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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. sitting on the first page, sitting on the first page, the page of sacrifice is there, look at the other side of the fence, the joy of meeting is there. you are sitting stand up in the first row for justice , the burden of trust is on your shoulders, stand up, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the
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first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row. welcome to the front page, according to the routine of another servant of the iranian nation, they are in front of the front page camera to talk about politics and strategies and, of course, the decisions that were made in the last year. it has been effective on people's lives and livelihoods, but in the future , we will raise questions related to this issue in the working year. one of the important issues in the lives of people living in the third decade of the 21st century is the issue of food and medicine , which is related to the ministry of health and medical education. welcome, mr. dr. seyed haider mohammadi , the head of the food and drug organization. the most important measures that
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were taken last year, so that we can reach this year, god willing, in the name of allah , the most merciful , the most merciful. as the new year approaches, i hope the new year will be full of health and wellness for all our dear people. alhamdulillah, this year is the year we spent in 1402 despite the ups and downs. in fact, in some of the indicators related to the supply of health items , compared to the year 401 , we had better conditions, thanks to god, we were able to manage the stock of medicine in a way. it was bad in the second half, yes, we had a lot of tension.
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alhamdulillah , we spent the year 48 well, thanks to the grace of god and the cooperation of related institutions, one of the efforts we have always wanted the drug to be available to the people with a suitable reserve, which means that one of the indicators that we always have is the good access of the people to the drug at the right price, which means that the right price is also available. well, first of all, our priority is availability, which we we made a lot of efforts to be available. the central bank's follow -ups to supply the supply, well, in the first four months of last year , there was some problem with the supply of supply, with the efforts of the central bank , the management changes that were made, however, the conditions changed, our supply of supply was much better than in 401, so that the amount clearance of medical equipment in the year 2002 had a growth of 58
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compared to the year 2011. alhamdulillah, we had a good situation in the field of medicine . about 16 new medicines were added to the country's medicine basket in the year 2012, 12 of which were the medicines of scientists. we unveiled 33 new equipments. more than half of these were equipment produced by daneshmian companies that were unveiled at the salamat benyan exhibition last year. we held for the second time that all scientific companies in the field of health in the field of medicine and food equipment were present, thank god. we were also able to use the capacity of dan companies to bring beneficial and extra-beneficial foods, probiotics, which have been used more recently in the food basket of the people, alhamdulillah , we were able to complete the plan to enrich bread with iron and folic acid
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, and in fact, it has now been implemented as complete all companies producing flour, enriching flour with iron and. in continuation of the plan to enrich milk with vitamin d, we managed to start the initial stages of enriching flour with vitamin d. well , you know that the main strength of the people in our country is bread, and wheat is the most consumed in basic goods. the reason is that the predominant strength of bread is the best product to be able to convey the lack or deficiency of vitamins or minerals to people . it is in the abundance of bread . inshaallah, we started the work . inshaallah, god will help us, we will start this work. good things happened. one of the big measures
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that we took last year is the development of pesticides in food, which we do every year . we did a lot more items that are actually contaminated with pesticides and toxins and heavy metals if necessary, we will detect the presence of nitrates from the farm or in the warehouses in several stages , both at the farm, in the warehouses , in the terroir markets, and at the point of supply, in four stages .
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in tehran, rafsanjan and kerman have been accredited by the european union, which means they have been approved to do this test. last year, there was also news about pistachio exports. at least there was no news about the presence of aflatoxin in pistachios. yes, since 1400, with the beginning of the 13th government, according to the emphasis they have, considering the problems you remember, for the export of bell peppers. it was emphasized that all agricultural cream products should be subjected to the selection test, which means that when we export , we take the index approved by the destination country. see, for example, i would like to offer you rice. the consumption of rice in our country is the same as the consumption of rice in, for example, russia. no. well, if there are pesticides, poisons, or heavy metals in rice, for example, arsenic is one of the important indicators of rice. the amount of rice consumption
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in our country is higher than, for example, china, or more than, for example, russia. naturally , that indicator is strict in our country. these are called maximum. most of it is actually level permissible, it is actually a pesticide, one of the actions we had in 1402 , we compiled more than 18 thousand indicators or that's actually mr, we made the book available to all zirb devices , it is localized, that is, based on the amount of consumption of all products, raw products, for example suppose corn, bell pepper , tomato, carrot culture in our country. this amount is known. now, if we want to export this, the country of destination must give us this level. the export destination declares, for example, the level of arsenic in rice that is acceptable to me is, for example, 250 pip. in our country, for example, this level is between 150 and 200.
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based on the standard of that country, if it is stricter, we will inform the exporters that the export destination will accept your export up to this level , we will declare it as non-compliant if it exceeds the level, and as a result , we will not allow them to export. the reason , alhamdulillah , is that we do not allow exports in relation to pistachios, in relation to raw agricultural enclosures, until this test result is determined, and naturally , we allow exports to cases that are compatible. dear doctor, one of the topics that has been followed for years in the field of the ministry of health and medicine is the discussion of the pharmaceutical industry . given that our past years a new component named. all knowledge-based companies seem to be added. alhamdulillah , great work has been done in this field. now the state of our pharmaceutical industry is our self-sufficiency. now, this is a bit of a debate in the discussion of medicine
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. what do you expect, mr. doctor? at the beginning of the islamic revolution , 20% the medicines we needed were produced in the country and we had about 80 imports, that is , foreign companies or private companies and iranian companies do imports. today, alhamdulillah, we can tell you that we were at the end of the year 2002 or their production was not economical. now those who it is not profitable to produce them, it is still possible
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that they will not be produced, they will be produced very little because there is no economic justification except for export, but those who need high technology should bring in scientists who , alhamdulillah, we bring in the drug altepliz, which is rarely used for heart and brain attacks. it is used now in different countries, but in our country, alhamdulillah. it means that, as the second producer in the country, a
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company produced knowledge products and entered the drug basket of our country. alhamdulillah, the share of knowledge companies is very high, that is, if i can say that more than 70 to 80 percent of this development is the contribution of knowledge foundations. they are developing, that is, right now , as i am talking to you, many of the scientific companies have new drugs in their drug production pipeline that are currently under development, some of them are in the clinical phase and clinical studies, some of them are on the path of bioequivalence. as soon as it reaches atman, the studies will enter the market, and i can boldly say that we have complied to a large extent in terms of drug production with global standards and we are close, god willing, to complete self-sufficiency in drug production, god willing, in some years even the recent growth of our pharmaceutical industry was negative
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fortunately, according to the estimates and statistics that were published in 1402, we had a positive growth . what is your forecast for the growth of 1403? it depends on the macroeconomic conditions of the country and our liquidity situation. alhamdulillah, thanks to the efforts of drug manufacturers, the last report that i had from the central bank colleagues had a positive growth of about 11%, so it is a very good number considering the negative rash we had in 2011, and it could actually be a bit worrying, alhamdulillah. this happened, i predict, according to the existing circumstances, if nothing special happens, god willing it is that we have a better situation since 1402, because as i said, the share of academics
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has increased a lot . we used to supply ventilators, these same companies now produce respiratory ventilators in large numbers , and in the recent exhibition that we held, they announced that they are exporting to european countries . alhamdulillah, this shows that our speed of growth and dynamism in this field is very high. it is high and the situation what is our export, because after all, we are these knowledge-based companies and the ministry of health and medical education is trying, part of it is the domestic market, but part of it can be transferred abroad , and very good news is coming from onur and about iran's medicines. in some countries
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, we have more export capacity than this, that is, we exported about 100 million in the first 10 months of 1402, which was a 37% growth compared to a year in 1401. but the fact is that when we sit with the countries around us , we had more than 16 pharmaceutical agreements with foreign countries, which were concluded in 402. the previous one was extended and the new part was added. mainly , if we compare the number related to the import of medicine from iran, it is different with the number of our export, which means that
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part of our export is done unofficially for various reasons that must be fixed. i mean, i want to tell you that our export amount is much more than this number. sometimes when we go to neighboring countries , we see that many of our medicines are available there, and some of them may have been exported unofficially, some of them were officially exported, but mostly the countries we have relations with. the last meetings we had with kyrgyzstan tajikistan, russia, belarus, this is the last meeting that we had in march . they are very willing to export our medicines to their countries. i hope that our medicine companies look like our food companies. with this self-sufficient situation, our medicines will reach this, god willing, although it is very difficult to register medicines in other countries, that is, the laws and regulations for registering
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medicines are very different from food, very different from non-healthy products, but anyway, it is difficult for everyone. the quality and the characteristics of the industry anyway our medicine, which has grown a lot in recent years , we had a very good growth in the field of biological medicines, we had a high momentum, our exports in this field are very high, god willing, we promise that in 403, our exports will definitely increase from last year, god willing. one of the discussions that was raised last year and by the way it had a very good impact. it was darvar's plan that actually the preferred width was moved to the end of the chain . do you have an assessment of how the situation was ? what is your proposal and forecast for 1403?
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420 tomans, the 4200 tomans we used to spend , is about 3.5 billion dollars. the number is much less , which means that we are going to be able to remove the 420 width at all, god willing, but in 402 , this actually reduced our dependence to about one billion dollars, which is very good . it is the width of 28500 tomans or the width of hall two which is actually.
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in fact, illegal or reverse trafficking has decreased drastically, how much it affected the reverse trafficking, see our unofficial statistics because trafficking never has official statistics, unofficial statistics. we have heard from our colleagues that the reduction of drug smuggling is about 60%, which means that it is normal compared to the conditions of the previous years when the plan was not implemented. i will give an example of insulin, the price of insulin was 30,000 tomans , the payment of the people was 3,000 tomans, now the price of ansorin is about 140,000 tomans, and the price of the drug is 3,000 tomans, so the person who wants to take it out of the chain , what is the appeal of 30,000 tomans to him? what is the attraction of 14 thousand tomans? still, of course , it is not the real price, that is, the price of our element is still higher than this 140
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thousand tomans, but it has greatly reduced. we are one of the we were able to implement great measures due to the speed of regulating the market. unfortunately , at the beginning of last year, the smuggling of milk and powder increased greatly , which means that we can say that the consumption of milk and powder, which some neighboring countries had, was provided from our market , which is illegal and illegal, alhamdulillah. with the implementation of this plan , the price of milk and powder became close to the real price, and the difference in the price increase of darvar's plan was provided to the insurance organizations. this plan is being implemented for real consumers who have children and babies under two years of age. alhamdulillah , we had good conditions. according to the latest report from my colleagues told me that we have about 3 months of fresh milk in the country. alhamdulillah, if the reserves increase, god willing , we will restart the export of milk and milk, god willing. this means that now the production cycle
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of powdered milk has been activated inside the country, because at one point some factories said that now it was stopped for some reason. apparently, yes, the width of 42 had made the import of the raw material of milk and powder more economical than its production, which means that as you increase the depth of production , it is more economical for us, provided that we do not prefer this width. when we prefer the width, the price goes down, the possibility of competition it will be difficult for the producer, when we removed the preferred width of 420t, the producers will move their production more towards raw milk. before this, many of them were bringing base milk here to add vitamins. they are adding powdered milk and now, alhamdulillah, i think 88 of the companies producing raw milk are producing powdered milk, and this
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is a huge leap in the production of powdered milk. god willing, we will do our best in the new year to the real meaning of our dependence to actually supply the market with powdered milk is to be cut off from outside and completely from inside, something that has happened in recent months in fact, it happened last year. one of the other issues is the claims of pharmacies. it was determined how much was paid for the claims of pharmacies in 1402. look at the claims of the pharmacy. there are two forms of a donation related to drugs, which is the last number that was reported until the end of march 1402. it was about 40 thousand billion tomans. i think the 34 thousand billion tomans deposited to universities of medical sciences and
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pharmacies was a part related to the debt of insurance organizations, well, social security organization , health insurance organization, armed forces medical services organization usually, they pay a certain number, this number became a lot bigger after daria, as a result. the depth of the debt should have been reduced. the amount of claims that i had felt was about 27 thousand billion tomans, but with the payments that were made at the end of march, this number decreased a lot, according to the promise given by the insurance organizations, especially the social security organization, because the number was larger. promising to settle the remaining bank bonds in april, i hope this will happen, god willing , we will not face any problems this year. we should provide medicine, equipment, and milk powder. this chain produces much more dynamically and quickly
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, and it is aimed at strengthening production, because the producer is dependent on the financing of its credits . the producer goes to provide the raw materials. this is actually one of the issues that we have always expected from insurance organizations to reduce the depth of claims. that is , if they reach these demands in two months, i think the conditions will be very good and the investment will be returned easily, considering the implementation of the plan. dharwar, almost, almost, not researched, the width was moved from the beginning of the chain to the end of the chain, in the field of medical equipment, the width of the first hall is also used, the situation in the case of others. is the width of the first hall used for all the equipment, or some of them, if some of them, what kind of goods
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are included? in 401, medical equipment such as medicine was included in the width of 420t. well, in 401, te dariyar was implemented, and our evaluation was very, very good, that is. it had very good results, but anyway, you know that every economic surgery is painful and you should clearly explain to the people the benefits of removing the land. in 402, we were able to remove part of the medical equipment from 42. all items related to dentistry of that fixture and in fact dental prostheses were completely moved to hall 2, which means the width is actually about 40. the ones
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that actually have domestic consumption were transferred to hall two , that is, they do not get preferential treatment, laser beauty equipment, equipment related to cosmetic surgery , these were completely transferred to hall two, some of the equipment and manufacturing sectors or spare parts related to the device the width of capital medical centers is 28,500 tomans, which means that the hall is actually wide.
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all our efforts are to correct these this year, god willing , we will either cut off our dependence or reduce it a lot, god willing. yes , my colleagues , we will prepare a report on the online sale of drugs. then i have a few questions for you in this regard. online sale of medicine. it's going on, don't use the internet at all, why not, medicine should always be bought from a pharmacy , do you agree with online sales, because there is less time, people's time is less wasted, they can get more information, they don't get stuck in traffic, after all, it's a digital world, another issue that after a year and a half passed since the announcement of the council of ministers' resolution and the order of the first vice president have not yet been implemented, we agree
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that services should be provided to the people in general through software. this is a general discussion of the government's main policy. however, in health, some sensitivity is high. there were some concerns that these processes should be carefully provided and the possibility of supervisions should be provided to be able to do this. we insist that this happens, the minister of health had previously promised that by the end of ten days, the regulations will be announced and implemented . it will start, we mostly think that we should start from shuran centers on a trial basis and so on then, god willing , we will be able to do this in a completely national way. we have compiled the regulation of home care for everyone, in fact, an electronic version and all target groups . they should determine the standards, but finish this work within a certain period of two months.
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it has been a while since the work was overdue , but the head of the food and drug organization has announced that the work of issuing the ayman has been finalized and will be issued soon. in one province, we actually start as a pilot gradually, god willing, we will develop in the whole country. according to the approval of the council of ministers, the regulation explaining the sale of drugs on the internet should be written in collaboration with the digital working group of the ministry of communications and the ministry of health , which the minister of communications said that there is an interdepartmental cooperation. we will solve the rest together and it will be announced. hosseini, sed and sima news agency , we saw the report, considering that i think you have a promise in february, which in fact. the online sale
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of medicine will start on a trial basis, now its status how and when operationally, god willing, we will witness the implementation of this plan, you see, the discussion we are having in the ministry of health is not about online sales of drugs, because we do not have such a thing as online sales of drugs in the regulatory structures of the world, what is actually being considered is that patient's medication or prescription. in the form of space , it is actually virtual and non-present . yes, the electronic version is available, but it should be available non-presence. want to be sold on the internet means that the supervision of doctors and pharmacists and conditions.


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