, 1402 to the first day of this year, about 700,000 passengers have been accepted and dispatched at the country's airports. according to the ceo of iran airport and air navigation company , 311 meetings and requests were made at mehrabad airport, as well as sending and the reception. mashhad international airport
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is the next busiest airport in the country, with 1,931 passengers and 145 departures and arrivals. more than 115 million saplings have been planted in the last 6 months. with the implementation of the popular plan to plant one billion trees, 30% of the country's forests.
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we see environmental issues such as fine dust, greenhouse gases under the name of climate change, an issue that our country is not without, from wood smugglers , fires and other factors that destroy forests. a judicial case has been filed, and in this regard, 5351 accused people have been arrested and introduced in relation to ghazai. 353 vehicles and 1173 forest cutting machines were confiscated. some of the punishments that have been a deterrent in the past, from the criminal point of view, the amount of punishment , especially in the field of cutting forest trees, needs to be increased. afforestation plans have been started against these deforestation measures, the most famous of which is the planting plan of one billion. our country needs the development of vegetation in all its sectors, both in the restoration of pasture vegetation and in the desert sector to deal with desertification, and in the forest sector and to create
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forest green space is a studied area for this work , we have studied designs based on experts the latest statistics of the natural resources organization. the per capita amount of green space in the country is 1700 meters per person, and now with the plan to plant one billion trees, this per capita will increase. at least 2 million hectares of our forest lands need to be reconstructed, which we cannot cover all of this in this semester, which means that this needs to be continued in the coming years with other projects worth billions. it was decided that within 10 years, the total green space per capita in the country will reach 2500 square meters. according to the statistics of the organization of natural resources and watershed last year, approx.
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this robot is designed in such a way that the satellite are disabled and drag them to the earth's atmosphere for fiery disposal. this technology can also deorbit old satellites and other space debris . according to the announcement of the ceo of astroscale , the robot manufacturer , there are currently 10,000 tons of garbage and about 40,000 objects floating in different orbits of space. scientists seek to use robots to collect space debris with the prospect of safe development. and are stable in space. the next part of the news at 4 o'clock.
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the meeting of the first page. hey, sitting on the first page of the sacrifice row , it's over there on the other side of the fence, look, the joy of meeting is there sit down, sit down, stand up for justice, what is left on your shoulders, the burden of trust, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up, stand up sanjar is your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, in your eyes is a
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martyr . they stand in front of the camera to talk about policies, strategies and of course. let's talk about the decisions that led to the country's growth and development in the past year . his mission and responsibility is the honorable minister of communications and information technology dr. zarepour . welcome to the program. your excellency and all my dear compatriots, i offer my greetings, politeness and respect . i also congratulate you on the new year. god willing, it will be a year full of goodness, blessings and happiness for all our dear people. i am at your service. thank you
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, doctor. it was discussed about the national window of smart services of the government, which implements various projects in this field. the news and reports were about the progress in this area, and we will first report about the national window we will see and then we will discuss this issue with you. i am at your service. the national window of smart government services is a shortcut for people to access the electronic services of government agencies faster . the user can access all the services of that device with one authentication . the issue that the president in the first meeting of the board. in 1400, the government emphasized the necessity of its
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realization . those systems can work together. this issue was also included in the 1401 budget bill, and by the end of the year, more than 93 executive bodies were connected to the national window of smart government services. providing services from this port in the budget law of 1402 was also assigned to the devices. we have passed the connection . now that it is finally connected , what does it bring to the people? on providing sadr sadi services by the end of november this year, at least 20% of its services in a smart way by the end of december it was presented by morteza yaqoubi azizi of sada news agency. and sir, last year, you
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considered three basic goals and three strategies for the national window, one of which was to provide 100 services in these portals . according to the budget law of 1402 , all agencies were supposed to provide all their services through the national window of smart government services. the second task was to do all their inquiries online, that is, people should not send an inquiry letter from this office to that office. and 20% of services should be provided in an intelligent way. our definition of smart, i have said it many times myself , just to remind you, it is a smart service in our opinion that you can get that service at any hour of the night.
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this service has a role and you can receive this service at any hour of the day, which requires that the devices are linked to each other . well, we had success in each of these three goals, of course, the primary goal was that almost all devices connect some the devices may be disconnected due to technical issues, but everyone is actually trying to connect to the national window of smart government services continuously. which is a very long step in its own way, but anyway , we did not reach the 100% that the legislator specified. we say electronic, which means that you can get this service through the national window of government services
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, but at one stage, they may ask for a document from you or you may need a personal visit, but when the service it's smart, we don't have these anymore, that means you actually receive that service at the moment . regarding inquiries, it has progressed by about 50% . it's a very difficult task, mr. abdin, because, for example, you assume that people's educational qualifications are supposed to be inquired about online, for example. i want to get a service from the executive body, the condition is that they have, for example, a master's degree , so my national code will be given to the agency from which i want to get a license, and he must immediately give this national code to the ministry of science as a reference in in fact, the recognition of the academic degree will be answered in the same what are the educational qualifications? well, this requires that all the data related to the educational qualifications be gathered together, the information should be completely verified. from one year onwards, the ministry of anum has these, and from one year onwards, azad university has this. there are all these applied scientific universities, but there are a series of documents related to the past. these
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are the reference databases, according to our interpretation, in the national information data law that was approved in 1401. i think there are 21 databases, if i am not mistaken, or about the same number of national databases there is one whose reference is clear, who is in charge of it, it should be updated, the data is completely valid ok, when i asked what is dharapur's academic degree, he answered instantly. if i asked him in 3 years , if his prayer degree has not changed , he would give me the same information. that's why i want to tell you that this discussion of questions, which is an introduction to smart building , is actually a very difficult task, but there has been about 50 days of progress. last year, we were supposed to reach 20% of smart services, which we reached about 112, which is a very large action in its own way. government in this department, we are the information technology department of the government, firstly to
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the title of a department that we are trans-sectoral, we will definitely follow up while helping to. the devices whose problems are solved, we are following up now, god willing, in 1403, we will be able to actually witness sadr sadi inquiries . god willing , we can make 20 percent of the government services smart every year. providing yes, you see, we have almost 2000 types of inquiries. i gave an example. if we want no documents from anyone, whether they are present or online, all of this should be online and the database should be complete. alhamdulillah, we are on this path. the exchange of information about the country is being done, we
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have a collection, it will be very interesting if when your journalist friends come, they will see the inquiries from each other day and night. we can see it online, popular services are hosted there , all inter-device services are hosted there exchange is a very important place in my country . well, now there, since the beginning of the government, which had approximately 2 billion transactions , this year, we have reached about 8 billion transactions. there was another, this shows that this path is going fast, but it will take a while to reach that desired point. we took a break and i said that the target setting that was extended in the law of the 7th program is that until the end of the program, in fact, you should not come in person to read a certificate from you. let the target audience know that when we talk about transactions, it means that, for example, a person from east azerbaijan province no longer needs to
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come to tehran university and pursue his degree, and this is in traffic, in fuel costs, in a lot. yes , exactly, i am an example. let me tell you that a few nights ago, one of our relatives came to our house and said, "i heard that there is a system where you can conclude a contract. he wanted to rent a property. well , within an hour, we made an appointment online without going to the company, and this he only talked to the owner of the property two or three times on the phone he went, he should have gone to this system, the name of which is self-writing system, but it can be accessed through the national window of the smart government servants. the time of this contract was set up in a completely legal way, very good formats, very good formats, our friends in the ministry of roads provided the electronic signature , the digital signature was done, and that 's all. is it a smart service? now, i think here , i said last time that, for example, you can see
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your child's report card in your school now by entering the national education window of the education headquarters. right there, it shows how many children you have, click on the school age, you enter the school, and you can see the report card easily without seeing a teacher, without bothering anyone, without actually consuming a liter of gasoline. if you move a centimeter , you can do all these things, people don't need to go to the government office for administrative work , and we are walking on this path . it is actually a continuous path. these steps are the completion of the items that are included in this step issuance of birth certificates for newborns will also be one of the implementation of other important issues in this area , from your point of view, which we should
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expect to be implemented in the next two or three months . we have identified the most useful services of the devices. now last year it was like this. every week we had meetings, together with mr. dr. latifi , the honorable head of the administrative recruitment organization, mr. manzoor. if there is a problem, we would review the field of intelligence we would have helped if there was a problem with the structure of the organization, because when it becomes smart , a process of mr. abedin changes, which means that it is possible that an employee is transferred from one place to another. if there is a need for change, our friends have an employment organization, if they want money, anyway, dr. manzoor is here. to be able to take this work forward, in those meetings , the device itself was 20% in the first year .
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people's lives, these should be in your priority of making smart. the list of smart services for each device has been specified. as i said, one of the selection indicators for the first year is that it has the largest audience. . it is smart to do it, i will give you an example in the field of, for example, the ministry of labor, the social security organization, well, people are very busy, especially in businesses, those working in the private sector are working with social security insurance , they are employers or even insurance payers, they want to refer, there is a place of happiness who are your friends social security has done a great job of making many parts of their services smart. now , with a few clicks, you can summarize all your records in all social security branches, if you have them. if you are an employer , you can reject the insurance list. even i went to the doctor once. he wrote me a prescription
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. i received a text message . i'm sure, i saw the copy there because one of the things that happened was that my screw copy became an electronic copy, alhamdulillah, and it's a very big thing. in any case, the front has taken care of many issues, but when you visit the doctor, you are going home , you don't have this paper prescription in your hand to see if what the pharmacy gives you is the same as what the doctor wrote. one of the issues that some people are aware of now is that this has happened through the national window of the smart government service and soon, god willing, through our internal messengers, we will make it possible for some of these services, including the version write and preview the version and see the version through internal platforms . we hope that we can do it this year god willing, it will be a sweet year. let's do it, my dear people , from the beginning of the year, god willing, let us all be able to provide the most useful services needed by the people, so that
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they can do this at any hour of the day, from their homes, to their workplaces, or wherever they are traveling and in the presence of others. in the winter season, you have talked about the national fiber project several times and in some provinces where even the honorable president of the islamic republic of iran visited, these services were opened or started to work or the work was finished at all. we first report in we will see the case of fiber, and then i will raise questions about this issue . we set an agenda that , god willing, we will be able
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to launch 20 million high-speed transmissions all over the country. the implementation of this plan was started in march 1400, and so far more than 5.5 million households have been covered, which means that this possibility has been provided to them now. ten communication companies including irancell rightel shuttle telecommunication company fanap asiatech hib. the pioneers of sebant mebinent are participating in its implementation and have taken over every province and city in the country. the organization for regulatory regulation and radio communications also supervises the implementation of this plan . if an operator does not fulfill his commitment , those commitments will be taken away and given to another operator. the commitment of 20 million covers in the 13th government is the first step and is foreseen in the 7th plan. 20 million by the end of our seventh program. let's connect, the implementation of this existing plan will increase the speed of the fixed internet and reduce the load of the internet , and it will also lead to people's satisfaction.
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it is light and it has been very good since the beginning and i am completely satisfied with the speed. the internal networks are very good, which means that we rarely encounter home business owners arriving late for more detailed information on how to cover fiber. refer to the website at iranft.r. they should search their neighborhood there, we will tell them whether they are covered or not. if not, who is the operator and when will their neighborhood be covered? mehdi naqvi. radio news agency. we saw the report. doctor , how is our situation in the field of fiber coverage in the country? for your attention and dear viewers of the first page program, well, just like that many times, from this platform, i have asked our colleagues
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to report to our dear people. one of the most important projects that we are pursuing in the field of communications is the large optical fiber project, which is meant for businesses. if we want mr. abedin to solve the internet problem in a radical way for the next four to five decades, this project is actually the key to solving the problem because in fact, the media, or media as you call it, will be able to provide people with speeds equivalent to the speed of light in the future. now , due to the limitations of our equipment in the cities we have launched, speeds up to 1000 megabits per sine are available. we have given our dear people almost 100 times the current normal speed. in some countries, even up to 10 times the speed, i.e. tenji speed , they are giving people 10,000 megahits per second . in the next half century, i promise, no digging will be needed for the communication sector in the cities.
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well, this big work can be said that we started its implementation from the beginning of 1401 in erdi 1401 until now that we are at your service, we have covered almost one third of the country, more than 7 million households and businesses in more than 300 cities now have access to these services out of a total of 1,400 cities that we have. god willing, our plan is to double this at least this year. inshaallah, let's get the job done this year and our plan is that by the end of 1404, but by september 1404, that is , in the next year and a half, before the end of the 13th government, we will be able to provide this possibility in all cities . you mentioned it well. it means that we take the fiber near people's houses, mainly to the ends of the streets . in the next step, anyone can apply for the operators. please tell me that we now have 10 operators
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, we don't have only one operator providing landline services and landline internet in every province , at least why do you want to break the monopoly , which i will explain to you. again, i will remind you how it is. people can be informed. if they request, within a month, the operator working in that place should activate this service for them. in tehran , sometimes it costs up to 30-40 million tomans. be it to make it open for them, but now in the cities that have been established, i said that only civil money , sometimes the operators take installments from the people. there were two reasons why we went and increased the number of operators . that the competition will be formed and the result of this competition will be better quality for the people, lower price for the people , we will actually have at least two operators in each city, even the operators who have a new infrastructure in the same city, we
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told them that the percentage of the capacity you have you create at the disposal of the government, we say to whom this should be done give the tariff specified by the regulation organization to someone else, so that if another company wants to use this fake infrastructure , it will provide a service to the people of that city , it will not be the same as before. it is legally possible to share this infrastructure. and i said to the people , it will be beneficial for them to be able to choose whoever provides a better service to actually have this service at their disposal. mr. doctor, you started from areas far away from the capital, or now i don't want to say deprived, why did you do this? in fact, operators are more motivated to start broadcasting in a big city. if we left them to their own devices
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, they would come. do the small cities as well, it does not necessarily mean that only the small cities other than the city of tehran itself , now the city of tehran province has been started, 56 cities have been completed out of a total of about 40 small and large cities in the whole country. west azarbaijan, ardabil , kermonshah, ahvaz, shiraz, mashhad different cities have started, but we saw that the operator has a stigma anyway . the subsidy we are giving to create coverage in cities outside the province is almost twice as much as the center of the province, and we did not see a subsidy in tehran because there was not enough incentive to start up. in fact, there is a system that allows people in small towns to have this opportunity. now, i am successful in my various trips . we go to the people's homes and businesses . set your goals for the year.


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