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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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12 out of 13 banks have come out of loss and the year 1402, although we are not far away now , the exact and final statistics will come out in the coming days , but we hope that all the banks under government management have come out of that loss, their profitability the amount that was used for the adequacy of their capital is about two hundred and thirty thousand billion tomans, the amount of capital increase that happened during the three years of the 13th government, and now you can say that this is 230 thousand billion tomans, or as our colleagues say. 230 hemat, so how much is it now so that it can be compared? with the past, we can say about 80% of the total.
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what the previous governments had done , the 13th government increased their capital in the first 3 years, mainly they tried to use their accumulated profits. some banks may be interesting to you. one of the banks did not increase its capital for 22 years for almost 18 years. saderat bank, well, a very good thing happened there and some other banks, which led to the fact that the power of their lending and the financial health of the banks themselves . the company is right in the business issue banks, you know that since the law was approved in 2014 , banks are obliged to dispose of their surplus assets , and the bank has to do its own banking or economic activities related to banking, for example, if it wants to have capital for its stock market activities. well, it is completely related
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, he wants to have an exchange head, for his own money, he wants to have insurance for insurance work, these are completely related , it is reasonable, it is common all over the world, but your coming is an unrelated company that has nothing to do with the bank, and you are for that , just specify the board of directors, it's very useful that industry and that factory did not arrive, just take more soda from there at the end of the year to solve the problems in your bank, don't think about that industry , think about that mine, think about the energy sector , etc. well, from 1994 when the law was passed until september 1400 we entered the government, about fifty-four thousand billion tomans , about 54,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. until the end of 1402, in these two
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and a half years, approximately the number that has been handed over is 77 thousand billion tomans in two and a half years compared to 54 thousand billion tomans 6 years before that and for this reason, we have more hope for the year 1403 because the government board had a very good resolution in 40 1402 to make it easier for bank managers to have many times . tell me, why did you sell this, you would have kept it, the next year it would have been more expensive, you sold it cheaper, and the likes of the government, in order to use this excuse and show that it really has a serious will that the banks should not do banking , they should do irregular banking, it is a big problem. it was good in february 1402 and completely
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he said transparently about the companies that are on the stock market, with this method and with this method, this was of course the resolution of the general assembly of the banks, which was actually approved and enforced by the government in a way, in order to gain more strength, and thank god, i am happy about this. i would like to use this opportunity to say that the bazit kalor organization , the set of regulatory institutions and the judiciary , should not completely do business with this approach of the banks, and they have and have a way to announce that they welcome this government approach. in total, as i said, there were more numbers in 403 than before as an example, melli bank took a part of its capital in the past years and created shazand petrochemical, and it is one of the good petrochemicals in the country due to the quality of its products. but it was not supposed that after
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the establishment of the company , they would stay in those companies for many years with the same resolution as the bahman ministers. in march, shazandu petrochemical bank melli, a subsidiary of melli bank , handed over 24 thousand billion tomans of cash, which was used for new investments. it means that they will end their use, it means that our strategy and way, your friends say , the strategy of our strategy in the government is to exit from the old corporations by the bank and enter into new investments that the country still needs in a sectors that are either high-risk , have scientists or are very strategic for the country, no one has gone or will not invest in those sectors for any reason, let's bring these resources
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into new investments and for the future , others planted, we ate, we have to plant. in order to say in the following years that a certain collection, for example the foundation of knowledge of the country is the product of investment, which our predecessors did with technology, technology and jobs, and in fact, its export , god willing, for the future, god willing, we have about 5 minutes , mr. doctor, the question is really too much. tell me more about the private banks and what you did with them. god willing, there will be another chance. but let's go to the tax . one of the events that you have followed in the last one or two years is the fairer tax system and the law on shopping terminals and the freight system . tell me how far. advanced implementation of this law
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what has been achieved so far and where will we reach in 2043? if you tell me this sooner, i have a question about the allocation of equity shares. i would also like to ask the new members or the survivors , and i will try to be very brief, in short , for the sake of our dear viewers, in relation to the meaning of what we are saying, the shipping system, the terminal and the store were supposed to be a very simple line, that is, to instead of paying value added tax through paper invoices every three months, our producers own our company. prepare all the documents or send the tax organization or the tax officer to come one by one he should review and confirm these and in fact it will be final, and there are some margins where corruption may be formed
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. i told you that the key word is facilitation and the key word is becoming intelligent and nesting of economic relations, let's go in a direction where all these are done in a completely systematic way, it is not my taste , and now if i am good or not with your company, i will say, sir, i will underline this, i will not accept it. how many times do i want to impose taxes for you or if with you? i am very good. i will do the bookkeeping in another way . all this is like manual and human interference . at least it should become a system. this is the task that should have started for the additional tax, that is, before the 13th people's government started working at all , but we we came to the government and saw that the infrastructure is not very ready and there is no work at all. it is one of the big events that i
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can sum up. the fact that electronic invoices are sold in our country means that a large part of the fraud is gone. the country will be destroyed through fake and syrian invoices, that is, a part of it important files , documents, courts, checkpoints and the like, which will be caused by these fake invoices and the like, will be destroyed, and it is actually one of the major turning points. agreed to actually. in fact, the year 1402 gave a deadline that from the winter of 1402, all the activists who declared in the system of taxpayers and shopkeepers from the beginning of the year 403 , the total tax was increased only through a system , no more paperwork at the discretion of an auditor and a
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government official who how should this be done? it is a coincidence that i brought my statistics, of course, that so far about 17 thousand economic companies have joined. maadian system and store panis, but look at how many percentages this means. in the first step, because it was established, only companies whose income exceeds 18.10 billion tomans should join this system. well, still the majority of economic activists, especially in fact, the activists of khord kasbeh , etc. were not included, otherwise we have created 9 million active work folders for all miners in the country, but the part that was required to be done until the end of 1402 was a smaller number, starting in 1403. well, this number must be at once, it will take a very large factor. we hope that in fact this process of systemization will become easier and smarter. yes, the will of the government
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is that by the end of the government in the 13th government, we will be able to implement the end of the store and the mine in one minute. justice , if you can tell me what is going to happen in 2043 and what is your plan for them , i would like to ask you to take leave of your service, now the subjects of justice shares , as you know in fact. according to the budget law of 1401 and 402, the government should think of a plan for them, giving priority to the covered people the support institutions of the welfare relief committee or other weak groups that are under the third decile, in fact, where one, two, and three are located. well, all these types of beneficiaries were identified . there are about four million, 700,000 people who are covered by support institutions, but still shares. not having a government. according to them, a package of stocks and government assets
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was provided, and when that package of stocks and stocks was brought up in the cabinet, some of the stocks that should be allocated to the people had problems, for example, in the collateral of some banks and financial institutions. or that economic activity itself because it needs this it was through the manager for now. it was opposed to be done centrally , but it was actually done in the form of equity shares , so it lasted until the end of 1402, considering that in the budget law of 1403, which of course you are aware of, because the budget of 1403 has been divided into two stages, for the first time, we have a delay from the side of the islamic council is waiting for the full notification of the law in the first year when the internal regulations of the parliament were changed regarding the budget. we are going to see the final verdict in the 1403 budget, god willing, in accordance with what the
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islamic council will approve, we will be able to do this in this position. let's predict the necessary measures for his equity . thank you very much, mr. dr. khandozi, the honorable minister. thank you for your patience. dear people , be healthy. i hope that you will be closer to your goals in 1403. thank you and the people. times and consequences by studying the opinions of experts on this issue , i come to the conclusion that a basic key to solving the country's economic problems is the issue of domestic production and national production, that is why in the past few years on production. we relied.
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in april 1401, the government reported its performance for one year provided for employment. according to the statistics of the statistics center. the unemployment rate last year reached 9% in 1401, which is the lowest unemployment rate in at least the last two decades, and a promising statistic, along with the unemployment rate announcement, is a decrease in the unemployment rate. at the same time, we also witnessed women and the decrease in the unemployment rate of graduates. the adjustment rate of the labor force
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has also decreased by about 5% in 1401. however, in the first meeting of the employment council, the president did not find this statistic favorable and assigned the task to the statesmen. this year, i emphasize to my dear colleagues that compared to the provinces that have the highest unemployment rate be focused so that we can solve the problem of employment in these provinces more. let's emphasize the fact. the publication of the first quarterly report of the statistics center on the unemployment rate in the spring of 1402 showed that this statistic decreased compared to the spring of 14 and reached 8 percent , which was unprecedented in the past decade. the rate of economic participation has reached 41% from 40.9% , the unemployment rate of graduates and students has decreased by 1.1%, and in the summer of 1402, good
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employment statistics were published. the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare announced the decrease in the unemployment rate in 21 provinces and announced that in the last two seasons, more than 1,402 650,000 job opportunities have been registered in the monitoring system, which is an unprecedented statistic of job opportunities registered by executive bodies. it can almost be said that in the past 19 years, this summer record has been unprecedented and the past 19-year record in the field of employment is fortunately for the government. the tenth has broken with the efforts of investors, with the help of people, with the interest of entrepreneurs. in the fall of 1402, the trend of the unemployment rate was also decreasing. the deputy minister of employment of the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare came to the national media with promising news about job creation. one year leading
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to the end of autumn 1402 showed that the unemployment rate was the lowest of this rate was reached in the years after the revolution and reached 7.6%, which was a decrease of 6% compared to the fall of 1401. at the end of the year , the 1402 unemployment rate file was closed in the statistics center and a one- year report was also published. the deputy minister of employment of the ministry of cooperatives, labor and social welfare says that the winter unemployment rate is one and one-tenth percent compared to the same period last year. reduced to 8. the percentage has been reached. statistics that , including the last three seasons, have led to breaking the quorum of the unemployment rate in the country. the record of annual unemployment rate decrease was recorded in 1402. the unemployment rate of the whole year of 1402 was recorded for the first time in in recent decades, to the number of 8. 7 hundred percent means
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almost the same as 8. the unemployment rate is acceptable. note that the decrease in unemployment, which according to mr. biranvand has been accompanied by an increase in the economic participation rate in the country, the economic participation rate in the whole year 1402 reached more than 41. the numbers and statistics that show that this year the unemployment rate in 20 provinces is single digit and among graduates. the unemployment rate of graduates has decreased by more than one and a tenth percent compared to 1401, and the number deputy minister of employment of the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare by announcing that the unemployment rate of graduates during the past few seasons there has been a decrease, he said, the trend has been decreasing, but it is still not favorable. we hope to bring the gap between the unemployment rate of faroe islands and the total unemployment rate to less than 2% in 1403.
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have a nice day , dear and respected compatriots . however, the meteorological organization has announced that with the arrival of the new rain system, widespread rains will cover the western half of the country. the meteorological organization has issued an orange level warning for areas with heavy rain.
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there are some rains for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. for tomorrow, we expect heavy rains in south west azarbaijan kurdistan, kermanshah , ilam, lorestan, as well as in the northern parts of khuzestan and especially in fars province. khuzestan is also chaharmahal bakhtiari kekele , which is conveniently located in fars province and also in the north of tehran and albord provinces, which due to the dangers it creates in traveling, please, my dear compatriots, be sure to manage your trip. the rain on charles road can be accompanied by snow and may actually cause problems that
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dear fellow citizens must have travel management before moving to the advice given by the police and the weather information. follow them, yes, on monday, except for the chaluz road , which can be very dangerous. for your presence, the province is experiencing heavy rains. considering that you said that the rains are more intense on monday, please tell us that there is a possibility that this orange level warning that you issued now will become red level and now that floodwater. and the events that sometimes happen in such cases will happen again . the orange warning itself is accompanied by danger, and
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we should not think that a red warning must be issued that has a danger. ha ro in lorestan province, khuzestan province and kekele berhamt as well. we will have this province of fars, and this should be taken into consideration by the executive body of the people, considering that there are nowruz trips , they must refrain from camping on the banks of the rivers and the river beds in these provinces. especially because there are risks such as floods and actually other conflicts in the province, well, the meteorology of the province warns it. issued for monday, for khuzestan province, flooding in the city can be extensive
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, due to the heavy rains that will occur in fars province, we also have flooding of rivers in the transport axes of tehran province and alborz province with mazandaran province, serious problems are likely to occur. thank you very much mr. ziyayan. director general of forecasting and atmospheric hazards of the meteorological organization, god willing , people will also observe and avoid camping and sitting stay away from the rivers and avoid unnecessary trips. thank you dear and respected compatriots. mother's day, yes, sad, because there are almost 10,000 women were murdered by the
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israeli forces in gaza, and over 23, were injured, half a million displaced, and 2,100 missing since october 7th. where are the feminists? do you know how many children were orphans, more than that? child were orphan, this work confirmed to me that human rights, women's rights and children's rights are the biggest lie that humanity has ever known. thank you
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they used to say that whenever you take a fish out of the water
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, it is fresh, what does that mean? that is , it is never too late to turn to the things we have not done, such as continuing education , creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, this is the same as correcting consumption habits, managing consumption. now, a small part of people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy, they can definitely return to the consumption pattern. take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home. for example , a lamp can be changed from this to this. no, no, yes, it will be converted and my consumption will be 90% less than before our electricity consumption is due to devices that are not used, that is, when they are ready to work or when they are asleep, such as coffee makers, tea makers, microwaves , computers, tvs, and these are electrical devices that consume electricity when they are turned off and when they are needed. we don't have to unplug them, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but
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we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the long ones. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the power outlet and be very careful when buying them finally, you can see that not only did we do a great favor to your pocket, but we also took a big step in the direction of protecting the environment and vital resources of the country.
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up to a maximum of one percent in the city of home appliances , calculate it any way you want. in total, you are the winner of this washland prizes lottery festival. congratulations on your new house. the first prize is a two-bedroom apartment, a car , one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary . washland is a land full of award. run, we have a guest
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near me. the guest is now, my daughter . it was enough for another time. nothing, nothing. ladies and gentlemen , they are our guests from the iranian palace. this is the carpet, of course, there are two other carpets. also, it is getting old, so let's go and see it. don't worry too much about choosing new carpets when you come to iranian house of old carpets. renovate your home in the great iranian house with exceptional conditions and enjoy this affordable and exclusive shopping until 2:00 am in tehran.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to half day news. the first wave of nowruz travelers returning and the beginning of the second wave of trips. the police informed. in the last 10 days, 373 people died in traffic accidents. more than 10,000 people were injured. system login


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