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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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at the beginning of the government, we trusted a group of scientists, we invested in it, we built it, we used it, it worked, and now we are exporting to other countries. it is a very big thing that has happened in less than 3 years, but in some areas we still need special work. and my friends are working. some of my fields, mr. abedin , are not economic. it means that if we want to invest , we must think of markets beyond our country's market so that it can be economic for the private sector to bring in capital. specifically, mr.
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doctor, in the field of fiber, which is now one of the national projects we can consider that we do not have any problem in the field of equipment supply. your excellency, i mentioned that the issue of passive equipment, from optical fiber to duct and microduct, and the equipment that actually digs and sleeps under the ground , we do not have a problem with this, we are the gate of active equipment. we have a device called actually. which actually establishes a common connection with the fiber network, it has a low capacity , it is made in the country, and it has a high capacity , it is on our localization list, which we hope that this will actually turn out well, one of the things we do is to support operators that they are doing this. if they use indigenous equipment , we will pay more subsidies and give them education so that a market
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will automatically be created for those who work in the field of manufacturing omi products. upgrade their services and products to the standard required by the operator so that they can actually provide the desired services to our dear people , we are in the middle of the road, but alhamdulillah , we have started a good path, which is very promising that in the future we will be able to increase the volume of equipment inside country to be able to produce one of the issues that create authority and of course the movement at the edge of knowledge that has formed in the islamic republic and has caused both the surprise of friends and the anger of enemies is the issue of satellites. let's talk more about this. taking pictures in three
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ranges: grazing typhi, short wave infrared and thermal infrared. these are the capabilities of the latest iranian satellite named parse 1, which was placed in the orbit of the sun, 500 km from the earth's surface. the important features of this satellite other than the cargo its measurement is the ability to control its status , which , after all, has an individual status control capability. in fact, in the series of satellites that have been built and launched in iran so far, with half degree of accuracy, it is possible to actually control the situation and actually indicate it in some way. it has a stability around 83 degrees per second and the ability to send and receive data in the suhph band as well as send images in the x band . iran space research institute has done many of the following in fact, the system and the equipment
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used in this satellite are all made domestically, and the design is completely done inside the country, the manufacturing and assembly and numerous tests are done inside the country itself, and it is the local knowledge that is being improved, the ability to record wide images. 50 km in this iran-made satellite has made parse to take pictures of the entire country once in 100 days . it has many applications both in the environment and in agriculture. in fact, studies related to fine dust and pollutants in different areas such as the assessment of our water areas and the areas related to our biological species. it has many uses that can be used, according to the announcement of the country's space organization , zafar tolo 3 satellites, the second example of pars , are among the satellites of the private sector that were launched into space in 1403. mr. doctor,
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we have seen the report about our condition. how was the satellite launch area? it seems that we reached a quorum in the t satellite launch area in 1402 and broke this quorum . what is the situation from your point of view as the helmsman of this area? alhamdulillah, we are advanced in the field of space industry. we had a very good time, probably because of the year we became a space sharif for you and our dear people. in february 2007 , we successfully launched the first satellite, the omid satellite, with the safir satellite , from that year 87 to july 1400
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, we had 13 space launches . last year, in 1402 , we had 12 space launches, that is, these two years and almost two months, that is , from 1400 to march 1402, in fact , we had as many space events as three governments before that, 12 years before that space event. it was last year that we threw six we had a space, many satellites were put into orbit , alhamdulillah, now we are among the 10 countries, mr. abedini, who have a complete space cycle. means we can build satellites and we can launch satellites built by ourselves through our own launch base through ground stations designed by our own youth , the first of which we opened in 141
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in mahdasht of karaj. receive spatial signals and data, and more importantly, we can use this data in various industries to increase productivity and various applications that in people's lives, these days, well, in each of these five stages, our capabilities and technical knowledge have progressed to a certain extent . we are trying to improve them. they are working on 10 meters, but our goal is to make this accuracy more and more this year and the coming years, god willing, now it is pars 1 axis, which was 100 made by us, which was actually late last year. it was launched in the past, which was the most complex satellite we had ever built. there are 3 cameras, one of which has an accuracy of 15 meters it has a color. we are planning one day, god willing, to bring the accuracy to one meter. god willing , this year we will give this promise to our dear people with an accuracy of 5 meters. in the next one or two months
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, god willing, we will have a launch and a satellite that will be 0 to 30 will be made by the private sector. this is one of the honors of the 13th government, which has given the private sector knowledge companies. we signed an image purchase contract with them, going from zero to 100 , they will prepare the launch themselves, and god willing, we will have an accuracy of 5 meters on the 147 horizon. with the events that happened last year, we reached the 750 km orbit, the orbits of about 400, 500 km to 200 km are called leo low earth orbits. up until now, we have not had a fixed launcher in this layer , the launches we had done were research launches, and in fact, complete success was not achieved. for the first time this year, we have a satellite for us. noor 1
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was launched, but their weight was very low. for the first time, our satellite came close to stabilization in the layer of leo. inshallah, this year, a few more launches we will ensure that this technology is fully established , but for the time being, the rest of our infrastructure must be developed in accordance with all of this. from this, we could carry up to 20,300 kilos, now we are building a one-ton class, we are designing, god willing , it will be put into operation this year, so that the satellites that can be built can be secured there, tested, and i told my launcher that it is moving forward to this level. even our launch base needs to be upgraded our current launch cannot actually
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reach the orbits of the sun. now we are building the largest space base in west asia in our country , god willing, this year. our effort is to make the first launch from there. the first phase of this very big and promising international project , god willing, will be opened this year. it has three phases, that's it. this year , we will be able to launch from there . yes, yes, this year, god willing, in 1403 , god willing, we will be able to launch the first satellite from there in the first phase . this year is the first phase. the phase comes to equality secondly, we have prepared the contract , god willing, it will be concluded this year by 100 units. in fact
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, it will be built internally, and god willing, we hope that the second phase will be completed within the next two or three years, and the third phase, which is actually the final phase, and this will have an international aspect. yes, yes, god willing, mr. abedini, if we can do four or five more launches, our current launchers will stabilize , we will be ready to launch other satellites , god willing. we should offer our space services to other countries. anyway, many countries don't have this capability. they like satellites, even small satellites that their students can build , their professors can build, and they can launch at a low price. now our launch prices are very economical . they can compete. with these 10 countries that have launch bases and 9 other countries that have launch bases , god willing , this
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will happen to me. we pray that god willing we will be able to one day let us see that we reach the geo layer in the area of ​​the launcher, 36,000 kilometers, which is a 5-year plan, god willing, so that we can place our heavy satellites, radio, television, and telecommunication satellites in the geo layer using the capabilities inside. what i would like to talk about is the issue of living in space . last year, after a decade of closure of this area, which if you remember, yes, we sent 911 and it came back safely. this area was closed due to various reasons that i don't want to talk about, but we will from a decade actually interrupted again this program in 1402 , we performed the sub-orbital test of our new generation of bio-capsules with the native salman launcher, god willing, this year we will try
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to have a real space event in this field, if we reach our new capsule, which is actually about one ton. which has the ability to actually carry a living being, we can actually test the capsule that was tested before 10 years ago, i think it was 100 kilos or 150 kilos, this capsule is actually one ton, which can even kill a human go ahead, but for now they have the initial tests. we have a five-year plan in order to reach a point where we can witness the presence of an iranian astronaut in space with an iranian biocapsule and an iranian launcher , god willing, mr. minister , we have news from the pars one satellite, and now in what areas does it transmit images to the ground? your excellency , we are measuring and imaging the process of exploitation. it will take a little time, the reason is that all the sub-systems must be checked one by one
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and tested to confirm the accuracy of its operation, and the last step is to test the camera. in the first step, there must be a connection. we should be able to give him a command when the satellite is launched , mr. abini, like an errant object, we have to stabilize it because the solar panels it has should be facing the sun and its camera should be placed on the ground. now we have a status detection system that detects whether the satellite is stabilized or not, and we have a status control system that can stabilize the satellite. this process itself takes several weeks to actually stabilize the satellite, even though if it differs from the orbit defined for it, the parse satellite can have a system in real orbit in other words, it has an engine or thruster and can move. i told you that the satellite is the most complex satellite we have built so far. alhamdulillah , more than 10 sub-systems
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have been successfully tested so far. this is a very big event. because what we were doing before this was on the ground. we didn't know if you could work properly in space with those conditions or not? look at the satellite that is going now. let me tell you one thing about the satellite that is launched, when it is actually placed in different hemispheres, during the day , the temperature it experiences is sometimes below minus 150 degrees. up to positive 150. the degree changes. in general, we have a system called the temperature control system , because, for example, if it is a measuring satellite, it has a camera. if the camera wants to experience this temperature difference, its settings are completely messed up, its focal points are messed up, and the ability to erase the image with it has no quality. this is actually one of the very vital systems. alhamdulillah, it was tested and it worked successfully. the system is actually heat control . god willing, in the coming weeks, we will turn on the camera. it has 3 cameras, and after the camera is turned on, calibration must be done. on top of this, it means that we
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have to match with other images taken from the surface of the earth by other satellites , which can actually increase its accuracy. god willing, we will give you the news so far, thank god , he is doing well, and the work of scientists and experts at the iran space research institute with the help of tayblah and dastamrizad knowledge companies, god willing, we will be able to continue to publish good news and pictures, god willing, i read in some of the news that the islamic republic is trying to form or launch a space system, how much is this fact ? we have the satellites, the satellites are currently medium and small, the next step is for them to be able to communicate with each other, the system for them to do a joint work with each other, which in 1402 we signed the largest contract in the history of space with the private sector to build a 16 satellite satellite system. and maturak was also
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asked to prepare in the name of sardar delha haj qasim soleimani, god willing, this work has started. we hope that this year some of these will be ready to welcome. the private sector of this issue yes yes yes alhamdulillah we have a very good capacity in the private sector in universities and academic companies and you these two years and andy mr. abedini, a wave of hope has formed among our space experts , because in any case , it was not noticed in this way and context before that, now hope has been created in them when they see the results of their own work. the atmosphere is working, desires are increasing , motivations are increasing, and very good knowledge is being accumulated. god willing, this year we will try to launch a part of this containment system if we can. this telecommunication system is actually a narrow band that is used for internet of things (iot) applications for agricultural land monitoring in places where there is no infrastructure , we can actually
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use it for various industrial functions of the internet of things. i really hope that, god willing , this knowledge will become native in the country. maybe there are four or five countries that have the possibility to systematize satellites. what satellites are on the launch pad? in 2014, yes, we have many experts , including the one i mentioned, the 16 mohora satellite system that is actually being built , we have private sector satellites, hoddh satellite, and kausar , which is on the launch pad, which may be one of the first experts to be launched, god willing. will be width your excellency there is the tolo 3 satellite , there is the phoenix 2 satellite , there are many telecommunication measurement satellites under construction, either in the launch pad that will be launched by our own launchers, god willing, or by international means, so let me explain to our dear people that this satellite is from another country. it is completely natural to launch. my reason is that a satellite that is being prepared
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is needed by the country, maybe even a country like russia, which is one of the oldest countries in this field, which is one of the top two countries in this field. because the program is actually their own launch, for example, it is going to be in two months soyuz should be launched, now a satellite needs to be launched, we are like this, if a satellite is ready and it is economical , we will launch it through another country, we will do this, of course, now we can get khurshid song launches from these two current bases that we have. we don't have them, we have to use the launcher. let's use it abroad , god willing, our new space base will be ready, and what are your plans in the field of virtual networks for the new year? thank god , a good thing happened in the country in the last two years . find it in the country and a large part of our dear people
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are using it, now we have more than 40 million active users. houses are uniquely present in the messages of the domestic media, and alhamdulillah, with the support of the ministry of communications , they are providing new services on the path of growth and promotion . we loved that in our opinion, people can use it to watch movies and series in the month of ramadan, when the trips are less, and for virtual visits through promaristan. internal if they use the internals, this 5 gb that is offered will be almost doubled to 12 gigabytes, they can use the internals and now they can find good features. our plan is to continue this path of supporting them, god willing, and try to turn these messengers into service providers, that is
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, to provide the services needed by the people through these messengers. right now, some of these messengers they are providing maybe 7 services, from police services to our own postal services, and we are trying to provide more services, god willing. let's present this way to our dear people, and day by day, god willing, their quality will increase. there is this capacity in the messages of the domestic media , which can be a suitable and reliable substitute for the messages of the foreign media . i am saying loudly that if 100 million people come to visit, they will use it . as the minister of communications, god willing, i promise to provide the necessary infrastructure for this . of course, we are very young in this field. we have just started, anyway , it has been seriously addressed for 2 or 3 years in this area . naturally, there may be some problems, but
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god willing, with the procedure that is followed in the companies of scientists who are behind this messaging service and the teams that form them, and you are supportive. that the ministry of communications believes that iranian youth can actually meet iranian and international needs , god willing, they will be able to meet the country's needs in these nursing schools. from you viewers dear god, may you be great, by studying the opinions of experts on this issue , i come to the conclusion that one of the main keys to solving the country's economic problems is the issue of
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domestic production and national production, that is why in the past few years, our production we relied exploration is the first link in the mining chain . the mining cycle you are looking at starts with exploration and reaches the materials, according to the boss. in the past , periodical discoveries have been made in the surface reserves , which resulted in more than seven million meters of drilling in
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madani limits. land organization since 1400 in fact, he started his transformation plans based on the prioritization that we could have in the exploration of metal resources . in order to make new discoveries , we had to change the scale of our work. in the past , at the national level , we had worked on a scale of 150,000 and 100,000. we had a national coverage of 100, so we identified some areas, and in our new work , we are using a scale of 150,000. and we hope that by the end of the seventh program we will be able to create 1260 layers of information on a scale of 50 thousandths in produce all over the country. now, according to the announcement of the geological and mineral exploration organization , we are facing a decrease in mineral reserves on the surface of the earth. it can almost
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be said that most of the mineral deposits that are exposed on the surface of the earth and have evidence of the presence of minerals have been identified and are under investigation and some of them have been extracted . according to the head of the iranian geophysical association , there is no other way to compensate for this shortcoming and provide the necessary raw materials than focusing on barkat. we need exploration below the surface . if we cannot develop exploration at the same time as the growth of the mining industry and do not explore new reserves, then we will certainly face challenges in the future. one of these minerals is actually iron ore, which is needed by the steel industry , of course, according to geological experts, it is necessary to explore in the depth of the earth using modern equipment and technologies. the best method that can help us to explore below.
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alhamdulillah, geophysical methods are at the forefront in the country. alhamdulillah, this knowledge exists. maybe in the past years, this work was mostly done by foreigners. alhamdulillah, now it is done by iranian companies. alhamdulillah , we are successful at depths of 40, 50, 60 meters. it is possible to explore mines to investigate to depths of more than 70, 80 meters and up to 10, 150 meters has existed in geology since 1300. we use it up to a depth of 400 meters and it provides us with a suitable resolution and fortunately in kurdistan province we were able to explore the geophysical anomalies of hidden reserves . now, although according to the head of the organization of geology and mineral exploration, the speed of discoveries of
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hidden reserves in the country. it is little, but the proper investment of the private sector's entry into the field of exploration can achieve our goals in the discussion of subsurface and hidden discoveries, especially in the seventh program of the approach the government is exploring and investing in mines . it is included in the seventh five-year plan that something like one and a half million linear kilometers, we actually have the airborne geophysical survey program, but it seems that this is not enough. we should be able to do it in two to three years. let's conduct an airborne geophysics of the whole country to know our duty with hidden reserves. we have not fully explored the surface of our country. the world is moving towards the discovery of hidden reserves. we are doing airborne geophysics to explore hidden deposits , but our speed is slow. farajollah mohammadpour radio news agency.
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heavy traffic on the northern routes and the preparation of the police to manage the first wave of returning passengers from tomorrow. the number of road accident victims reached 321 people since the beginning of nowruz project. the increase of 800 million cubic meters of water in khuzestan after the first rains year of strong rainfall system


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