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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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i didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it made a difference, yes, it made a difference to give light to our countrymen with optimal energy consumption. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. in a message, the president condoled the death of a number of russian citizens in a terrorist incident to the president and the nation's government. in this message, mr. raisi, by condemning this terrorist incident , called for the serious action of the international community to punish its designers and perpetrators. while expressing his condolences to the families of the victims, the president asked almighty god for forgiveness for the deceased and for the injured.
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he wished for a speedy recovery. following the terrorist attack on the concert hall in the capital of russia, which had more than 133 victims, two hashtags became frequent in cyberspace. israel's hashtags are the same as isis, and the term america and israel is becoming hot globally. they came to hear the harmony of the instruments, but the sound of these pictures sat on the silver screen in front of the audience's eyes 4 years ago. but last night , a group of moscow residents saw these images live and directly. it happened in front of their eyes. it is as if 4 years ago, christopher nolan had depicted tonight's attack on the russian concert hall in the movie tent. the terrorist incident in the capital of russia more than 200 killed and. he left a wound. although
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the british and american media published a statement and attributed this attack to isis, the russian authorities deny it. less than 20 hours after this incident, the statement made by the western media was repeated in cyberspace because it was fake. a group of people in the virtual world also used the hashtag of israel as isis, and they made the words america and israel hot. isis is an organization. it is a terrorist organization supported by the mossad and established by the united states. zionism is terrorism. zionism is the creator of isis. zionism is the cause of crime in moscow. among farsi language users as well a question goes hand in hand. why isis has not carried out any terrorist operations in the occupied territories. the only place where isis did not carry out any operations was in israel and america. remember that the us embassy to its citizens in russia. before the attack
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, he had warned of terrorist operations. they write that isis is a zionist . has isis ever attacked israel? the zionist forces of daesh, who have the ability to attack russia , have not thrown a single shoe towards israel, because the goal of this terrorist group is to fight against the enemies of zionism. some people think so america and the zionist regime can carry out terror attacks whenever they want. at a meeting in the capital of belgium, 34 countries of the world committed to confront the atmosphere. in this meeting, the role of nuclear energy was discussed, using nuclear energy with changes in facing global challenges. to reduce the use
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of fossil fuels, increase energy security and strengthen economic development. the meeting was hosted by the international atomic energy agency and the participants pledged to deal with climate change by using nuclear energy. currently, 10 % of the electricity needed by the countries of the world is provided by using 438 nuclear reactors. company american apple was accused of overselling. the us department of justice has also sued this company for violating antitrust laws. the us department of justice has announced that apple has illegally created a monopoly for iphone phones by restricting programmers and imposing exorbitant fees on consumers, and thereby made a lot of profit. apple charges about $1,600 for each iphone.
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consumers should not have to pay higher prices when companies violate antitrust laws. if not to deal with apple, to strengthen the phone monopoly his smartness continues. previously , a number of customers complained to this company due to the decrease in the performance of the older generation apple phones after the release of the new generation phones. this american company is accused of slowing down the speed of its old phones so that customers are forced to buy new phones. english students in the universities of this country to expose the crimes of the zionist occupation. and they are trying to stop the war in gaza. according to al jazeera network, british students started their movements since the start of the zionist regime's invasion of gaza. students take this class at london college
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they did they coordinate the details of their movements in support of palestine. these students are ready to celebrate the week of opposition to israeli racism. we want here to inform the students and staff of the university about the palestinian struggle for freedom, and in this way we will put pressure on the university to end its complicity with the genocide. zionists accuse. universities are connected with the zionist occupiers and invest in companies that are with the regime zionist cooperates. the value of these investments reaches more than 400 million pounds. here at goldsmith university, students started their movements since the zionist invasion of gaza.
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after the university refused to accept the students' request to condemn the genocide and sanction the zionist regime , they formed a group. he is worried that their aim is also to put pressure on universities to cut off any connection with companies that cooperate with the zionist regime. we occupied this building because the university administration did not listen to our demands during the last few months.
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we decided to expand our movements because demonstrations and strikes are no longer useful. these pressures are paying off for these students and their classmates.
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the line of service, the line of the people, your stronghold, your stronghold , this is the table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table , there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear compatriots, welcome to the program on the first page, according to the routine of another servant of the iranian nation in front of a screen camera. first, they are placed to talk about politics and wins, and of course, the decisions that were made last year and were effective on people's lives and livelihoods, but in the future, in connection with this this year
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we will raise questions. one of the important issues in the lives of people living in the third decade of the 21st century . the issue of food and medicine is related to the ministry of health, treatment and medical education. welcome , dr. seyed haider mohammadi, chairman. food and drug organization, the most important measures that were taken last year, please let us reach this year , god willing, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . i offer my greetings and respect to you and the dear viewers of the program. full of health and wellness okay, for all my dear people, this year, alhamdulillah
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, we had a good year in terms of providing health items. compared to the year 401, thanks to god, we had better conditions. we were able to manage the stock of medicine in a way. 41 do you remember the conditions? we had a good time with the related devices. one of our efforts has always been to make the drug available to the people with a suitable reserve, that is, one of the indicators that we always have is the good access of the people to the drug at a reasonable price, which means that it is also available at a reasonable price. well, first of all , our priority is in hand.
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we held the basanian health event last year. for the second time, all
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the health science companies in the field of medicine and food equipment were present. thank god, we were also able to use the capacity of danone companies in the field of food products to bring beneficial and extra-beneficial foods, probiotics. alhamdulillah , we were able to complete the plan of enriching bread with iron and folic acid , and in fact , it has now been fully implemented. continuation of the rich plan making milk with vitamin d, we managed to start the initial stages of enriching flour with vitamin d. well , you know that bread is the main staple of people in our country, and wheat
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is the most consumed staple food. let's be able to convey to the people the lack or deficiency of vitamins or spells , it is in the bed of bread, this happened in relation to iron, asphalic, in relation to vitamin d , god willing, this is the key in the new year, god willing. good things happened. one of the big measures we took last year was the development of the monitoring of toxins in materials there is food that we do this every year. in 1402 , we did much more .
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we carry out sampling in four stages, both at the farm, in the warehouses, in the vegetable markets, and at the point of sale . we have more than 500 laboratories across the country, 53 of which belong to the ministry of health and the university of science. medicine and reference laboratory that measure, for example for pistachios one of the indicators that all countries ask us for is pistachio aflatoxin. our three laboratories in tehran, rafsanjan and kerman have been accredited by the european union, which means they have been approved to do this test. last year, there was no negative news regarding the export of pistachios, at least there was no news about the presence of aflatoxin in pistachios. yes, since 1400, with the beginning of the 13th government, according to the emphasis of the problems that have arisen for the export of bell peppers, it was emphasized that all
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agricultural cream products should be subject to compliance testing, which means that when we export, we will have the index approved by the destination country let me tell you, for example , rice, the rate of rice consumption in our country is not the same as the rate of rice consumption in, for example, russia, so if there are pesticides, toxins, or heavy metals in rice, for example, arsenic is one of the important indicators of rice, the rate of rice consumption in the country if you assume that, for example, china is more or it is more than, for example, russia, naturally that indicator is in the country.
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assume the consumption of all raw products, for example, corn. capsicum, tomato, carrot , this amount is known in our country, now if we want to export this, the country of destination must give us this level, the export destination declares, it says, "i level" for example, the arsenic in rice that i accept is, for example, 250 ppb in our country, for example, this level is between 150 and 200. based on the standard of that country, if it is more strict, we will inform the exporters that if the destination of your export will accept this level. it does not exceed the surface. we announce that as a result, we will not allow them to export , for this reason, alhamdulillah, regarding pistachios, in relation to raw agricultural enclosures , we will not allow them to export until the results of this test are clear, and naturally , we will allow exports to items that are compatible, mr. doctor, one of the issues which has been in the field for many years the ministry of health and medicine is following the discussion
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of the pharmaceutical industry, considering that a new component called knowledge-based companies has been added in recent years. alhamdulillah , great work has been done in this field. in the discussion of medicine, there is some discussion about our situation. what do you expect, mr. doctor? at the beginning of the islamic revolution , 20% of the medicines we needed were produced in the country, and about 80% were imported, that is , foreign companies or joint-stock companies and iranian companies did imports. alhamdulillah today we can tell you that at the end of the year 402, we produced 99% of the medicines we need in the country, and this is because in
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the last two years, the largest share of the increase in this percentage was related to knowledge -based companies. many of the drugs that we unveiled were related to scientific companies, because 99% of them, remember , remained at 497 for several years. these 3% were drugs that were generally yatech or were not cost-effective to produce. now, those that are not cost-effective to produce are still they may not be produced, they may be produced very little because of justification there is no economy except through export, but those who need high technology should enter knowledge based .
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they should stop mertaliter and reduce the rate of this drug. our country was the second country in the world to produce this drug in 402. with that, as the second producer in the country , a daneshboyan company produced and entered the medicine basket of my country. there are knowledge bases that are developing, which means that right now, as i am talking to you, there are many knowledge-based companies in the production pipeline. their drugs have new drugs that are being developed , some of them are in the clinical phase and clinical studies, some of
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them are on the path of bioequivalence, these will enter the market as soon as the studies are completed, and i can confidently say that they are very similar. we are close to global standards regarding drug production , god willing. to complete self-sufficiency in the production of medicine , god willing, in some years, even years the recent growth of our pharmaceutical industry was negative. fortunately , according to the estimates and statistics published in 1402, we had a positive growth . what is your forecast for the growth of 1403
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? in 1402, we should have a better situation, because i said that the share of academics has increased a lot , academics are moving at a higher speed, which means that they will fulfill our wishes very soon . daneshbalan companies now have a large number of breathing ventilators they produce and in the recent exhibition we had. announcing that they are exporting to european countries shows this, alhamdulillah, that our growth rate and dynamism in this field is very high, and what is the status of our exports, because after all, we are
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knowledge-based companies and the ministry of medical education and treatment itself has it is trying to be a part of the domestic market, but it can transfer a part of it abroad, and there are very good news about it. it is coming and iran's medicines are well received in some countries . how was our situation in terms of exports? look at our whole range of doors we are not satisfied with the fact and the amount of exports that our companies make. if i want to tell you the number, the number of the number of growth that has actually grown in this area of ​​ours , the last statistics we had for 10 months of 1402 was 37. our exports had grown , but the fact is that we have much more than this export capacity, that is , our exports were about 100 million in the first ten months of 1402, compared to
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a year of 14017, but the fact is that when we sit with the countries around us, more than 16 we had a pharmaceutical memorandum of understanding with foreign countries in 2042 , mainly related to the import of pharmaceuticals from iran if we compare it with our export number, it is different , that is, part of our export is done unofficially for various reasons that must be fixed, that is , i want to tell you that our export amount is much more than this number. sometimes when we go to the neighboring countries, we see many medicines. we have it there , it is available, and some of them may have been issued unofficially. but mainly, many of the countries we have relations with, the last meetings we had with kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, russia, belarus
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, these last meetings we had in march, they were very willing to use our medicines. their countries will be exported. i hope that our drug companies look like our food companies. we have more than 1 billion dollars in food exports, so our drug companies should achieve this with our self-sufficiency situation, god willing , one of the discussions that took place last year. it was brought up and by the way it made a very good impression. it was a plan that actually the preferred width was moved to the end of the chain . do you have an assessment of how the situation was? what is your proposal and forecast for the year 1403? let's see , considering that the amount of credit we need is 420 tomans. which we used to spend 420 tomans it was about 3.5 billion dollars this year.
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our prediction is a much lower number, which means that we will be able to eliminate the 42 width at all. there is a width other than 420 tomans, that is, the width of 2,850 tomans or the width of hall two, which can actually be called width. in fact, it is free, yes, but in the discussion of the amount of spending that was done, one of the things that happened with the execution of te daruvar was that it was wasted in relation to two things, one is the excessive consumption of drugs. in some cases where there was no indication , the price of the drug was very low. the second case was that the export was actually illegal, or the reverse spoon.
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for example, the price of insulin was 30,000 tomans, the price of insulin was 3,000 tomans, now the price of insulin is around 140,000 tomans, and the payment of gajji is the same 3,000 tomans, so what is the appeal of 30,000 tomans to the person who wants to take this out of the chain? 1,000 tomans, what is the spring brochure , of course, it is not the real price, that is, the price of our element is still higher than this 140,000 tomans, but it has been greatly reduced. we are one of the big measures to due to the speed of market adjustment, we were able to implement
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the same implementation as the plan, that is, modification. the foreign exchange policy of milk and powder was our milk and powder. unfortunately, at the beginning of last year , the smuggling of milk and powder increased greatly, that is, we can say that the consumption of milk and powder in some neighboring countries was being supplied from our market, which is illegal and illegal. and it was very close to the real price, and this is the difference between the price increase and the same darvar plan , which was provided to insurance organizations for real consumers. children and babies under two years of age , this project is being implemented, alhamdulillah, good conditions according to the last report i received from our colleagues , we have about 3 months of dry milk reserves in the country. alhamdulillah, if the reserves increase , god willing , we will resume the export of dry milk.
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some of nejat factory said that now we have removed the width of 420t for the reasons, the producers should shift their production towards raw milk. before this, many of them bring base milk, here they add vitamin a to it , and now they produce powdered milk, alhamdulillah. 88 of the producing companies have milk powder from raw milk they produce and this is a very big leap in milk powder production, god willing, we will do our best in the new year so that, in the true sense
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of the word, our dependence on supplying milk powder to the market is cut off from outside and completely from within, according to the implementation of the plan. dharwar, almost, almost, not researched, the width was moved from the beginning of the chain to the end of the chain, in the field of medical equipment , the width of the first hall is also used . see what goods are included this year 41 well, medical innovations such as medicine were included in the scope of the four-day period. well, in 2041, alhamdulillah, it was implemented , and our assessment was very, very good, which means that it had very good results, but anyway, you know that every economic surgery is painful, and this should be told to the people.


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