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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the secretary general of yemen's ansarullah movement described the genocide of the palestinian nation at the hands of the zionist regime as a planned policy that is carried out with the participation of the united states. in a speech on the occasion of the holy month of ramadan, seyyed abdul malik badreddin said: the ship generation supported by the us in gaza is a testimony to the moral and human degeneration of a country that calls itself the civilized country of the west. he added: "the tragedy of gaza
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is a clear example of the violation of international laws and norms, and it reminded us of america's black past, which was founded on crime and arrogance." general secretary of the movement ansarullah of yemen went on to say that the failure of the united states and england in protecting the ships belonging to the israeli enemy is obvious and added: since the time when the americans and the british participated in supporting the zionist enemy by invading our country. they are not even able to protect their ships. he added that one of the success criteria of our forces is stopping the movement of zionist ships in the occupied palestine or american and british ships in the red sea. after vetoing the resolutions of the un security council three times, which called for a ceasefire in the gaza strip. america drafts a resolution about the war the draft prepared by the us, while
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refusing to call for a cease-fire and an end to the zionist regime's attack on the defenseless people of gaza , suffices to say that a cease-fire is necessary. it is said that many countries among the member states of the security council opposed the american draft. in the draft prepared by the 10 non-permanent members of their security council , clearly. the key point is that the us did not ask for a ceasefire in gaza in the text of the draft , but believes that a ceasefire is necessary. irish prime minister of europe's dual approach to the issue palestine criticized. love bardkar criticizing the dual behavior of the union. europe
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does not agree with each other regarding the issues of palestine and stating that when it comes to human rights, there should be no discrimination and human rights should be universal, he stated that the european union has adopted double standards regarding palestine and israel. the prime minister of ireland added that our positions are consistent with our claims in this regard, and for this reason , we will not allow the us military to use shannon airport or any other airport in iran to support israel. irish prime minister aid he considered the all-sidedness of america and europe towards ukraine and ignoring israel's genocide in gaza as a clear example of the duplicity of european countries' behavior and added: "this contradiction of europe towards the palestinian people is a black point that will be recorded in history." deputy chairman of the security council. the russian national threatened
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that if france sends military forces to ukraine, the destruction of these forces will be russia's priority. dimitri medvedev stated that it would be good for the french to send two brigades to ukraine and said: it is difficult to hide these forces, but it will not be difficult to destroy them. medulov added that considering the large number of coffins that will arrive in france from a distant foreign country, it will be difficult to hide the mass death of soldiers. a large number of western equipment , including four abrams tanks , have been destroyed in recent days. america has provided 31 abrahams tanks to kiev. the managing director of tavani hai association of tehran says: the government's procedure in the housing sector should be changed from another test to supervision. baqerpour said that if the government interacts with tawan.
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he will achieve his goals in building housing. with your own our people have no choice in this space, not in the housing and production sector, but in many other sectors we have to move towards the people's economy. cooperatives are a legal infrastructure that can make this important. views are moving in this direction and in the ministry of roads, the participation of cooperatives based on their own models can be seen in the national housing movement. specialists of a company of scientists succeeded in an industrial boiler. internalize this product is used to increase the security of data transmission and information in the upstream industry and organizations. in recent years the industry is rapidly moving towards digitalization. a company of scientists in the science and technology park of the university of science and technology
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has designed and built hardware for information security. it is a product that aims to prevent information eavesdropping and information sabotage. but in the more sensitive industry, we have to create information security in the form of hardware, in fact, a data device or an industrial software is a piece of hardware that increases the security of data transmission from the operational layer to the information layer. this product is completely hardware-based. transferring information from the operations department, which is the sensor department, equipment and production lines, to the operation department, which is databases from cloud systems and monitor systems guarantee monitoring in such a way that one side is actually light and the other side is data that is coming at a high speed, and this actually
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minimizes the data security challenge, one of the the most important features of this product is its compatibility with existing network infrastructure and security systems . during the development of this product, we had three important positions . there is the nutrition part and other parts of its design, and the third issue is support there are different protocols available in security discussions , this domestic product can have significant savings for the country. the price of buying this product from abroad is about 2500 dollars, and the total cost for us is about 700 dollars, which according to these numbers , we have about 70% of our foreign currency spending, and the order is from one of the big petrochemical companies, which actually needs the security of their information.
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we provided our company with a sample and based on that, we did reverse engineering on this product. for more information, those interested can go to yozi ta's website
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you are the viewer of a special news talk , i would like to ask the guests of the program first. i would like to introduce mr. hamidreza rostgar, head of tehran chamber of trades, mr. mahmoud benanjad, secretary general of iran chamber of trades, and mr. ayoub fasaht , head of the rural cooperative organization, mr. rostgar, to serve you first . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings and greetings for the new year, and i wish you all obedience and worship, dear countrymen . i hope that the year 1403 will be a good year for everyone. yes, my fellow countrymen, yes, i have a question for you. yes, the supreme leader of the revolution put the slogan of the year and jump in production with the participation of the people, and in any case
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, the economic issues and the discussion of the economy, which is the most important issue in the past years and the year 1400, are approved by the so-called supreme leader. it has been and emphasized that the issue of production must be placed in the headlines of the country's important issues in all matters. well, the growth of production and the discussion of the jump in the production of tools needs its own and it needs special attention by the country's officials . in any case, we in the sector privat and asalaf considering that one of the topics that snaf in it the area they are active in is production. they basically provide explanations and technical services in three areas of production , and our most important issue at the moment
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is the issue of production, as emphasized by the supreme leader of the revolution. if special attention is paid to the issue of production , employment will be created. and in employment, the national wealth increases. i think that in this area, we should have a special plan. if yes, you can see that there are subcategories of snuff and there are also production alliances. please give an example of what should be produced anyway. well, as you know. it needs a tool and it needs a facility it needs support, if attention is paid to these tools and the general support that should be done, if it is done, then definitely those who are ready or talented or have capabilities in this field, these can be
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done for the production of detailed planning. the body or to continue their work by removing the obstacles from the government side and creating facilitating laws , they can definitely reach that desired point . what is the most important tool for you ? . to provide their own financial resources or to provide production resources there are definitely a series of problems with raw materials, yes, raw materials to supply raw materials , which is important in our production, sometimes we see that our factories or our producers or unions that are active in that field they are facing many problems , if in a market that is not calm anyway, i.e. a market that is turbulent and
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it is not clear that the future of this production and how much should be produced and how it is to be explained, or the issue of export, which is one of the how is production planning done and with what so-called method? planning needs to be done. well, these are the issues that our colleagues in the union and various trades usually face many problems with. i understand what you are saying, yes, yes, exactly if the raw materials and the so-called necessary tools , i.e., the financial resources needed for production, if these are provided and attention is paid to the producer according to what plan, with what amount of production should be
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in it will take a year if these are determined exactly our colleagues can have a detailed plan. yes, let's go to the mashhad studio. mr. benanjad is in this studio. we are at your service . i am asking you, mr. benanjad . what is your opinion about this, mr. benanjad? greetings and courtesy and respect to you, dear guests and viewers, first of all, i wish to accept the prayers and prayers of all dear ones , and i congratulate you on the new year. look at the slogan that was designed and announced this year. i think it is a very clever slogan. considering that now in the last few years. talk about the economy all the time this year, people's participation and people
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's economy have been prioritized. in my opinion, the role of guilds as a large part of the economic field can be very important . which is a summary of the number of guilds that are operating all over the country , there are nearly 600,000 production guilds, and these 600,000 production units are from the area. various things such as food from sweets and chocolates to clothes, bags and shoes, furniture and many other items that are sometimes exclusively and perhaps a huge part of them in the field of production guilds is playing a role in this field. i would like to invite you to attend. well, in any case
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, if we want to develop production, or in the words of the supreme leader, what is called a jump in production is the strengthening and growth of this sector. mr. rastgar, my dear brother, said that supporting this sector of micro-union units that are active in the field of production to provide their raw materials for their working capital can be very effective in the development and leap of production in this sector. production guilds and guilds that operate in a productive way they have a lot of room for growth . if we look at the role of guilds, we will see that guilds are the last link in the production chain or distribution chain in goods, that is, the place that can be the showcase of domestically produced goods, made in iran , when it is done, it should finally be this. supply at
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the market level in a broad form of culturalization. it should happen at the community level and people should also help to buy iranian goods with better quality and at a more suitable price from the domestic producer. it also plays an essential role, so what should we producers do about this? see us we have markets in different areas now , we have distribution markets, we have distributors in the field of household appliances, in the field of clothing, in the field of domestically produced goods, whatever you call it, well , after all, the producer only does the production until the wholesale stage , from there onwards. eznaf area finds a landing, that is, it is a place where esnaf
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has to offer this domestically produced product to the people . in terms of price, in terms of quantity and quality , as well as the employment that it creates in the field of production, it can show the people and basically provide that people can use this capacity, this is the role of a showcase. i think the participation of the people is a debate. this is where the people should spread this culture for themselves, that we should use domestically produced goods and iran-made goods, where our clothing manufacturer, who is rightly producing very high-quality clothing, is now offering it.
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he does not have to put a brand or a foreign logo on his product in order to sell it. sell ​​it to me to prevent the issue , see exactly what needs to be done, i said that firstly , in our production department, our production should be available to the people with the right quality and quantity. that when people visit, if they see the difference between a domestic brand and a foreign brand, sometimes we see that they visit and buy that foreign brand where the same foreign brand can be produced. it is domestic, but with a foreign brand, we sometimes say to some of the domestic manufacturers that we refer to, why do you produce products of this quality? you
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use this foreign brand. they say that people are more receptive to this. what conditions should be provided for this union and cooperatives to operate with full capacity and to say yes more and more with the help of production ? dear and respected guests of the salam program i would like
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to ask for the good prayers of all dear ones from imamzadeh hilal bin ali, arun beid gol city. i would like to tell you that the central organization of tawan rural payments of iran with about 900 active organizations is one of the largest private network active in the agricultural sector. it has two main goals: the first is actually the distribution of agricultural sector inputs and the second goal is actually the purchase of the products produced by our dear farmers, especially in the villages and of course in the cities, which has the job of marketing agricultural products. let me give you just one or two or three statistics for the year in the year 1402, we purchased nearly 8 million 200 thousand tons of farmers' products, which included approximately 36% of the country's wheat production, on the network, and bought nearly 3 million tons of inputs last year, only we explained the livestock inputs among
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the farmers and dear villagers, we had the same amount of distribution of inputs, in fact, other inputs of the agricultural sector, if we want to, in fact , to the basic point that was emphasized by the supreme leader and the honorable president. let's mention that in this network, we have approximately 2,400 people in the government field, and a management of about 423. thousands of private sectors that this network management i served are responsible for and shows that with about 4 and andy , the government body has a
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huge private body . a rural cooperative with its sub-group cooperatives, which is actually a rural cooperative network , we should empower them, in fact financially, so that they can play their role effectively in the field of purchasing and transversal, in fact, the institutions of the agricultural sector. a network is actually a fabric of information the rural public network is one of the other necessary tools that can actually provide clarification in this field and through this, in fact, a review of the management of the private network can provide better services to our beloved farmers in the city and the countryside. to have another issue that we should pay attention to is the commercial empowerment of this huge network
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that we should be able to do with the training that we actually do and the support that the government gives to this sector with the presence and proper platform. in the bed, in fact, the business of a good merchant and a door let's have a good marketer. that during the production of the farmer's product, they can actually market the farmer's products. the next issue in the field is actually large-scale exploitation systems, which we should eat, and the peasants who are now more than 80% of the exploitation system in most of our country. in the field of agriculture , there is a system of small exploitation and in fact peasants , let's turn this into a police exploitation system with the participation of our dear people and also the same organizations that i have presented to you. about 9 thousand organizations are possible. one more thing which i
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i must add that this cooperative network of ours is an all-encompassing network, which means that this network exists in the whole country and in all villages, and all our dear farmers are members of it, and according to the honorable president, this network can actually work. the social state and in fact lead to a progress that along with this progress, social justice will also be done. no , we will be at your service again mr. rostagari . now, the subcategory of snuff room can have a lot of activity in this direction be on the right what has not been done so far in attracting capital and what can be done from now on . for this attracting capital on the threshold of increasing production
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, see one of the issues that has been really neglected. as one of the largest non-governmental organizations and ngos, we are, that is, both in terms of numbers and in terms of capital . well, there is really a lot of capital in snafu, both financially and experimentally. well, these have not been used properly in their place . they are scattered from where and from whom. sometimes you can see that we are based on the law that is now the law of the trade union system, activities we have different ones in different areas, that is, a production donation, a distribution donation, and a service donation , sometimes in the so-called snaf, in our business, and in our trade unions , many efforts were made, which are from this social capacity and from
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this public capacity. it can be used in different areas. unfortunately, during the past years, but the past 40 years, the past 45 years, those role-players who should have snafu in different fields, well , they were not allowed, that is, this possibility . let the people handle the obstacles to becoming popular there is an economy that needs to be solved. well, these were the emphasis of the supreme leader of the revolution. according to the message, what tools should be used to give the year? is this tool in the hands of the union and the chamber of trades or the department that is the government department and oversees government issues? these obstacles must be removed. look at the obstacles that we say ,
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what are the tools that have really been implemented during the past years with the difficulty of businesses? making the work difficult by creating rules means that an economic activist, if he wants to have a business, have a production, he really has various obstacles. for example, licensing is one of these topics, but it was one of the topics that was also important, but we have other topics in the discussion of
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banking facilities. or the approvals that must be done by government organizations and bodies, well, unfortunately, this did not happen. one of the biggest problems is the so-called unequal competition that the private sector sometimes has with the semi-government or government sectors. really, the emphasis of the constitution, the emphasis of the supreme leader of the revolution, i was in various meetings in the presence of the heads of the forces, emphasizing that the private sector should be supported and the economy should be supported. two private departments of the administration but in our implementation position with the body of work, that is , when we reach the middle of the road, there are obstacles. you say that in fact, if these problems are resolved and the private sector is empowered to enter, this will help to increase production and jump production. see the jump in production. it is not possible without the presence of the people , which means that the people must be at work, which means
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that the whole should be privatized, which means that the private sector should really handle all the issues, the government should make policies, lay the rails, monitor the private sector. because of its flexibility and dynamism or the dynamic that it has can adapt itself to different conditions, so why don't we use this social capacity in all of them. it is also different from the domestic foreign trade and the trade of products. well, recently we had a meeting with the chamber of commerce and the chamber of commerce, three chambers that are effective in the economic debate. well , we saw a plan to establish a central secretariat. production in the direction.


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