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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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our provinces have the problem of gas supply, especially in the domestic sector. in the name of god. hello. as you were informed in the previous news section. a shooting in a shopping center in moscow, the capital of russia , has left at least 40 dead and more than 100 injured. rayana vastadi news agency reported that three masked people shot at people in the celebration hall of this commercial complex. also, throwing a firebomb from orange jack caused a fire in this hall. russian news sources of the arrest of one. one
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of the perpetrators of the terrorist attack reported to this commercial center to know more details about this incident we have a terrorist connection with my colleague, ali darou , a tv reporter in moscow, mr. darawi. greetings, in the name of allah , the most merciful . in crocast expo moscow , the fire is still going on and even though 10 water-sprinkling helicopters are working right now as i am talking to you, but it has not been contained, but a very thick view of the main hall of this center has also risen into the air, and some people those who were caught in the fire managed to save themselves a few minutes ago
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the ministry of health of russia published the names of 147 people , 40 confirmed dead and about 17 people are insane, but some of the injured said that their condition is serious and there is a possibility that the number of dead will increase and i am still at your service. ambulances are constantly coming and going and moving the injured. there are many fire engines around the scene. along the main road where i am at your service, more than 20 ambulances are lined up here and about 200 are inside. water helicopters are constantly bringing water from the surrounding lake, but they can stop the bay do and at the time, the security forces and the police
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are trying to arrest the arrest of other people who were involved in the attack . many european officials have made statements condemning this system, although russian officials still believe that the americans knew about it, because they had told russian citizens two weeks ago that an incident was coming. it was very predictable. for the presidential election in russia, the incident happened at the same time as the elections , but it didn't happen like this, and now this happened on friday evening and many innocent people were killed.
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to be forced and those who are involved should be held accountable for now, but they should be held accountable, just as russia said, we should hold all those involved, no matter what country they are, and we will have a tough response to these events. we are still here, we are from dear colleague, we have the latest news for you and our dear viewers. thanks to ali daravi and now we will talk to mr. mohdian to find out about the dimensions of this incident an expert on russian issues, in the name of allah , the merciful, the most merciful, i greet you and your viewers. salam alaikum yes, hello, have a good time, mr. modian.
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what are your comments on this terrorist incident in moscow ? look, we had the nato secretary general's trip to the region last week, where he visited baku, georgia, and armenia. all the experts agreed that after this trip, which was done to coordinate anti-russian actions and to harm russia so that it loses its focus in ukraine, we will definitely see a series of aggressive actions by the west in the central asia and caucasus region, rather than russia. unable to ukraine should advance and create a breathing space for the zionists, and this crisis happened today, russia was first hit from the inside to confuse russia. and it is predicted that in the coming days, we will probably witness other crises in the caucasus region, so that russia will lose its focus again to confront the west in ukraine, and one of the possibilities is that the conflict in the south caucasus. what happened between
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armenia and baku, according to experts in the region, and many of them believe that this terrible terrorist attack is actually the creation of a corridor of ignorance. there is a strong alarm. the goal is to form this corridor in the south of armenia with the cooperation of the zionist west and the nato member countries, so that the path is actually a terrorist corridor to facilitate the transfer of terrorists from west asia through turkey to baku to asia. central, and if this takes shape, both russia's security and china's security will be jeopardized, as well as iran's security. it is endangered, therefore, the general goal is that the eastern order that is emerging challenges the western order under the leadership of russia, china and iran , this order will actually be weakened, so the 3 countries should cooperate increase them
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, coordinate their foreign policy in the central asian caucasus region against the west, and try to help preserve the integrity of armenia's currency , prevent baku from occupying the south of this country, and prevent the formation of the jahli zangzor corridor, otherwise this is actually let this corridor route be established and the export of takfili and wahhabi terrorists to the region will be facilitated. on the other hand, the routes for the transfer of goods and energy from china and russia will be controlled and monopolized by western countries, and in my opinion, what happened is the result of a series of russian mistakes. in management of the asia region. central and caucasus, which is coordinated with iran it was not enough, on the other hand, turkey and nato have been allowed to try to impose the western order in the region and increase their influence, and if this situation continues, we
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will have more security problems in the region, so the republic islamic iran should actually increase its activity in the field of foreign policy in this region , pay more attention to this region, we have a lot of focus. we are in the west asia region, unfortunately, during this period, we saw that our enemies actually made a lot of investments in the central asian region, the caucasus, especially in the republic. azerbaijan in kazakhstan and in any case we have to make up for this neglect and we see the fruits of this neglect, we may be the next victim again . we see many similarities between this terrorist attack and what happened in kerman, both in terms of the type of attacks in our opinion, it is fishy. the people , and in fact the people who carried out this attack, we must increase our coordination between the 3 countries so that, god willing, we can prevent further damage in the region, god willing. khalili in gulzar
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shahadai behesht zahra was held in this ceremony in the presence of some families of martyrs and martyrs , the memory of martyr khalili was honored. ali khalili was beaten and martyred on july 25, 1390 in one of the neighborhoods in the east of tehran. receipt. the next part of the news at 2 o'clock. the iranian coach, sharaf iran , is playing with a telegram across the country. why is this 6-month pricing? your question is an interesting question
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. you are a football manager . in the name of god, greetings, politeness, respect, service to you , dear and respected viewers, especially the higher program we are at your service for another debate on whether the retirement age should be increased or not . you must have heard a lot of news about how to increase the retirement age , how much it should be increased at what age , and the same rules and laws that the words that have been said have opponents, the method of increasing the retirement age, that basically, there should be reforms and
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the resolution of the disagreements of the pension funds , it should be from the side of my request to your presence . which we have discussed in previous programs with the presence of two experts, we want to discuss this program again and present it to you . i invite you to join us until the end. please give me a way, thank you. here in the upper studio, mr. faizinejad, the technical and insurance deputy of the national pension fund, is present as a supporter of the increase in the retirement age. mr. esadi , a member of the legal committee of the center of workers' trade unions, is present as an opponent of the increase. retirement with greetings and god's strength to both guests, i want to start with mr. asadi and the question, mr.
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asadi, why are you against increasing the retirement age? in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, first of all, reform your commander, there is a reform of age and seniority, that is, in the development plan, what has been seen is both the reform of the age for retirement and the former reform , we have an age increase for men up to 62 years. also, increasing the premium payment or the years of premium payment up to 35 years of service, i would like to tell you that there is a need for quantitative or parametric reforms that all social security funds need, but should we see that the time has come for these parametric reforms or is there a suitable time for it? second, whether these measurements or changes that are made can is it fruitful or can it not be fruitful? the main issue
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is that it seems that acting on a case-by-case basis is not successful, that is, it is not in the interest of the social security fund. the second problem in this regard is that they see pension funds as the same, even though they are pension funds. they have different functions. the social security fund is not compatible with the national pension fund or other funds. it is not the same age. you cannot apply a single prescription for them. when you apply a single prescription for a patient who is different, naturally, the treatment obtained is certainly not effective, in your opinion. d to you asked a question, and the time has come.
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in my opinion, this so-called effectiveness must be accompanied by another item, accompanied by other functions, just for you to come from the pockets of the workers or from the pockets of the insured to improve the resources of the social security organization is not a good action, mr. faizinejad. why agree dear viewers , i would also like to congratulate you on the blessed month of ramadan and the spring of the qur'an and the spring of nature. look , we must keep one thing in mind in relation to this issue, and that is that we are talking about insurance funds. it does insurance funds they are intergenerational funds , they do not belong to current retirees. in the pension fund
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, our average pension payment in terms of service history is 29 years, that is, from the time a person retired until today , he has received 29 years of pension, which means it has taken almost 3 decades. he is hired and from that time we start receiving pension from him until he retires, there is a special rule based on the country's employment law or management law. civil service service and definitely when he retires , according to the same law and insurance principles the asset for which we calculate the pension is that in the future , other laws and regulations will be enacted that will force us
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to have another payment or another condition for retirement despite those rules and principles of our insurance. to have this is outside of the principles of insurance and it will cause damage to insurance funds and they will leave that insurance status , but they will become a support fund. definitely, if we are within the framework of the laws of the above regulations, like the law of the society of the positive social security system of 2083 and these are the policies announced by the supreme authority we should keep in mind that we should always be careful in paying benefits and applying the rules of pension regulations . what we apply should be insurance.
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retirement affects our employees. we calculated that from the time a person wants to join us until the time he retires , we expect him to pay insurance premiums for 30 years, and after 30 years of service , he will be able to benefit from a pension according to his age. there will be changes in the rules of pension regulations , for example, now , i will tell you early retirement, hard jobs are harmful. this confuses the pension rule and the rule of insurance principles governing insurance funds and weakens the funds, and when the funds weaken, we become dependent on the general budget of the government because we cannot pay for pensions from our own resources. let's pay. therefore, how dependent is the retirement ditch? i will tell you now. therefore, we must make
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parametric reforms. the new need is not the need now. in the past, we should have thought about this. one of our parametric reforms is the age increase , which has now been accepted in 17 countries of the world and they are working on it. very well, how dependent are you on the budget? 90% of our salaries, we get pensioners' salaries from the general budget of the government, mr. asadi, are you convinced, mr. doctor? you say that in fact this is one of the insurance requirements or rules that should be increased. age and also the increase in experience , but in reality, this increase in the age of experience, if you look at the passage of this law, it was followed by a law in the development plan to adjust salaries
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pensioners or pensioners when this is approved by the parliament. naturally, since he had a financial burden , they should provide some resources for him, to come for resources to predict the retirement age for the insured or workers, which means, in fact , they want to take from the pockets of the insured and workers and put them in their pockets, naturally, they cannot. it's true, you see, in fact, customization is the primary and main reason for updating. in the last 10 years, the government has increased the pension in such a way that it pushes everyone towards the minimum wage earner, that is, the insured. for example, the one who retired with the maximum amount 10 years ago will get the minimum amount after 15 years. this
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is the handiwork of the government , not the handiwork of the insured or the worker, which is what another institution wants. provide his resources, provide workers from my pocket , this cannot be correct, the fact is that when we open something called other levels in the annual pension increase, we say, sir, the insured who receive at least 35% of other levels 22 after several years of other levels they reach the minimum wage, then you look at a person who has served from the beginning to the end of his service or more, and has paid richly. after a few it can be taken for at least a year, then you come and go in the legislative assembly, you propose and approve it, and it's a secret, no matter what happens to fix this disharmony , from whose pocket? again, from the worker's pocket, he says that the worker made the decision here, or did he want these wage levels to increase in this way. this is because the government did what it did by itself
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, and it does not provide the resources that it should provide. this country is trying to provide resources if the government can pay its debts to the organization on time. social security can pay its debts at the daily rate pay , be able to pay the insurance of his debts in a way that they are liquidable, liquidable as they say today, or the one who can solve the problem . use sources but fan wants to pay from the pockets of the workers and the insured for the problem of their dissatisfaction. of course, this is not acceptable. now , when the government
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approves things in the annual budget to pay its debts to social security , sometimes they are so strict that it cannot be paid at all. money or companies and institutions pay the social security organization in exchange for their own debts. if these companies go bankrupt, it means that the organization has to take money from other companies for several years to reach the profit margin. once a deal is reached, the government passes a resolution on the companies. leave it to see the development plan in this law, in addition to saying a part from the pocket. work-oriented and insured with increasing age and experience, i emphasize that the retirement age for men has also increased to 62 years and the
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fact that they have 35 years of experience means that an insured person must work for 35 years to able to receive the full pension. in the same law , there are provisions for the development program that by removing it can provide resources for the insured without the need for pressure. thank you, mr. faizinejad, you accept this from mr. esadi, that this was the most useful thing for the reform of the funds. to bring up the issue , he said that it was not the right time. see what situation we are in now. our average retirement age is 51 years old. our average retirement age is 51 years old. life expectancy is now 76 years for men and 78 years for women it is women, and due to the implementation of the youth law, people with 45 years of experience are now
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being hired. with this situation, if we do not accept the change in age, this person wants to retire with 6 years, so it is necessary for the average retirement age. we are 51, how much does it mean to retire after 6 years, which naturally mr. doctor feels is one of the conditions in retirement
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, there are two conditions: age and experience, which cannot be used for age. our average retirement age is now 51 years , the average is at least 1 million 750. a thousand pensioners that our fund has, so the average we must definitely take into account the increase in age and the increase in age in life, so that age should be corrected as one of the parametric reforms. secondly , we actually discussed the situation of proportionality, which may be due to the proportionality or equalization of the salaries of our retirees. because of that, for example , it has been our gain that we have lost, because we , the doctor, have been approved only because of this age and background to refer to the parliament's negotiations. the law of the sixth development plan of the government was obliged to increase the open salary.
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apply the sitters in such a way that at the end of the sixth development plan, each retiree will receive 90% of the salary of an equal employee by the way, one of the topics that i discussed first was this. i said that we have some things that may not be in accordance with the principles of insurance, for example , in our regulations, we refer to the government as the government and in the implementation of article 98 of the employment law, a country is obliged to, when the rights and benefits regarding retirement , it did not change the living conditions and the livelihood of the retirees. in the form of this document , you must take measures to provide the livelihood of the retirees , but this provision of livelihood does not necessarily mean an increase in salary, because the increase in salary itself is actually a type of liquidity and is itself inflationary. this question
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proposing that this was the most immediate thing that had to be done for the reforms of the funds and that it is not the time. do you agree or disagree with these two propositions ? no, my point was that not only is it not the time, but it is way past my time, because we said, we said. now, in our community, 850,000 of us have shared pensions with the executive administrative bodies of the country, which give us our pensions. even though they said that i should say this, i will complete it. look, we have an average of 80,000 to 85,000 people who retire every year. on the other hand, we have restrictions on official employment after 4, 4, 80. it means that the people who are employed for government purposes are not official in the government agency, the subscribers of the pension fund must
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be official employees. considering that we don't have any entry and this number is the same 850,000 people as i am now, our prediction is that in the next 10 years, they will not retire if we don't change the entry or increase the number of women, many of them will be in some way. our parametric changes are really late. in four days , how can we really secure our pensions? should we reach 100% to the general budget of the government? thank you. saying that it was the easiest thing to do for fund reforms, do you agree or not? next to the parametric reforms , my personal belief is that this plays a lesser role. the contribution in this issue is the least in parametric reforms
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, mr. esadi. we only look at one factor as a contribution to the funds, the assumption of correct thinking cannot be the first that the funds are fundamentally different from each other. state pension is not the same as the social security fund. state pension fund defines jobs in it, which means that people are known to work. they know the experts, they are not experts in it, they are the vice presidents , but we don't have such jobs in the social security fund. you want to adjust it first . he says, "sir, for example, how much salary does a vice president get ? now he has to get a pension. 90% of that salary should be an employee's salary. the social security fund has no structure at all." this is not a form, some of them are not workers at all , some of them are insurance payers as if they were someone.
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they don't get paid. how do you know a woman? she says that she is a housewife, adjust her salary accordingly, can you fix the insurance for journalists, for example? you cannot do this. there are some jobs that are defined in the national fund. in the social security fund, they don't define where you want a worker who is in optional insurance, for example, to get his job. you want to say that this is actually a job. what is the effect of these in reducing or increasing the age that you are against? mr. doctor, you are evading the topic that the life expectancy has increased. yes, in fact, you should increase the time of employment. when i say that i am not in the right position , we took action in this direction. see, when you say, we acted against me.


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