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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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we think, but this infrastructure can , god willing, in the coming years, bring in financial resources for the research work of these companies and add new products with serious growth. in fact, the law is the first time that has been used very well in the field of oil and so on. god willing, these can be developed much more in the next year. god willing, mr. mashaikh in particular. can you explain the use of academics' capacities to realize the slogan of the year? very good capacity in daneshbovanian companies during more than 10 years of implementation the law of protection of companies and knowledge of companies and institutions of scientists has been established in the country. we have more than 9,600 knowledge-based companies, based on the sales statistics of 1401, there are more than 517 companies and this company. to create employment for thousands of people, and most
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of this employment is the specialized employment of university graduates, but as your dear guests also pointed out in the studio, the amount of progress we had in relation to the capacity and capability that exists in the academic sector of the country has room for development . there is more, so what should we do to increase this capacity? please see as the supreme leader called this year the year of production leap based on people's participation , one of the perceptions of this issue is to pay special attention to scientists, because first of all, the companies of scientists are by nature the basic people, knowledge-based companies are private and cooperative companies, which now they have to meet a series of specific technical criteria to be called a knowledge-based company. these
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companies are people-based and they are private and cooperative companies. people's participation means that we have absolutely yes, yes, we have, and there is the capacity to grow this participation, in the sense that we can grow a little and let's see the quality of knowledge-based companies, that is , the existing companies can develop their capacities , create more employment, generate more sales, have more exports, and we can also use their capacity to activate other sectors and participate in other sectors. people's participation for a leap forward in production and economy is not just their technical or productive presence. we can use the capacity of scientists to lend the financial and intellectual resources available to the people towards production as long as we take the resources. in the works that
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in fact, the work of middlemen, these are not productive or they create false productions, we cannot lead to that jump in real production. well, fortunately , good measures have been established in the past years . first of all, these policies must be implemented correctly and with quality. you mentioned the law. the jump in the production of scientists is a good infrastructure, but we are far from its proper implementation. we just started discussing tax credit this year in 1402, so it was well received by companies, but the capacity to attract research and development tax credit and investment in our scientists is more than that. this is what we have this year we have seen it, god willing , it will increase in the coming years, or we have seen that last year , despite the resistance of the supreme leader, the slogan was actually curbing inflation and production growth, now based on some economic theories for skill. the term
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liquidity control was on the agenda of the banks. well, when we go to the academics, the lack of discussion or the lack of directness and the ease of entering into a bank contract actually affected the production to some extent. we must , this year and the coming years, issues such as controlling inflation, we pay attention to the growth of production , this growth of production is the injection of resources there is a bank to use the capacity. scientists are at the disposal of the people to attract resources. well , scientists have shown with a decade of effective activity that they have the power to solve problems. well, we have reached a point where our home ministry, our government sector , our governing institutions should trust this company more. until, god willing , they can solve bigger problems and play a serious role in the jump of production, i would like to add one more point, one of the problems we have in production is the issue of employment, and
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as you know, we are currently dealing with the employment of university graduates for us. it is more important therefore, we need more complex jobs that require more expertise and skills, and knowledge-based companies are definitely a very suitable container for using these capacities. please join us in the continuation of the conversation. we will do, mr. sarkandi, if we want to have a meeting, we are at the beginning of the year anyway , let's keep an eye on it, the year is over, whatever planning we have, we can reach our goals. if we want to prioritize, 1 2 3 priorities that we should consider to achieve the slogan see what year it is, alhamdulillah , we have good laws and the vice-chancellor of science provides good support and the prosperity fund, but this work
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will not take place if only one department or one ministry or two ministries express this support , it should be nationwide. it means that all government departments should trust the government. if you work in the private sector and in the ecos sector in reality , which industries and organizations should you support the most , see where there is a market and where they need these companies for their licenses. if it has an operating license, it will get stuck and lose its market. when the danesh company loses its market, it will definitely have to reduce its forces and shut down its production line. well, this is not a pleasant event. it can be implemented in places that have large markets , there is the ministry of mining industry, there is the ministry of oil, and there are state-owned companies that can create this market. my opinion is that only one or two ministries are not the basis of the work of knowledge companies.
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the government body should be the basis of the work of knowledge-based companies . there is this capacity to be knowledge-based in all fields they can make this jump in production more active with the participation of the people . let me tell you that it's a matter of information, that is, many times he is a graduate who doesn't know what to do now. when we come , you sit down and talk with him . it will change at all if people who wanted to actually get accepted leave the country and now there are successful start-ups, in fact there is glue and the works of successful noobs in the market, this information is also needed many times with many the people we are talking about are not in the process of these processes, and this is also a weak point that maybe radio and television media should do more of this type of coverage
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. these concerns are heard in the scientific vice-chancellor, maybe they are not heard in the provinces and in the ministries of other houses, and this is in the concerns, by the way, if you find a common concern for several of my knowledge companies , it is probably the concern of the whole country, and it can be the concern of the rest of the companies. this problem should be solved or their concern should be solved, and this part is the same the part where people are happy to enter this field and that jump happens. god willing, we will have that leap in student companies. god willing, of course, in the field of information, i would like to tell you that one of the pillars that has been able to reach this point and make it tangible for the people and become a key word in our economy. may it be the national media
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that was able to raise it and support them in all different areas, mr. dr. ahmadun, if we want to draw a line to reach therefore, production with the participation of the people in the previous section and with this law will be one of the most effective ways. if we want to have a jump in production , we need to change our methods somewhere. it was the first year, so good efforts are being made , but there are times when we want to reach a certain point, our direction is some distance away, in fact, we have an angle to that target point, the
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more we try, we will not necessarily get better. we actually change the direction, one of the things that may need to be done. ok, this is it that we should have revisions on our governance model in some places, like the correct budget system, like the monitoring system, i gave an example, like this law, in this law, in fact, the jump in the production of knowledge based on the subject of the law for the first time, well, it has created a very good capacity of this kind. bigger things can be done, for example, committees should be formed, the risk and benefits management committee , which i mentioned are big companies, and they can be the killer of a big market for the capacity of knowledge bases, but it is difficult for them to make decisions there at the very beginning of the decision. taking institutions monitor and help, not that
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the manager who is in fact should be afraid that if he decides to use the capacity of a domestic company later, because anyway, the concern may be that, well, i am moving , i am changing the supply chain. i think i'm using another source that wasn't in the bachelor's degree, for example petroshim, so who should be responsible for you? in fact, such changes that we come to the starting point of decision-making and help those managers who are actually in the decision-making position, or in our budget system, where big projects we have in the country, anyway, the effort of our government institutions is to provide financial resources for those projects. well, in some places, problems can be solved with better methods. this is where, in fact, an institution like the budget program organization can come and help,
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if in in fact, they should master the capacities of knowledge bases, and in fact , such an institution can come up with solutions to solve problems by itself and help to change. let's solve it based on knowledge that sometimes the change of costs is very obvious maybe there is a need for change in the criteria and indicators of success, but at the heart of this year's slogan is that the leap in production is with the participation of the people, well, if it is not with the participation of the people , it can happen. economic reality, but when it comes to this axis, which can be said to be the year in the slogan , it is actually the year in the order, so the criteria of success changes
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, what happened to us , was it based on the capacity of the people's institutions or not, if this is the case, those institutions the great ones who are actually in the government can actually let them play a fatal role for these knowledge-based companies and popular and small companies. another discussion that was mentioned in hazrat agha's own orders is the issue of productivity. if we want a jump in production, a series of events must happen . in fact, presenting one of them is a matter of exploitation. in any case, we must accept that our country is moving towards scientific issues, but the preponderance of the country's resources is based on raw resources. we are still far from that. a country whose economy is based on diversification, well, we want to cover this distance
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in any case, we are moving from source-based to improving productivity . let's bring drinking water, this will be the measure of success. if the amount of production for the amount of water consumed becomes a criterion, this is where the space for the entry of knowledge-based and new and technological methods will be opened with such an efficiency. an image if we want this slogan to come true on earth, what should we do that we have not done before, mr. dr. mashaikh. you agree with this placement of the law of jump of production of dan as a ruler
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to achieve the slogan of the slogan of the year yes , as you know, the law of jump of production of scientists is the second direct experience in the field of support for scientists, the first law was in 2009 under the title of protection law it was approved from daneshmounian companies and institutions, and in 1401, the jirish law of knowledge production was approved. we witnessed the subjugation of ashkhayan and then its announcement and since 1402, it actually started to be implemented , just like when we wrote the first law 10 years ago, 11 years ago, some things were not our problems at all, and then we had to renew this in the new law 10 years later, 11 years later. i want to say that in the implementation of this law, we may reach bottlenecks and loopholes that need to be supplemented with additional laws, but currently what is on the table is the existence of this
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law, which is the result of the evaluation of a decade of implementation of the previous law. it is definitely a suitable cornerstone for advancing the economy of the country's scientists and tools very well, the law has been foreseen. now , how much we can succeed in implementing this law with high quality is decisive, and in the future , we will see where there are new bottlenecks. need new rules. it is for editing and communication. if you allow me , i would like to add one point to my application as a final application. mr. dr. mashrekh, our time is limited. if you can give it as a summary, thank you. yes, it will be as a summary. see, i took it from the slogan of the year, especially in the episode the second is the participation of the people, to distance ourselves from this
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traditional dualism of the nation's government. here, the people are the uncle of the nation's government. what does it mean? it means that when the leadership demands, the direction of production should be with the participation of the people, the people as producers, the people as a source of financing, the people as a part of the government body that opens the space for the acceptance of knowledge bases. let me give a simple example, we can see the most successful experience of collective cooperation in the holy defense. we had the specialized forces of the army to face the foreign enemy, but where could we actually stand up to the enemy well when? that all these came from the different capacities of the people of different cities, teachers, doctors, jihadists, and made that wide participation until we were able to succeed in
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this matter alongside our military forces. production. in your words, sir, we should actually have hope, why should we have hope, because the capacities in the country show us this . there is so much capacity in the country that the title of production jump may seem like a big title, but we all hope, god willing. let's strengthen hope
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in ourselves, but based on the facts on the ground, not based on illusions. that god willing, this slogan has the ability to be implemented on the ground, of course, the slogan is not just for one year, there is a trend that, god willing , should be this direction in the coming years, and this is the hope that, god willing, in the coming years , as much as we move forward, the achievements of the past it may seem very small to us, but we will always reach new heights, god willing . sincerely, mr. sarkandi, i have two recommendations. one thing is for the dear statesmen who actually trust the private sector and the people, something good will definitely happen if the people in in fact, expression in the stage and that boom and leap is formed. second, in fact, to the children of the biosphere, the accelerators, the innovation centers, who are now forming their trade unions, and the older ones
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are giving their experiences to the younger ones , so alhamdulillah. in fact, it is recognized that if there are more of these organizations, they can share their needs and problems with the government sector more easily. these two points were actually my final speech. i thank you for your presence, mr. doctor and mr. doctor. sheikhs from participating in this program, in any case, follow up on this issue realizing the use of the capacities of daneshbovanian companies in realizing the slogan of the year , in the next programs we will deal with various other issues.
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my father used to grow wheat in general , we continued the same method, now we are mostly farming wheat , we are thinking about the people's table .
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the most important reasons for this increase in production can be attributed to balanced consumption. it is one of the very good records of khuzestan province during the last two decades, despite the favorable conditions. and 21 decrease in rainfall is the first record in the country and khuzestan
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province has the highest amount of guaranteed purchase of wheat among the provinces of the country. so far, we have bought 1450 tons of wheat from the farmer. my dear , it has happened that compared to the same period of the previous year , we have approximately 52-53% increase in the delivery of wheat from dear farmers. guaranteed purchase of wheat, which has doubled compared to last year. guaranteed purchase statistics also indicate an increase in production. guaranteed purchase of wheat in 1401 increased by 41 in 1402 compared to 1401. and in 1402 compared to 1400 , there was an increase of 114 guaranteed purchases of wheat from dear farmers. last year, we
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paid about 84,000 billion to the price of wheat. in 1400, it was about 22 hemats, and this year , it was 156 hemats worth of money, experts say. in addition to the timely provision of institutions needed by farmers , the reform of the guaranteed purchase price of wheat was not ineffective in increasing production. revision of the guaranteed purchase rate that increased. it led to the promotion of farmers to continue the crop. in addition to reforming the government the price emphasized the payment of farmers' demands . the duty of the government. it is very necessary to establish the rights of wheat farmers, both the budget program organization and those departments related to the central bank, i emphasize , god willing, they will cooperate with the ministry of jihad
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, the demands that were completely settled according to article 33 of the seventh plan bill for 90% self-sufficiency in basic agricultural products from the words wheat, barley , corn, oilseeds and sugar plants are emphasized. purchased 10 million and 305 thousand tons. wheat has been done , and alhamdulillah, with this statistic , we have been able to provide bread for 100 countries this year god willing, we will continue the program of sustainability and self-sufficiency. achieving self-sufficiency is an issue, and sustainability is an even more important issue, so the policies and plans of the officials should be such that they help maintain production and increase it . the plans of the ministry of foreign affairs. agriculture is in the direction of continuing to increase production in the future. due to the good follow-up and measures taken at the country level, including the explanation of the revised attendance, the implementation of the
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production jump plan. this year's production has also grown significantly compared to last year, according to the statistics of the ministry of agricultural jihad in recent years of wheat production the saudi trend has been such that the purchase of 4 million tons in 1400 reached ten and a half million tons this year. i am alireza shoukti of the sed and radio news agency, the sound of spring's feet makes thousands of flowers, with the sound of spring's feet and eid, the night of eid and the simultaneous days of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan, as in march , the fire goes fast before the seventh leg of all
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the legs of the chickens, amen, god bless you. it is done at the time of prayer , this chanting has been performed in different corners of the city and among the people who are reading. hossein haghighi has also published his latest work. it gives a feeling
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that we are far away from the mood of these days and of course the memory of imam zaman, may god bless him. don't be, the year will not be delivered at all, it's like a fish trapped in a glass, come to the side.
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intruded by the seal of khabaran froudeh, pavarana and vahn bari.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. dozens killed and wounded in muslim terrorist attack. dozens of people were killed and injured in one of the worst terrorist attacks in recent years in russia. the federal security service of russia announced that at least 67 people were killed and more than 100 people were injured in the terrorist attack on the krokas city complex in moscow, of which 60 people were reported to be seriously injured. isis claimed responsibility for the attack in moscow.


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