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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm IRST

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by offering promissory notes from the most reliable manufacturers of carpets, household appliances, furniture, chandeliers and junk goods. khalid ghazdi does not want a check. with no down payment, no guarantor. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, dear viewers. you are watching the news at 16:00 . it has started raining in the southwest of the country . the meteorological organization has issued a red warning for the east and south of khuzestan, khuzestan, kohkiloi and boyer ahmed provinces, predicting heavy rain. due to the intensity of the rains in fars province
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, there is a possibility of flooding and the occurrence of dangers caused by flowing waters. to find out about preparedness of the devices in the face of possible floods in the western and southwestern regions of the country . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, we offer our respect to your dear viewers and colleagues. in these few days , due to the red situation that we have in the provinces of lorestan, khuzestan and kafra, in all these provinces, crisis headquarters were formed under the chairmanship of the governors. these areas were closed so that no one goes to those areas. please tell me, for example, in khuzestan
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, shahyan region , there is a high-risk area around hundreds of high-risk water bodies, and it has been prevented since this morning, and we are trying to ensure that no one goes there, especially in khuzestan province, because there is a significant level of tourists there, as well as the region of on the other hand, the dear nomads have more presence in this area than their efforts. we decided to visit all the places in person and in the field, and the loved ones should be there. this work was done in the morning . our loved ones were formed in lorestan province, bazad bahran, under the chairmanship of mr. dr. ziriyar, the honorable governor. but my effort is to tell all the dear people about some high-risk areas in lorestan . i should not go near these areas . there is one around the keshkan river. papi section
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of khorramabad, mirang, delfan, gol and badosh neck, ali godares, an area like paalam area full of girls, these are the areas where people should be very careful and put themselves in danger and pain. sili that in the past, our dear people, our dear people, good cooperation. again , i request all my dear compatriots to pay attention today and tomorrow, especially until 11 o'clock tomorrow night due to the fact that the type of rainfall is in the form of torrential rain, there is a possibility that a lot of water will flow in an area at one time and it will bring dangers. again
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, we ask the governors, bakshiars, villagers, jihadi groups, yari behran people groups, dear ones of our basij , wherever they are, to guide these dear ones in parili areas. thank you mr. nami. don't date thank you, mr. nami, head of the country's crisis management organization. in the last 11 days, more than from 249 million inter-provincial traffic on sar roads. it has been registered in the country, the country's police commander said that during this period, 417 people lost their lives in accidents. according to sardar radan, the cause of most of the accidents was sleepiness, inattention to the front, and the driver's speed and overtaking. could this not have happened, the significant part of it would have been by observing the regulations, which unfortunately was not done. i am requesting
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from today that the second phase of travel has started and almost all the roads of the country, the northern roads , the central roads and the western roads of our country are prohibited for passengers and traffic, the sweetness of the journey is also on the road. to see and enjoy the road, sleepiness, not paying attention to the front, illegal speed and left deviation are the main reasons that unfortunately led these 417 people to death and it was a good accident for our people. god willing, we could pay more attention. different areas of gaza, including rafah, khanyounes and south of this barrier, are still under attack. according to the gaza ministry of health, in the last 24 hours, 84
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palestinians were martyred and 16 people were injured. at least seven people were martyred in the bombing of a house in the east of rafah. at the same time, news sources are reporting the occurrence of severe clashes in khanyounes, especially around nasser hospital give reports also mention the presence of zionist soldiers in the area of ​​shafa hospital. in the resistance front, ghassam's fellow battalions reported targeting three merkava tanks south of shafa hospital in gaza. the israeli army has announced the death of one of its soldiers in northern gaza. an officer of two zionist military forces
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was killed in an ambush by quds battalions in the city of tul karam karane baghtri . last year, about 3.5 billion dollars of manufactured goods were exported from the town and industrial areas of the country. according to the deputy minister of mining industry and trade, this amount of exports belongs to one thousand export production units were the axis. mr. moghimi added: in the new year, the commercialization of 219 technological ideas, the creation of 55 export consortia, and the skill creation of more than 70,000 people. in these spring days, which coincided with the holy month of ramadan, a number of compatriots chose to help the poor and the needy
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, an action that can bring happiness to needy families. at the same time, god's month has become an excuse for celebrating manhood and knowledge. we do not work for the arrest of the families who use belts, we do not let anyone know that we are in front of ourselves and our god, we are doing a lot of work. in order to reach a needy family, the feeling that we are helping the needy people , they don't see us at all, but we know that they are in need , those who pray for us at the iftar table, this will come back to us and i know that their prayers in our way , the packages prepared with the intention of helping each other with the spontaneous movement of benefactors, this year in the holy month of ramadan, which coincided with nowruz, 143 jihadi groups, with the coordination and participation of you, we were able to prepare 20 thousand livelihood packages. and among needy families in
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less privileged areas, let's explain the great effort of charity in mosques and hosseiniyehs , we identify and examine the things that come to our hands. we have given people who are in need in the form of a basket of goods or those who are sick, in the form of medical aid to these needy loved ones. rural areas are one of the concerns of staring people. why did you bother? please be healthy. we deliver, you can really feel their happiness when we take this package to the door of each loved one's home we are satisfied with this work. we will be very happy to help
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the less fortunate compatriots by dialing the 12 square star command code or the card number 60 37 99 79 4 to 042. let us install yazidi tv news agency. thank you very much for your support, dear viewers . we also invite you to pay attention to the news of the stock market.
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by studying the opinions of experts on this issue , i come to the conclusion that a key to solving the country's economic problems is the issue of production, domestic production of national production, that is why we have relied on our production in the past few years.
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in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers of khabar channel , i congratulate you on the new year. may your prayers and prayers be accepted , we are at your service with a special program. the guest of this program is dr. karimi. behranvand is the deputy of employment of the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare. dear mr. behranvand, hello, good time. first, say hello to the viewers and then we will be at your service. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful and the most merciful. the year 1403 is coming and i wish that it will be a prosperous and full year, god willing. may there be happiness for all the people of iran and i pray for the holy month of ramadan and i hope that
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, god willing, the obedience and worship of all people and all muslims will be accepted by the door of truth. please tell the viewers that in 1402 , what were the most important documents that were followed up and what were the upstream documents? well, the most important document that we in the ministry of labor collection have a special focus on in the field of the labor market, the method, the general employment policies notified by the authorities. the supreme leader of 1390 general policies of the resistance economy , the announcement of the year. and industrial budget laws
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, and after that meetings of the supreme council of employment , the approvals of the orders of the honorable president, which are the basis of the actions and commitments of the ministry of labor in the labor market, in 1402, by the grace of god, we have perhaps the brightest year of the labor market in at least the last two decades. we passed the statistics. the figures confirm this proposition that i presented to you in every way, and special events really happened this year. as you also said, the employment commitment of the 13th people's government to the dear people of iran is to create 1 million jobs annually, which is the number in 1402 was the same as in 1401, and we were able to monitor closely and according to the national code and the type of jobs created by different agencies, by different
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cities, or even by each agency in each city, what measures were we able to take in the field of employment creation. let's reach this commitment. the statistics of the statistics center show that the year 1402 from the general center's point of view. the statistics, which is the official body providing the labor market statistics, was also a very bright year. the unemployment rate of the whole year 1402 reached 8, that is, 11 , almost decreased compared to last year. in 1402, this is the lowest annual unemployment rate after the revolution, and we have never had such a number until now. the unemployment rate of graduates is more than one and one-tenth percent compared to last year
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, which is a decrease, the unemployment rate of economic participation is also 4-tenth percent higher than the previous year, and incomplete employment has reached 8.2 hundred, that is, almost more than 91 percent of the employed . that is created in the country is not necessarily incomplete jobs or with low income level, and this is a good number, the net employment created in the whole year 1402 is more than 780 thousand opportunities. if you get a job, it means that these are stable jobs or not the difference between the net employment of the statistics center and the creation of job opportunities is that when we say the net employment creation means the input and output of the labor market, that is one million job opportunities which is the commitment of the government. it shows that this
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difference between the net employment creation and 1 million is the input and output to the labor market, that is, in fact , the statistics of the labor market confirm that at least one million job opportunities have been created, which is more than 780 thousand job opportunities and this the number is very significant, considering how much credit there was in the year 1402 it was done to create job opportunities from the beginning of the 13th government, that is, from mehr 1400 until the resources that are dedicated to the field of employment, because the width of this number that i am presenting , i do not include the construction resources and others, what the government only to create employment has actually used and injected into the labor market approximately 160 thousand billion
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tomans, which was in the form of annual budget notes. or it was in the form of projects that the support institutions donated to the people and to the work and production society , which is 160 thousand billion tomans, which is a rare number compared to previous years. for example, let me tell you that in 1402, we had about 95% absorption of employment resources in the field of home businesses, 44 thousand billion tomans of resources. it was almost completely absorbed. well, this figure covers the entire size of the domestic business law from the government from before the government to 1390, that is, in just one year, the credit resources of the household appliances field covers the entire size of the years before the government. well , for the year 1403, in the form of note in the budget
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of 1403, we have considered good resources, more than a hundred and... about 125 thousand billion tomans , there are resources for homework facilities, which are carried out by supporting institutions , and the share of the province of the governors is 31 thousand billion tomans which is combined with single resources is about 100 thousand, which means that in 1403, the capacity of the law of note is about 220 thousand billion tomans , which is a considerable number. the workshops should be provided, so that we can have both employment creation and development employment. regarding the job search system, because it was good news that we heard in 1402, and maybe those who are looking for a job, because many
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times the parties have to apply in person , may newspapers. khand searches the virtual space if you want, please explain the job search system very briefly and the statistics you have there, how many jobs have been created there, well, as you mentioned, one of the main concerns of both job seekers and employers in the job market is finding a job that suits their own conditions. the employer is looking for a job seeker who can do the job well. naturally, the job seeker is also looking for a job opportunity that has good dignity and good income . we have virtual cities in the country that are doing this activity right now we have a presence of more than 1,300 authorized job seekers , whose list of authorized job seekers
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is on the system of the ministry of labor, they are operating all over the country, but with all these attributes, it was necessary for the government not in the field of supervision , but in the field of supervision and rule-making, or in other words, the regulation of a system. start it so that all virtual and physical job seekers can use this capacity for themselves. this system was launched in july of 1402 , thanks to the grace of god, and it was well received , so far, more than 300,000 job opportunities have been created by the respected employers themselves or by job seekers all over the country. it is loaded with almost 300,000 job seekers. they can also register on the system and submit their job applications. the address of the ram system should be searched on the internet
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. the job search will come to the system address, but my address will be the job of the point of abortion. based on the monitoring system you have, how much of the goal you had and how much from the employment that was created. according to the statistics, we have reached this commitment. for the year 143, the division of provincial work has been done. the commitments of the provinces have been communicated to the honorable governors for the first time in the commitment. respected governors of farooq's job share we also included graduates, that is, we said that on average, 25% of the job opportunities that
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will be created next year at the provincial level must be related to graduates . it happens, that is, if you assume that a province is going to create 100,000 job opportunities , 25,000 of them must be for farqat. education should be at least 25% for graduates . it is the most important program of the government in 1403 and the special focus of the government is based on the orders of mr. president and it is really a challenge that we have in the job market. we can see that there is a chronic illness of iran's labor market for more than 30 years, that is the unemployment rate of graduates, the share of graduates from the total. the unemployed, hoping to god, despite the fact that i said that this rate was reduced in the 13th government, but by the grace of god, in 1403, our main planning is to focus
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on the unemployment of graduates , that is, the incentives that the government considers, the facilities that it considers, the programs that it is taken into account , i said, we have even specified the share of graduates in the commitment of the governors. it is aimed at reducing the unemployment rate and the number of students, and we hope that, god willing, this year it will be brilliant for the field of employment of graduates. what education is given to job applicants and what education do they receive? this is in the form of note d of the 1403 budget, education, employment is available to the work and production community. we have both the rural employment sources, which are specific to projects that are in the rural area, as well as the employment sources
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of support organizations such as the welfare relief committee , barkat foundation, basij organization, alavi foundation , martyrs and martyrs affairs foundation. be able to use this education. now i need to put on my shoes determine the money and credit, which is currently the same number of 150 and 4 billion, which is going to be changed in the next meetings of the money and credit council, this ceiling will change, and god willing, within a month or two , it will be announced to the people. we will hear your final words. i am at your service. i wish and pray that our year 1403 will end with shame. because maybe the biggest challenge that we are facing and the biggest issue that the mind of the politician and the mind of all
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the rulers in us can make a brilliant year by cooperating with the people and cooperating with the private sector , please is to cooperate more with each other. let's have the capacities that the government provides to the private sector, god willing, we will be able to make maximum use of them and... i wish that, god willing , it will be a blessed year for all people. thank you very much for coming. happy new year, may we have a fruitful year and god willing , we will reach the commitment you made in 1403. thank you very much , dear viewers, for being with us so far. or ali khondaghdar.
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they came to hear the musical accompaniment, but the sound of gunfire prevailed. these pictures are from four years ago he sat on the silver screen in front of the audience. but a group of moscow residents saw these images live and directly. it happened in front of their eyes. as if four years ago, christopher nolan had portrayed tonight's attack on the russian concert hall in the film tent. a terrorist incident in the capital of russia that left more than 200 dead and wounded. although the british and american media published a statement and attributed this attack to isis, the russian authorities deny it. less than 20 hours after this incident, the fake statement
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was repeated by the media in cyberspace. a group of people in the virtual world, israel's hashtag is the same as isis, and they used the words america and israel. isis is a terrorist organization supported by mossad and founded by america. zionism is terrorism. zionism is the creator of isis. zionism is the cause of crime in moscow. there is also a question among persian language users. why isis had no terror operations. in the occupied territories, the only place where isis did not carry out any operations was in the territory of israel and the united states. remember that the american embassy warned its citizens in russia before the attack terrorist operation. they write that isis is a zionist. has isis ever attacked israel? the zionist forces of isis, who have the ability to attack russia, have so far
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thrown a shoestring towards israel. because the goal of this terrorist group is to fight against the enemies of zionism. some people are of the same opinion that america and the zionist regime use the same tactic whenever they want someone to have nothing to do with their terrorist attacks. isis did not fight, did not sanction, did not terrorize. the same usual formula this time in russia. fatemeh sharifi, sed and sima news agency. quality of variety quality of variety quality of variety quality of friends friends in the city household appliances are both quality and variety, there is no dispute , the lowest price in the city of home appliances in the city of home appliances, any way you count, you
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are a winner. sarai irani opened a well-equipped and specialized digital store in an area of ​​over 5,000 square meters in sarai irani, qom, all kinds of mobile phones, pcs , tablets, game devices and other digital accessories at unbelievable prices and long-term deals. a digital equipped house in the big iranian house of qom
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