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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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mossad, who were arrested during the assassination of namouf khalid meshaal, a member of the hamas movement, was released. he founded the islamic resistance movement in gaza together with a group of palestinian youths in 1365. sheikh ahmed yassin met with the leader of the revolution in may 1377 . al-tawrah al-islamiyah was established in iran.
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on march 22, 2004, sheikh ahmed yassin was martyred by a rocket fired from a zionist army helicopter while leaving the mosque after the morning prayer. let's go to the second case of the world today. isaac brik, the retired general of the zionists , declared in an article in haaretz newspaper: israel is on the path of certain destruction is. exactly the same. it sank due to collision with an iceberg . firing near doleif settlement west of ramallah . and the sight of the resistance fighter moving from one place to another in the mountains of the region during the clash with the israeli forces after the operation. well, apparently, this report was not ready, but i am talking about this with mr. nasser torabi, an expert on west asian issues, who
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is a guest of the world today. mr. torabi, welcome , i am asking my question, we hear expressions from the zionists, both former and current officials. it was mentioned that isaac brik pointed out that israel is on the path of destruction of course, we also had a news about yediod aharot newspaper's military analyst bergman saying that this regime is breaking up gaza, the interpretations we are hearing, in your opinion, why is it being brought up now, why is it being said that it is breaking up gaza? i would like to express my respect and congratulations to you, your respected colleagues and all dear viewers. first of all, i need to thank the national media, sada vasima, for not forgetting the issue of gaza in view of the issue of eid and the discussion
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of the month of ramadan. the atmosphere of our society is a priority of gaza i went down there, there is still a massacre , and before i came, the images i saw are really heartbreaking. the national media can't broadcast them. i was crushed by many of these people under the sand of the tanks . it was really heartbreaking. i thank those who followed up on this issue. yes, but regarding the answer to your question, i have to say a few things. look at the statements that are being made. it is taken by influential people, decision makers. now , you mentioned one or two people, for example, i will add one person, mr. mark warner, the chairman of the senate intelligence committee. if i want to know the synonym in the system we will become the head of the national security commission of the parliament and a person who is the intelligence heart of the senate or, for example, 18 security agencies have formed a single institution in the united states . a few years ago, ziah
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was responsible for this case. now, a group has formed . 18 american security agencies came together. i gave a report that gave a very strong reaction to netanyahu. the war is over and only 35 % of the tunnels could be discovered, now these are the statistics that they say, the statistics that hamas says are 8. up to 90% on the head because you know these three the tunnel layer has different tunnels. the first layer is for weapons. the second layer is for people. the third layer is for trucks. two to three trucks pass through this tunnel side by side . in the second month of the second third of the war , you will hear this story . four main goals. netanyahu
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mentioned that he himself spoke two weeks ago or 10 days ago and said, "sir, a ceasefire, acceptance of a ceasefire means our failure, it means that we have to look at our goals. i ask the viewers to pay attention to these words." netanya says that if we accept the truce and if we do not achieve our goals, it means failure, israel's failure , what does it mean that it did not achieve its goals? he said that we are coming, sir, we will destroy the whole of hamas, we are coming there , then we will kill all these leaders, yahya senwar mohammad zaif, then he said, we will also free asra, and we will destroy the tunnels and tunnels of gazaram, so look, now 140 days have passed, the head of the committee the information of the senate says that we were only able to find 35% of
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it. israel's land in gaza means suicide, because one side is a classical army, because it must win, that is huntington's words, on the other side, it is a guerilla military that just needs to survive, which is taking casualties now, the message that is being expressed in israel, this is a clear message that mr. netanyahu there is no plan. look, i have many examples of this. a colonel of the israeli army spoke a few days ago and was reprimanded. he said, "sir, we don't have a road map . what do we want to do now ? what solution do you have for the day after the war
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?" i say that the word of interpretation is israel mr. netanyahu presented illusions and imaginations , he said, sir, these are your illusions, hamas is still fighting in the square. he has shown that he has been in the field for 6 months, so this confusion and confusion of the military forces is helping the politicians to realize that netanyahu must change, and there are whispers within the regime and in the united states and european countries that there must be a change, sir. it should be created in this field, in a sense, both the internal crisis in the political debate and the internal authorities, and the military debate and the war facilities that we had in the news yesterday that canada announced that it wants to stop sending weapons to the zionist regime . now, of course, whether this is a declarative policy or actually doing it is debatable, but
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in any case, he announced in front of the media that he wants to stop. we had news that prime minister eiland had resigned. before that, he went to biden and criticized his support for the zionist regime in this situation where the supporters of the zionist regime are decreasing, in your opinion, what vision did he see for the future, how far can the zionist regime be with these losses? continue to see how many times i read this article again let me tell you how many things are putting pressure on the israelis. it is an economic issue. the last news we had was 300 million dollars per day. this is only for support. the damage they see is no discussion of public opinion, whether inside the regime or through the outside , the regime and the third issue of the ships that are in the field, well, there is a lot of censorship there, and the fourth is the internal differences, it is being pressured
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, it has 3 winning cards, israel. he is using these three. i feel, for example, this story of rafah, as i have already told, then i know that until eid al-fitr , a martyrdom operation by one of the elite forces. the one that was trained in jordan by the americans was formed by abu moazzam's bodyguards , but why is it calm because the israelis retreated. the withdrawal of the prayers of a few 10,000 people and a few hundred thousand people, i counted up to 90,000 people, and even mr. ben-guil has been limited and his hands have been completely closed . i noticed that there is a lot of pressure
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and as we get closer to november and the american elections, the pressure on america will increase . i read a news about a week ago, but not now. i don't know what happened today, america is not working like it used to send military weapons. it means that even america is joining those losses. it is a democratic election issue because it needs the votes of the muslims of michigan, the muslims of the united states, and now is the time. i am talking about the muslims. some people ask questions that, sir, this means they want to vote for trump, not trump. they probably won't vote, and the democrats won't vote. a debate between aipac and the lobby the closer we get to the elections, the closer the zionist regime gets, the more power the lobby gets, the less power they have before the elections. the europeans also say , sir, russia and the story of ukraine
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are a priority for us. we must prioritize this. the pressure of the public opinion of the people of north america and europe is increasing. they can no longer tolerate these images. what result do we want to achieve? i think it's possible that after this topic, a news was brought up a few minutes ago on the cloud channel. sir, we gave anthony millikin a plan to remove the citizens there america will not accept this, sir, it is very strange for us, i want to tell you that tide fed , something very special, i know will happen later, if this is the case, you should know that these are the papers that netanyahu is using in the negotiations. there is too much whiteness, this is an issue, if the internal pressure is overcome, put netanyahu aside. one scenario is that
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it is very likely that benny gans will come to the election earlier than the deadline , the process will be a little different. or attack lebanon yes, because netanyahu needs the continuation of the war, and i feel that the americans are putting more pressure on netanyahu to side with him. netanyahu can't understand these pressures , you know, he has the highest attendance rate in the cabinet in israel, and so to speak, he has seen the wolf in the rain , he will not cope with these pressures. the zionist regime is bound to see us return again from the rain of bombs. from the cannon firing field in the last 150 days and nights this time
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there is no place left without traces, hands full of blood and empty from netanyahu's victory without meeting america's demands and destroying hamas, according to the publication. and the chief of the army here gives the answer to the internal dispute instead of the achievement of the war.
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as the commander of the army, i have powers and responsibilities in sending people to the battlefield. according to this zionist analyst, the differences are signs of failure. it seems that a pre-prepared plan has been prepared to harm the officers and the chief of staff of the armed forces to make them responsible. in the battlefield , whenever this area was hit, traces of prisoners were seen it did not happen and now it has become the biggest challenge with their family. everyone knows that the war has reached a stalemate. israel is currently in the weakest position. 134 people have been kidnapped. tens or hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated from their homes. the government and the people are in a hopeless and depressed state. all-out attack. he also destroyed the way back to gaza. now that
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there is talk of negotiations with hamas, the wall street journal quoted a former zionist negotiator as saying that the zionists realized that by entering into negotiations, failure and any kind of agreement is a victory for hamas. for this reason experts believe that the zionists are trapped in the gaza swamp no matter what they destroy and sit on the left side of the negotiating table. you put forward 2 propositions, one is that it is possible that the zionist regime will attack lebanon and that it will open the rafah front. this discussion of attacking rafah has been discussed for several days and maybe several weeks. and why can't it be done, because until now
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it only has a media function, and now it is being discussed in detail in their media. i mentioned the weakness, the four things that i mentioned , the psychological pressure, the international pressure that is happening , the internal problems, the economic problems, and the issue of the 3 strengths of netanyahu or israel is using it . first of all, the second issue is the evacuation of northern gaza, and the third issue , which is very important, that is, very strategically important, is the creation of a port , which the americans are doing . there are many people there
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there is also shahid mission, but see the solution. why is it important to see that israel also entered the north first? getting into gaza well, mr. asrai said, we entered here, killing many people, the first massacre was there, then retreating , then going into the gaza strip, being on the sidelines, then entering khan yunis, attacking khan yunis, which is now a detailed process, in these hundred or so days, now let's explain in detail what happened in this pressure that happened, the people in a dense area called rifa, which is next to a crossing called philadelphia , which is very close to egypt, that is, from there the rifa crossing that we hear is the exit and entrance of aid. i see yes, this is the area, and you should know that a part of the three parts of the people there is supposed to be a part of those who live there, a part of those who receive guests, that is, those people, like during our own war , many people came who were affected by the war, going to their families
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' homes is a part of it. a large number of them live in tents , it is safe to say. the densest part of the country means that there are tents after tents of people, the situation is a little better than in the north of gaza, because there the problem is not like that, because the israelis closed a border between the north and the south of a street and they are creating a separation there. now if a a bomb is a rocket if it happens there, it will be equivalent to maybe a few dozen bombs in another area, so the pressure of public opinion will be strong. they attack here, there is a solution for netanyahu, he stayed north, he went south , he did different things, i don't know , let's go to shafa hospital, it's a game they are playing now, they say, where are our evenings , we have to go and liberate our people in this way. you know, many people, people who cannot be called citizens of the israeli military
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, agree that it was about 35 to 40 days, i don't remember exactly. the survey that has been done, sir, the severity of the operation is low we should attack more. netanyahu was following up on an incident when he said, "sir, there is a million and a half population there, that is, once the case itself is narrow, that rafah, look at how dense the population is, he says this, sir, where should they go in the sinai desert , the history of the palestinians has shown that those who go to a they are placed in a camp somewhere, whether in syria , jordan, lebanon, or egypt . they are not in a good situation. these displaced persons are unknown. in the news interviews , the palestinian people themselves point out that being in the same situation of war in the palestinian region , we are afraid of becoming refugees and seeking refuge in other countries. the neighbor is better for us, yes, that's why egypt can't accept this either. there are 1 million to 2 million people in that sinai desert, so who wants
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to help them? the israelis gave them a few heavy offers of millions of dollars, but with billions of dollars , but they didn't accept it. because of the cost of coming , they even made the wall there more difficult , then they threatened me , saying we will kill anyone who comes, and officially announcing the deployment of their military weapons there, what is happening now ? which they themselves ask in the diet he says what will happen if he takes it there and nothing happens. they say, sir, the pressure of the crowd will make it difficult if this happens. i will make a prediction now that if this happens , i will say again in the parentheses of my previous sentence that the lebanon case is no longer tied to the gaza case, that is, israel. they are working on the lebanon case separately, and the probability of an attack is very high even after the ceasefire, even a year after the ceasefire, that is a side
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issue. negotiations are two well, netanyahu wants to use this process to make it last longer so that now there is an opportunity for trump to come. there is a possibility that even under these conditions, if muslims do not vote for the democrats, trump will come and want to. they are afraid of resistance, whether in lebanon or in yemen or in other places like other circles like iraq , syria, and if this happens especially in that port and takhreya in the north, my prediction is that the resistance front will not sit still, and a suitable reaction must be done. will give. thank you very much mr. torabi for accepting our invitation and coming to the world today. but let's see a selection of short international news
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particle for direct object. well, before seeing the news package, we are in contact with mr. darawi, a reporter of the sda news agency in moscow . we are going to discuss the details of the shooting in a shopping center in moscow. hello mr. darabi. we hear from you again , the new news that you have received from a few minutes ago until now , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings again , i am in your presence, mrs. shubri. well, i am talking to you right now. i am leaving for the place of the accident, some distance away. anyway , the center of the city, where we started from here, let's go there, there is a very heavy security atmosphere over the entire city of moscow it has been said that i was passing in front of one of the metro stations , they are physically checking all the people one by one, the intercity trains
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are stopped, the airports are very secure , security warnings have been issued, all cultural events for saturday and sunday have been canceled. the suspension has just been announced, which was supposed to be at pedwells tonight. there is a ceremony that was immediately canceled and the number of injured is increasing. we are trying to reach the krokas expo area where this incident happened. we will arrive in 40 minutes, considering the distance of about 40 kilometers, although the area around there is completely closed, i hope that we can enter that area anyway with a special journalist's card to see what the situation is. the last news i had was that the number of dead has exceeded 40 and
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the number of injured has reached 120. the spokesperson of the emergency department has announced that this number will definitely increase and the number of dead and injured will increase. one of the armed attackers was arrested and attempts were made to arrest the others. it was announced that there are 3 people at first but now apparently it has been said that there are 5 of these people, one of them has been arrested and the efforts to arrest the rest of the unknown armed people are continuing . there is a complex in crocast expo where there are shopping malls, concert halls and music halls, and it is a very busy place. currently, the finger of attack is towards the united states
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, because the american embassy in moscow had given warnings about two weeks ago, and even now. ms. zakharova said that the americans should be held accountable be that as it may, if you have information at your disposal, why not provide it to russia? god willing, as soon as we arrive, we will be in touch again and closely. we will report from the location to the location of the incident for our dear viewers. i am at your service , mrs. sabaei. thank you very much, mr. darawi . as soon as you have more information, we are ready to communicate on the news network in the rest of the world. today, we will see the short news package and come back. tik tok is a weapon aimed at the heads of americans. according to abc news, these statements are made the us senators come after the us house of representatives passed a law last week that
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would force the owner of the chinese social network tik tok. either sell this online platform or it will be banned. tik tok, which is one of the most popular social networks in the united states , has been restricted since two years ago due to concerns about the threat to national security in the united states. the indian man's hand-made helicopter was seized by the police. this indian man has announced that he will buy a second-hand car for 250 thousand rupees equivalent to 2998 dollars. he has turned into a helicopter so that he can fulfill his dream and use it for a wedding party or a place for photography, but the indian police say that the reason for confiscating this hand-made helicopter is that it does not have permission to move it on the roads from the relevant centers. the chief of staff of the us central command, centcom, condemned the aggression of this country to yemen in recent months on
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yemeni naval operations. according to michael kerla, the us response to the naval operations in yemen has been weak, and the yemenis have carried out at least 50 attacks against ships on the coast of this country since last fall. thank you for your cooperation, god bless you.
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enjoy this economical and exclusive purchase. until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. welcome to this news section and this football magazine . we start the program with news from iranian football. the legend of the blues is back in the hospital. hassan roshan, the former striker of esteghlal and the national team, who was hospitalized before the new year. after a year of delivery , he was hospitalized again and the conditions were difficult.


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