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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most respected viewers, at one o'clock in the morning, a group of people and students gathered in palestine square in tehran on sunday evening to condemn the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. became these gatherings were also held in tabriz and qom. the gatherings in the shrine of hazrat masoumeh, peace be upon them, while disgusted by the zionist regime's genocide in gaza and the crimes of this regime in the massacre of patients in the shafa hospital, the silence of some islamic countries regarding the genocide and crimes of the occupying regime
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in gaza they were ashamed to know that since the beginning of the holy month of ramadan, the campaign of hilal rahmat is being held to help the needy. the head of the red crescent volunteer organization said: donors can provide their donations to the red crescent to be explained in this campaign. thank god , more than 37,500 food packages so far. by our good colleagues in the provinces, with the participation of benefactors, prepared and explained in these areas the code of 12 stars, 3 square stars , in order to attract people's cash contributions in this defined campaign, we invite all people , god willing, by joining this campaign in providing us more and better judicial packages for the needy
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, god willing, they will help. nowruz study activities for students have started. these bases have been established in line with educational justice and for gifted students in different provinces. unifying the level of education throughout the country is in line with the educational justice plan, of which the establishment of scientific retreats or nowruz study bases is one of them planned, and all provinces have programs under the title of scientific retreats of scientific bases to create an educational opportunity that knowledge during nowruz, students have the opportunity to express themselves study the educational and training programs that are considered in addition to this issue can provide the basis for the improvement of students in isfahan, like all over the country, the nowruz study base project was held in our school, which started on the 25th
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. from friday, march 25, and it is supposed to last for 14 days, the general entrance exam should be used from the end times that it is used, that is, the times that arise, such as summer or eids, or for example, the times that are closed and we can use it outside of school, nowruz. it is very important, and it is more about reviewing and testing some of them in addition to studying in the educational space, students like to study in a room alone. there is also a table and a carpet. if you want to study, you can study on the carpet. and in the coming days, when the coach comes, we can ask them about the problems we have, whenever we needed any source of books , be it a workbook or a test
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, we could easily and quickly access it. it was a peaceful atmosphere. and it was quiet and gave the feeling of studying so that, for example, we could study and move more easily in isfahan more than 71 nowruz study center welcomes students . study centers are open for students to use until the 12th of april . of these collections, these days, like nahal , is aired every day at 16:00 on nahal network. new episodes of two other series will soon be on tv. parable is an opportunity for children to get acquainted with iranian proverbs
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. . pickle! there is a first time for everything. shanbe ser and the narrator along with other characters in each episode narrated a persian proverb in the form of a story. every day he decides to lie, and the next day he lies again. he learns from him. as the old saying goes, water comes from the source of the flower of the proverb . he tries to teach the audience a moral and educational lesson with every hit of the actor. a liar. he is black in front of everyone, neither his friend nor his enemy accepts him, your mouse with me in pand parsi collection is also a simple miller of stories, wow, now that i look at it with a positive view, i feel how
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beautiful the meteor shower was, nothing happened, the stories in finally, they end up with a valuable lesson for life . build on positive thinking, but have reasonable expectations. the characters of shakrestan also deal with iranian customs and traditions with a lot of stories . now, jadi, what should you buy for mrs. sir , sencheh, sarke, and samno sibod? tell me at once . we should buy everything from new year's shopping to seeing and visiting and so on. it means that i can have four grandchildren one day. haj farsan, what do you think? i will order for the coming years, mrs. maryam mohammadi. nowruz news agency, everyone is victorious until the next story, god protect the worries of the europeans the expansion of the war in ukraine to
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the whole of europe is at a time when the head of the european union's foreign policy says that europe is only looking for support for ukraine. it was shadowy. joseph burrell, the head of the european union's foreign policy, at the beginning of the two-day meeting , poured clean water on the hands of the belligerent leaders of this union. do not scare people unnecessarily. war is not uncommon. what is strange is the need of ukrainians to support them. we are part of this is not a war. we only support ukraine . the french president's recent statements and comments regarding the war in ukraine, especially the sending of soldiers to this country,
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have been the subject of political, media and even military circles. in his latest action, emmanuel macron published pictures of himself practicing boxing, which raised concerns among french and european public opinion. this message has a certain appeal and impact, but beyond the screens and in reality it can be very ridiculous because macron has never been a boxer, so maybe it is a bad message for france in the face of putin and let ukraine have a war, on the other hand, macron, who until now had the strategy that russia should not win the war, has now been heard saying in the group of french politicians. with the spread of the shadow of the war over europe , two sides have increased among the countries of this continent and even nato members, some are beating the drum of war and
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some consider entering the war in ukraine as their red line. the news of the next part of the news at 2:00 am. the iranian coach, sharaf iran, has a telegram channel playing across the country. why is your question an interesting question in these 6 months of pricing? football manager we don't want any kind of sugar therapy. we don't agree with any kind of sugar treatment. we are higher than the difference or higher today
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, wherever we are, we are more firm in the name of god. greetings , politeness, respect, service. dear viewers , we are at your service with another debate on the topic of whether the competition council or the companies themselves are in charge of determining the tariffs and rates of internet taxis. i am not in a hurry about the option, the commission rate of internet taxis, the pricing of internet taxis, or basically the tariff that is being charged these days , you have heard, definitely use these services. if you are interested, join us in this debate . we want to talk about the same issue . do it and for the other events that we witnessed, i have the same option in a hurry
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, whether the punishment was the correct entry or not . these are all the issues that we will answer in this debate . please accompany us until the end. economic also mr. zulfiqari, another economic expert whom mr. zulfiqari believes. mr. fatemi believes in the entry of the competition council and the exclusivity of this market in a different way and another way of regulation . greetings and god bless both guests. for the commissions for the prices or the work that is being done in the field of internet tax , in the name of god, i say hello. the reality is that i imagine. this is that we have a mechanism to make sure that the
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mechanism will bring us to competitive prices the mechanism of my resume is not to interfere in the commission figures or taxi transfer rates. before this , i would like to ask you whether you believe that the market is monopolistic or competitive . this market is a highly concentrated market. you will not see 10 of these platforms working at the same time in any country, anywhere in the world. finally, 2 or 3 compete with each other. the characteristic of these markets is high concentration. are they strong enough to serve me? if i, the service provider, want the other side to receive enough services, then the characteristic is that they must have high concentrations and reach this point in balance, but the main point is how to regulate so that we know that the companies
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active in this space even with high market power , they cannot influence the prices inappropriately . in other words, the mechanism of competition between companies assures us that the services we receive are very competitively priced. log in for my pricing. i believe that there should be an institution for regulation. probably , entering the price is the last stage of regulation, which means that i believe there are other mechanisms for regulation that are more effective than interfering in the price. if i can enter a sentence, tell me how it should be entered . i will say a type of sentence. look, when we live in an inflationary economy, the price index
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in 1390. probably, the status of 100 has not been announced yet, 1402 has not been announced yet, but when in a period of almost seven and a half years , our price index has increased 11 times, which means the price of all the goods are going up, when the prices go up , the institutions that are in charge of the price, for example , you kept, are worried about the prices. that's why i want to say that part of the intervention we have in prices is because of our concern about inflation and we forget that inflation is the result of incorrect monetary policy, not the result of profit seeking by market agents in the market. if it increases a lot from that equilibrium level, then the regulatory body that is involved in this case and specifically wants to intervene now , must be sure. the concern is the price level
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there is no other mechanism outside of that mechanism, basically the increase in the general level of prices. when the general level of prices has increased 11 times in this short period, it means that everything has become more expensive, which means that the yogurt that i buy has also become more expensive. i am entering another very competitive market. that's why i want to say that the first issue is to identify how much of the price increase that is happening is the result of the increase in the general price level and how much is the result of the original price. monopolistic behavior or the behavior of exercising market power over the active stations in the market. you mentioned that an institution should come in to regulate which institution. should it be actually, in my opinion, it can be the competition council, but because the competition council has its tools , it has its law, and practically, according to the definition of the competition council , the competition council is involved in this matter, but the way it should be entered and in what order it should behave is the point that should be thank you for talking about it, mr. zulfiqari. what is your opinion, how
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much do you agree with mr. fatemi regarding the fact that between monopoly and competition ? in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, i offer my greetings and respect to your excellency, dr. and dear viewers, well , if we want to talk about the competitiveness or monopoly of a market, the answer to the question of which institution is in charge of regulating this market is that we are competitive. to clarify the issue of market exclusivity , we must first discuss the definition of the market .
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we had a discussion in this field, in my opinion, this market is contrary some loved ones say that the market. there is transportation, basically these companies that are sometimes referred to as internet taxis, they don't really provide transportation services, they are provided by drivers with their own cars, there is no employment or ownership relationship with this company. they don't have them, but this market is a market where sorting services are offered. this is actually my opinion. these companies are providing matching services to drivers and passengers. they are the supply side. let's see that the rest of the service providers are not in this market. they are defined in another market
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. the result is that this market, for example, at the level of the country, now at the level of cities and provinces , there are other small players, but at the level of the country, there are only 2 players. they are the major ones that have the majority of the market share, so from this point of view, i agree with mr. doctor , the concentration is high, the market is actually considered a monopoly, according to the legal regulations of our country, if a market becomes a monopoly, then it is actually regulation of monopoly, which is what mr. doctor said. minute ahead taking anti-competitive behavior means any a monopoly market does not necessarily need regulation . if anti-competitive behavior occurs in a monopoly market, which is mostly in the form of abuse of a monopoly's position, it needs to be dealt with. we
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also have this issue in the competition council law. in article 58 , it is said that the recipe for monopoly markets in article 62, it is said that the competition council is the authority to deal with anti-competitive procedures. well, we put these two together. it turns out that if there was a monopoly market, but the anti-competitive procedure did not take place in it, it is necessary that the price adjustment order or other cases in that market there is no such thing as being applied by the competition council , so now we have to focus our discussion on whether the anti-competitive procedure will happen or not in this market, which is monopolized from the doctor's point of view . well, anyway, this phenomenon itself is a new phenomenon in the world and
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there is a difference of opinion about what services these companies provide and which reference center should be handled. in 2017 , the european union classified uber as a transport company. . he did and said that you should be subject to transportation regulations. uber said that i am a company my technology is my technology. right now , uber's license is in parentheses. let's say that uber is the same as taxanti abroad. yes, uber and lyft are similar to the company that we have in london. the main dispute between uber and tif is full london transport, which is basically the public transport regulator in the city. however, i agree with the doctor. that we should not deal with these as a transport operator in principle, but in the definition of the market, we should not forget that these are substitute goods. the alternative is that that system also provides public transportation, which means that if something happens now, we can go and see it, for example
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with a campaign with an advertising program of linear taxis in tehran, they decide to halve the price , assuming that it is impossible, but it is not impossible, then it is likely that my internet will be reduced from these taxi services, or if a subway line passes near my house, which was not there before. and now if a very good metro service comes to me, the probability of me using this taxi service will decrease, that is, although i agree with mr. doctor that this is what we call police market, it is a separate market space, but the products that are substitutes for this product are in the market spaces. they are now being presented and the regulation is separate also, it has complications that if we say that the competition council is responsible for the regulation of internet taxis , we must be aware that the regulation of this sector must be coordinated with the regulation of other sectors in some way . it should be coordinated or it can be consolidated into a place where it can make intelligent regulation for both sectors, that is, you do not believe
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that these are mr. zulfaqari, they pointed out that these are not transport companies, they are matching companies , they are making juries. mr. zulfiqari's promise, let me give you a simple example in the transportation of my group. the market of buying and selling kebab can be separated, but if it is next to this kebab, which means that what happens is that the product is not exactly the same, but they are strongly substituted for each other. i agree that the taxi business is not the business that we should expect. transport companies just read and regulate it, but in the place of regulation
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, we must be aware that the competitors of this are in the s and you, if you are the regulatory municipality, it is as if you forgot about transport, because these are innovative companies , attention should be paid to the uniqueness and technological nature of these companies. it may be necessary at all we should establish a new regulatory body for them, which will be able to recognize all these different modes in principle . please do some regulation about it, mr. zulfiqari. i agree with your service . mr. doctor , from the point of view that every market that wants to be regulated has a series of markets related to it, and that i
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am saying that this market is not a transportation arrangement, not that there is no transportation here, in the transportation market, the suppliers are the drivers, the demanders are the passengers. yes, this market exists, but it is extremely complicated, which means a very large number of supplies there are a large number of manufacturers and basically there is no concentration in this market. from the point of view of regulation, i have a regulator, but in the matching market, in fact , the supply side is very limited and the concentration is created here , so if we want to let's get into the topic of price , the market price is actually the driver and passenger of that rate. the fare is the market price, in fact
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, it is the adjustment of the commission rate. in particular, the words of mr. doctor reinforce something. they talk, they reach an agreement, and they argue with each other that the market is the freest possible state. internet, about the commission he wants to get from these, he should have entered that i will give you a platform to talk to each other , now my commission is a fixed percentage of the price of a ton, and now this commission is in this market and it is formed in other places, for example. in intercity transportation for cargo , there is now a platform that is working in this space, a platform that tries to match the owner of the cargo with the driver who is trying to move the goods. this is exactly in the discussion of the regulatory method, yes, god willing , we should talk about it, so the main issue is that this market is possible due to the existence of market power
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, which means that there is a candidate for the so-called abuse of a dominant position, so there must be a regulatory body here. monitor carefully so that the rights of no one around the market , be it drivers, passengers, or the company itself , are actually not lost. a very key role in fact. the market is settling it has and it is one of the very basic and sensitive parameters in the economy, the rule is to not intervene in the price as much as possible, even in monopoly cases, which means that now the competition regulatory bodies, when they want to regulate the monopoly markets , do not look at the price first. they go to, for example
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, non-price instructions, such as discussions when the other tools don't work, they go to the price . i agree with this, but is the solution the current situation that has caused complaints in these markets ? after removing it, some things happened to us in the field, we are witnessing it ourselves and hearing from others about whether these were really anti-competitive procedures or not. this is a point of doubt. i would like to add one point. look here , mr. doctor. i completely agree with this, but i have one thing in mind. i would like to tell you a first thing about your service. i myself was a member of the competition council for a period of 6 years, that is, from 1994 to 1400. so, if i criticize you, i am criticizing myself and
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other regulatory bodies. i was there myself. from the voting process of the council, there were also opinions that i probably did not agree with and i thought but look, the reality is that when we only have a hammer in our toolbox , we see all the problems as nails, that is, when we have a competitive council, we have a penal system , we have a taxi driver, we have a municipality, and they all consider themselves the owners of the problem. in this story, when only their tool is a hammer, they see all your problems as nails, remember . for years in the space of urban taxis , all taxi operators and all municipalities in the country tried to implement the use of taxi meters and they all failed. i mean, i want to say that the experience of failing to intervene in the price of what you want should be exchanged. highly specific and we have a lot, so the first point is this point . now you say, if you say that this tool
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is not useful for me, what tool is useful ? we will come to the second point. the fact is that these companies are companies based on technology and intelligence . they claim that they are working . the regulatory body should be more armed than the companies themselves . we are talking now. in your opinion , no, no, look. if we are talking about uber , uber is now organized by any regulatory body. gray in the world is more detailed, that is, uber in several 10 countries the world is working with a large number of cities , usually the municipalities want to regulate them. it is not like before that tehran taxi drivers wanted a series of separate taxis, for example , they wanted 10,000 to 20,000 to 30,000 taxis. what should tehran do to manage? we are currently talking with a company that
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is operating in dozens of cities in the country at the same time . to operate outside of iran, i mean, i want to say that these companies are technological in nature. let's remember that they were once police. the country said, "sir, the cars that are on the roads , i can't adjust them with my previous fleet. i have to have the latest model benz, but now the reality is that we, the regulatory body of gramon , should be able to try, in terms of being armed with artificial intelligence technology. at least the companies that work in this field should go step by step to be able to adjust them. if the internet taxi company claims that i have a smart engine, regardless of the price, this smart engine will try to maximize the number of matches that happen or reach my target number, for example. the gas regulation body must be able to have an engine


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