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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

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iranian until 2:00 in the morning in tehran, i am your host. o session of the first page. oh, the front page meeting, the line of sacrifice is there! look on the other side of the fence, the pleasure of meeting is there. you are sitting, you are on the other side of the table, your eyes are a martyr to you.
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in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you, the people of iran , ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first page program, which in the early days and nights of the year 1403 hosts mainly statesmen, and in this night and days, you witnessed and will continue to be the guests of the first page. most of them are respected members of the government. we are hosting the honorable vice president for women and family affairs. dear mrs. dr. khazali. hello i repeat, mrs. doctor. hello. i also say hello to you , dear viewers. i congratulate you on the new year and wish you to accept the prayers and prayers of your loved ones. doctor , in the last week of march, you had a trip to new york to participate in the meetings of the women's commission,
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what were your goals for this trip? in the name of god . well, as you know, this commission is formed every year in new york and from all over the world , now either the vice-presidents related to women's issues or women ministers, social affairs ministers, family ministers participate in this meeting. they mainly do what is done there is a report that in the past year, each of the countries has raised the progress they have made and the empowerment they have had regarding women's issues , and the problems or synergies they are asking for and the obstacles that stand in the way of their progress. see what they bring up there and usually how many interactions there are. unilaterally and bilaterally
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, it can be a path-breaker and can help countries, for this reason, we also participated in person. last year , i sent three of my speeches to the commission virtually, and this year , we participated in four meetings in person. i had a general meeting, a ministerial meeting, an interactive meeting. and a panel was organized by iran's initiative for the first time by iranian women and it was held under the chairmanship of iran and with the cooperation of qatar, indonesia and some american people who are family-loving and, thank god, it was well received in one of the large halls of ecosuk. it was well received , good topics were raised, questions and answers, many answers and a good summary was done. and
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we got acquainted with different and good forces and powers from different countries. i hope that this is an introduction so that we can expand the activities of women at the level to have the world, to be able to interact more with other countries and to recognize the capabilities of iranian women. indeed, one of the goals was to recognize and introduce the capabilities of iranian women , to answer some of the doubts that are raised about iranian women in the world, and some from the lies, rumors, the heart of the facts that are being done all over the world towards iranian women, and again , our other goals were to support the oppressed women of the world , at the head of which are the oppressed women of gaza, the commission with the title of poverty alleviation of women and the elimination of feminization
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of poverty . was formed and the countries give reports for as for what to do in the last year for poverty alleviation and at the same time we saw that a lot of women in gaza are dying because of poverty because of hunger because of lack of food and women and children and this is really sad. on the one hand, the united nations holds a meeting and says that women should not be poor all over the world, and on the other hand, there is hunger and violence , killing women, men and children to death . you have achieved the goals that you had drawn before the trip. surely, these goals are facing challenges and problems, such as well, anyway, the anti-revolutionary groups and
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especially the hypocrites of their representatives there try to create an atmosphere and disturb all iranian delegations. who appear on behalf of iran in international gatherings, they usually show behaviors, have you encountered these or not, and how successful were you in creating an image or receiving feedback that you might not have expected, and in any case, in your judgment of the achievements the trip had a positive effect on the image we had of the trip. most of it was realized and the plan we had was more than we imagined and more than what we wanted to hamdahullah came true, as i said, the panel that was formed specifically by iran, well
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, it was able to speak a lot . we wanted to defend the women of gaza and defend their oppression, so it was welcomed by different countries and we requested the cancellation of israel's membership because of the crimes committed against women and children against the oppressed people of gaza , and there is really no place for such a regime. the genocidal regime should have a place in the united nations we hope that these will reach legal results . we were able to reach saddam hussein's goal in our team and in the duty and responsibility we had . it was well received and interacted with different countries, while we also had bilateral meetings with different countries, some of which
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some people had doubts , some had questions, and we answered their questions . to use jointly and some who want us for their country or they for our country can make joint programs and programs to be aligned in relation to the family , thank god, there was a good movement and good meetings were held, and one of the most important things we were looking for is aligning and speaking together, which is called the movement of commitment to the family , which is an issue that we need countries around this axis. come together, many countries welcome us, we will present the document and
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we will have a meeting in this field, so let's see a report and come back . i declare the suicide of israel and invite you to join the campaign to eliminate israel. from the united nations commission on the status of women. we have a duty to remember palestinian women. in memory of women who are enduring pain and suffering. they lost their wives, children and brothers in the attacks of the zionist regime. i wholeheartedly support
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palestinian women and children and condemn the cruel genocide that israel is committing in gaza. i am a woman. afghans demand the expulsion of the zionist regime from the commission on the status of women in the united nations, because the continuation of this membership is in fact a mockery of the principles of humanitarian rights and humiliation of the commission on the status of women of the united nations. we demand that he use this opportunity to prove his neutrality and efficiency and to remove the zionist usurper regime from the commission for the elimination of discrimination against women, a regime that prescribed compulsory military service even for its own women. well, mrs. doctor , about the meetings of the women's status commission, you
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mentioned that there were three parts . you can tell us what these parts were and what we did in each one, what we achieved, maybe we had the general meeting that was in the united nations and in fact, all the members have participated and in this meeting mainly to the topics related to the issues. international women that we to we specifically mentioned the issue of gaza and palestine and the general issues related to that country related to women in any country, considering the country that is speaking , we discussed the situation of women in iran in general, and in this the general meeting of the request to cancel israel's membership , our next meeting will also be held here, i'm sorry, did another country also make this request, or
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did it refer to the behavior of the zionist regime towards palestinian women, palestinian women and children, or was it just an initiative of the islamic republic, see these countries. i ask about the recent events in how many last month in gaza, many countries became more active in the issue of palestine. it made the oppression of the palestinian people much easier. maybe it made our work easier than in the past. was there any other country that raised this flag? yes, many countries, of course, maybe limited . there was, but no country asked to cancel israel's membership, but everyone condemned the state of hunger and the tragic situation that is happening there in terms of murder and killing. by the way, they all condemned mr. guterres himself in his speech , he was extremely angry and said, "i i'm sad and i can't
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hide my anger, ms. sima bouhous, that's it jur condemned this issue, but none of them raised the issue of canceling the membership. this proposal of the islamic republic was the proposal of the islamic republic, and then the countries came to thank us for this proposal, but actually, they should take practical action and take practical action. they should have and take steps that are affected. unfortunately , they do not have the courage to do this for the sake of protecting their interests and because of the threats and pressures that are brought to them from a political point of view. we hope that by saying many things and by breaking this sadh and by actually raising this voice in the organizations we can reach international results, although we are really disappointed with international organizations and that they can. take action because they are under the rule of superpowers , they are under the rule of arrogance and they prefer their interests
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in order to make a move for the benefit of the oppressed, which means that the united nations is no longer the united nations, it is an organization of some governments that pursue their own interests and interests. there are and the nations have no place there, but we tried through the countries to convey our voice and to a certain extent to be able to advance this issue so that they think about it and look for it. if it is an issue, of course, some countries say no, we should seek to expel him from the united nations, but there is no practical action, not even verbal action. they say this in private, but not in speeches, unfortunately , only expressing regret and sympathy companionship was limited to words, and this is very regrettable. we hope that the nations will do something. we are really disappointed with the government and international organizations. i also
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mentioned in the same speech that loyalty to the resistance and women's association with the resistance is getting stronger and more stable every day , but the trust in international organizations is fading. it is accepted and every day it becomes less and less, and we should be afraid of this. please also tell us about the other meetings that were held . from the various stages of women's empowerment and the support given to women's progress, the issue of family consolidation, the discussion of family counseling. and the work that has been done in the past one or two years, in order to witness the progress and promotion of women and the family, reports were given and then we had an interactive meeting. i should mention that the discussion of insurance and the type of social security is
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discussed in the meeting of ministers. we talked about empowering and strengthening the family, and in the interactive session , there was a topic of social support and social insurance . the insurance had worked in the women's support sector. you can see that last year, infertility insurance was introduced and it is being implemented, insurance for pregnant women until the end of breastfeeding, children's insurance for children under 7 years old, and social insurance for rural women with three children. there have been very good moves, except for health insurance, which has this coverage in all villages, and a large number of urban residents
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have been covered by health insurance, which added 6 million to those covered. these are all very good achievements that are significant in a short period of time and many countries were not able to do it, much less they were not able to do it. well, in the interactive meeting, after we report, questions will be asked from different countries that are in our department. belarus, jordan, and malaysia raised questions regarding the support given to female heads of the household can in relation to sanctions, one of the main issues that we were raising was that the sanctions themselves are a double oppression on women, the weak, the sick who do not get medicine, and those who are housewives and actually have less power in their lives . and many of these
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sanctions disrupt their economic movement, and the un representative who came to iran had given this extensive report that they are being oppressed, and most of all women and children. and patients have unilateral sanctions and pressures from this issue and in fact the arbitrariness that the us is applying will harm our country, which we raised there, and some of the questions were related to this issue, because you also mentioned the status of women's insurance in different countries, and that in iran , we are compared to we are ahead of many of these or perhaps most of them, and many of these countries have not come to this side. you can also give examples so that our audience will know exactly what the experiences you heard from the other participants in these meetings in
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different countries. what was the status of women's insurance or social support for women? obviously, we are talking about insurance, no , some insurances that we actually have, universal health insurance, especially for rural people , infertility insurance, which is not applied in many countries, now i don't want to mention the name of a specific country or support leave of absence during the postpartum period, which is possible. we are one of the countries that have a very good leave, countries from two months, three months, four months, finally, now a country like uzbekistan, for example, has three years, but mostly it is not more than three or four months, for example, in european countries in european countries as well. it also depends on which
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country, but some countries have a lower amount and some countries have a little more, but the limit that we have set is 9 months and 270 days . it is actually a very good and rare thing. i said that some countries, for example , may have uzbekistan, of course, can't be implemented sometimes , for example, one of the countries said that we have two years of leave . i said, "now i really want to ask you, can this really be implemented ?" they definitely lose their jobs . this is one of the issues that all those who allow practically not using it mothers are facing this issue because they do not have this support. that the article we have in the population law, thank god , is a good support for women, that their work should be preserved, even their rank and position should be preserved, although it may
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not be fully implemented, but it is being implemented in some executive bodies to preserve their positions. even in some of our executive bodies , it used to be the case that when the mother leaves , they give her the least valued leave in that year, which is the year that is decided now. who goes on maternity leave to get the highest evaluation this is a very motivating article for working mothers who don't lose their position after giving birth and after their vacations. well , some countries wanted us to transfer these experiences or, for example, an hour when mothers are breastfeeding. those who have children under the age of 6 can work less or retire, well, that is one of the issues. they were very keen to reduce women's retirement, and few countries had done this . our country had the upper hand in that
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we can retire our women 5 years earlier, or they can retire according to the number of children they have. it is better if their work experience is increased and they retire earlier or the discussion of remote work, which is now one of the things that we need to pay more attention to. it should be implemented, but this remote work, even though it may be one or two days a week, this was a good point to support mothers, which was also a rare issue, in other places, anyway , we raised these good positions that support. from mothers and from being with the family and other things that we have tried especially in the last two years for women and under the title of sustainable home business. have an axis that with supporting women entrepreneurs and that they are under the supervision and cover of a number of women from raw materials to delivering products to
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the market to training and accompanying them and this 4-year commitment that we take from them so that this the job should be stable and not temporary . well, this has helped a lot in the employment situation of our women , employment that is with the family and in a way that does not favor their family. and those facilities that have been provided to women in terms of home jobs in this the government has given 25 times the facilities to women for 80% of domestic jobs, as you know , are women, and with the 25% increase in facilities , the situation of women's domestic jobs and their employment has improved a lot, as well as 80% of the licenses are allocated to women. it is the rural food funds that
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we have more than 4 thousand rural food funds and the cooperatives that we presented the statistics of women's cooperatives and cooperatives that have women on the board of directors. well, these were all good news that were interesting for those who who thought that iranian women did not do any activity. the status of iranian women is higher than the world average. you can see in the world average that 14% of women are inventors, but in iran 24%, well , these all show the very good power and strength of iranian women in various fields, or in the issue of sports and medal winning. again, you can see that even though we may not participate in some federations, or iranian women have special clothing, and some may consider this an obstacle, our women's medal winnings
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are approaching the men's winning medals, and this shows a good strength. that exists in women and good support from the government, especially this government have done and raised the capacity for women's activities, whether in championship sports or in general sports, as you can see that these supports have caused the state of our women's sports to grow significantly. in these cases , you may have encountered someone to come outside the meeting and give you feedback as two people , for example, did he expect this or not, or what do you see, we had questions, we had questions. in all the meetings, we had questions that were raised in an official manner, and questions that were raised individually, or doubts and questions that, well, what about the discussion.
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i was there, whether in bilateral meetings, for example , the european countries, in the interviews we had , usually brought a list with them to ask questions such as what is the state of human rights in iran and what is the state of women , and most of these issues are related to they would bring up last year's riots or bring up the hijab issue , which he would try to do in an intimate conversation. let's answer and of course we also had questions from them . the question i raised from some of these countries is that they separate the children of immigrants from their mothers or that they treat muslim women with some kind of discrimination and they are treated with a kind of racial attitude and in fact it is a kind of hatred that they themselves have admitted that some say we are trying to spread these styles of extremism and hatred.
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it is being done towards muslims , we are trying to moderate it, but anyway, in many places , we have issues and demands regarding women's rights, and it is not that they want to take over iran . he suggested that you are approving the law for 10 years so that someone does not have a good hijab. we will take him to jail first of all, this law has not yet been approved, then the law is based on fines, not imprisonment, like traffic offenses, and i mentioned that many of these laws and many of these privacy and security issues that we have are actually preventing violence and harassment. women may be faced with him saying, "well, no, we have so many crimes and so many punishments for harassment." and we decided
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that the violence is enough. i said, by the way, after the crime happens , you are looking for punishment. it is better than treatment, and the proof is that you can see on their websites in america, on the website of prevention and treatment, you will see how many statistics of sexual harassment and assault are many, and it is not at all comparable to iran, and they themselves say that many cases are not reported. or the statistics of violence are not comparable at all. i saw some time ago that a woman said that last year 100 women were killed by their husbands or as honor killings . people are mentioned in
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the year by one of their relatives or boyfriends this statistic has become a normal thing, so it 's a pity that we don't see that horrible statistic and sometimes the statistic that is too much is really too much , we magnify it and much more than what it is. we try to maneuver. sometimes they compare, for example , as you said, it is possible to compare to see what the situation is in other places, sometimes not if he talks about himself. according to your words, we can say that one is too many. yes, yes, i believe that one is too many , but i want to say that because of the privacy we had and the protection we tried to let's have women. in fact, the violence against women has decreased and is not comparable to european and american countries. you can see the program on the first page, which is hosted by the honorable vice president tonight.
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the president is in the affairs of women and family , mr. dr. khazatli, in this program, we talked about the recent trip of dr. khazali to new york and the meetings of the women's authority committee, being there to represent the islamic republic , on the sidelines of this meeting and the panel that was discussed, which was organized by the islamic republic , there have been meetings about this, mrs. doctor meetings tell what happened in these meetings , usually our mentality, which is far from the text of these meetings, is that a series of compliments or, for example , so-called diplomatic discussions are brought up a lot.


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