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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm IRST

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and now, the 6 months that you have said, how do you evaluate it, even before that , in the supreme leader's order, i saw that he addressed the government and said that this government entered the infrastructure areas, infrastructure areas for the future and for the country, which is very bad for the country. yes, but it may not show output at that point or in the same year that this is happening, and the governments may not prefer these issues as they said. in the organization of this procedure, it was practically placed as a headline that the infrastructure works that can take the country several steps forward cooperation in development infrastructures such as logistics areas and transit areas, from the types of agreements that can be extended to the country in the long term.
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help and the negotiations are very difficult and more cooperation with the institutions in order to support and strengthen the position of the exporters in the diplomatic discourse of the country were things that were done both this year and last year. well, i have been in the organization since 1400. take a look last year. i want to tell you about the events that happened. well , i can go back to the winter of 1401, when we were the first event in iran, the commercial event between iran and western countries. we held africa, which was a very big task, but it didn't happen in 1402. for some reasons, this event was actually postponed to ardi behesht 1403, because iran's business plan and iran's business cooperation with the country.
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it is the whole of the african union and the african continent that this very big event is happening for the first time . our goal is only to develop trade and to create a dialogue in this area that we should finally be able to introduce iran and its capabilities to african businessmen, countries and authorities. well, in zari bash, the subject of the exhibition of export potential of the islamic republic of iran or iran expo happened, which is perhaps the fifth it was an exhibition, but it was the first exhibition in these dimensions. what happened was the support of the entire government and alhamdulillah, this year, in may of this year, god willing, an exhibition of much larger dimensions is going to take place, and the support of exports is the biggest commercial event in the country . there are infrastructure events that i am very interested in and very important to me. i would like to point out that, well, we are talking about this approach of the government. it also helped us a lot when we came to free and preferential trade, which in
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the free area, where we almost did not have free trade with the countries, was practically suspended in some way. we came to revive and preferential trade , we came with the aim of developing trade through product groups that can be effective, most importantly free trade with the eurasian union, which in my opinion can play a very important role in the future of the country and one of the it is the most important commercial events of the country during the last 40 years. well, for some reason , we did not have free trade with a certain union in these years, i said that it was in line with the support of production and a certain amount was defined later, although these negotiations started in 1998, but in 1400. later in the body the government made this very clear and alhamdulillah we were able to sign this business with the eurasian union region.
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i really hope that it will be approved soon in the islamic council and we can enter another phase with these 5 countries . there are 380 billion dollars of trade in these 5 countries, they import, they have 180 million people and this is a very big market for us. on the other hand, we can import our own consumer goods that we import from other countries at a lower price for people from these countries , and this is a very good test for our country
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. what is the plan for our country? yes, that is a very good question we are an organization by trade in its constitution as a negotiator and promoter of trade agreements. with other countries and unions, regardless of the discussions of the joint commissions, well, we have come based on the request of the chambers of commerce, unions, associations and large commercial, commercial and industrial companies of our country , we have placed many of these product groups or some product groups. we put it in the so-called red list , we selected 87 products in the list, which so-called zero definition, 13% of my credit is in that list. we agreed that all this was negotiated and consulted by the private sector, mr. zighmi, you mentioned the international exhibition to introduce iran's export capabilities, which is known as the expo , is going to be held in ardi behesht. one question is that this
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exhibition is different from what you said, and you actually have african countries in ardi behesht. are these two different or mixed ? what are the differences between this exhibition, which will be held in ardibehesht this year, compared to last year, and what are the special features that make it different ? yes, look, we are a trade event, so-called iran and the african union. well, it is an independent program. this year, the program is it was from this we should use the capacity of this iranian exhibition event because the foreign officials who come along with the businessmen are included in these programs because we also had a side exhibition in 1401, but this side exhibition cannot export the capacity of the islamic republic of iran and businessmen. show it to the delegations that have a small section on the sidelines of the exhibition and events
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. we have used the potential of these two programs. they are coming to africa can practically from they should also use the capacity of the iran expo exhibition and get acquainted with the capabilities of the country . for this year, last year, we had about 1,300 traders. this year's plan is to reach more than 200 to 2,500 . regarding the transfer of guests , well, this can increase a lot. this exhibition has great potential. the second is the increase in the number of companies, which we had around 700 last year . also, the whole the capacity and infrastructure of the exhibition is under the burden of space
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. we have specific statistics on how many. commercial centers and commercial advisors in 1402 and how many were added in 1401 and what are your plans for the current year. yes, look at the commercial center. well , it has been licensed under different titles in the organization for a long time. my goal is to use the capacity of the private sector in the development of commercial relations. with that target country and helping other businessmen solving their problems and facilitating their business. between iran and the country where they are located, but it has never been done in the form of a written plan. we have issued more than 55 permits since 1400, when this program was compiled in the organization. well, we have programs that once every three months
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, we check the activity of the business center and if it is not active, we will approve it, and after a period if it is not possible to continue, we will cancel it, that is, we are the target. businessmen want to improve their activities and minimize their issues and problems in this country . the next point is the consultation. 5 advisers being active, although we had 5 advisers up to 24, the plan of this government was to increase the number of advisers so that our country's advisers are actually in the target countries and so on. they are in iran , they have a very effective role because they are a commercial language, and they have a very effective role in the discussion of convincing the businessmen to tell the country, for example, iran, and also in the discussion of solving the problems of our own businessmen in the target countries
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. we have seen the consultant and there is a plan that , god willing, in the next year in cooperation with the ministry foreign affairs was the reason we got to be able to reach more than 70 consulting positions. you mentioned many key programs of this year, 1403. may you tell us what your other plans are as a last question? yes, we have a serious plan regarding export infrastructure , agreements. i told you that last year there was an agreement with many countries. god willing, we will be able to get approvals in the islamic council this year . there are about 4 very serious agreements and we are having several very important negotiations this year. in line with we are negotiating business community agreements . which can increase the country's trade level to considerable numbers. we
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really need our programs to add some support to the exporters to the import part of our laws, because the laws are an old part , they were designed with an eye on imports, because we were an oil exporting country and we used to import, this is being corrected, god willing. our dear friends in the customs office in the organization in the ministry of foreign affairs in the central bank. and it needs to be speeded up so that, god willing, he can give a good sweet for the people bring armaghan, well, we will also hear your final words . the reality of 1402 was a lot of ups and downs in terms of some horizontal commercial policies, and the merchants were challenged to some extent, although a part of it was due to the fact that we were in a very heavy growth. we are in development and production, and the supreme leader's slogan last year
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was to boost production and increase production and curb inflation. well, this is because of this need, and a major part of this production has to be expanded in the field of imports, due to the raw materials of machinery. our efforts and the central bank were able to set a record, and since the previous year since 1401 pay more for imports. which is in line with the increase of production and export, i really hope that with the help of our friends in the government and dear businessmen and with the cooperation of the chamber of commerce, we will be able to achieve these goals that i have mentioned, and we will be able to achieve the approvals faster. we have good laws, we can implement these and a a very good opening has happened in our business relations with countries that maybe a few years ago these relations were completely closed. we are trying to make these relations flourish . i really hope 143 that this flourishing
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can really happen and we enter the point. let us jump, god willing, thank you very much, mr. zighmi . thank you very much for you and your colleagues. you are working very hard. i wish you success. thank you, dear viewers , of the interview with mr. mehdi zighmi, deputy minister of mining and trade and head of the trade development organization. you watched iran, i wish you success and thank you for continuing to follow the news network . may you be proud and victorious. finally, after our discussion and program. the budget bill of 1403
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was approved by the islamic council in the section of notes and rulings on the seventh of bahman of 1402 in the specialized commissions and the public forum of the parliament. target our investment is 8% economic growth, which is mentioned in the announced policies and in the program and is planned accordingly . attention to justice in payments , both at the provincial and national levels, this has been emphasized in the seventh plan and in the 1403 budget , it has also been emphasized, the deficit of the operating balance must have been taken into account in this budget and some reforms have been made. in the budget of 1403 , we tried, our friends in the organization of the budget program , the first deputy and all our friends, who are actually the first step
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and 20% of the practical realization of the budget, god willing , the plan will have a budget in line with the seventh plan and the realization of that transformation. ok. the budget bill of 1403 was submitted by the government to the parliament on the 14th of december 1402, which was the first time in two stages. the first stage was related to the notes that were approved before the end of 1402. the final arrived. the general approach of the parliament in approving the budget was to accompany the government. in this regard , there has been no significant change in the budget figures, and in addition to clarifying the management of expenses, the parliament has made changes to essential items such as the salaries and wages of employees, retirees and pensioners of support institutions and
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the implementation of other legal and limited tasks. the budget was 2,562,000 billion tomans , which is both the sources of this 2,562,000 billion tomans and the expenditures, of which approximately 375,000 billion tomans are for capital asset acquisition credits, and more than 220,000 billion tomans are owed by the government , the rest are current expenses and now salaries. and salary and these things are important features. the budget bill of 1403 has been the forecast of expenditure sources based on actual performance. in this bill , an attempt was made to check available resources with a case-by-case approach and then adjust the expenses within its framework. the government was also obliged to pay in cash or islamic treasury documents
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to deposit 6 thousand billion tomans per year as the government's contribution to the agricultural products insurance fund. the fact that we said cash or documents is to see what the fund's need is, if the fund needs cash, we will allocate cash, if they can or need papers , we will give them papers. significant decrease in operating balance from 45 thousand billion tomans in 1402 to 305 thousand billion tomans in 1403, an increase of 20. the percentage of salaries of employees of government agencies, increasing the share of taxes in providing public resources from 43% to 51% and reducing the share of oil in providing public resources from 29% to 23 and 70 percent of the features of the current year's budget bill of the whole country. it was also decided that 80 sources
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of taxes from gardens are at the disposal of the ministry of jihad, agriculture, municipality and rural districts. to develop green space, forestry and rural employment . lands that are vacant, whether they have a residential, administrative, or commercial use, are taxed. provided that their minimum price is more than 3 billion and 500 million tomans. also, residential units whose value is more than 35 billion tomans are taxed. in the meanwhile. promotion of justice in salary payment the benefits of employees and retirees, applying anti-inflationary policies of the budget with savings in other expenses, directing productive resources towards the completion of half-finished projects, strengthening economic growth, and also reforming and clarifying the financial relationship of the oil government, according to the program law. seventh,
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it is considered among other features of the 1403 budget bill. in discussion it was also announced today that no budget, that is, a budget that does not equalize pensioners in 1403 , will be passed out of this parliament. stable and growing national production, acceleration in financing construction projects, especially for sard sir provinces , as well as transparency through the creation of a single treasury account in the central bank
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, should be formulated, approved and put into the operational process in the current year's budget, still the issue of youth marriage and special attention has been paid to strengthening the provision of education and financial aid for students. each couple under the age of 25 will get 350 million tomans under qarzaul-hosna. to each of the couples who got married after 1.141 . 300 million tomans of marriage loan facility is granted. the repayment period of this loan he is 10 years old. in the budget of 1403, payment of cash, subsistence and calabash expenses. electronics will continue to be provided to the affected groups and those seeking help under the cover of the imam khomeini relief committee and welfare organization. this year also subsidize medicine, milk powder. medical claims are paid equivalent to 15 billion dollars or 13.6. we have allocated one billion euros to provide the basic goods
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needed by the people, 10 items of basic goods with a support rate , this support rate is 50.28 for every dollar or 31 thousand tomans for every euro, it is planned to continue paying the bread subsidy and the guaranteed purchase of wheat in the budget of the year 1403 will take place, the pension of the relief and welfare committee in the layer did not increase compared to 1402, but we caused it to increase by 30% , and one was some farmers who we were most worried about in these droughts that exist, this frost and now due to the lack of rain , we have set aside 15 thousand billion tomans from article 28 of the alag law 2 for loans that are due by the end of 1402 and farmers
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are unable to pay due to these problems, up to a limit of 200 million tomans, which the government will pay interest, fines and late payments. and one year should be postponed for the renovation of the canals we introduced new irrigation systems in the parliament 85. such a program-oriented nature of the country's industrial budget is one of the other characteristics of the 7th plan, which
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will play an important role in advancing the country's major goals in various sectors. pishbahar of the islamic council's radio and television news agency. they loved hasan and imam hussain very much and advised everyone to love them. the tenth imam of the shiites, imam ali al-naqi, nicknamed imam hadi
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, peace be upon him , was born on the 15th day of sub-hijjah in 2012 ah. each of these books narrates a hundred short sections of the life of one of the innocents and the religious and historical source of each narrative also mentioned at the end of the book. this head resh , while they are independent from each other, together with each other , they paint us a relatively communal picture of that noble innocent. the cover of aftab in the mihrab was dedicated to imam ali. this 14-volume collection begins with aftab mihrab , and in addition to narrations from 12 imams , it also tells a part of the life and biography of the prophet of islam and hazrat fatima zahra , peace be upon her. it is not that the audience thinks that these
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are the imagination of the author or the imagination of an author taken from the history text itself. the authors of these books are different and in each of them a brief introduction of the life of ahl al-bayt is narrated from birth to martyrdom. imam reza, peace be upon him, inevitably accepted this invitation. short and concise narratives of the lives of 14 innocents are written in the 14 khursheed and yek aftab book series for all ages and will introduce young people to the lives of imams. ansi behri , radio and television news agency.
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happy new year, ladies and gentlemen, now it's time to go to the city of household goods . goodbye, no, madam , i don't want a checkbook, will you be my guarantor at all? do you really want to pay in advance for household appliances? do you want to pay in advance? a special purchase for dear retirees, social security from the city of household appliances, the city of household appliances, a specialized reference
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for household appliances. i worked and let it go. i think i can borrow it from my father . i had some savings to start my work. i put it in the center of everything we have. we also put it in before starting a new job. i have more money. how come we barely managed to provide the base of the ruby ​​in the middle of the ruby? you had a ruby ​​and you didn't say it was the same ruby an education with which we can increase our money and go safely. how should we act at work? we just need to go to the credit institution of the nations , apply for more than the balance that we give and get and start the work, that's how easy it is to prosper with the help of melen, yaqut of the nations, especially for businesses. nations credit institution. big iranian house is a well-equipped and specialized digital house in the area.
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he opened more than 5 thousand square meters in irani palace of qom. all kinds of mobile phones, personal computers, tablets, gaming devices and other digital accessories with incredible prices and long-term contracts, the well-equipped digital store in the great iranian house of the people.
9:00 pm
welcome to news 21. the death toll of the terrorist attack on the moscow concert hall increased to 143 people every four. the terrorist responsible for the attack was arrested near the ukrainian border. putin of ukraine had prepared a specific route for terrorists to cross the border. weather warning: torrential rains are coming. heavy rains lurking in the semi-western provinces in the next 48 hours. nowruz travelers.


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