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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 2:00am-2:30am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] get 60% of gilna publishing resources as a gift right now by sending 5 to 30085. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the minister of foreign affairs condemned the terrorist act in moscow. mr. amir abdullahian, while expressing his condolences to the families of the victims of sergey lavrov, the government of the russian nation expressed its condolences for this tragic incident. the foreign minister added: the joint and effective fight against terrorism requires serious and non-discriminatory action by the international community
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. in bazid, the minister of health said about imam reza shrine hospital with 11 emergency and treatment centers: the policy of the ministry of health is to support these medical centers. mr. ainullah added from 25 march and the beginning of nowruz health plan until april 2 , one and a half million people visited the emergency centers, of which 270,000 people have passed away. emergency medical centers in motahar razavi shrine for pilgrims. we provide almost all clinical, parking, and specialized services to travelers on a weekly basis. now the minister of health has come to mashhad to see the process of admitting patients and thanking the medical staff of these bases. completion of medical equipment in imam reza shrine bases was the promise of the minister of health , and part of it has been fulfilled so far. politics the satisfaction of health is to be able to
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support the nobles. it should be noted that darushafa is actually doing the work of health care and there are many patients who come here, these are the patients who should go to the ministry of health , but our loved ones are doing this here, this is imam hassan mojtaba 's emergency room. haram bases, if maizei is in a bad mood , they are referred here, here you are everything, a nurse , a nurse, a nurse, a man, and a doctor are stationed, fortunately , there are many forces in the form of volunteers, mashhad, khorasan and other provinces in darshafa and also in the clinic. those inside the shrine and around the shrine are participating. the visit of the health minister reached the streets around the shrine. three bases are currently established around the holy shrine . on the sidelines of this visit, the minister of health
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informed about the state of pharmaceuticals in the country about 9,600 drugs in the country. we have to explain that there are a few drugs that are in short supply, especially special drugs. in fact , it has always been the case in many other countries as well, but the state of our assets is very good. good for special patients, this year , god willing, we are looking for more attention to be given to the medicine pack, and especially for our special patients , we can send medicine to the homes of loved ones . it is done in outpatient and primary treatment centers, and if the patient needs it, he is transferred to equipped medical centers. they will be. in motahar razavi shrine, 11 bases perform relief and emergency activities. with the cooperation of the ministry of health, these activities will be carried out more and more. seyyed sajjad rasouli, sed and sima news agency, mashhad . scientists
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have developed social robots with artificial intelligence to help the elderly. these robots record the sound and respond to the audience by listening. according to this report, the robots equipped with j.p.t. chat act as a friend for the elderly in the nursing home with the aim of accompanying the elderly. the device is able to communicate with its owner as well as provide health and medical reminders. according to the creators of this robot, along with a companion application and inter monitoring. allows nurses
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to monitor remotely. the next part of the news at 3 o'clock. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world today, my hosni sadat zabeiri i will accompany you in this program for about an hour. after vetoing the resolutions of other countries about the ceasefire in gaza three times, america has vetoed its own resolution. russia and china, who vetoed this resolution, called it a draft. america closes the roads in front of the ceasefire. tonight, i ask, if america did not want a ceasefire , why did it write this draft resolution? before the beginning of the conversation, a selection of pictures of palestine in
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yesterday's shabaneh. aljowah lahi al-qayyymin al-rahman al-rahim with
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praise of rabna lak al-muhammad.
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in the name of god, the soul of god is great, and god is praiseworthy. russia and china discuss the us draft resolution about: gaza did not vote in the un security council. the representative of russia in the security council said: the draft resolution proposed by the united states closes the doors to a ceasefire. nebenzia also reported that the non-permanent members of the security council drafted another resolution for a ceasefire in gaza, which is far from politics. the representative of china in the security council also the final text of the draft of the american resolution. he also knew and said: this text ignores the central issue of the ceasefire. the american representative in the security council said about this resolution before the vote: the draft we are presenting forces hamas
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will accept the exchange of prisoners. america's veto of the resolution coincided with the presence of foreign minister blinken in the session of the zionist war council. the minister of war of the zionist regime said of brinken because of adherence. america is deeply grateful for israel's security . i will discuss this with mr. gholam hossein yousefi, an expert on west asian issues. who are on the phone with the world today, mr. yousefi , have you heard the news? i want to know, in your opinion, if america did not want a ceasefire, why did it write this resolution and why did it present its draft, in the name of god, and greetings to you and the viewers. dear khabar network and with the wish to accept the prayers and prayers of dear viewers, as well as negative congratulations.
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9 let me tell you, we cannot say whether the united states wants a ceasefire or not, because the united states has shown that it usually follows double policies or double standards in international issues , and in the case of gaza and this six-month war that has been inflicted on the oppressed people of gaza. imposed, we witness this and we see mr. blinken, foreign minister. this country made its sixth trip to the region and during these six months we did not see any progress regarding establishing a ceasefire and reducing the suffering of the people of gaza. the united states has already vetoed the resolution, even protesting the urgent wording of the resolution proposed by algeria , and this is the same in this resolution.
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the way that the representatives of russia and china announced with ambiguous wording that the united states has presented this resolution and is following this draft, which i interpret is that the united states is seeking to preserve the existence of the zionist regime and on the other hand to destroy the gaza resistance, therefore such a resolution that the united states offers . first of all, it provides its own goals and policies and that of the zionist regime, and on the other hand , it weakens the resistance front and the gaza resistance. war. therefore, this resolution was criticized and protested due to the fact that the wording of the end of the war or an immediate ceasefire was not clearly stated in it.
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it did not happen and it shows that the united states does not want a ceasefire here. what i have said can be seen in the dual policies of the united states. we see that on the one hand , it supplies israel with bomb equipment and weapons to kill more people in gaza, and on the other hand, it insists on supporting the people of gaza or sending aid from the sky. the plane crashes in gaza . well, these are the dual policies that the united states has in this region and in this war it follows and even now there is a gap that we really do not see a clear path in the policies of the united states and also the zionist regime in relation to this young manly war . they are confused. i told you that it has been more than 3 months that the american authorities have been openly declaring
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a ceasefire to the detriment of israel and to the benefit of hamas . the word in the margin was not vague and stupid, they asked for a complete ceasefire can we say that now america is coming and presenting the draft resolution as an action? it is useful in order to get in the way of those other drafts and not have to veto the ceasefire resolution once again because it seems that these successive vetoes have consequences for the united states. yes, i said that the united states has vetoed the resolutions three times. why did he veto because those resolutions clearly called for a ceasefire, so the united states faced a lot of opposition with the protests of its own internal public opinion
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, even elite opinions, especially within the democratic party, that is, officials from the democratic party. because of the unquestionable and full support of the united states to the zionist regime in this war , and therefore mr. biden , i said that there is a dilemma that there is a way out if he wants to. come to veto the resolution for the fourth time. of course, the volume of this protest and hatred of the united states as part of the problem, not as part of the solution, because now this debate is on the table, and within the democratic party, there is this duality that they say that the policies of mr. biden has caused us to be involved in this human disaster, therefore, in order to prevent this volume and purification.
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let's do it. well, he came forward, he made an impression. now let's say he escaped , brought a resolution, and knowing that this resolution will not be approved, he says, "i will also put a piece of paper to show that i also want a cease-fire and a cease-fire." i am sorry for the suffering of the people of gaza, while we see these are double policies, declarations and actions, the actions of presenting a resolution, but the actions of full support for the saharonist regime in the mass killing of people , women and children, mr. yousefi, you mentioned that every it costs money to do these vetoes one after another, that is, if now again a draft should be presented. on the other hand , the american security council will veto it or not. i first said that the united states wants to preserve the existence of the zionist regime, and
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we have seen this as a fixed strategy in the governance of the united states and the governments of this country, so any resolution that they feel the existence of israel does not endanger or ensure israel's security in that view. it can't be, or the future of the zionist regime will remain unclear , they will definitely oppose and most likely will do it to you, and considering what you said, even if with a lot of pressure inside and against if the public opinion is faced with itself, it will not allow a resolution from here to be rejected and approved if it does not satisfy its demands. you see, this issue is a bit vague. i said this , but on the other hand, i said it before. that biden has serious differences with netanyahu. these differences go back to when mr. biden was mr. obama's deputy during his presidency. these differences are becoming more public, they are becoming clearer and
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it is being brought to the public stage that what is putting pressure on israel, netanyahu will not succumb to these pressures and will go his own way, so mr. biden is under intense pressure from the zionist regime that you don't support us, that they are attacking us from all sides, and there is a lot of pressure on us, and public opinion is against us, on the other hand, inside the united states, there is an opposing current, which is now mr. trump. he is leading to severely questioning mr. biden and holding him responsible for the defeat of israel and the wars in the region. these pressures on mr. it weighs heavily, but on the other hand, mr. biden 's loss of the support of the zionist lobby in the upcoming elections will make him, according to mr. carter, feel obliged to
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defend and support the existence of the zionist regime and he has clearly stated many times that we will do whatever is necessary to defend israel. therefore , we cannot expect that mr. biden and his government or any other government in america, if they feel that the future of the zionist regime is not secure or its security is not secure , they will oppose any resolution. thank you very much, mr. yousefi , an expert. international, you were with the world today, but as you can see in the immediate subtitle of the news network, a shooting in a shopping center in moscow is the capital of russia. as a result of this shooting in a shopping center in moscow, 12 people were killed and 25 others were injured. russian news agencies have reported that three masked people
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shot at people in the celebration hall of this commercial complex, and a fire bomb was thrown in the hall. in order to receive more details about this news, we have established contact with mr. darabi, a reporter of the russian radio and television agency. hello, mr. darabi. are there more details, new news about this terrorist incident, and whether you have any observations. do you have any information or not, in the name of allah , the most merciful , the most merciful, i am greeting you, mrs. shabiri and the esteemed viewers of the khabar channel. so far, it has killed and injured people, and the number of injured people and
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people who will probably lose their lives will increase every moment . just a few minutes ago, the spokesperson of the moscow emergency department announced that this incident in a place called croco city is a series of events. there are international exhibitions that have both shopping centers and there are different forums a concert was being held in one of the main halls and the central hall this evening, when unknown armed people entered the main hall from the ground floor, first by exploding grenades and incendiary bombs, and then started shooting a large number of soldiers with automatic weapons. the police , security forces, and emergency services are now entering the area, some of the people who
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came to participate in the concert are leaving the upper floors, and the security forces are helping . around the collection area crocast exhibitions are under heavy security. airports are surrounded by security forces. train stations and city trains are on high alert in moscow . all cultural programs and public events are immediately canceled until the next few days. and this incident was an incident that caused the reaction of the official authorities of this country, mrs. zakharova said that the international community should condemn such an incident, the head of the federation council of the federation. russian also blamed some western countries and supporters of terrorism for this incident and said that they should the punishment of the body. yes, in that you mentioned that now
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the russian authorities are blaming people , did the official announcement of the group accept responsibility for this or not, until this moment, there is nothing in the news , but mrs. zakharova implicitly held the united states responsible, because how many some time ago, the united states issued a warning to the american embassy in moscow and announced that it has information that extremists may attack crowded and busy centers. just a few moments ago, ms. zakharova announced that the americans, if they have information , are obliged to provide it to russia, and if they knew before that there was such a plan and they are complicit in this crime by not informing russia, which means that in any case , there is an edge of criticism and accusations towards america and the countries that supported ukraine and in the actions that, in any case, in some
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time recently , there have been some subversive actions inside russia, in a way they announced their support , they even announced in advance what is going to happen, this means that we have information in our hands, we are at your service if there is new information about the exact number of injured and victims. and anyway, this fire is more widespread. in the conversation with mr. darawi, it was discussed that the issues of russia have been settled, mr. modbar, greetings to you , for the time being, the russian authorities, and especially the spokesperson of the russian ministry of foreign affairs , blame the united states for this terrorist incident, in your opinion. what factors could be behind this terrorist incident? yes , in the name of allah, the most merciful. greetings, courtesy and respect. about two weeks ago
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, on march 8, the american embassy in moscow officially issued a statement warning of the occurrence of terrorist acts in moscow, which was close to the presidential election. note that nearly two weeks of this warning occurred in the united states and we are in this the commercial center that coincided with the holding of several the international exhibition, where a very significant crowd was present in these centers in this trade fair and its surroundings, the federal security service of russia and the ministry of foreign affairs of russia officially announced that the american embassy and the american government were informed of this matter by the special representative of russia in the united nations. and the security council is preparing a draft that the american government is obliged to provide its information regarding this issue to the russian government , considering that last night, russia launched a heavy operation
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in the entire parts of ukraine and in all places and the centers where american and nato defense forces were present and the operation was successful . russian intelligence agencies associate this american terrorist act, which was supported by the united states in the demilitarized zone inside moscow, with today's operation by the russians to the nato weapons depot centers. anyway , a special committee has been set up both in the federal security service and in the office of the president of russia and the ministry of foreign affairs. according to the statement of the american embassy on march 8, the accusation is that this action was carried out with the coordination of the american side . there were about 5 people who
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attacked this center with the camouflage of military uniforms and with automatic weapons that the federal security service is investigating the type of modification and multiple grenades . it was identified because i said that in the past two days we had several large international exhibitions in this commercial and cultural entertainment center in moscow, so the expectation of the russian side is that the russian side will even file a case in the security council against a few minutes ago, the american side even asked the spokesman of the white house that considering that you you warned this before. your role has been revealed. today, this terrorist incident shows that the american side intends to create insecurity and conflicts inside moscow, and probably the russian side will give a tougher and more decisive response to the american side. we have to wait for the kremlin's official statement. probably, in the next hour, the president of russia himself will take a look at this matter in this area
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. russia, you explained the society and answered all my questions, but let's see a selection of pictures of international support for palestine in shabaneh yesterday. ruaina
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sekan, the location of the road. وبتوجوا تحت دمار بتوجوا تتدماريه حد
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البندوقيه الحد البندوقيه العل البندوقيه all the people of muhammad , our friday, in our return, in the return of the people, muhammad, friday, and the need for me , the people of muhammad, the people, the nation, death in israel , death in israel, death in israel, death, or america, death, or america, death, or america. al-jamahiriya al-muayedah


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