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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, salam tir. four masked people shot at people in the celebration hall of this commercial complex. also, throwing a fire bomb grenade caused a massive fire in this hall, which the firemen took help from a helicopter to put it out. the upper floors of the hall building of this commercial complex were almost completely burnt. manna
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russian news reported the arrest of one of the perpetrators of the terrorist attack on this commercial center. to explain the dimensions of this terrorist incident, we contacted mr. vedayeh, an expert on russian issues. mr. badayeh , i said hello. hello and i am at your service good viewers of the news network. good time. can you give your opinion about this terrorist incident? ok. summarizing the news that has been published since the incident occurred , we can see three completely different layers, but in the same direction, regarding this incident . not being aware of this incident will in some way increase the tensions between
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papers describe a new aspect for the alleged prestige of american diplomacy in the field of international relations. well, it goes back to threats. terrorist daesh daesh khorasan we can definitely point out that daesh khorasan has formed in the heart of central asia with the aim of creating security threats for iran, russia and finally for china . kerman or
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even in the terrorist attack that was planned and executed on the shrine of the imam and the islamic council . the third layer, which finally provides us with a general picture of why the terrorist operation is designed and implemented by moscow, is the time of this incident , well, we witnessed it. in the last two or three weeks, we have seen the publication of reports about the russian elections russia's slow advance on the fronts of the war in ukraine . i can definitely mention a report that french officials warned that ukraine will probably suffer major defeats in the spring and summer. on the other hand, yesterday we witnessed a missile drill and a nuclear missile test from we were on the side of russia, so we observed. we believe that the russians
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are using their own nuclear doctrine to defend themselves against the issue of sending nato forces to the war in ukraine. beyond this , what happened last night, the ukrainians tried to use the security vacuum that they felt have planned and executed attacks against russia , but there is a hidden point in this equation, and that is that the russian terrorist attack has overshadowed the headlines of the world's media. according to the opportunity created for them, the israelis carried out massive attacks on palestinian areas last night. it is definitely predictable that the israelis will try to carry out massive attacks on the west bank with this media vacuum. thank you very much for your time . demonstration of millions of yemenis against the crimes of
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the zionist regime of the people of yemen this friday with flags palestine and weapons in hand came to the streets in sana'a and saada and shouted support for the palestinian people. the title of the yemeni demonstrations this week was: our operation continues. stop the aggression . america is the greatest devil, america is the greatest devil. the spokesman of the nowruz headquarters of the red crescent said that these reliefs have been provided since the 25th of march, when the red crescent nowruz project started, until yesterday. more than
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7180 people have been helped in 1252 operations. 194 thousand and 786 of our compatriots from volunteer services 6830 people from our compatriots received the diagnosis of the possibility of heart attack by referring to the pharmacy, rehabilitation centers, and population health centers in the campaign of hilal rahmat, proxy plan and health monitoring plan. with the use of daneshbonian indicators , this product is among the achievements of daneshbonyan last year, along with digital ointment and special dressings for diabetic patients. our reporter had a glimpse of these achievements. science, industry and
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health, an alliance that thanks to the scientists of our country last year, the means of health for the people provided the heart attack diagnosis kit is one of the ones that now increases the speed of heart attack diagnosis and prevents the death of these people. troponin rapid detection test, due to its easy use without the need for special equipment and devices, and the fact that the results can be determined in 10 minutes, this possibility is provided to the medical centers and actually to the emergency rooms. it makes people with suspected symptoms of heart failure to be evaluated. digital hearing aid was another gift from the experts of our country to the health industry. a product made by the efforts of young professionals of amirkabir university according to the needs the patient is personalized and
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has annual savings of 20 million dollars. we did all the designs ourselves from zero to one hundred. including the design of the electronic hardware inside the hearing aid, the design of the hearing aid body, the design. hearing aid adjustment software and also the design of the hearing aid adjustment device . by using our software, audiologists can adjust the hearing aid specifications for their own patients according to the patient's needs in different environments, such as noisy environments, all quiet environments, and other knowledge-based services. of our country to the field of health in the past year , dressings or special dressings for 8 and a half millions of diabetic patients in our country had dressings that prevent the amputation of these patients. in this project, we were looking at a series of traditional products. in fact, in ancient times , it was usually used to heal wounds. in fact, egg, i should say egg white, which is one of the ingredients that was traditionally
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used to actually heal wounds. now our laboratory studies at the cellular level and then at the animal level showed that this was actually a very good potential to accelerate the healing process of the wound. as the vice-chancellor of science, technology and the knowledge-based economy of the presidency announced that out of more than 9,000 science-based companies active in our country, about 600 companies are active in the field of health and treatment. samia nasser, sed and sima news agency. diwankhaneh zandiye mansion was opened to tourists for the first time after many years after restoration and restoration with the aim of world registration.
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greetings and courtesy to the dear viewers of the theater and may your prayers be accepted. welcome to the special news chat. in his speech on the first day of the year, the leader of the revolution expressed strategic points about the solutions to realize the slogan of the year, i.e. the jump in production with the participation of the people. to fulfill the motto of the year various solutions and numerous topics have been drawn. in this program, we will examine one of these solutions. leap production using the capacity
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of knowledge-based companies and scientific activists. first of all , i would like to introduce the guests that we are serving in tonight's special news interview, mr. dr. emad ahmadvand, the secretary of the nanotechnology development headquarters , is with us in the studio. mr. sarkandi, the secretary of the strategic council of innovation factory, is also with us. we also have a relationship with mr. dr. mashaikh, vice president. we have a ready picture of the supreme leader's statements, we can see this together at your service we want the country's infrastructure to be used , popular initiatives to be used, and the management power of economic and managerial activists. educated young forces
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should be used in the literal sense . knowledge-based companies should be supported. these are all tools that, if they are taken into account as a whole , the country's economy will undoubtedly flourish. they will reach, of course, with the unceasing efforts of the officials, which , thank god, the current government is a government that fairly gets a high score in terms of effort, mobility and activity. you are watching a special news discussion on the topic of using the capacity of knowledge-based companies to realize the slogan of the year, which is the leap in production with the participation of the people. mr. dr. ahmadvand, god bless you. granted, in the past years, academic companies have been operating in various fields and
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creating a good infrastructure for a jump in production. now, in the past years , how can i use this capacity to realize the slogan of this year, which is a jump in production with the participation of the people, in the name of allah, the most high. al-rahim , i am greeting you . i also congratulate the good viewers of the program. i wish you the same god willing, the worship of all people will be accepted by hazrat haqq. in the past, we had an upward trend in the general movement of the country in the direction of knowledge and technology, and now we have actually reached a knowledge-based economy in the country. this experience has shown that our country has the capacity to do work from a level that is actually based on the source. debt or just based on financial resources, in fact, let's move forward and
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move towards diversification. naturally, we have a long way to go until our country becomes a diversification-based country and its economy is based on diversification. the distance is still long, but this capacity exists. has this the growth that we all experienced in the various fields of knowledge bases in our country, in the fields of electronic and telecommunication technology, medicine and health, and in all fields, we see that the country is seeing and experiencing good growth based on basic technologies. but this thing that actually exists on earth now is mainly of the same capacity and ability, but there is a gap so that those who are now can play a role in the country's economy in solving the problem.
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our conventional industries such as energy, oil and petrochemicals , and these are fields like agriculture, and these are our health fields, even though scientists have entered and now. in almost all of these, we can see traces of using their capacities, but there is actually a lot of room for work, and there is a lot that in the same healthy slogan that says about production jump, we are right that growth is happening, but if we want the leap to happen, its footing and its capacity and
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where it should happen are one of the main areas of the knowledge-based company. it is true , mr. dr. sarkati, you also mention that, considering that you are dealing with innovation factories, there is the capacity to use young elites to participate in knowledge companies. it is based on how these capacities can lead to people's participation, and we can see this people's participation now in life and technology through private companies and scientific companies that exist in the name of allah, rahman, raheem. hello , i would like to congratulate you, your highness, and dear viewers, and i wish you to accept obedience and worship. innovation factories are inherently private sector investments in the innovation ecosystem of the country, and it is a very correct and well-
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conceived model. the support of the scientific vice-chancellor has definitely been provided . well, these innovation factories are all components of ecostem or they have their own bio-boom, that is, a child with a backpack enters an innovation factory and becomes a knowledge-based or creative company and leaves, so we, who are freelancers, accelerators , co-working spaces, scientific companies, are the opposite of all this. there are these small ecosystems that are present in different provinces. well, these people are people who like to become entrepreneurs for themselves. do or work in the field of innovation , that student, that company, that woman who likes to actually have a business for herself , enters the innovation factories and actually supports them. it can be transformed into a big company by innovation factories, now with different models, like the thousands of companies that you see in the market now, and
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people are actually using it in their daily lives . trying to reach a place, now entrepreneurship, job creation , and solving a series of problems of the country, now the country can be an industry, it can be their own province or different models, now how can we realize this capacity that you say let's use the slogan of the year . look, now we have a series of sweets around 25 factories we have innovations. the last time we were at your service , there were 16 of them, and the program that i think has the vice president of science and is actually being followed by the private sector will reach 40 this year. they themselves attract people, attract different people and actually help them, support them to actually become a knowledge company, a creative foundation , especially the elite and young elite
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that exist in the country . we had technology parks, science and technology parks, etc., etc that a series of facilities have been given to these parks and good results have been obtained. now that the private sector has come, how much better that the same facilities and conditions are created for the private sector so that the young people who want to come to the factory can innovate. he should use those supports, for example , tax exemptions, insurance exemptions, even in different provinces, well, we have economic councils , we have academic councils, which means that by creating this infrastructure and support, we can help in the direction of jump in production and even participation, which means that their number will increase. in fact, more people should be attracted to these centers, mr dr. ahmadvand, in the previous part of your speech , you mentioned that we have many capacities in the ecosystem of knowledge and technology, and these capacities can all
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lead to a jump in the production of some of them. what is the production leap in our economy? what infrastructure do we need now? there is more connection with the industry . there is more market development for knowledge-based companies . look, there are many things that can be done and should be done. it is not to say that these are the only topics, but one of them the axes that can be looked at are that our economy, on the one hand, has a series of limitations , on the other hand, it has a capacity that if it is decided that the country will grow. a large part of the economy is in the hands of the same decision-making institutions that want to actually change the direction. if
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we use this capacity as a market pull for it, in fact, knowledge-based companies and technology companies, we will see that the growth that happens is far beyond that is what we have experienced so far. well, many countries in the world are small in size. if they decide to do something based on their own market is not necessarily possible, so they have to proceed from the very beginning within the framework of export equations and competition with competitors actually outside their own country, but our country is also a big country and this significant amount of its economy is dependent on the government. in any case, it is to very big institutions that if we decide
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to open domestic suppliers in this market more than in the past to the economy, one of the strongest of these companies is daneshmounian . well, there is one consideration, naturally from his considerations there is risk acceptance, because usually when you own a large industrial factory , you are running it. to a series of resources to supply its raw materials to maintain it for its processes and these and these generally have foreign sources, there are factories that have been purchased under license, in fact foreign companies accept that we come to actually change our supply chain and let's use internal resources, it's not easy for anyone who manages such a collection , if his direction is outward, it's not necessary to say that he's a bad person, not a risk taker anyway. here is the problem, one of the problems when we come to the interior, one of the other problems is that those who
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are knowledge-based are generally small companies , they usually do not have the capacity to provide guarantees according to the size of the market they can actually provide, so again if there is an inward orientation, this orientation will go towards the actual companies. excellent, a prepared report, let's see the report together , we will be at your service. the copper abgard mold or crystallizer is a strategic piece in the steel industry, which the academic elites have successfully internalized. became a product that has annual savings of 2 million dollars. the main function of the crystallizer is to freeze the mold in such a way that when the mold passes through the mold and according to the water circulation system behind the system, this mold actually exists. the section that is intended to be produced is frozen . in fact, billets and steel slabs are used in the production of molds. revival of low yield oil wells using multi-phase pumps
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is another knowledge-based solution that has brought economic development in the oil industry. these pumps, in addition to extracting black gold from deep wells save one million euros per year. our pumps are used in various industries . in the oil and gas industry. these are only two examples of knowledge-based products that have been domesticated by the elites of our country , so that in addition to the development of science and technology, the economic cycle will turn faster. it is the season of fruition of these labors that have been carried out, and i hope that by
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using the valuable capacities of the knowledge-based production leap law, people will witness the taste of the technological economy. according to experts, the development of knowledge-based companies in various industries with their production has always led to the development of the knowledge -based economy as one of the pillars of the resistance economy, which can help to fulfill the slogan of the year in the new year. and sima, well, we saw the report together, mr. sarkandi, in the previous part of your speech, you mentioned that the activity of new scientific companies in your field is one of the examples of public participation . let's increase production with people's participation this year, which is a healthy slogan you said that a series of support is necessary, apart from the support that you said, infrastructures should
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be created. what private person likes to work , actually likes to create wealth and serve his country , especially those who are the elites of the country who can create and be active in these academic or creative companies . in recent years, in fact, in the last few years, it has been in the field of supporting daneshmounian, but again, you see, i am presenting to you on behalf of the private sector. he should take part in a tender. well, the company is very newly established. being an elite young man, his work was good, but he would have problems when it came to the guarantee. well, praise be to god, the lord of the worlds. the vice president of science has come. in fact, he has created a fund to solve the guarantee of knowledge-based companies from this type. the support is strictly from the private sector, god forbid , the government should not come to compete with the private sector with a
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support aspect so that these companies of scientists can grow, one of the problems we have, for example, in the market sector, especially the market that belongs to the government sector or the government sector is affiliated, now maybe in the deputy scientifically and rightfully, any scientific company or any innovation company wants to go to the vice president of science to see the presidential technology within 24 hours , but there are other ministries where these companies are even managers. they stay behind the doors, well, this is not a good thing, either they are not supported, or they import foreign samples, and in fact , this company of scientists cannot create a platform for it. see, if there is this support , we do not have a shortage of elite people in our country, we do not have a shortage of people who can this field of technology should work. well, if these supports are provided, more people will be careful saying that they should work in the field of diversification
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, especially now that it has gone under the tongue of the people when we see the export of knowledge-based companies is high, even in spite of the sanctions , well , this is a good thing. if the support increases , you can imagine that more people will enter this system, and when this ecosystem is activated, it will be self-productive, which means that it can take all people and create jobs for them. ticks etc. and this is a pleasant event and that leap can take place. the talks we have had in the last couple of years , i think that the law of injecting the production of knowledge bases can help and provide a good infrastructure to achieve this year's slogan. the more we move forward , the more it will be. this year was the first year that the issue
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of tax credit for research and development and tax credit for investment in the field, in fact , research has started in this very beginning, in fact, this program that private companies can express investment. what to spend on research and development whether they actually invest in creating infrastructure and the amount that they actually get from the taxes of the coming years. yes, even though it is the first year, they still do not see the deduction of this issue from their taxes, this promise is for the future, but it has been well received. well , the different departments of the scientific assistants are trying to communicate with different industries. this is one of the very serious infrastructures that we no matter how much we want to try to increase the government financial source for research and development
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, we are talking and thinking within the limit of the budget limits, but this inshallah, the infrastructure can face serious growth in the coming years of financial resources for the research work of these companies and the addition of new products . the oil field and these have been used very well, and god willing, these can be developed much more in the next year, god willing, mr. mashaikh in particular. using the capacities of academics to fulfill the motto of the year , you explain the great capacity of academics in more than 10 years of the implementation of the law on the protection of companies and knowledge of companies and knowledge institutions. established in the country, we have more than 9,600 knowledge-based companies, which, based on the sales statistics of 1401, were more than 517 companies.


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