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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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your host, this meeting is the first page of the meeting. don't look at the fence, the joy of meeting is there , you are sitting, you are sitting on the first page, stand up for justice, what is left on your shoulders, the burden of trust, stand up, first line, first line, first line, first line, line of service, line of humanity, you are a stronghold, your stronghold is this table, and there is hope for you on the other side.
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your table is in the eyes of a martyr. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, the people of iran, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the front row. on this night and days, when the new year is accompanied by the spring of the qur'an, worship and prayers, i hope that you will spend happy hours with your family. and wherever you are , be a passer and have a future. tonight the guest of the program first page mr. dr. khandozi is the honorable minister of economic affairs and finance. i say hello again and welcome them. in the name of god . i am at your service and all the dear people of islamic iran . bless you. thank you, doctor, for accepting the invitation to the front page tonight, and
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let me tell you that we are going to entertain you with various topics tonight , that there is a lot to talk about in the series. we have and still have the problem of improving the business environment work. one of those indicators is the law on facilitating the issuance of business licenses. please tell me how many percent of this law has been implemented so far and how many licenses have been issued in a new way and through the national licensing portal. yes, i think it has started. it is good because it is one of the important roles of the ministry of economy and finance. helping to improve the business environment of all
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actors. the ministry of economy is not a manufacturing ministry and a department that produces, for example, agricultural, industrial, mineral, or oil products. but in creating a platform for all economic actors , especially our non-governmental private and cooperative sectors they need special facilitation from the government, so the legislator. this trans-sectoral responsibility has been assigned to the ministry of economy for 12 years since the law on facilitating and improving the business environment was approved in the islamic parliament. in the past, during these 12 years , good efforts had been made before the 13th people's government began its work. but the jump that happened during the years 1401 and 1402. it caused
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us to witness a new chapter in the field of improving the business environment. the most important points that i can give you are the first description of the national portal of business authorizations, which are now available to all people. iran somehow knows that there is a serious move to clarify all the licenses of the country, which are basically the needs of someone who wants to enter into an economic activity, and secondly. in relation to the fact that instead of the paperwork system and the lengthy corruption and bribery that god forbid took place, all these are requested from the national portal for business licenses, the follow-up is done there, and the license is issued electronically to the recipient. and he will be our entrepreneur, which is increasing every day. until a few days
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ago, more than one and a half million people from production if you look at your friends' phones, you will see that this number is increasing every hour. the second important event in 1402 was the two regulations that had to be written for articles 24 and 30 of the improvement law. sorry, before we get to that , how many percent of this law has been implemented to facilitate the issuance of business licenses, except that now anyway permits are being issued in this way, but there are still other steps, one of those steps is to reach a point where every permit is delayed in being approved through the portal automatically. it should be issued through the ministry of economy. regarding the percentage of implementation of the law, if i want to give you a clear answer, the law on improving and facilitating the
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issuance of business licenses was implemented in the country in 1402, but in some cases, there is still a lack of special devices for licensing. there are certain things that unfortunately there are still a handful of executive bodies of the country that kept their paper licenses completely on the national license portal, this did not happen. the second violation that we still see in some cases is that in especially the same things as in the national gate permits are given at the appointed time, for example, if they are going to appoint an economic operator within 30 days, 50 days, 60 days, our entrepreneur is still waiting, for example, more than the appointed time, time is still passing for this second part, a good executive guarantee is seen in the law that if
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he does not give any answer for his business license , the national licenses portal will have the authority to go and issue the license and the responsibility for the consequences will be on the same wrong device that delayed and did not allow the people to work on time until now. even now , a large number of yes ma has been performed since november 1402 we started the implementation of this section. on the first of february, a problem occurred in the technical aspect of the license portal with other systems and portals, which should be a technical problem behind the portals in terms of the domain. this happened, and since march 1402, dargah has started issuing permits that are delayed, and this work will continue until the devices themselves really move and meet the deadlines that we announced to the people within this number of days.
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we will get your answer. so in a sense the law is fully implemented, but in a sense there are still a handful of devices for some of the their licenses are still operating through paper routes, and in 1403, the priority of our follow-ups in the ministry of economy will be to completely implement the movement to remove paper from business licenses, and you can name how many devices you can use . due to the fact that i did not bring the names with me, in fact, we announce them on a weekly basis for the sake of transparency of our agenda , that is, on the portal itself, there is an announcement that these numbers are red, and the yellow numbers are almost fully operational. kenan and a number of ministries and agencies that are the majority in fact i am the green country's device, which provides continuous
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weekly information so that the dear reporters of the people and economic activists are informed in a completely transparent manner . let's go to the next things you mentioned. the issue of business licenses, which is an important topic and ultimately leads to the release of a large part of these constraints that have been placed on the feet of economic actors , is the axis of the other dimension, which is not through licenses, but through the executive regulations of producers and exporters. praise our supporters, which may not be a good word now, but they are oblivious under special pressures. regulations they produce new ones at once. yes, they put it on the table. the interpretation is actually the same as that this happened in 402. we were able to get two good resolutions from the cabinet . we are grateful to my colleagues and for the support provided
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by mr. president. both in may and in february, these two resolutions helped a lot, first of all, the authorities were obliged to comply with the regulations that they impose on the export of water, electricity, gas, whether taxes should be reduced or not, tariffs, tariffs, etc. it should be 15 days. before the implementation of that regulation , transparent public information for all people in dargah the laws of the country's national regulations should be implemented, no one has the right to surprise the producer , if it reaches the border, tell them that last night or this morning, a paper came that we can't export, you can't import, or the tariff has been reduced or increased , etc. in relation to the agencies that have to notify their directives several months in advance , this was a very difficult task, that is
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, after all, executive agencies are inherently resistant to us saying that you, for example, two months in advance or some three months in advance. if you want to change regulations, for example, tax, you have to change them in advance change the customs, change the social security , everything that is related to business, this is the area of ​​export import tariff that your excellency gave as an example, that this resolution is actually. it was the winter of the government bodies that confirmed the deadlines that the institutions must meet from now on, and in fact , it was a very important step forward for the government to be disciplined and start stricting itself, and by the way make it predictable for the rest. everyone should know from now on, at least until the next month or 3 months later, some regulations will not change until the next 6 months, those that are long term for example, building regulations, etc. must be announced 6 months in advance, the rest within 90 days or 180
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days. this was actually a very important event. we had a case that was canceled in february and march. have you seen the tangible impact of this law ? do you do anything you can to improve the business of economic activists, because it is very much needed by the public, that is , go to every city and village, after all, the activists, companies , producers and exporters of those cities and villages have been involved in these issues for years. and the last case that happened in 1402, thank god, was going back to we tried to increase the number of circulars issued in the field of trade and commerce, which is considered a subset of the ministry of economy in a sense. let's reduce it a lot. it had two axes. first, when other
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devices had to respond to a manufacturer or trader within a short time, for example, for example, for example, if the import wanted to be carried out , the standard should be answered. food and medicine should be answered. regarding the quarantine of livestock and poultry, each of them should give answers. well, this is it. these deadlines were sometimes several months before the goods were deposited in the customs and ports of the country the answers will come again in 1942. an important event was that these times were halved and reduced, and we are still insisting that the response time to the inquiries of other agencies should be shorter . customs was directly obliged by the ministry of economy to provide services 24 hours a day, even on thursdays and fridays. there is no product left, but if the customs product has not received the answer from the laboratory, if
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the standard has not yet given an answer, the product will be suspended, even though the customs is ready for clearance, so we have to use other devices as well. and there are several agencies in the field of trade . in 1402, it decreased by 50%. this meant that many of my colleagues in the government sometimes wanted to change something , for example, customs definitions. i said that our rule is that when you you announced before for dates, for potatoes, for every product that you import and export we can't tell the economic operator a new rule once every month, even if
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you pay attention to those who observe those 15 days , despite the fact that they observe those 15 days. it brings indiscipline by itself. well, what restrictions did you put when we didn't set legal restrictions , we really used our extra-legal capacities and requested, we said, please, respected ministries. who are in the field of business, for the benefit of the producer, to be predictable , because the economy is changing so daily if not, we are in a foreign sanctions war, we must provide maximum peace and tranquility for exporters and producers. alhamdulillah , our colleagues will not notify us after seeing that we are firm . don't worry, let a few months pass since your previous interview, then at a specific date with the forecast of summer and winter
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, we may be able to inform about certain products and goods in advance. the field of improving the business environment and licenses and regulations have changed. now that the issue of customs has been mentioned here, one of the problems we have seen in the past and now in some places has become less prominent . there were long queues of exporters . kilometers in the border. various things in the customs are pending. well, in some of these terminals , the electronic queue is being done now and it is very, very slow compared to, for example, a year ago . the same city of origin should be done and when they reach the border, don't even call you
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it's the turn of the electronics to cross the border directly, and as you said, the 24 devices that are connected , these are integrated in one system in a way . well, the direction of the ministry of economy and customs in relation to the facilitation of customs formalities is like the image that you just expressed, your excellency, in the sense that we can provide the relevant documents. we are waiting for the business in a completely online way, we don't need paper at all, from the customs office where it is the origin to the place where it wants to enter our country. electronic communication between alhamdulillah customs has happened with some neighboring countries, we are expanding to our other main trading partners and if the institutions want
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to check the quality of the standard permits. etc., quarantine of livestock and poultry, each of these stages should be completed in such a way that the minimum amount of sleeping and waiting for goods or deposition of goods in ports and customs is formed. of course, please note that in this way we want to reach the shortest time, we have to go through some formalities. for example, no matter how much time is spent in reviewing the documents of a businessman. let's be brief about it the part that needs to take a part of the product as a sample to the laboratory and return it may take 48 hours, 72 hours or 5 days for the samples to go to the laboratory and get a confirmation that, god forbid, people's health will not be harmed if it is a product that may be harmful. good health , there are food products and the like, or if in other sections
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, for example, suppose in the width queue. the goods are pending , the customs formalities have been completed, but the central bank should allocate the necessary width faster so that it can find the ability to actually issue the code and enable clearance, these are other things that it is a bit out of the rules of our customs and commercial procedures, which i hope that as time gets shorter , we will call it neighboring or neighboring organizations. alhamdulillah, there are many of our neighbors in the market area of ​​the country . let's continue, we are not satisfied with the achievements and we hope to continue
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to see better news in the field of facilitation. we have another keyword , facilitation. production facilitation in trade facilitation in business and the work of all these, the important role played by the ministry of economy is to facilitate and make all these processes intelligent, with the least amount of time, the least amount of human intervention, the least amount of ambiguity, the most transparency, and god willing, these are the paths that we will continue to follow for 1403. a very big horn. did you know that this was the story of the business licenses, and we really need to thank the friends of the national media for helping a lot in this matter, after that, i don't think there will be anything else as difficult as this, that is, if you get licenses in this story. and the work should be thousands of people or you used to carry the device in the cities, provinces and the whole country
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and you would bring them anyway. now you probably need 24 devices to be connected to one system. it is hoped and expected that it will be much easier . . the facility was provided to the producers , please tell me what happened, how much was this facility paid, and how much is it measurable for you, and how much could it help them to produce ? 18. what is it at all? yes, a very short line from the government to help businesses small and medium tasks that may be difficult for them. ask for bank facilities with rates of 20 percent and provide them with a part as government aid for facilities with a preferential rate, for example
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, about half the rate that the government announces to all banks in the money and credit council. and tells the banks that this resource that i have provided by combining it with your own resources means that the banks are also obliged to provide one and in 1402 times the resources that the government provides and at a preferential rate at the disposal of the producer. small, medium , put this incident that happens in note 18 until before in 1400, this responsibility was in other parts of the government. the budget law of 1400 assigned this to the ministry of economy. in september 1400, when we came to the government, it almost did not function because the regulations and preparations were not yet complete . we left the second half of the year 1 for to get the necessary preparations and permits, and it was actually in 1401 that we were able
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to deliver 1,400 resources to the producers in note 18. the figure is as follows: out of 19,000 billion tomans of resources that were included in the budget, combined with the sources of banks are 44 thousand billion tomans of education at a rate profit, for example, half of the approved rate was allocated to economic activists for creating 140,000 job opportunities, which was the first time that the government, instead of , for example, 2,000 billion tomans and 3,000 billion tomans , converted 19,000 billion tomans along with bank resources. kurds to 44 thousand billion tomans and in a wide range. well, in fact , very pleasant messages came from the country's representatives for this help with a low cost rate for
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our producers and entrepreneurs . there were 16,000 billion tomans of the government's budget resources, which were matched with the bank's resources and increased to approximately 43,000 billion tomans. of course, in 1402, we used 41 resources for 26 research and technology funds and guarantee funds, which many times producers, for example , take loans from the bank, but they need guarantees that will help them, so we tried these industrial guarantee funds. small handicrafts, knowledge bases, nano, etc. were used, and
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there were about 14 thousand billion tomans of resources that the program organization provided us with the real value, it was combined with i don't want to talk about the bank's resources and about 40 thousand billion tomans of the institutions of note 18. most of the job creation is in note 18, but really one of the points that helped, you know , our unemployment problem, thank god, during the last two years, the situation has been better every season . and in the fall of 1402 to nearly 7 and a half percent and more. out of 23 four provinces of the country, single-digit unemployment rates are found , partly due to these policies to help small and medium enterprises. its importance is due to
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the same portal of business licenses as ma jovan we are educated, ready, motivated, staying behind in the offices, but could not enter into economic activity . again, we were helped in the national portal of permits and other policies that different departments of the government, the ministry of work in this field, the policies that they adopted, if i want to say that output. we see that thanks to god, unemployment has decreased in many parts of the country compared to 2 or 3 years ago. it is a product of such measures, of course, i must clarify that the country's unemployment rate above 10-11 is not acceptable for university graduates. the government is not satisfied with this situation at all and is making serious efforts. god willing, the unemployment rate of our graduates is also the real capital of the country .
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they are for the year 1403, god willing, it will be able to positively affect the unemployment rate of graduates and students . very good. one of the issues that the ministry of economy followed seriously in 1402 and we had regular news about it. i think it has come to an end, right, mr. doctor, yes, it has been terminated. ah , that means that now all the universities that are connected have not actually been under pressure or for some reason. now all their accounts have been transferred to the treasury account. yes, we had a number of oil universities, of course, there are still only a handful, not many, of medical sciences universities and a number of two or three special companies.
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they are still not an obstacle anymore. the problem is that they already have obligations with the country's banking network. as long as the contract expires in the banks and its deadline is over , the bank has to bear it. as soon as the deadline of their bank contracts expires, it is automatically entered into the account of the treasury unit, i.e. with the central bank, other accounts they will be put in full form. we faced resistance in the first year of the government , that is, they said, why do you want to open an account ? we ourselves have accounts in the banks that we work with. with the support given by mr. president and the good interview that the government issued in september 1401 , we closed two cases in 1402, one case of the account of
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the treasury unit, which we can say is a hundred percent in the accounts of the ministry of home affairs and other institutions. government and government companies, some people say, ministry what do you want the companies to do to keep your house in order? it's mainly the government companies that are resisting there and sometimes the number of figures is equal . the ministry is a company, maybe two. for example , the ministry had an annual turnover of funds. the government branch of the parliament, the judiciary and the executive branch , other branches of the guardian council, such as the government companies, which have a large volume of this case, thanks to god in 1402, which was a wish for many years, from the fifth plan , the sixth plan, yes, according to you, the principle of 53, this
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happened in 1402. . in addition, it was terminated it was that the money should not be deposited in the accounts of the treasury unit, the government should make the best use of its resources, the government should spend money, apparently, but the contractor did not reach the end of the line , he built a road, he built a hospital. let me tell you that at the end of 1402 , this case was also terminated , that is , all the final zinfan. any government, even a contractor if you sign a contract with a government or quasi -government agency, this will happen independently of the treasury account as soon as the situation is confirmed. in
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fact, the contractor


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