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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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with different social security structures, you cannot make a single version that works for both funds . mr. faizinejad, i have a question. now , according to you, how many of the problems and challenges of the funds have been solved by these parametric reforms , in your opinion, so far? that will really do nothing yes until now that really we over the years and over the programs any suggestions that we had actually in relation to. and the situation of paying salaries to employees or pensioners , despite the proposal we had, none of them were actually implemented. this is not the same as the previous age increase. increasing the age of the record, which is implemented from a 14, your review is how much it can help the fund, how many percent will it solve your problem in the imbalance of the fund . the relationship with the fund
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, especially the national pension fund, considering that according to article 8 of the third law, when the employee completes his records , he will be exempted from payment of defaults from 30 years of experience, and on the other hand, in the implementation of article 14 of the civil service management law we have to pay two and a half percent for each year , despite the fact that we do not take any mistakes, we are open to the difference in salary. let's give him a seat, maybe it will have an effect on him it should not have a fund for itself, except in addition to other reforms, but give a breathing space to pension funds in these special circumstances , otherwise we will zoom in on this age change and feel that with this age change, for example, now it is too much for 28 i am 30 years old, which cannot be implemented at all at the moment, something very special will happen to the funds, not at least for the pension fund, this
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will not happen, very well, 28 down, when it changes, it will go down again, but, well, there is a change, but now, until the 28 down, the time is short, that is in the short term, a short time market and in the form of an average this also has half an effect on the pension fund , the one that needs to be added for 5 years, that is for incoming people with less than 10 years of age, that is when the person himself does not apply, if he applies at any time, i cannot stay longer with the same history. it is not mandatory. for example, if my experience is 30 years and i want to retire , i will be paid for 30 days . see, it depends on how much experience is required for you according to the age requirements. it is very likely that the full salary is low , otherwise, despite the fact that you have thirty years of experience
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you have it, but you don't have the required experience in that definition. if you turn 32 years old, you have to work for 32 years to be able to get the full salary. in fact, our full salary is 32 years for 30 days of salary, if now it is 30 years of work for 30 days of salary. at that time, for example, it can be 32 years, 33 years, 4 years, 5 years for 30 days of salary, which means you don't have 35 days at all , 32 days are not paid, see 35 or 32 or 33, when it is required, it will be a real and complete record for a complete fan, like the 30-year record that is now 30 years now, before you give your orders, if you agree, let's go see the others what do the experts think about the issue we are debating? in a report prepared by my colleagues in the welfare and cooperation group of sada and siim news agency , we will find out about the debate seyyed solat mortazbi, minister of labor cooperation. and social welfare.
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the gradual increase of the retirement age is one of the ways of sustainability of pension funds, which prevents them from going bankrupt. increasing the retirement age is a universally accepted rule, and this method can stabilize the stability of pension funds . hassan sadeghi, head of the union of veterans of the labor community. increasing the retirement age to the detriment of workers and it leads to more unemployment in the society due to the reduction of workers' motivation to pay for insurance. the increase of the retirement age from 30 to 35 years old will cause job burnout, physical and mental exhaustion and inefficiency. ahmed midari, university professor and pension affairs expert. retirement age reforms have been implemented in 117 countries of the world and iran is also forced to. its implementation.
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the problem of unemployment and inflation will not be solved without correcting the imbalance of funds. one of the causes of inflation and excess budget is the government's aid to pension funds, which has now reached 20% of the annual budget. the work of the supreme islamic councils is to increase the retirement age of the workers and the implementation of the decree threatens the public trust of the society. in addition to the life expectancy index, the two components of wages and quality of life are important indicators that should be considered. it should be noted that the quality of life of workers in countries that have increased the retirement age is different from iran. sajjad padam, former director general of social insurance and the ministry of labor. other countries
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experienced a crisis in their pension funds when they reached an aging population. but in iran, the average age of the society has not yet reached the old age that the funds retirement suffered a resource crisis. the main problem is early retirements and there is no escape from this crisis except by changing the retirement age. alireza mahjoub, secretary general of the worker's house. obligations of pension funds are a type of two-way contract, whose unilateral violation is not accepted by the shiite authorities. increasing the retirement age should not include people . who became members of the pension funds before the decision of the parliament and paid insurance premiums, yes , we saw and heard the report together, mr. asadi , please tell me something, mr. doctor, about
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the reliance of the funds on their internal resources , they themselves admit that some funds the government gives this and that. you can't say that the fault of this fund is that the nature of pension insurance funds basically leads to dissatisfaction , that is , it is the case all over the world that their resources do not cover their expenses after a while. but the fact is that reaching this point. in the end, by passing laws that are against the rules of insurance calculations, we enacted it. nowhere in the world is it the case that some employers and some jobs are exempted from paying insurance premiums or that the exemption is attributed to them.
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if the government doesn't have the ability to pay or repay, or if it wants to repay, in the discussion of updating, it should put a thousand and one objections , as the saying goes today, or put a thousand and one objections , as the old saying says, set a price that no one will buy when the money is due. give it to the organization. sometimes it says to give cash to the social security organization that the government has no money at all. sometimes it says give companies. it gives companies that are not very profitable if these companies go bankrupt. why can't social security people be profitable? why can't it create a prominent role in the resources of the organization? because the companies that give it to him are bankrupt companies. there are a limited number of companies that the government occasionally gives to them, but in many cases
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they are like sports teams that want to give to the funds even in the face of bankruptcy. dad, these funds themselves are bankrupt. what happens to a bad bankrupt? then fresh. you go and approve the laws. these companies that you gave to the fund do not have the right to operate. you say that the fund should not own this company. in fact , you say that it should be handed over with zero 5 years. if the government does not hand it over, it will sell it. this fund the resources belong to the government, this right is not valid, dear, you should tell the social security organization , sir, in the implementation of privatization, you must go and hand over your companies within 5 years, if you don't hand over , i will go and sell them on the stock market, sir, you say you can sell other people's property. selling says that you are allowed to sell someone else's property, you cannot do this, but
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you approved the laws to do this . i don't know why fight against tobacco, expand the cultural space , what does the organization have to do with this? i am a worker, i am an insurance company. i paid an insurance premium so that i would receive a pension in old age and disability. i didn't allow you to go somewhere else . i considered the social security organization to be my lawyer, not the tax affairs organization to determine and assign duties for me. you talk in such a way that i agree 100%, then you change your path and argue that in general. in the world, the funds are getting old, and with the longevity of these funds
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, their obligations will eventually increase and problems will be found for them in practice. yes, this rule is acceptable in the whole country's problem is that our funds are getting old at the peak of youth, that's the reason, when i look at the employee who is now officially employed in the organization and is paying me premiums , they calculate that this should last for 30 years. give me an insurance premium, a retirement law comes before the materials , he retires after 15 years, well , my insurance calculations are messed up, i get imbalanced , i can't manage my resources and expenses, this is my expectation , this is my expectation, this is the reason for your opposition. now you are clear, tell me why you are against raising the age when i see the conditions of the fund now
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it is going in such a way that other parametric corrections are not done . when i said that since 4480, i have a limitation, i don't have input. if i don't think that we will increase the age , if i don't think that we will make a rule and a law and ask the honorable parliament to establish an interview for the pension fund of at least a country that all the official employees of the contract that employed government jobs. they are the country's executive administration, they are necessarily members of the fund not retirement
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, well, i made it clear, i made it clear that the critical situation of my own fund, i have to proceed in this direction, i have to follow up on your parametric reforms, but the reason for your opposition to this issue , which has been raised for the time being after several programs, is perhaps the first parametric reforms that i did not understand the reason why your honorable government brought it to its program. mr. doctor, i told you frankly, why are you against it? one is because of the problem it creates regarding employment. the social security organization does not need a law , you pass a law and give it some money. be sure that he
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will be able to pay the obligations that you have assumed within these 30-40 years . you will see that this fund will continue its life in the best way possible. mr. doctor , increase the salaries in a way that is the same for everyone. you can increase the salary of the government employees by 20%, say that the social security fund is also 20% for the employees. the government's benefits are so different that some of the workers have not heard at all , many have not heard at all. when you tell a worker 22 means 2% more salary than government employees , government employees are productive, they are efficient , they are rewarded, they have overtime, but they don't have a social security fund, when you go, you will approve that sir. the social security fund does not have a job
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, you can adjust it. some of them are students , some are self-made, some are drivers , some are carpet weavers . who do you want to coordinate with? let me imagine that in the name of proportionality, his pension will be the same as his pension, so let him be insured. that there is another level, his salary will be increased like the others , pay more insurance premiums , get more insurance premiums, with what you described, mr. doctor , ask for someone now.
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bayan youth force said that now we are doing the opposite. do you think it is the right time? do you think the money that will be given to the organization before this approval can cover it? did you provide the infrastructure ? you mentioned the social security society system. the social security system is a multi-layered system. is it a support, an insurance, have you provided those two ? do you have that support for the lower class of society , if in such cases, he reaches the age of 62? he added more years to his experience, if he wants to sit back after 30 years, at least he should have social support or social assistance , he should not be affected before, mr. doctor, the problem of the social security fund is only
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caused by the variables within the security law itself. it's not social, it's a series of external variables, increase in marriage, inflation, celibacy, have you thought about this , mr. doctor, give the money , do what the government's duty is to do in the society, create employment , provide the grounds for marriage, make housing cheaper, you will see that this by no means. it doesn't put pressure on the fund, but with the current situation you approved, it is only the pockets of the insured, which means we reached into the pockets of the weakest workers in the country . in this , we take money from there for the organization's resources
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. from the point of view of the insurance fund, this is a problem. from the social security organization, how many people retire and how many people are employed in a year ? social security organization, as far as i know, in terms of the number of people who
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retired, i am not in a position to defend the social security organization. you workers you have raised the issue that if retirement happens early, we will attract some young people, this is normal, mr. doctor, very well , has there really been any action or is it just in my mind? you retired in 1402 , and that's why he recruited us. the problem of employment is the same as the number of people who sit down. no , mr. doctor, that post and job is vacant, why don't you recruit? we invite young and unemployed
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people looking for work . used last year there is a statistic that will actually strengthen their opinion that yes, if a recruitment actually takes place, the same number of people can be recruited in the same ratio considering that both positions and jobs are vacant. did this happen or not ? if this is really the issue, we are talking about our government services that for every three people who retire, one person is recruited , but it is the same in your social security organization . you see, we are having a discussion in the name of the social security organization, and i am not at least a defender of the social security organization. i am in this position defender in fact interests. the workers are expensive and i am here to serve you. the supply organization is very rich. it can say how many people have retired, how many
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new insureds they have, but for me, i am a worker and i am insured, so it will be paid out of my pocket . it is a problem for you to go and fix the government's debt. please come up with a version that agrees with me. see , this was the gist of your speech. that the retirement that the people who will retire sooner, we hire young people to strengthen this opinion, they say that what you really want is confiscating what you want when my retired pension somehow he is not able to provide for his livelihood, he has to go and get a second job. when he gets a second job, he comes to the second job of a young man. it seems to me, mr. doctor , that the resources that you owe to the social security sources
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are your responsibility and the government should pay them. i promise you that the social security organization will be able to increase the pension of the insured in such a way that they do not need a second job. you see the different layers of social security below. prepare the construction, then come to the social security organization, wrap a prescription suitable for the self -insured or the workers, and give us its medicine. let us be cured, but with your medicine , we will get sicker, mr. faizi naja jamandi . you say that our time is running out. as i said at the beginning of my speech, i apologize to our honorable brother for not having a special issue in their minds. if the insurance companies need to be strengthened and their dependence on the public budget of the government is reduced year by year in the implementation of the upper laws
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, they must necessarily have parametric reforms, one of which is the change of age . the condition of these funds is becoming critical this is what our dear ones said that if a person is hired earlier, he will retire earlier , we can have more people because of this recruitment. reaching the desired age in the same retirement contract as the employment contract, retiring earlier and leaving, actually getting a second job, actually preventing the work of another young man who wanted to be recruited , while he has his pension. both in companies and institutions because they see that this retired person no longer needs to pay taxes and insurance. competitors have to attract them, it is in their interest, therefore, he is actually
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taking an opportunity from the youth to be recruited, this is in the same time frame as defined in the rules of employment and retirement regulations. the same rule should be retired sooner than necessary, if it is , it will definitely do more harm than good. thank you very much to both guests of the program , all good viewers. especially the higher program that accompanied us until this moment , may god protect you or ali, thank you. hello, or higher than any world, wherever you are today. we are here. i have been free until just a year ago. couples
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expecting a child complained about the lack of insurance coverage for infertility treatment. i am a patient who comes to me. i should not worry about the cost of treatment. we have social security insurance. 20, 25, over 100,000,000 will be paid from our side. thirty general population policies, insurances were obliged to provide more support for infertility treatment. in the law on the youth of the population, it is explicitly mentioned that government services up to 90%, that is, in principle, 90% are fully covered and three times in. he paid up to 90% of their expenses every year if they go to non-governmental centers , these costs
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will be calculated as public non-governmental costs based on this. in the last year, the umbrella of insurance support for infertility treatment services was developed, the resources related to the population and youth law and family support grew by 21 and reached the number of 1770 billion tomans, and now there is talk of increasing support for infertile couples in the new year. we identified more than 80,000 infertile couples and special health insurance services. specially for the treatment of infertile patients and 16 items in the test code of the genetic tests that have recently been added to the collection of services we added infertility and a new service which is actually freezing and storing reproductive tissues.
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these are the recently added 63 items of drugs that were already in the commitment, which have increased to 66 items in the new prescription. we used to have 28 items of equipment , which now have 29 items. in fact, the increase in the number of expenses in the number of equipment for the treatment of infertility is actually in the order. the new action is used as a support that has been effective for these couples in terms of income. they really help. in this sense , the services covered for infertility treatment are very good. it is free, yes, it is free , all the services provided to you are covered by your insurance . based on the statistics of the ministry
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of health, more than 30% of infertility treatments are successful. tayyaba kargar of sed and sima news agency. happy new year festival of the city of household appliances and the city of carpets, this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of
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ramadan. until eid al-fitr , get an id with every purchase from the city of household appliances and the city of farsh. a specialized reference for carpets and household appliances. mom, dad, where are you? your condition is it good? i'm fine, don't worry. have we come to the iranian house , cooler, cooler? is it this time of the year in such a hurry? sale the gas air conditioner special in a large iranian house has started under exceptional conditions. pay for this year's price next year until 2 am in tehran . i am your host. the prices will be broken. when mr. farsh comes , it doesn't matter which carpet you choose, machine-made or handmade. the price of all carpets will be reduced. .
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings again , dear and honorable compatriots , we are with you with the news at 4:00 p.m. palestinian defense said


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