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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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that this leap will not happen without the participation of the people without the presence of the people is a slogan that needs to be implemented some time ago. we do not have an approved industrial strategic plan in the country. we do not have a legal department . sometimes they change the plans, but we don't have a long-term strategic plan , the predictability of the economy, the predictability of our economy , and article 24 of the improvement law has not yet been implemented. did that if the government wants to make economic decisions , change the regulations of economic procedures, for example , let the people know this early. economic diplomacy, our diplomacy
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is focused on the issue of foreign relations in the statements of the leader of the revolution, which is a very fundamental challenge for strengthening and developing the economy, economic security and politics. suitable widths, for example, in an economic and production sector, we put the currency in a half width for production, but the same product with a width of , for example, about 27 thousand tomans. an importer brings the same goods, factors that should ultimately lead to an increase in the share of the private sector and cooperatives the economy should be nationalized , as mentioned in the general policies of article 44, our central bank is clarifying that between 40 and 60 billion dollars are in the hands of the people, which are not in the hands of the government, are they in their houses or in their coffers, or whatever? the question is why. these are huge resources that are in the hands of the people.
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he can't bring about change in our oil industry, and we have to resort to unjustified methods or use government resources to spend money on your oil and gas, say that we want the north-south railway of chabahar for free to 5 let's give a joint stock company from the people of kk he doesn't want to put his money here. when people burn their money in buying iphones or in phenomena , why not in the main projects of the government? and according to the country's general policies of article 44, the ownership of companies should be expanded to the general public. people do not have a sense of ownership now. even though we have seven times more mines than our population, people do not have a sense of mining, even though we have a sea, people do not have a sense of access to the resources of the sea. even though we have renewable and clean energy resources in the country, but mashallah, people do not have a sense of this ownership. people's participation. in the economy, of course, there is also an obstacle
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has, governmental and quasi-governmental interests. the interests of a few people who have taken over these government sectors in the economic field, their interests do not require the private sector to come and take them , and they treat them differently . you free the pastures today. we have 3 million camels in our pastures , how many camels do we have today with the same soil and water conditions, 300,000 , that is, one tenth of our capacity has been restored. sir, go away, in this context of land grabbing, we don't have a moratorium on land grabbing, the lands belong to the government forever, but come on, start a business. now you allow the housing, the same way you give to all the people of iran
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, 20 meters to 400 meters to each family in their own area, in their own city. give land in your own villages, tell them we don't have money , let's give land, 1% of the country's land is under residential burden, release the other 1%, see what happens, housing prices will fall in the country, there are 3 thousand rural and agricultural cooperatives in this country , it is still in the medieval style. our fruits and products have to go through 10 dealer hands to get in. tare bar square it should be presented in tehran, why don't we give permission to the same cooperative that is in the same deprived village south of jiroft to come and set up a booth in tehran and sell its products directly. of course, the transfer of economic enterprises from the government and quasi-governments to the people requires serious determination in the parliament and the government. do not leave state companies to quasi-governments. if there is a question of people's participation, that is exactly what should be done and not left to the government. we can design
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and form consortia so that these big companies, which are now economically active, can discuss with each other. accepted the competition. the development of our economy and the fact that companies affiliated to public institutions and institutions of the islamic revolution express themselves in the field of competition requires a national determination and a dialogue so that all elements of the country are coordinated on this matter, which means that our leaders must believe that the people will be included in the economy. participate and one should be determined. i would like to state clearly here that some of our loved ones are like this. it is not yet, that is, the government authoritarian still thinks that , for example, a government official should do all the work in the government to solve policy problems in order to strengthen people's participation, of course, the ministry of economy. the ministry of economy has plans, the secretariat
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of the supreme council has article 44 of the constitution, so we have plans from the beginning of this year, god willing, to discuss the management of companies. to the private sector , based on the approvals we received from the supreme council at the end of 1402 , god willing , we will follow up on this in 143 . the bill was sent by the ministry of economy and we will follow up to send this issue to the parliament in the spring of 1403, god willing. yes, i think it will be a coincidence that the ministry of economy has been active in sending the amendment to article 44 regarding other issues, including the issue of financing production, and
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will definitely continue this role in the coming year. are you waiting for the discussion of employment training or the same education which is known as note 18 of the budget law, well now the secretariat is in the ministry. it is supposed to be a general supervision of the secretariat of 40 out of 1400, so far education has been given for medium-cost companies, we will try to double this figure by the first 6 months of 1403. he said that we should allocate with a program , one of the programs that the ministry of economy will have. regarding the country's priorities, for example , one of the country's priorities is probably the issue of energy optimization, well, we will try to
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introduce projects in the field of energy optimization, for example, in the field of energy optimization by the private sector and cooperatives. let's lead in that direction, a partnership that can solve many economic problems. finally, after months of discussions in the specialized commissions and the public forum of the parliament, the budget bill for 1403 in the notes and rulings section on the 7th of bahman the year 1402 was approved by the islamic council , our target is 8 percent economic growth, which is stated in the announced policies and in the program, and accordingly , it is planned to pay attention to justice in payments both at the provincial and national levels. there is also a seventh plan in the 1403 budget
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, and it is emphasized that the deficit of the operating balance must have been taken into account in this budget, and some reforms have been made in the 1403 budget . let's not come permanently in the 1403 budget . we hope that this 1403 budget bill, which in fact the first step and 20% of the practical realization of the program budget, god willing. the budget will be in accordance with the 7th plan and the realization of that transformation. the budget bill of 1403 was presented to the parliament by the government on december 14th of 1402, which for the first time
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was in two stages. the first stage was related to the notes, which was finally approved before the end of 1402. the general approach of the parliament in approving the budget. it was accompanied by the government. in this regard , there has been no significant change in the budget figures, and besides clarifying the management of expenses, there have been changes in the parliament. to essential items such as salaries and wages of employees, retirees and pensioners are limited to support institutions and the implementation of other legal duties. the budget was 2562 thousand billion tomans, which is both the sources of this 256 thousand billion tomans and the expenses of which approximately 375 thousand billion tomans are for capital asset acquisition credits. there
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are current expenses and now salaries and such things. one of the important features of the budget bill of 1403 was the forecasting of expenditure sources based on actual performance . in this bill, an attempt was made to realistically examine the obtainable resources and then adjust the expenditures within its framework. the government was also obliged to pay in cash or deposit 6 thousand billion tomans of one-year islamic treasury documents as the government's share to the agricultural products insurance fund. the fact that we said cash or documents is to see what the fund's need is, if the fund needs cash , we will allocate cash, if they can or need papers , we will give them papers. eye reduction. an operating balance from 45 thousand billion tomans in
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1402 to 35 thousand billion tomans in 1403 , a 20 percent increase in the salaries of government officials , an increase in the share of taxes in providing public resources from 43 to 51, and a decrease in the share of oil in providing public resources from 29% to 23.7% of the features of the country's current year's budget bill. also, it was decided that 80 tax sources from garden plots will be provided to the ministry of jihad, agriculture, municipality and rural districts for the development of green space, forestry and rural employment . lands that have no eyes. now, whether they have residential, office, or commercial use, they are taxed. provided that at least
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at the same time, promoting justice in the payment of salaries , pensioners' benefits, applying anti-inflationary policies in the budget by saving other expenses, directing production resources towards the completion of semi-plans. all the strengthening of economic growth as well as reforming and clarifying the financial relationship of the oil government in accordance with the law of the 7th plan are among the other features of the budget bill of 1403. on the discussion of the proportionality of pensioners' rights, we have taken a promise of honor for the pensioners. which means that the budget that does not equalize pensioners in 1403 will not come out of this parliament.
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this principle is for parliamentarians. in the budget of 1403, the government of the parliament tried to support production, stable employment and the growth of national production, accelerate the financing of construction projects, especially for the provinces. sardsir and also transparency through the creation of treasury unit account. compile, approve and put it in the operational process in the central bank. in this year's budget , special attention has been paid to the issue of youth marriage and housing, as well as strengthening the provision of education and student allowances. each couple under the age of 25 gets 350 million tomans under the marriage loan. to every couple who got married after 1401. marriage is granted. the repayment period of these loans
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is 10 years. in the budget of 1403, payment of subsistence cash and electronic merchandise to eligible groups help seekers will continue to be covered by the imam khomeini relief committee and welfare organization . this year, subsidies for medicine, powdered milk and medical supplies will also be paid. it is equivalent to 15 billion dollars or we gave 10 items of basic goods with a support rate of 2850 per dollar or 31 thousand tomans per euro to provide the basic goods needed by the people. the continuation of the bread subsidy payment and the guaranteed purchase of wheat in the 2014 budget is expected. the pension of the welfare relief committee in the layer
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did not increase compared to 1402, but we approved a 30% increase. i found and firstly, there were some farmers that we were most concerned about in these good years , this frost and now the lack of rain, we have allocated 15 thousand billion tomans from article 28 of law 2 for loans that will mature by the end of 1402 and farmers the reason for these problems is that they are unable to pay up to 200 million tomans, which is both the profit and the renovation of the new irrigation canals . we won 85 % subsidy in the parliament. million tomans for the third child, 120 million
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150 million for the fourth child and 200 million for the fifth child. that no order has been seen to increase the price of gasoline. the implementation guarantee and program -orientedness of the country's industrial budget are among other features of the 7th plan, which will play an important role in advancing the country's major goals in various sectors. pishbahar of the islamic council's radio and television news agency.
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sad mother's day, yes, sad, because there are almost 10,00 women were murdered by the
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israeli forces in gaza and over 23,00 were injured. half a million displaced and 2,100 missing since october 7. where are the feminists? do you know how many children were orphans? more than 17,000 children were orphaned. this work confirmed to me that human rights, women's rights and children's rights are the biggest lie humanity has ever known. thank you.
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it is a farm. after shooting, we started running from this room to that room, finally we went to the kitchen. a mortar fell between my uncle's house and our house. the gas capsule exploded and the blood caught fire. the uncles could not speak out and save us. because everyone who came out was killed. the mortar fire continued for a quarter of an hour. no it was a treatment, not an ointment or even food. you know that someone who is sick needs food. sleep after 65 days. and myself, my parents, and my brother's children came to the south. by god, the poem of saab finally
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extinguished itself and started pulling us out one by one, and extinguished the fire on our bodies . we were in the middle of the fire from 6 pm to 3 am and we couldn't get out. even an ambulance. he couldn't help us
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. i have different feelings. when i left the house and entered the street, i felt my appearance. it has become terrible because of my burns, people were afraid of me, but what did i do, which is my right , but what did my 3 children do to make them suffer when they were in the hospital. they were changing my children's dressings , and every time they screamed, the world would collapse on me. what are they doing that is their right? there is no anesthetic to change the dressing. they are really mentally damaged and physically unable to move or eat anything. we have to feed them ourselves, because as you saw one of them, their hands. completely bandaged and unable to eat, no they can do nothing. they can no longer do their own work. burn wounds are very painful, so we try our best
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to give them painkillers. but the burn is very painful and takes a long time to heal. these patients walked a long way to reach this hospital. that's why i came here. it hurts a lot to reach . they are malnourished and have deep wounds, most of them are infected. they lost their families and their homes. so completely messed up and extremely sad. this situation is for both patients and employees it is difficult to work with them. everyone here has lost a home or a family member. so it is a difficult time because we are all very sad. but. we have to continue trying to take care of the patients, which is very difficult. we are doing our best to do this.
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we do not have all the necessary equipment , some equipment has been prevented from entering the border. so we try our best to use the things we have. but it is very difficult to import. until now , we were able to import medicine. but we know that this is really difficult for some other organizations finding a place to take care of patients is a challenge because most of the hospitals are destroyed and no longer work, so it is very difficult. the fact that there is no safe hospital is very special. usually we are everywhere. we are working, we can have a safe zone , and we know that we can stay there, but now here in rafah , we don't know how long we can stay and if
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the attack ends, how can we continue, because the patients are not safe, and the world health organization does not have food or room for them, i think. the world should know that
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by reading the opinions of experts on this issue i come to the conclusion that one of the main factors to solve the country's economic problems is the issue of domestic production and national production, that's why we focused on our production in the past few years.
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happy new year, dear entrance exam students. hello, you all know that entering the university is 50% of the final exam and 50% of the exam. with the five-star plan, the last word of each course , the final exam will be completed in only two days and the entire entrance exam will be closed in only 50 days. the first star is completely free , including the most productive topics of the entrance exam, which only has 8 days, the number 100 and results in 2060, the first star is free. at the end of 10 20 30, the city of household appliances
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10 months, 20 days, yes. the city of household appliances does not ask for prepayment at all. in the city of home appliances, any way you count, you are a winner from the old saying of egg and its properties. today , saffron egg shampoo has all these properties . give your hair an egg shampoo. the flower of life flows through the moments, the moments that give us the opportunity to be together and rebuild together . for 26 years , we have been in the process non-stop. happy new year. mom, dad
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, where are you, you are fine, i'm fine, don't worry we came to sarai irani to buy an air conditioner. this time of the year, the special sale of gas air conditioners in iran's big sarai has started with exceptional conditions . at this year's price, payment will be made next year until 2 am. we are your host in tehran. this is a metal factory. many families eat bread from this factory. the ovens of this factory
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are made of swabatari refractory bricks. seba battery seba battery is a producer of high-quality fireproof products in iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear compatriots, the news of the minister of roads and urban development at 17:00 about the increase of 58% in road transit in 1402 compared to the year before that, mr. vazarpash announced that iran's diplomatic negotiations with neighboring countries are active and that road transit is possible


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