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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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sima is preparing for you, let's go, see, come back and follow our sights . this transparency has many advantages that cannot be easily achieved in the traditional market. prescriptive pricing policy is undoubtedly the death of innovation. mrs. negin ansari, legal vice president of tepsi internet taxis. it can be considered similar to city taxis. binding internet taxis to management in the traditional way of municipalities and taxis not only disrupts the performance of these businesses. rather, it ends up at the expense of people and passengers. mr. ali hakim javadi, head of the computer union system. mandatory price has always been to the detriment of people and usually has not reached its goal. mr. seyed jafar tashkari, head of the civil and transportation commission of the islamic council of tehran. internet taxi rates.
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it is very strange and unfair during rush hour traffic. receiving such amounts is against the law, and for this reason, a supervisory body should enter into the fare price of these taxis so that people do not lose money. mr. mohammad sadegh muftah, the former deputy minister of the ministry, held the position until there was a monopoly in internet taxis the upper body has to monitor the prices . internet taxi market cannot be left without supervision. mr. hasan hasan khani , economic economist, in the current situation, two large companies have created a monopoly in internet taxis and took over the majority of the market. if there is no supervision on the supplier's monopoly, people will lose. yes, we saw the report together. mr. fatemi, please tell me how much you agree with mr. zulfiqari in this part where he talked about the rush and these price changes . what i said is that when we
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we want companies that work on the basis of artificial intelligence and technology. we want to regulate them ourselves. the regulator itself must be in front of them, that is, it must have the tools to regulate them. it's like you bring a car engine to me to see. i want to repair it, right? i do, but i don't drive the engine at all. when i don't drive, the first thing i do is say, mr. driver , give me the switch. you are not allowed to go in this engine because i may not understand how the engine works faster than me. what happened to me recently with the rush option, my question is the punishments how much did he study how the price trend changed? another point to consider is that the fact is that the self-regulation that happens between people and drivers on this platform is working in a certain way. i might say that it is more professional . it is more efficient to let people and drivers negotiate with each other . and these two existing companies, the two
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existing companies cannot stop the entry by dumping the price, or later , a third company will come , it will give this option to the people, it will attract the customers to itself , why do we insist on interfering again in this the current market is working in order anyway , or is there a point? the truth is, they say it depends on the time and place, but we ourselves choose this time and place, for example , when i want to take a flight to tehran, i have a business plan. i want the flight to take me to tehran after 10:00 p.m. because i do n't want to get stuck in tehran's late night traffic, for example, in the evening of tehran. well , when i do this on the other side, my drivers probably know that my other passengers probably know that you are around this time. mehrabad airport may have a higher taxi rate. i chose it myself. it is possible i used to come at 4:00 p.m. , but it was different at 3:00 p.m., but this is people's choice, which ultimately shapes paterno . i would like to add one point here. you see, the phenomenon
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is not unique to iran, it is everywhere in the world, that is, after all, the regulation of these economic relations between actors is everywhere in the world. let's study a little. the institution that wants to regulate is the taxi competition council. anyone who wants to regulate, go study first. mr. uber lifted in the world, so how in the world can we regulate it, we will also come and bring the same thing. take it differently , this is a solution, for example, i took it if if this market is competitive enough, the companies themselves will come here and come in and say, sir, if i let you go up in price with each other, i will keep the commission low , that is, let us have this for you . i would like to add here
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the fact that these stations are stations that work based on technology and what is happening. the overflow of technology that is happening, maybe the next station will come, that is , the next station will see what they are doing, it may find a smarter way to work. and let him do it in a more intelligent way, as we have seen several companies enter this market in the past years, many of them could not be removed, some of them remain in a small market or in certain market segments, that is, i want to say that the efforts of other businesses and karan must be considered to enter here and the last point. commission 15 and look at this, now one of these companies is listed on the stock exchange, which means that all accounts can be seen. the other company is not listed on the stock exchange. i hope the authorities will help it to come to the stock exchange and its accounts will be transparent. in addition, the competition council is a tool.
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there is a law that allows even a completely private company to look into its accounts, that is, you have legal permission, your judge can vote, go there and say, sir, bring these, bring them , i want to see the documents in our cases, but before i want to get into these cases. i say that we should make sure that the simplest and most effective way is to make sure that the game space here is competitive enough, collusion does not happen in it and such cases, if we come across a problem , we have an idea, then let's move on to the next issue, what is the price? a point mr. zulfiqari pointed out saying that we should separate the benefit of the company from the price increase and pointing out that, for example, in the conditions of rainy weather. there should be some changes so that the prices don't increase . look, what do you think? i can't agree with this 100%. all the grills on chalus road are losing money because they took 10 days to take advantage of it
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. it may be the business model of this company. sir , i will subsidize the rest of the healthy season, i will give a subsidy, or i will get a very low commission . this intervention may lead to the fact that they will no longer be able to benefit from this business, and we need to pay attention to one more thing : what is your opinion about the intervention , i'm in a hurry? that is, do you think that the entry of tazeerat to remove the option of i'm in a hurry is a suitable entry or not ? i added that it was not the right thing to do, especially with this method, without having complete information, without having an explanation. besides, i am in a hurry. it meant that he had put another option that you could get a lower price if you could wait, which means that he had created a trade-off between time and cost for people. on the other hand, we could have said that you have that option or explain to me first of all how the mechanism that i am in a hurry works
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, how that mechanism might be a ferry mechanism, and then we could have negotiated with them. you have to pay your commission. don't rush the option, in fact there is a normal option, we might have reached an agreement at this point, and in fact, this option was used by a number of people and drivers and we did not remove it so quickly , remember 20 years ago, 30 last year, there was a rain in tehran it used to be that a taxi doesn't always come to you , which means that it is difficult to find a transport connection in this city in special circumstances, especially in the evening and in the morning . if it is not widespread enough, this issue will still exist. thank you very much, mr. zulfiqari. how much do you agree that these companies charge lower prices in some cases? it can be compensated for when the demand is higher, like now, when the weather is rainy or there is traffic, and so on. i would like to ask you
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to look at principle d so that the discussion can be separated from one another. it is an intervention, especially in technology-based markets, complex markets where the regulator itself is ultimately a problem in terms of tools. these are all correct statements . i would like to ask a question in parentheses, because you mentioned that the competition council is now armed, according to mr. fatemi, in order to enter and regulate this. both the competition council and the other regulatory institutions are asking for a serious entry into this field. by reporting these things with the tools mentioned by mr. doctor, they are at least one step behind . he is in the scene, he is managing this space, now he wants to report his performance, later, for example
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, the regulatory body wants to be informed and make a decision based on that. obviously, you can see the principle of this issue is correct. i already agree with mr. doctor in this part. i said , "i want to let them do whatever they want for their personal benefit, even at the cost of public benefit." basically, the philosophy of the existence of the regulatory body is that the main task of the governing body is to provide the public interest. that the grills on chalus road make a loss during eid and price them in such a way that in fact, they will lose everyone's interests and take a very large profit , so this is a loss for a while. now, apart from whether this example is compatible or not
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, we do not have a dispute in the example, but here is the place for the competition regulatory body to enter. that is, the regulator of the competition is his duty. this is why a dominant player in the market wants to get a conventional profit for his own benefit with any justification. that i am willing to serve you in, for example, special circumstances or to there is an excuse for special circumstances to raise the prices too much, mr. doctor, you mentioned very well that , for example, in the rainy season, there were few drivers , for example, at that time, now that i say the market was completely different, in this sense, maybe a summary in a
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specific format, these together. the lack of unity now that they come in the form of a platform and a certain rule , they receive from a center, the space is different in terms of regulation, so it is the duty of the organization of the node to monitor the space as much as possible by observing the principle of non-interference in the price. to provide public benefit, the requirement here is that by the way in some cases , instead of all the burden falling on the consumer side of the demand side, a part of the burden falls on the supplier side , that is, these companies actually shoulder it, for example, we are now. in fact, the general solution is also being expressed about its details, about
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the scope of its application, in fact, there will definitely be discussions, for example, this issue of commission , for example, is it right to know that a company that is fixed in all conditions, for example , takes a fixed commission that happens to be in cases where the price goes up, the number he gets is higher or a rule is established this company should reduce its profit a little in adjusting those special conditions, for example, when the weather is rainy, why should the rate be the same as 15% in normal conditions , so why do we just adjust the system in such a way that the price goes up in order to create an incentive? and the passengers , who are a large number of people, will suffer. in fact, with these exemptions, discounts, the reduction of the commission that the company
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takes, doesn't the company claim that i am looking for the largest number of trips, but here it is, never anywhere. he is not willing to let his own thing come down from it, and this is your point just hold on, because your time in this section is over , mr. fatemi, how much do you agree with the regulatory body coming to enter in such a situation, for example . that is, by increasing the level of awareness among the public, two platforms can show the concept of self-regulation to the people in the two platforms that are currently in the market, that is, people say , "i will keep my commission here to serve you under these conditions" and so on. it's not a very good example
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, but you, if in the old time they said that the course would kill them, in this time, their business is booming, if you set a very strict regulation, they all they are closed every year, which means that we should be careful, if we set the goal of regulation wrong in principle , these businesses may be closed, and these businesses, which are very simple by the way, may be closed , because it is very based, not physical, most of them are based technical knowledge and technology, that's why i 'm worried that these rules that we put in place will create these problems . let us introduce that they can do this as the self-regulators of the regulation, which means that the next time, the managers of these two businesses will sit in the places of me and mr. doctor, and then they will speak. justify the public opinion that what are we doing in the situation where the prices are going up
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, what are we doing with our mechanism, let's also pay attention to the 15% that we call the commission. . again , it is returning to the passenger and the driver through incentive mechanisms , that is, the tools they are taking, they are using the parts as marketing to stimulate the passenger or the driver . let's make the game competitive and express yourself in a competitive environment let's see how many people have died. let's be sure. if we think that another actor with better technology will come, an actor with his technology will come better. let's help them go to foreign markets. the expansion of their market will increase their market power. they may be able to provide me with lower price conditions in the country, because anyway, this basic technology, if it is scaled and used in other places, we may have better conditions in the country, mr. zulfiqari. you agreed with this option of ajledan tazirat in this way, not because
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, at least based on what i know now, i really i did not understand the basis. what was this decision? look , when we say something is too much, we should say more than what? by what criteria did you check that this was too much? yes, if it was too much, then tazireh should have entered and stopped the overselling in line with his legal duties. but i am not ignorant of the current situation of this market . the punishments should be published or at least a notification should be given. the witness of the damages came up in the program and explained that the unverified account is going to be investigated in the court and the national branch. but well, the doctor pointed out a precise point about this imbalance. the sensitivity of digital markets and platform businesses is such that
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you are now in a balance, maybe for example 100 favorable. it may not be us, but before you interfere, you should check where the next equilibrium will be formed and at what speed it will be formed. will the next equilibrium be better than the current state or worse? at least this is my observation. that the general public and i agree with you that even some of my friends who were in this field. they believe that i am in a hurry to remove the option the welfare of the consumer, i.e. the passengers , did not improve at least, and this claim was made, and this claim itself is the subject of debates, that all trips have become more expensive. well, if that mechanism has such a situation , is it really a correct assessment that we
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said it is expensive because first of all, it refers to the limited generality. these numbers must be an initial check that is done in traditional markets . when we want to see if a price is conventional or unconventional , we should have a general estimate of the costs of providing that service. ok the investigation shows that almost now at least the financial statements of these companies show that these companies are not really profitable. having both the one that is in the stock market and the one that is not in the stock market shows this, at least in the field of carrying cash, but there is another precise point that mr. doctor has well pointed out . it is said that he may use the power and benefits he has in other markets here, so it is possible that a
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repressive intervention in the price area will lead to the fact that a major player, who happens to be controlled the issue of the competition regulator is that the actor who is bigger has more tools and possibility to harm the welfare of the consumer. by the way, he can protect himself , but the smaller actor will actually leave the game because he does not have that network. well , about four minutes. we have two minutes for your conclusion, and two minutes for mr. zulfaqari . the fact is that i want to emphasize what i have said. the first point is to be aware that we are working in a market with special technology. the regulator must be armed in order to enter here you can check the claims made by the companies about their pricing mechanism about the indicators that you should check for your research, not
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necessarily go inside and see it, but you can check it from the outside. this is a point. the second point i want to add is that you look we have many places in the country and my 6 years of experience has shown that we have monopoly concerns there. there is also a place in the middle. internet taxi platforms, this is a part of the technological sector , it belongs to the private sector to a large extent, and it has been formed with the efforts of our youth. we want to enter a monopoly somewhere , it might be smart in terms of regulatory policy to say, sir, that we could first place a place where the government , private companies, places that are closer to the government, they basically dominate, they can exercise market power, basically monopoly power. let's go and set them up first, then i'll come to these. after all , this is a place that you can see when you go to their offices
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. a lot of smart young university students have come and sat there . they are trying to optimize a mechanism. come when the time is set, all these monopolies state-affiliated monopolies. it's up to the government , but first come to us , you may be welcome, but if the government wants to show that i want to come to you, the government of the competition council, anywhere, then first , say yes, i'll start with myself, the places that are closest to me, i'll start first, then i am coming to you, this incident may be misinterpreted or it may even happen that the government is afraid of the growth of this private business and wants to stop them. this time it is called a monopoly regulatory tool . i do not say regulation . i think this is a very important point. we have to go to these if we want
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let's go in the same way that now, my friends, in the former competition council, there are unsuccessful attempts by the competition to regulate in the areas that are closer to the government or closer to the sovereignty . i think this is a subtle point that should be paid attention to. zulfiqari janbandi. the point is that the criterion is actually the governing institutions, despite the necessity of supporting new businesses, despite the necessity of giving value to the young academics that mr. doctor points out, but the criterion is not necessarily youth and oldness and these things, but the criterion is actually the possible damage that public benefit comes if business indeed. the circle of its beneficiaries should be wider, they are usually considered as a priority, now the activists are young, old, government , private, this is actually a necessity, so the criteria
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for the entry of governing bodies, whether it is the competition council, the competition council, or other places, the level of publicness is probably the losses that are in the public interest. in contrast to what he wants now, in fact, for example, a series of markets now, regardless of whether they are close to the government, in fact, these are smaller, so my opinion is that, in fact, all of these are absolutely necessary points to support these things, but in fact, we must it must be ensured that there is no harm to the public interest, in addition to the development of these new technology-based markets , god willing . especially for the program above, which you have accompanied us until this moment, may god protect you wherever you are, or ali above, wherever
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we are today, he said , ``aqla man henna la la.''
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iranians in the big iranian house until 2:00 in the morning in the city of tehran, ladies and gentlemen, i am your host , ladies and gentlemen, now it is time to go to the city , buy your household goods. well, well, well, i don't have a check. goodbye , everyone. if you really want, before the curtain, before the curtain. the opportunity to buy with special conditions without the need to buy in installments, just by presenting a promissory note from the most reliable
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production. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , dear viewers, you are watching the news at 16:00 . the rain has started in the southwest of the country. organization forecasting heavy rainfall for the east and south of the province, north and east of khuzestan province , kohkiloi province and boyer rahmat has issued a red warning due to the intensity of the rains in
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fars province.


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