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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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you can see that tonight the honorable vice president for women and family affairs is hosting mr. dr. khazali . we talked on the sidelines of this meeting and the panel that was discussed, which was organized by the islamic republic , there have been meetings. doctor , tell me about these meetings, what happened in these meetings. usually, our mentality, which is far from the text of these meetings, is that, well, a series of compliments. or, for example , there are many so-called diplomatic discussions. objective
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in more detail, what did you achieve in these meetings? the meetings, not incidentally, very intimate meetings and visits, sometimes the meetings lasted an hour , and the experiences we have with women, with the family, and the things that those countries have reached or the things that they felt should be done. to get help, to use the experiences of others, these were exchanged and a very good kind of synergy took place in these meetings . they used to say that it was amazing for us we had seen the progress of women and we didn't think that there would be such movements and such capabilities in iranian women, so we invited some of those who have not come to iran to talk about what
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we will have in the future and to describe iran's achievements as women's achievements. see them in a special way. these meetings were very well received , even though we had little time , we met and met more than 20 countries, and all of them were interested in continuing these relations . we invited everyone to join the movement of commitment to the family. to the movement. join anti-corruption women that we started this movement or women's anti-corruption committee 2 years ago and in different countries in connection with different countries we tried to get them to express and join this committee that the issue is that women are actually very successful in fighting corruption now, the discussion of financial corruption and administrative corruption is one thing, the discussion of moral corruption is another part that some people
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, some institutions or countries , classify it under the category of financial corruption, and women can also be very successful in fighting corruption. and they can be protected from being exposed to corruption and abuse this is something that iran has started and has consulted with some countries, and now we welcome both the women's anti-corruption committee and the commitment to the family movement, which will continue, god willing, meetings and discussions, whether virtual or in person. we will have a face-to-face meeting. can you explain in detail about these initiatives, what exactly is happening, that is, did we raise a slogan about, for example, the family support movement?
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this has become a widespread campaign or it is going to be and what specific events are going to happen in it, that is, for example, a number of countries should say that we agree that we have to support the family, this is a profession now , but it may not find real and tangible results , or else, in the next steps, this campaign is going to become an objective and operational solutions. we are doing that and we have had international consultations with the organization of islamic cooperation, of course, the issue of family-friendly countries that we have joined for several years as family-friendly countries that are trying to support. they should support the family and strengthen it
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family and now family with the same natural and natural meaning that we know, but now the commitment to the natural family. this is something that mr. president is raising. this is actually a stand against the deviation that is taking place in the international community and is being quickly imposed on different countries. it is requested that this issue be recognized, well , countries are confronting same-sex families . some countries state that, for example, same-sex marriage is punishable by 14 years in prison. in our country, some countries announced that we do not have any restrictions or we accepted it because of global issues, but most of them have a position against this issue, whether it is the issue of same-sex family or the issue
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of gender change and the consequences that are faced by actually being a girl or a boy. and the situation that was brought up and that many countries brought up, and the identity situation that occurs for that person, and on the other hand, the society and the capitalist mafia that seeks to spread these issues, now in other discussions, this the issue was raised that they are really doing it because of their financial and material interests the problem is that they focus and invest. this commitment actually wants to bring the countries together. now, god willing, we will complete the document. we will present this to the organization of islamic cooperation . qatar had prepared a charter that we were supposed to have a joint meeting on. we can take the contributions that we have in both documents to the organization of islamic cooperation and bring the islamic countries to this document and to this commitment, and
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god willing, we will be able to stand with strength in the united nations against deviant movements. self-definition of the family, which is a family at all. what is this discussion? man and woman and that we have to understand what we mean by family, man and woman and child or a family that consists of two sexes, this is a problem that the advertising method should work and we should not allow that noise and deviant advertising. let 's stand up to him. well, for example , we saw the country of qatar, it came very well and firmly in this issue last year, it didn't even allow those who have deviant views and attitudes to enter. well , these are good moves that we should strengthen with support, synergy, more cooperation, more communication, and, god willing, the moves there will be an operation after this, after the preparation of the document or some other concepts that have faded, and
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we must be able to explain this, and sometimes when you explain, the problem fits for many of these. see, we are in the same program and that there, he asks for the opinion of those who comment on the harassment of women, he mentions that he asks what is the relationship between the type of clothing and the harassment that women see, and there 51 men and 41 women believe that there is a correlation. so it is between these two. they came to this matter themselves , but why don't they want to implement it this issue is to have a social veil to protect women, to protect the family, to protect women from violence . this is because of capitalism, which is a form
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, and we believe that this hijab, this social dress, is a sign of civilization, not a sign to respect women are for the protection of women and we must announce this to the world and we must demand that why women are made tools , why there is so much violence against women, why so many women are in an unsafe environment, why so many are harassed. this should be our serious demand from the world and from those who are taking advantage of it women's bodies and not allowing women's thoughts and pure feelings to appear in the society was interesting to me . half of the women and men in a research that was conducted outside of islamic countries in england, and they believe that half of the women and men in england believe that half of the people and about half of 41 yes yes, they believe that coverage
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has an effect on yes, it also depends on the harassment of women, well, now our audience can search and see that the reporter went and searched and his address he mentioned it in his own news, wow , thank you very much, and i mentioned it in the university and on the website you go and see the site that mentions this issue in scientific sites, but we cannot really benefit from it. this is a science that is not compatible with their financial and material interests, so never from the interests that are the interpretation of the supreme leader of the revolution , these are materialism and they prefer pleasure-seeking to anything, because we are totally different from the intellectual point of view, and i want our look to be a human look, a spiritual look, and not a profit-seeking look towards women. we have to show this to the world and , god willing, we can talk about this against the
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capitalist power of the capitalist system that now he has money and power and for years he has been ruling the world, the culture of the world, and the rest of the world . is it supposed to remain only at the level of, for example, an article or a book or a moral invitation, or is it possible that in the next steps, countries that are aligned and agree with this space will gather together and come up with strong objective solutions in order to equal to the power of the head system.
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let us prevent some of the goals they have and some of the issues they want to impose, and we can. from places if really we will be able to have this correct planning and create this companionship and empathy. we in ayora, when we took responsibility for it, well, in the constitution program, men and women and other genders were mentioned, and we stood firm there. and we said that these other genders should be removed, and we were able to do this, we were able to change the votes in our favor and check only men and women.
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let's organize a special meeting with the countries that are aligned with us. next month, we will meet again about this issue . we have invited some ministers and we will continue this program. when, god willing, in may. okay, thank you very much, doctor, for accepting our invitation about what you explained to the people during your trip to new york. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, who watched this program . please pray for us this night and day. good times and good luck.
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the design and construction of kausar hohod two cubic satellites or microsatellites, this time by the experts of a group of scientists. kausar satellite is a cube class 100 satellite. it actually follows the cubist standard and its dimensions are 24 u, each u being 10 cm x 10 cm. it is at 10 cm, the camera that actually has kausar is four-spectrum , it takes pictures both in the color spectrum, which becomes rgb, and in the near-infrared spectrum, which can be seen. it can be used for agriculture and monitoring. this satellite has a nominal resolution of 345 meters in color and 5.5 meters in nir , which are suitable resolutions in the field of agriculture
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and are a very large part of the daily routine needs of the country. he can be responsible. kausar satellite or the same it is an imaging satellite that provides a special possibility to its users. the resolution that is actually in the color spectrum that this satellite captures is the best resolution that can be said to be offered in this satellite so far in this country. that resolution is 145 meters in color , and so far we haven't had this resolution in iran, either in the university sector or in the government sector . image is a very valuable asset for any country and you can get these images through your local sources do it, because now there is a wide range of users, your cost will be much lower, if you want to produce these images locally , corser satellite will actually open this path for the country
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so that we can actually have a local satellite image production. and the point of view that we have is to move towards better resolutions after the satellite, and the more you know about these resolutions, the better the range of use and their value will increase many times and many times, so that , for example, you can pay many times the price that is possible for our koser satellite comes, you have to pay in fact, we want to make the same image with this resolution, so it can be said that it can be very useful in terms of transverse atmospheric consumption, and also that a country that has this technology. he wants to be able to respond to a wide range of his needs, and nowadays many countries actually have their own indigenous sensing satellites, and they actually use this to perform analysis methods and can solve a large part of their needs with satellites. hoodhead communication, which was designed and built from the overflow of kausar technology, is another action of knowledge collection is the foundation in the internet of things network, you are supposed to
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transmit a message and reach a destination. now, we are considering the same thing in the discussion of hud , that the first satellite of this system is going to be launched under the name of hud, and now , we will examine the capabilities, limitations, and limitations that are in our design and prepare to create a very large system. building a portable ground station with a much larger capacity to receive satellite data. the new achievement of the design and construction team . we in the hood, by using the discussion that is the day of the world, read the users with the least equipment connect to the phone. we have designed a system that, well , everything is placed inside a suitcase-like thing that contains all the equipment needed to connect you to the satellite, from
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the antenna to the modem battery and now the rest. using this , without even knowing where the cell phone is, you put it on the ground, it understands the cell phone and delivers your message , and we saw a user interface, which i call gb, it comes and connects to your phone . now the application that we wrote for him could see your message and it is connected to his main modem it is possible and it sends your message to the satellite or if you have received a message from the satellite, the bus is now at a very good distance, for example , you can get a few kilometers away from this. you can receive the text message given to you and see it now on your phone. commercialization of the data sent from the satellite to the earth is another action of this group of scientists. our company , as a completely private and knowledge -based company, was formed with the cooperation of several other knowledge-based companies. in fact
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, it has started designing and building 2 satellites since 2018, which, god willing, by the grace of god. early 400 we have a launch plan with the international launcher. now it is going to be hodhod and kausar. these two cubic satellites built by the experts of this knowledge foundation will be placed in the earth's orbit this year . abbas rasouli of sed and radio agency has put on a new dress. altaf rahmanist, did you hear the drops , praise be to god, they say that there are thousands of beads of rosary in every rain cloud, at dawn
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, there is a gloomy ghazal singer by the window, someone is drowning in prayer along with his cuckoo . you will tear someone from the heart of sins a new bridle must be put on the rebellious breath, so that it does not go astray , now that the devil is also a prisoner, come now, when we are left to return to the road, take risks, even if it is the road of love. you are not the descent of a divine name, the descent of a divine name from the sky , and be ali, come and leave this world and
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be ali, my whole being, i can't sleep because of your sorrow, for my fatima, be kind and ali, be kind. how humble the earth is, so get a heart bigger than several galaxies and be ali, make your life for hazrat zahra, and fast the sorrow of the owner of time and be ali. in the past year, the strategic plans of student sports were still arranged under the shadow of corona. due to corona and the change in lifestyle that happened, the
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obesity rate of children has crossed the 33% mark and this is really a serious concern. but this issue mobilized managers for emergency planning. regarding implementation and continuity. the movement of the sports environment in that school and the recruitment of teachers who can follow and actually manage the physical education lessons , and the various sports competitions and events that can be a summit, the competitions that can actually be inclusive from within the schools, with the implementation of the shahid plan. soleimani sports per capita with 50% growth , nearly 800 spaces were renovated, more than 3 thousand spaces were created in the framework of this plan, 18
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-year-olds enter the school after a training course conducted by our colleagues and our dear mentors, and in the morning , they start the physical exercise. they actually drag their parents to the playground. the format of shahid kharazi's plan is one of the other ways to develop sports skills of students . and daughters and fathers and sons were placed, and the continuation of this plan and in fact the peak of this plan became father-son and mother-daughter sports competitions to attract
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physical education teachers as a way to speed up programs to combat physical poverty among students , we will have a recruitment exam for physical education teachers on the 30th of april , god willing. in this exam, about 400 physical education teachers and 6,000 physical education teachers will be recruited. the trend of students' sports activities does not end with domestic competitions and this year, god willing , we will have the sending of student competitions and international competitions in the form of student national teams, which were fortunately revived after a few years and resumed. students and national competitions that can good support for national sports. and be the champion of the country and it can help to expand student sports and motivate students to participate in sports activities. but
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we have the infrastructure to achieve these goals and visions, one is that our teachers have the necessary skills to be able to teach the students. we should provide sports facilities for our teachers and students to the schools so that they can follow this issue . mr. doctor, do you have an id for students? i call the eid announced by mr. president our hero students in the field physical training of champion students in sports fields, god willing, and have the same teaching qualifications, they can be admitted to farhangian university without entrance exam, and then, god willing , they can be a source of work for students in the honorable job of a teacher.
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sad mother's day, yes, sad, because there are almost 10,00 women were murdered by the israeli forces in gaza, and over 23,00 were injured, half a million displaced, and 2,100 missing since october 7. where are the feminists? do you know how many children were orphaned, more than 17,000 children were orphaned? this work. confirmed to me that human rights, women's rights and children's rights are the biggest lie humanity has ever known. thank you while your money and your weapon is killing thousands and thousands of palestinians in the west bank. hör auf zu brüllen "ich glaube, dass es nicht richtig
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ist, demokratie mit lautem brüllen zu verwechseln. folgen wir denen nicht, die uns spalten wollen, die ganze gruppen."
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the big festival of the city of home appliances and city of carpets this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr with every purchase from city of home appliances and city of farsh get an id. a specialized reference for carpets and household appliances. avila started moving. and it was effective. ila's movement does not stop. continues and the balance is the secret of continuity and movement. the first ones are flow makers. avila grand irani sarai opened a well-equipped and specialized digital store in an area of ​​more than 5 thousand square meters in irani sarai qom. all kinds of mobile phones , personal computers, tablets, gaming devices and other digital accessories with unbelievable prices and
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long-term photos of a digital-equipped house in a large iranian house in qom . i worked today and i think i can borrow it from my dad. i had some savings to start my work. let's take it and start the work so easily
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. the fall of nations, especially for businesses, the credit institution of nations. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers , i am at your service at 20:30 with some news. last year, iran and afghanistan had more than 2 billion dollars in trade exchanges. spokesperson of the ministry of industry and commerce of the taliban, the exact figure of the value of trade exchanges between afghanistan and iran in the year he announced the past 2 billion and 25 million dollars . mr. abdulsalam javad akhundzadeh called chabahar port the gateway to afghanistan's trade.


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