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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the name of god whose memory is peaceful and peaceful, dear and precious viewers , hello, good night to the world. welcome today, i am vahid modareszadeh and i will be at your service for the next hour by reviewing the most important news and developments in the world. first, let's go to russia and declare a state of emergency in this country. this time in st. petersburg. two days after the terrorist attack in moscow this evening, the russian police evacuated a shopping mall in st. petersburg due to the threat of a bomb.
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this action was taken after the police officers suspected a bomb in this complex gazari was arrested. also, a flight from moscow airport to yerevan due to threats. the existence of the bombing was postponed. it has been two days since seven armed men attacked a concert hall in the suburbs of moscow. at least 137 people were killed and 180 people were injured in this terrorist attack. there are about 92 people, of which 7 people are in very serious condition. although isis has claimed responsibility for the attack, russian officials say: ukraine is responsible for this attack. it has been related in
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the studio of jahan program today, dr. darish safarnejad is our guest to examine this issue. after two days of this terrorist operation , this time we caused the escalation of threats in russia, and these two examples that i announced in the news and in the introduction , how do you see the situation now in russia ? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i congratulate you and my dear viewers on the new year . i wish you a blessed month of ramadan and the acceptance of everyone's prayers and prayers. see, in fact , several actions took place in the past few days. the first action was that on the 27th of march, we witnessed the holding of presidential elections in russia , and it was supposed to be the first person in russia 6 years ago.
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6 days after this incident, we see a so-called large-scale terrorist incident in russia, so-called, after holding elections in russia, the nato secretary will come to the south caucasus region and visit all three countries, so-called , and now you are speaking he makes signs against russia and after that we see that the draft of one of the american resolutions in defense of the zionist regime is vetoed by russia and china and shortly after this veto we see this terrorist incident in the so-called moscow is doing with this volume that now the statistics of its parties are increasing there is an expansion, which means that the number of statistics is expected to be much higher than what has been announced .
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in fact, since the beginning of their independence, that is, since the collapse of the former soviet union and 15 new countries came into existence and became the heir of the former soviet union. the issue of preventing collapse from within is something that the western parties have been theorizing for 32 years. they theorize and act. well, our dear viewers they are aware that from the very beginning after the collapse of the same groups that are carrying out terrorist operations in russia and other places in the world . in the north caucasus region, which is considered a part of the southern part of the territory of the russian federation, by america and their supporters, england, germany, france and even the countries that support the movement of wahhabism and takfiris in the world. taking root and growing and flourishing and
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today after 32 years we see that part of the terrorist mercenaries in the world are the people of this region which is russia. but the main leader and the main root of the one who created these groups now take isis under different names, and the dozens of names that these groups have, both inside russia and abroad, in the region and internationally , are the ones who are the ones who are aware of it, so that the american president can stop it inside the united states. the camera of mr. obama and mr. trump openly said that we created mrs. hilary kalim as the presidential candidate as the number two in the american ruling body and announced that we came to advance our goals against our enemies and rivals and even against our own countries. we created them as proxy soldiers let us be the leaders of american
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nationalism in the world's violence. well, you see, it is not possible for a terrorist incident to happen in the world anymore, even in this volume , we had similar incidents in our own country , we had them twice in shiraz, just a few minutes ago , we had similar incidents in kerman. it has been from the beginning of the victory of the islamic revolution until today, in these 45 years , and this is enough for the two lines of announcements that are attributed to isis and they put it on the neck of an isis that has no geography today. well, you know that soleimani martyr is one of the honors and efforts that to make himself his comrade was to deprive him of the geography of isis taking the same geography as these supporters and leaders and the originators of the so-called isis. they tried to create it, but alhamdulillah they failed in the field of geography and the field. well, isis does not have geography. in today's world, every terrorist incident is carried out by america, their supporters, england, france, germany, and their supporters. then they blame it on an
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imaginary group that does not exist, so-called there is no physical geography that he cited. well, today in russia, in two so-called neighbors of russia, one in ukraine, one in the south, in the south caucasus, we are witnessing the gathering of wahhabi and salafi takfiri forces. do you know that in the two years since the war between russia and the west in the ukrainian scene, a significant number of mercenaries have been brought from syria under the leadership of nato and turkey's field agency to ukraine in the form of azaf people's battalions, and russia is also involved in this. the battle of the second scene. today, the south caucasus region has been formed for 3 and a half years by a union centered on azerbaijan, the zionist regime , and turkey, and bringing several thousand mercenaries of this kind to the south caucasus, deploying the uniforms of the azerbaijani army, wearing them, and they are leading
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the agenda of israel and turkey. and the supporting powers of these in the russian region , they tolerated and tolerated this domain, and this tolerance made us see the battlefield of russia with them, who had been out of russia for a few years. the resistance is present in syria. one of the main reasons for their presence alongside the axis of resistance and the fight against these takfiri salafist and wahhabi takfiri terrorist groups is that we fought them inside our own country after the collapse of two decades so that we could. let's maintain our internal unity. well, a country that had been gone for 13 years is fighting with these people outside its borders inside the borders, don't get involved with this . today, the opposite sides are coming with a field guide to turn the scene back inside russia. so why can't russia
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get out of control of this issue so soon? many different nationalities live inside russia today. well, russia is a country. which has a negative population , it has been in existence for 32 years, its population has decreased by 18 million because of its negative growth, the productive forces in russia are the same foreigners from the former soviet republics and the surrounding areas, who come there, or get residence, or get citizenship, or live illegally, and their numbers and numbers are it can't be too many millions the comfort of these was controlled by the recognition of who's body is self and who is associated with them. who is with americans, with english , with french, with germans, or with the enemy?
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what do you mean by these terrorist behaviors? so you believe that this is a series of terrorist operations . yes, it is not the same. see, there have been a series of operations in the last 32 years. in russia, we have continuously witnessed this series of operations. it's been a decade now it has subsided a bit. in the first two decades after the collapse clearly. in the regions of russia , in the first decade, we continuously witnessed this, in the second decade , we have the incident of 2002 in the moscow theater, which, if dear viewers remember, lasted for 3 days, a thousand people were taken hostage, and about 50 terrorists took hostages, and at the end, about 40 and andy the terrorist was killed and about 20 ordinary citizens who were held hostage there were killed and this incident. he found similar to this in public centers in moscow and other cities in
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public centers such as art centers in the subway in centers we used to have elaborate shopping malls, bazaars, and in public, both in a suicidal way and in different ways . now, it is interesting that we had the same thing in our own country . for me, it is a kind of explanation that the leader and think tank of all terrorist currents is in the same place , america and awan ansar, and this is very easy with a written confirmation attributed to isis with two photoshopped photos and 2 videos using artificial intelligence and this all the technologies that are available in today's world bring the story to life, and that's all you want you see, in the movie, these terrorists are shown killing people with knives. this cutting off the head of a dead person with a knife has a message, it's not like
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it's going to end this easily. where have we seen these scenes in the last 13 years, in syria , iraq, libya, somalia, yemen, afghanistan , south caucasus, ukraine and other places, so see, this shows that there is a global leader behind this story the world leaders are america, england, france and germany, and these are what the leaders call nato. and they say that they are looking for collapse from within russia. ok if you see, we have the same problem in our own country. what were they looking for in the events of last year? these are the actions that will trouble the islamic republic from within. so what to do now? now their approach has changed a bit. the scene of the battle in the last two years and one month in ukraine has been mainly military and the maximum war. cognitive and media are now bringing the stage from outside the territory of russia to the public opinion, the psychological and
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media war has been colored , they are coloring the so-called cognitive war and are entering a so-called new strategy of battle in besides those strategies they are getting difficult, those difficult strategies are already there , they are adding a new strategy to them , in fact. this term hybrid or hybrid war that is used is actually a combination of battle and conflict strategies side by side, not that one is used and the others go to the sidelines, all side by side . officially, now his highness also denied this issue, but officially, we have in my news that isis says that i carried out this operation, but russia says that the point of operation and command and control from its line of sight is towards america and the same awan.
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and the western ansar that hazrat ali mentioned, my question here is that after these cases that happened in russia and are continuing, in your opinion, in which direction will russia's relations with the west go ? this presidential election in russia may bring russia closer to the west. despite the fact that putin won the vote with such a high percentage, yes, yes, this is what a series of analysts are saying . their opinion was that all this intensity of the challenge with the west was because of the election . if the election ends in favor of the ruling team in russia, they will go interaction, not interaction with the previous one, but this incident caused a serious and severe divergence , russia will definitely use this as a reason for its own presence. in ukraine, for his presence on the side of the axis of resistance in syria and elsewhere to confront the western trend, a trend that
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cannot be easily recreated in russia today, and the other side will definitely not be indifferent to this issue in a face-to-face conflict. look , today we are talking about the future process in response to the question of his highness . we see it in ukraine and it can be imagined in other scenes , such as eastern europe, south caucasus and other places in the neighborhood of russia. or even in the regions of west asia or latin america, but in addition to those new arenas , new strategies for battle have also been added in the past. western europe and the united states are between rival parties, as
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you know, both the united states and the europeans are facing elections. they have this the ruling team of their rivals, who are against them, are conducting an electoral and competitive discourse with them. in fact, a bipolarity has arisen within them . this bipolarity will intensify, that is , a party will come inside the united states and introduce itself as a herald of relations with russia. as the rival party of the ruling party and the ruling party , it asserts itself and the interests of the united states against russia, showing that the upcoming process will be a challenging process, at least for the next few months . in order to use this opportunity and cause the divergence of western europe if they are from america and nato , they will go towards it. you see, biden
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created a divergence between america and western europe by enlarging the enemy in the name of russia. the divergence between the us and nato members, especially its western european allies, has accelerated. but if biden or one of his party members does not vote in the next election and votes from the opposite party , the russians will definitely use this opportunity to see what they can do to create this divergence between nato and russia's opposite parties. at least until the election, which is until november of the year. the future is last year it is true that this year, which we have in about 7 and a half months, the process will be more challenging, and the american elections will definitely have an effect on russia's interaction with the american rulers . the elections held in western european countries will definitely have an effect, but we must remember one thing. in some areas, this interaction does not mean unity
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, because this challenge hurt so much. and this wound has deepened in the strategic term of the games, now the games have become big, you see a simple terrorist incident, but this is not simple , it has so many complex layers, even where this incident took place. now the time of your program is limited , i didn't get into the discussion that the place that you choose to carry out this incident has its own definition, who was the owner , who was the owner. the complexity of conflict scenes , the juxtaposition of conflict strategies that range from hard to soft, from face-to-face war, guerrilla war and terrorist incidents, international sanctions , legal sanctions, economic sanctions, media war, cognitive war , psychological warfare, with
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different tools at your disposal. these show that now now this conflict, this competition, this tension between russia and the opposite parties, which are america, england, germany, france and their followers, which the russians call nato. in russian literature, they say that we are in opposition to nato as a concrete and concrete enemy. and the russians don't mind taking advantage of this opportunity either. now we have this opportunity on the stage of world public opinion. let's use this point of view that if the 45-year-old islamic republic is the biggest victim of terrorism in the world since its first day , see that the same countries that are behind isis today are the same countries that are behind saddam hussein and are the ones that have weapons. the same countries that i mentioned are giving chemical weapons to saddam , america, england, france, germany, austria, belgium , and the rest are the same ones who
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gave him chemical weapons 8 years after saddam was in power, gave him weapons of mass destruction, and gave him detailed equipment. many of our nationals were martyred unjustly. many of them became martyrs. these veterans are still living martyrs . we do not have good memories of this. for 45 years, we were victims of terrorism, which they were behind, mr. doctor. there was also a heavy weight against ukraine. apparently, it took days to conclude that this terrorist operation ukraine please let me know how the coming days and nights will pass between these two countries and whether russia will use it as a strategy to attack ukraine or not? you can see that the leaders have 2 tactical actions in the upcoming process. one is that you know that as a result of these battles that took place in ukraine in the two rounds of the war in 2013 and 2014 and in the last 2 years, ukraine has been
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divided into seven parts , of which six russian provinces have been divided, and the main part of ukraine has been in this battle for days. in my opinion , they will create new pieces in ukraine, the eastern region. in fact, they say we we are creating a buffer between russia and nato. after the joining of finland and sweden to nato , these discussions have been mentioned in the discourse and literature of the other side, that is, the russians have promised to create new pieces in ukraine in the next steps. they strengthen this defensive shield against their own weakness . the second step is in the south caucasus. in the last few days, now in iran, a small area of ​​news and media was being followed with a low dose. we witnessed that in one of the separatist regions of georgia, they are now announcing they should hold a referendum to join russia, well
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, you know the 2 regions of abkhazia and south east asia. in georgia for 32 years now , they are being governed in a self-proclaimed way, they are whispering that they want to hold a referendum as a province and join russia. i told you about the visit of the nato secretary , as a driver, the reason was that the karabakh problem has been solved, now azerbaijan and armenia can become nato members if they accept the request of the nato body , and russia does not want to, so russia will come and use its own resources in these crises. let this crisis prevent them from joining nato this is the same situation for ukrainians. if ukraine had not sought membership in nato, we would not have witnessed these events and this. the killings didn't happen. i want to tell you one thing. it's a shame that it should not be said . i think the exaggeration of this incident in the western media has been the first news for two days now, and unfortunately
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, the cruel events in gaza have gone to the second one. in gaza , the losers are the united states, england, germany, france, awan and their ansars, all the supporters of the zionist regime in gaza are in the corner of the ring by exaggerating this incident and similar incidents that have the motivation to exaggerate it. these are the crimes that are being committed in gaza , after all, it is not a small crime, everything in the last 75 years in the name of human rights and in defense of human rights is attributed to hitler . the only difference is that the area of ​​gaza is small . it is more than the scope of world war ii, but if you compare this scope in terms of casualties and the volume of conflict 75 years ago with today , the crime that is being committed in gaza today is far worse
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than world war ii, and they are looking for this issue. put them under the spotlight in the public opinion in line with the same war and media war and their psychological warfare and cognitive warfare , which god willing, i will not be successful. very well, thank you very much to mr. dr. dariush safarnejad, senior expert on international health issues. thank you very much. we told him to see this short part, we will come back and continue the program with you.
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good time, dear viewers. you are watching the world program today. foreign ministers of iran and oman stressed the need for quick and serious intervention of international forums to prevent further crimes of the regime. zionist in gaza. emphasizing mr. amir abdullahan and badr al-busaidi, also condemning the tragedy of gaza's shafai hospital, mr. amir abdullahian also criticized the contradictory and unfulfilling behavior of the united states in the negotiation to lift the sanctions, and condemned the continuation of the initiative of the sultan of oman in this direction, but in the next section we will see the world according to the picture together with you.
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the attacks of the zionist regime on medical centers in gaza continued today. news sources of the attack of the occupying forces with bulldozers on two other hospitals of nasser and akmal hospitals in khan yunus and they announced the siege of these centers. the palestinian red crescent announced that at least 6 medical personnel were martyred in the attacks on akram and shafa hospitals
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. the reports also tell about the bombing of the areas around the shifa hospital , and the target of the zionist regime's attacks was only in the bombing of a residential house, three children were martyred . pregnant women are also at risk due to the lack of health care. agent. the democrat of the
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us house said: what is happening in gaza is a genocide is. alexandria gomez said in the us house of representatives: "if we open our eyes, we will realize this genocide." referring to the need to stop sending american weapons to israel, this democratic representative said: the world will not always be like this and we will not always be like this. mr. president , even now, as i speak, one million and 100 thousand innocent people are in prison, the cause of which is intentional, which is to prevent israel from entering food and humanitarian aid into gaza. this action is to starve people. this action after killing more than 30 thousand palestinians, 70% of them women and


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