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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the fire was contained in the hall of the krokas business complex in moscow. terrorists killed 40 people and injured more than 145 people by shooting in this commercial complex on friday evening. following this terrorist act of arson there was a massive fire in the hall of this complex, and the firemen took help from the helicopter to put it out. the upper floors of the hall building of this business complex. almost completely burned. russian news sources announced the arrest of one of the perpetrators of the terrorist attack on this commercial center. isis claimed responsibility for the deadly attack in russia. but dmitry medvedev, the deputy head of the russian security council , calling isis's statement fake, said: isis is not responsible for this terrorist incident. in this news segment , i talk with another expert on russian issues. hello, mr. madbar. in the name of god
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greetings, i am polite and respectful to you, my dear colleagues and all my compatriots. have a good time. mr. fi modbar, what is your opinion about this terrorist incident? first, i would like to complete the three points you mentioned . it has reached 67 people, among the 67 you said yes, 67 people have reached, among them a significant part. there are women and children . the second point is that yes, the isis statement is fake, but that medvedofi who copied it is not mr. dmitry medvedev, the deputy of the russian security council , it is mr. andrey medvedev, who is a russian journalist, but in general the isis statement is a fake statement, and the russian authorities believe that according to the existing documents , it is the same issue as ferdows.
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today, when the security council is following up on the role of the united states in this terrorist incident , i will tell you the reasons why the american side is involved . we had americans who intended to create a crisis in moscow, especially in moscow . rasem was exploiting navalny's death, which was intended by the american side of the legislation navalny's body should create a crisis , but this did not happen. my reason was that the account that the americans had about navalny and thought that he could create a wave against russia was not true, and he was not popular at all in the russian society. it was about elections. well, we have three elections a day. the reason is that
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for the first time in the history of russia, the elections were held in 3 days. this is the prediction that the russians made that there is a possibility of a security breach, and on march 8th, the american embassy announced that it was going to happen soon in densely populated centers. and in heavy traffic moscow, especially the theaters of terrorist acts by afrasi groups , because of the increase in this terrorist act. security did not happen during the election period, and the real one happened at 8:30 last night moscow time, according to the conditions that exist and according to the statement that was previously warned by the us state department and the space construction that the westerners are doing now, see the west and america is constantly putting forward fake news that , for example, last night, a series of photos were broadcast in the media of people who look like isis . being while later organization
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russian intelligence said that these are groups of terrorists who are already being killed and are broadcasting to divert the main issue and quickly announce that this incident has nothing to do with ukraine, so this shows coordination. and america was prepared for this incident, and in that statement that america gave two weeks ago and warned that a terrorist incident was going to happen in moscow, the keyword theater was also mentioned. the complex that was attacked last night is one of the big ones. there are the most commercial entertainment complexes in ring 3 of moscow ring 3 means ring. third, there is a very large complex outside the city of moscow, and at the same time, you know that saturday and sunday are closed. people are there for fun. there are holidays and two large international exhibitions. there is a significant population.
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i have been checking the collection carefully and during the last night i have contacted several of my prominent russian analysts and asked their opinion. all of their opinions were based on two points, an undeniable role of the us as a cooling agent because of this statement, the behavior of these terrorists, and the way they took their weapons. the way they shoot these shows that these people are professionals and the weapons are equipped with even night vision cameras and laser illuminators. these are modern american guns. attention, the next issue that is very important to your service, you see, now we have entered the third year of the russia-ukraine war, and during this time, the western and american sides have provided all kinds of support to ukraine, and now france is officially saying that it wants to send military forces to ukraine, but no
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changes have been made on the battlefield in favor of nato, and for days, especially the last day for the first time in the last 3 years. the leaders were able to carry out a large-scale missile operation across the territory of ukraine in all nato and american weapons depot headquarters, even to the border of poland and romania. this was a heavy blow that some russian analysts believe that last night's terrorist operation, which was both a blind operation, was also an operation that was exactly ward is one of the most populated centers of citizens and this issue was really a crime against humanity. america's angry reaction to russia's targeted attack on weapons depot centers was, you know, millions of us dollars of logistical weapons had entered ukraine in the past few weeks. these centers were targeted by russia last night
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, so they believe that these are the same groups that were supposed to carry out the terrorist case in the main centers of the city during the elections, because of the nobility . after days of not getting any results, after last night's operation in this business complex, which is carried out in the third ring of moscow, in that huge crowd , i will tell you about all these cases, until next hour, mr. putin is going to give a speech and state his position, because medvedev was mentioned first. medvedev said that if the hand of ukrainians is exposed in this matter, we will be the hardest hit. the heaviest blow to. we will attack ukraine , that is why the us is trying to quickly say that this issue has nothing to do with ukraine . it is the same here again. i will come back to this again because you know that the village has
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a legal case in the security council, mr. modbar, we only have less than a minute to say this . the body's answer is that america will he knows exactly where he is going to carry out this terrorist operation, and contrary to the agreement between the intelligence agencies of russia and the united states, if they have an official agreement, if either side knows that a terrorist operation is going to take place in their operations , the united states should not carry out and inform each other. there is a main and informed partner who made a mistake and did not tell russia and should be punished, for example , this is a word that means a lot . khatib juma tehran referring to the war gaza and the crimes of the zionist regime against
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defenseless palestinian women and children, he said, this year's holy day will definitely be different than ever , this year's ramadan is a different holy month, in the same prayers we recite in memory of the oppressed children of gaza , in memory of the hunger of these oppressed people. we remember their sorrows , it is not enough to burn our hearts and shed tears , muslims should demand from their governments to cut off the vital artery of this fake regime. the islamic nation must prepare itself for a different holy day. this year we have a different quds. quds day this year should be against a political earthquake. animal
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to become zionist anthropomorphs and their dirty supporters. stay with us. dear friends, last night was a difficult night. the ground invasion of gaza caused a large number of palestinians of all ages to arrive with this new skill. mutilation, torn bodies, bleeding, trembling and on the verge of death. all of them were civilians and innocent. heroes work in ambulances and all hospitals in gaza for 12 to 24 hours
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. their faces are dark from tiredness and work load of young men. they take care of the sick . they check the condition of the patients and try let them understand the incomprehensible chaos of bodies, sizes , limbs, walking or not walking, breathing or not breathing, bleeding or not . people are the same people that the most moral army in the world once again treated them inhumanely. done. the style of occupation and oppression that is applied to the people of gaza is based on the example
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of dr. mats gilbert, a norwegian humanitarian doctor
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, an anesthesiologist and head of the emergency department of a norwegian hospital . he has been actively with the palestinians since the 70s and has worked in palestinian hospitals for several periods. . in the 2014 israeli attack on gaza, this norwegian doctor was in the hospital from the mouth of gaza. he rushed to the aid of the palestinians and in a letter described the situation of the people of gaza in the conditions of the israeli army's attack and the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. his book about the gaza war, titled eyes in gaza , has been translated into several languages. so far , israeli attacks have injured 1,231 people. one of them
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is here. he is a young man who lost both legs due to brutal attacks. in addition, 165 people were killed in just a few days, 60 of whom were women and children. there is no doubt that israel's attacks on gaza targets ordinary people and civilians, women and children, which is a collective punishment that is against international law, but there is no doubt that israel uses very advanced weapons. that they shoot f16 fighter jets and warplanes, and these types of weapons are probably the same weapons that are made for use in areas with high population concentration. using these weapons is a war crime and causes catastrophic injuries to those who are near the place of explosion. this
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action is not only inhumane, but also a crime against him humanity comes to you. and it is completely against international laws .
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during israel's attack on gaza in the absence of media activists whose presence in the region is prevented by the zionist regime. it was a text message sent by this norwegian doctor who revealed the crimes of the israelis from dr. mats gilbert in gaza . thank you for your support. two hours ago , they bombed a market in gaza. 80 people were injured and 20 people were killed. here we were drowned in death and blood, many children
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, pregnant women, i have never been so terrified. i had not experienced it, now i hear the sound of tanks hear, say, send, shout , do something, do more, we live in the history book, all of us people from other countries are really shocked, really sad and sad when they see these crimes, they cry. when they see palestinians losing their loved ones , they are killed without any guilt. it is their fault that they are palestinians. they are without a court order.
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gray faces, oh no, yet another shipment of torn and bleeding bodies, no now, a sea of ​​blood, a mountain of flesh , blood-soaked bandages covering the floor of the emergency room in 24 hours. in the past, more than 100 cases were cured in the hospital. if a big hospital was equipped, it would have been possible, but here we have almost nothing , neither electricity, nor water, nor disposable materials. no medicine , no bed, no tools, no treatment indicators, everything is gone as if it was taken from the hospital museum, but these heroes
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don't complain, they cope with it like warriors and continue their work determinedly. these sentences are written for you while the flood of tears is flowing, warm but useless tears of pain and color and anger and terror. before us, it will happen we want to get together with the palestinian people and the people of gaza. we are not going to die. oh god, it is going to be a bad day. i am not aware that this is going to happen. it is all going to happen. all of these are children . they were all captives. they were children in this area. they were living with us. the jews are destroying them. the jews are destroying them . the jews are basically artificial jews. li fatah is enough, basically, the bad ones are tamed and far away he is 50 years old
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, and he is 50 years old. the women are the children of the little ones , but this is not the case with the jews. tadmar fina and we are in the heart of durna lish tjina ali durna yehud lish you don't want me to tell you , i don't want you to know me . stop teasing us . lish tadmawa lish tejina jews lish tasrajwa we don't call
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my children on the streets of the second place , the whole assembly, they are on the second missile, they are, or the brothers are, the second missile strike, when the missile hit, the children are gone. my children and i are uncared for, gather together, place the third missile on them, mock them all. it is not possible for someone with the heart and strength to stay in the hospital for one night and not be determined to end the slaughter of the first people, but the hard-hearted and cruel people have made their own calculations and want to start another massacre. rivers of blood will flow in the coming nights. i
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can feel that they prepared their own tools to kill. in all the time i was in gaza , i never felt completely safe, although their hospitality and care was infinite, but when i was there and the bomb the israelis poured on the people like a flood and left terrible injuries and sacrificed women, children and old people. i saw
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how the doctors felt extremely painful as a human being. i treated salle without realizing that this amputation was not accidental but was done by an occupying regime that i should try to stop. just now the hateful symphony of israel's war machine orchestra has started again, just now the constant gunfire of naval boats near qarresha beach. the nauseating drones and ear-splitting apaches, most of them are made in america and bought with american money. mr. obama, do you have a heart?
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i invite you to stay with us in the hospital for one night, just one night. i am sure that this will change history one hundred percent. mr. obama, do you have a heart? the united states will always be behind this country when it comes to the security of israel. this is a necessity not only based on our security and economic interests but also based on the common values ​​of
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good relations between the two nations that the two countries have. in 2014, the zionist regime dr. gilbert banned him from entering gaza for life because of his anti-israeli statements. dr. gilbert said about this: when a camera pen becomes a security threat. we are facing a regime that is afraid of only one thing, the truth. qaiser aminpour in the book bibal pridan, we like people like this.


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