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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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in addition, he found that it was meant that my money would not be deposited in the accounts of the treasury unit, that the government should make the best use of its resources, that the government should spend money , apparently, but that contractor did not reach the end of the line , he built a road and a hospital. how much has this happened now? i am happy to inform you that at the end of 1402, this case was also closed, which means that all its aspects are final. or government agencies, any contractor who signs a contract with a government or quasi -government agency, actually directly from the treasury account, this happens as soon as the contractor's status is confirmed. executive body
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it issues the approval, the program organization makes the approvals again for final approval and the payment order is issued for the construction project. this actually comes from the program organization in the ministry of economy and treasury of the country. it actually deposits this to the contractor's account. direct credit for the final benefit, which is already in the middle. in fact, in the accounts we witnessed some things that we have seen before, maybe if a manager wanted to play games with the contractor, now, or really , he should use the deposit of this money for a month or two for that device. it's not possible now. yes, the government said that i paid, sir, and the contractor said, why didn't it reach me? if the government paid, the last chain, i should be able to give my worker's account where i bought the raw materials. i bought cement, i bought steel
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, it's not a problem. after all, this hospital, the school that i built, the road that i created , i have to go and clear all this . there was a system of contractors who said , sir, it will really happen the moment you are the key in the government you press enter and the funds are deposited from the bank account to my hand, which is really my job. i did it and i need it. you know that in inflationary economies, we have 40% less inflation every year . well, it will take a while for this money to reach the contract. part of its purchasing power will decrease again. it will be lost like an ice that loses a drop of water. mashe and onor are a group of our engineers and young people and project supervisors or material sellers who are waiting for these funds, alhamdulillah, and the
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treasury unit account, which is the model of the government's financial discipline, so that the government can start being disciplined from itself. let me tell you this, until the government was not disciplined , it still had to borrow money to pay for farvardin ardibehesht. we thank the government. it was settled in the account of the treasury unit and then paid for the final benefit after many years, which we don't know what was the period before that, because in all the recent decades that exist in our written history , there have been these loans and borrowings, 1401 and 1402, only two years. there are those who, thank god, created these disciplines our government and state-owned enterprises are successful in their finances.
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there is a plan to have this in the form of a comprehensive and perfect umbrella, and the element of financial reporting, financial monitoring , which we can now have at the moment , in which department, what payments, what devices, etc. it is necessary to establish this system of financial reporting and financial discipline for the government. we can
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help experts, those who can help in a specialized way and link this incident that happened in the government treasury. giving it to others means that we want it to benefit the program organization and even the budget supervisory institutions mean the government that itself is going to welcome the transparency of the supervision of the national court of accounts, if it needs information so that it is not supervised, after something has happened, the supervisory body will come in and say why did this happen 6 months ago, why did this happen 3 months ago, we can get this information online. it is also available to the supervisory authority. we should actually provide post-implementation supervision , it seems that one of the perfection points of the government's financial management , god willing, we will be able to witness it in 2014. one of
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the examples of this discipline is showing itself in the banks , and well, you have seen it many times in the last year or two. you talked about the banks that are unprofitable and their capital adequacy is low or negative, what is your plan to correct this practice that has been going on for several years in the banks, and many economists believe that until this story is not corrected , it is actually the case of inflation. it will not be corrected as long as the banks continue to operate and this leads to the so-called lowering of the capital adequacy index. 1380s and
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1390s, basically the combination of private and state banks we have changed the incentive system of our bank managers in these two decades. and unfortunately, step by step with this change in our non-state banks, the regulatory and control system for the banking network of his country did not grow , it did not mature, this issue was a very serious issue. it is wrong to correct this procedure that existed before. we are talking about banks with low capital adequacy, which are said in terms of international financial standards, etc. ok we should have created a special event, although in
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the last year of the previous government, in 2019 , there was a capital increase in some banks under the government, but that capital increase was not a real achievement because it was due to the fact that the assets that we re-evaluated it once again to see if the capital and assets have become more expensive, and we said, well, while that achievement is just when we can , the management of the banks that are performing well will be better , so they will be profitable from the accumulated profit. let's bring ourselves and put them on the base capital this and let's take the capital adequacy of these up in the year 1400, 401 and 402, this path was followed that we somehow managed to get 13 banks under the authority of the government out of the total of 30 banks and credit institutions that exist, these 13 are in a disciplined
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and efficient order. productive and out of the words and stories that unfortunately exist for some banks , we should improve their management, improve their profitability , increase their capital from their profit , so that no one can complain inside or outside the country. these banks are problematic banks, so thank god, 12 of them were in 1401 13 banks have come out of loss and the year 1402 , although we are not far away now, the exact and final statistics will come out in the coming days, but we hope that all the banks under government management have come out of that loss. their profitability is the amount that they use for the adequacy of their capital, the figure is about 20-30 thousand billion tomans, the amount of capital increase that
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happened during the 3 years of the 13th government, and now you can say that this is 230 thousand billion tomans, or as our colleagues say, 230 thousand. now how much to be able to compare with the past, we can say that about 80% of the total capital increase is from the government. bank saderat well, a very good thing happened there and some other banks, which led to the fact that the power of their lending and the financial health of the banks themselves
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. in the banking issue of banks, you know that since the law was passed in 1994 , the banks that owe their surplus assets , the bank must use its own banking or economic activities related to banking, for example, if it wants to have capital for its operations. borsi wants to be completely related.
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energy like that, well, from 1994, when the law was approved, until september 1400, when we entered the government, about fifty-four thousand billion tomans, about 54 and 55 percent, of the so-called surplus assets of the banks were sold from september 1400 to the end of 1402. these two and a half years, approximately the number that was handed over is 77,000 billion tomans in two and a half years compared to 54,000 billion tomans 6 years before that, and we have more hope for 1403 because of a very good resolution of the government board in the year was 4 1402 in order to facilitate bank managers often have an excuse that if we sell a certain company, then some regulatory body may come and tell us
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why you sold it, you kept it , it would be more expensive next year, you sold it cheaper, and the likes of the government because take this excuse and show that he really has a serious will that banks should not do banking, they should do unrelated banking . he had a very good competition in february 1402 and he said quite clearly about the companies that are listed in this way and this way. this, of course, was approved by the general assembly of banks by in a way, the government was actually approved and implemented in order to gain more strength, and thank god , i am happy to use this opportunity and say that the entire country's gaming organization, regulatory institutions and the judiciary were completely in agreement with this approach of banks not to do business. and they have announced that they welcome this approach of the government. we hope that with this approval, we will even increase the speed
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of 142, which i mentioned in total, was more than before . in 403, as an example, the national bank had taken a part of its capital and created shazand petrochemical. and it is among the good petrochemicals of the country due to the quality of its products. but it was not supposed to stay in those companies for many years after the establishment of the company, with the same resolution that the cabinet of ministers passed in march 1402 , shazand petrochemical and national bank, a subsidiary of national bank , handed over about 24 thousand billion tomans in cash. it was found that it was built for new investments, that is, the banks of the country, not to eat this money, it means to use it, it means that our strategy and strategy
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, your friends say, the strategy of our strategy in the government is this. that the exit of the old corporations by the bank and the entry into new investments created by the country still needs capital in some sectors that are either high-risk, knowledge-based or very strategic for the country, and no one has gone or will not go to those sectors for any reason. put let's bring these resources into new investments and for the future others planted, we ate, we have to plant so that in the years to come, they will say that such and such a collection, for example , the knowledge base of the country, is the product of the investment that our predecessors made in technology, technology, and jobs, and in fact, its export. god willing, it will remain for the future, god willing, we have about 5 minutes , mr. doctor, the question is really too many. in the same discussion about banks, i still wanted you to tell me a little more about private banks
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, what did you do with them or what, god willing, another time, but let's go to taxes, which one by chance the events that you have followed in the last one or two years, the tax system has become more fair and the law on store terminals in the tax system, please tell me how advanced this law and its implementation is and what achievements it has made so far . where will we reach in 2043? tell me about the new equity share subjects, or in short again, for our dear viewers, in relation to the meaning of what we say, the warehouse system and the end of the store were supposed to be a very simple line, that is, instead of paying value added tax through paper invoices
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every three months of our producers. the company has our overall qualification. he should review and confirm all these and in fact it will be final, and the margins that yes , corruption may be formed along with it, god forbid, one person, a sweet suggestion, the idea of ​​a government official may slip, and finally enter into such corruptions , the same general view. i told you the key the word facilitation and the key word of becoming intelligent and making relationships fair. economically, let's go in a direction that does all this in a completely systematic way . it is no longer my taste to tell if i am good or not with your company. i'm fine, let's do the accounting in another way. all of this is like manual and human intervention . it should be systematized to a minimum. this is the obligation
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that there was an additional tax for borzash, which should have started in may 1400, that is, before the 13th people's government started at all. work but when we came to the government, we saw that the infrastructure is not very ready and there is no work at all. it is one of the big events that i can sum up. the fact that invoices will be sold electronically in our country means that a large part of the frauds country. it will disappear through fake and syrian invoices and so on, which means that an important part of the files, documents , courts, checkpoints and the like, which will be caused by these fake invoices and examples , will also disappear, and it is actually one of the turning points. it is great, we took the time to say this from the islamic council the infrastructure work is very extensive, the parliament agreed
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until the end of the year 1402, in fact, it gave a deadline that from the winter of 1402, all the activists who express themselves in the taxpayer system and the end of the store from the beginning of the year 403 will no longer be added to the throne tax, only through a system. it's just a matter of paper play at the discretion of an auditor and a government official in what order it should be done. this is an event that i have calculated, of course, that so far about 17,000 economic companies have joined the tax system and look at the first step, because it was built their income is more than 18 billion tomans to join this system, well, the majority of economic activists, especially those who are active in business , etc., are not included, otherwise we
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have created 9 million active folders for all miners in the country, but the part that starts, well, this number will definitely take a very large factor at once. we hope that, in fact, this process of systematization will become smart. yes, the will of the government is that by the end of the government in the 13th government, we will be able to implement the moeden system store in one minute regarding the remaining equity shares, if possible. say what is going to happen in the year 403 and what plan do you have for them ? in 1401 and 2002, the government should have thought of a plan for this, giving priority to the people covered by the support institutions of the welfare relief committee or other
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weak groups who are under the third decile, in fact, the second and third deciles. there are 700,000 people who are covered by support institutions but still do not have equity shares. according to them, a package of stocks and government assets is provided it was that when that package of stocks and shares was brought up in the cabinet, some of the shares that should be allocated to the people had problems, for example , they were pledged by some banks and financial institutions, or the economic activity itself, because it was necessary that for the time being done through centralized management. yes, it was opposed even though it was actually done in the form of equity shares, so it lasted until the end of 1402, considering that in the budget law
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of 1403, which of course you are aware of, because the budget of 1403 has been divided into two stages, for the first time, we have a delay from the side of the parliament. the islamic council is a witness to inform in the first year when the internal regulations of the parliament were changed, we are waiting to see the final verdict in the budget of 1403. god willing , we will be able to implement the necessary measures for the justice of the people in this regard. let's see, thank you very much, mr. dr. khandozi, honorable minister, thank you for your patience and all dear people, be healthy . i hope you will be closer to your goals in 1403.
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radiotherapy is based on lutetium, which is used to treat metastatic tumors. this is one of the products of the country's pharmaceutical industry , which was associated with the growth of production in 1402. in the 11th century, we had the growth of the pharmaceutical industry, which is a very large number compared to other industries. today , more than 12,000 types of drugs are produced in iran, and the activists of this document have achieved the knowledge of the composition of special drugs. the drug is used to treat lymphoma blood cancers such as cll and sl and also for people who have undergone organ transplantation. in this phase, we produce insulin glargine , a long-acting insulin that is easier to use. it has us and in the control of diabetes it is a very good insulin and it is used a lot in the world. i would like to thank you for your presence
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. we have produced this insulin from cell base for the first time in iran . the help of this technology is drugs that are toxic and are used for chemotherapy treatment. we come in a targeted way and with the help of a compound called antibody , we deliver them specifically to our cancer cells so that we can reduce the side effects caused by these chemotherapy drugs and more number of cells let's get rid of our cancer. the activists of this document say that one of the main reasons for the rush of their production in 1402 was the timely allocation of width for the supply of raw materials. in 1402, the central bank allocated 4 billion 300 million dollars of currency for medicine and medical equipment, which was a 26% increase compared to 1401. fortunately, the situation of drug production has improved. now, with the arrangements that have been seen from
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the food and drug organization and the support and cooperation of the central bank, the horizontal allocation, which has now been done in a more appropriate way, has improved the volume production of drugs. many of the deficiencies have been removed, but there are still some medicines there is a shortage that is related to imports. he finds, but he has almost solved the majority of the production within the conditions so that the patients have better access to the medicine. nevertheless , there are still obstacles in this industry that by removing them , we can accelerate the production. some of our old factories are in fact, the lifespan of their machines is over 60 to 70 years, and the majority of the shares of this factory are actually salvage factories related to the government sector. in the government sector, when the assembly is held, the task of the assembly is usually to explain more than 90% of the profit, that is, 90%. profit
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it is being explained every year with 10% reserve , that is, in fact, the 10% that we consider as a series of legal reserves from which we want to deduct , there is no room for the modernization of the industry. bringing this money into their own working capital to buy materials and in fact items and these means it looks like they are buying. machines are out of priority, and when a car is actually maintaining itself, it is actually maintaining itself, and it cannot change the part that needs to be changed on time. this will actually cause problems in our production process, stoppages may actually happen, and production will increase due to the growth of production and the amount of drug exports in 1402 100.
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it grew so that according to the statistics of the ministry of health , the export of this industry reached 110 million dollars. by studying the opinions of experts on this issue , i come to the conclusion that a basic key to solving the country's economic problems is the issue of production, domestic production of national production, that is why we have been thinking about our production in the past few years.
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happy new year, ila started moving and it was impressive, the movement does not stop and continues.
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it finds balance, the secret of continuity and movement. the first ones are flow makers. you were the first one. we have a guest . we are near. my guest is now my daughter. she is the one who is there. there was another time. nothing. ladies and gentlemen from the iranian house. they are our guests. this is the same carpet. let's go back. renovate your home in a large iranian house with exceptional conditions and enjoy this affordable and essential purchase until 2:00 am in tehran. united nations credit institution, the arrival of ancient nowruz. and
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its symmetry with the holy month of ramadan, the month of god's feast he sincerely congratulates all iranians , wishing for a blessed year and acceptance of obedience and worship , dear patriots, nation credit institution, quality and quality, variety, quality, variety, friends, friends of the city of household appliances, there is quality and variety, there is no dispute. no matter how you count it, you are the winner


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