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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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in terms of sports and medal winning, you can see that even though we may not participate in some federations or iranian women have special clothing, and some people may consider this an obstacle, our women's medal winnings are approaching the men's winning medals and this it shows the good power that exists in women and the good support that the government , especially this government, has given and increased the capacity for women's activities, whether in championship sports or in general sports, as you can see that these supports cause the state of our women's sports has grown significantly in these cases have you ever had a meeting with someone
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who would come and give you feedback outside of the meeting and tell you whether he expected this or not or what you see? we had questions. we had questions in all the meetings. in the official form, the questions that were raised individually or the doubts and questions that i answered in the interviews with the news agency or in the bilateral meetings, maybe for example european countries, in the interviews that we had, there is usually a list with it. they used to raise questions about the human rights situation in iran how is it and what is the situation of women and most of them raised the same issues related to last year's riots or raised the issue of hijab, which we tried to answer in a friendly conversation.
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and of course, we also had questions from them. the question i asked about some of these countries is whether the children of the immigrants are separated from their mothers, or whether muslim women are treated with some kind of discrimination and a kind of racial attitude, and in fact, a kind of hatred. frakani, who themselves have accepted that some people say that we are trying to stop these styles of extremism and spreading hatred towards muslims do. we are trying to make adjustments, but in any case, in many places , we have issues and demands regarding women's rights, and it is not that they want iran to take women's rights . the law that you are passing, if someone does not wear a good hijab, we will send him to prison for 10 years, which
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i mentioned, first of all, this law has not been passed yet , then the law is based on fines, not imprisonment, like traffic offenses, and i mentioned that many of these laws and many of these privacy and issues that we we are complying, in fact , it is a prevention of violence and harassment that women may face, which they said, well, no, we have set so many crimes and so many punishments for harassment and violence. that's enough, i said, by the way , after the crime happens, you seek to punish, we want to prevent and we want to not let the crime happen at all , and prevention is definitely better than treatment, and the proof is that you can see on the websites go to america itself and you will see how many sexual harassment and assault statistics there are on the prevention and treatment website comparable to iran at all.
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it is not new that they themselves say that many cases are not reported or the statistics of violence are not comparable at all. i saw some time ago that a woman said that last year 100 women were killed by their husbands or as honor killings. and there you go, you will see in the statistics , in the statistics of the united states, 4 thousand people are mentioned in a year , one of their relatives or their boyfriend, and this statistic has become a normal thing, well , it is very sad that we do not see that terrible statistic statistical times that one knowledge is too much is one actually, we magnify this too much and we try to maneuver it much more than what it is. sometimes they compare, for example, as you say, we can compare to see what the situation is in other places, sometimes not if it is about ourselves. let's talk, according to your words, we can say that one
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is too many. yes, yes, we believe that one is too many. these violences against women are not comparable to european and american countries. the program on the front page you can see that tonight the honorable vice president for women and family affairs is the host , mrs. dr. khazali. the meetings of the women's commission, being present there on behalf of the islamic republic, we spoke on the sidelines of this meeting and the panel that was discussed
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, which was organized by the islamic republic. our mentality is far away. let's go from the text of these meetings, well, a series of compliments or so-called diplomatic discussions it is asked in a much more objective and detailed way, what did you achieve in these meetings, the meetings, no, by the way, very intimate meetings, and sometimes the meetings lasted for an hour, and the experiences we have with women, with regard to the family, and the things that were reached. for those countries or cases that they felt should get help, they used the experiences of others, and these were exchanged, and a very good kind of coexistence
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took place in these meetings. those who came to iran used to express their enthusiasm they said that the progress was amazing for us. that we had seen and we did not think that there would be such movements and such capabilities in iranian women, so we invited some of them, those who have not come to iran , to express the achievements of iran and the achievements of women in the expo that we will have in the future. in particular, these meetings were very well received, even though we had little time , we met more than 20 countries. and everyone is interested in continuing these relationships , we invited everyone to join the commitment to the family movement. join corruption, we started this anti-corruption women's movement or committee two years ago, and in
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different countries, in connection with different countries , we tried to get them to say and join this committee that the issue is that women are actually fighting corruption. they are very successful. now the issue of financial corruption and administrative corruption is one issue, the issue of moral corruption is another part, which is a part of some people, some of the institutions or countries, in fact, classify it under the category of financial corruption, which women can also fight against. corruption is very successful and it is possible to protect them from being exposed. corruption and abuse, which is something that iran has started and has consulted with some countries, and now we welcome both the women's anti-corruption committee and the commitment to the family movement, which will continue, god willing
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, the meeting and the talks that whether we will have virtual or face-to-face meetings, can you explain more about these initiatives? what exactly is going to happen, i mean, about the family support movement, did we just raise a slogan or not, has it become a widespread campaign or is it going to be, and what specific events are going to happen in it, for example a number of countries say that we agree that we should support the family, this is a profession. but it may not find a real and tangible result, or maybe not, in the next steps, this campaign is going to become an objective and operational solution. you see, we started this as an operational task
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, we are documenting it, and we are doing it internationally. we also had consultations with the organization of islamic cooperation. of course , the family-friendly issue of family-friendly countries, which we have joined for several years, as family-friendly countries that try to let them support. the family supports the consolidation of the family, and now the family has the same natural and natural meaning that we know, but now the commitment to the natural family is something that mr. president has to raise. this is actually standing against the deviation that is taking place in the world community. and it is being imposed quickly . it is being imposed quickly on different countries
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. . some countries title for example, same-sex marriage carries a 14-year prison sentence in our country. some countries announced that no, we do not have any restrictions or we accepted it because of global issues, but most of them have a position against this issue, whether it is the issue of same-sex family or the issue of sex change. and the consequences that the girl or boy will face after that, and the situation that was raised and many countries raised, and the identity situation that happens to that person, and on the other hand , the society and the capitalist mafia that is looking for that. spread these issues. now, in other discussions, this issue was raised that really because of their financial and material interests, they are focusing on the issue and investing. this
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commitment actually wants to bring the countries together, god willing, now we have completed the document and will present it to the organization of islamic cooperation. he had prepared that it was agreed that we should have a joint meeting on these so that we can bring the commonalities we have in both documents to the organization of islamic cooperation and bring the islamic countries to this document and to this commitment, and god willing, we will be able to join the united nations with strength. and strength to stand against deviant movements. self definition regarding the family, what is a family at all, this is a man-woman debate, and we should put this aside , what does he mean by a family, a man, a woman and a child, or a family made up of two sexes? well, this is a problem that must be worked on by the advertising method. and let's not allow that noise and deviant advertisements. let's stand in front of him. well, for example , we saw the country of qatar. it came very well and firmly in this issue
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. last year, it did not even allow those who have deviant views and approaches to enter the stadium . these are good moves that should be supported with synergy and more cooperation. with our further communication let's strengthen this and god willing , the operational moves will be after this, after preparing the document or some other concepts that are lacking. it has been painted and we must be able to explain this and sometimes when you explain, the problem fits many of these things. you see, in the same program and interview we had with the newsweek reporter, i mentioned the independent magazine that asks for an opinion there. among those who comment on harassment of women, he mentions that he asks what is the relationship between the type of clothing and harassment. that women see , there are 51 men and 41 women who believe
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that there is a close relationship between these two , so they came to this matter themselves, but why don't they want to implement this and have a social cover to protect women, to protect the family, to protect women from violence, this is because of capitalism yes, there is a pattern, but we believe that this hijab, this covering, this social dress , is a sign of civilization, not a sign to respect women, to protect women, and we must announce this to the world, and we must demand that why women are used as tools. putting why there is so much violence against women, why so many women around them it is unsafe, why are so many people being subjected to this situation ? this should be our serious demand from the world and from those who are using women's bodies and not allowing women's thoughts and pure feelings to appear in society
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. it was interesting to me that half of the women and men, in a research that was conducted outside the space of islamic countries in england, and they believe that half of the women and men in england believe that half of the men and about half 41 yes yes. they believe that covering has an effect on yes , it also depends on the harassment that our women face, well, now our audience can do this. search and see the reporter there. and he searched and found his address in his news , wow, thank you very much, and in the university and on the site that i mentioned , you can go and see the site that mentions this issue on scientific sites, but we are not going to really benefit from this, this is a science that is their financial and material interests are not compatible, so
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they never use the interests of the supreme leader of the revolution , they prefer materialism and pleasure-seeking to anything, that we are completely different intellectually, and i want our perspective to be a human perspective, a spiritual perspective, a profit-seeking perspective. don't be compared to woman, we have to show this to the world, and god willing, we can talk about this against the power of capitalism, the capitalist system, which has money and power anyway, and has been ruling both worlds for many years, both the culture of the world and for the rest of shaun, this campaign that the islamic republic has created or talked about , is it supposed to remain in the form of an article or a book or a moral call, or
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is it supposed to be in the next steps of the countries that agree with this there is space. are to gather together and have powerful objective solutions to face the power of the capitalist system can resist and can be established or found. yes , the goal is definitely that we can speak our words in international forums as much as we can , and we can bring people with us. and have synergies to prevent some of the goals they have and some of the issues they want to impose, and we can in many places if we really have this correct planning and this companionship and empathy we will be able to create it in ayora when we take responsibility for it
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the program of the constitution mentioned men and women and other genders, other genders, and we stood there firmly and said that these other genders should be removed, and we were able to do this, we were able to change the votes in our favor and only recognize men and women. we know, i want to say that if it doesn't get worse than what it is, we may witness it. do you have a specific next step, that is, a schedule, for example, say that we are going to meet again in 3 months to hold a special meeting about this issue. let's discuss this solution with the countries that are aligned with us . we invited a number of ministers and continue this. when will we have the program, god willing, in may in tehran? yes, very well, thank you very much, doctor, for accepting our invitation about what
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you explained to the people during your trip to new york . thank you. pray for us during this night and day. good night and good times. the first measures to send business consultants of our country to the decade. with permission to send 30 business advisors to commercial target countries, policy making did not exceed the number of fingers on one hand. in recent years, however, policies have been strengthened there was no consistent follow-up in this field, and the number of them is inclined to be business consultants. with the very good cooperation
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we have had with the ministry of employment and the department of trade in the past two years, so far 6 have been sent out of 36 to 26, and the rest are on the agenda. there have also been efforts to select commercial consultants from the private sector, but due to various reasons, including government laws and regulations, this has not yet been achieved. proponents of this issue find the knowledge and practical ability of consultants very effective in the way of business development. they know that they try to choose someone who has worked in business, that means he has a hand in the fire , say two things, sir, every commercial boom that you have created in this so-called period of time in the country , so much of it is yours, business without profit
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does not work. what they can do is to be able to expose the capabilities of our country in those countries, which means that they must have a game to identify those potentials in the country. the current laws allow us to advise. in our efforts, we came to the conclusion that we need some of this domain let's open it up, of course, these changes have been good. before , it was only the official employees of the ministry, but in the new period, we changed this, from the five home ministries, it is possible that the recruitment of consultants will take place. and information services and continuous communication with exporters and meeting the needs of producers . attracting foreign investment, providing consulting services about the economic and commercial capacities of the country to businessmen of the destination country, paving the way for the establishment
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of specialized exhibitions in the target market and helping to solve the legal problems of iranian businessmen, among other tasks business consultants have been announced. logistical issues that sometimes arise for, for example , truck drivers in the field of ships , this is their duty, as well as political issues. there is a big possibility that it can be a basis for the development of business relations between iran and that country, as well as solving the issues that arise for our businessmen. the establishment of business centers abroad is also one of the other possibilities for advancing business goals, an issue that has been discussed for years. it has been noticed that since 1400, since 1400, when this program was compiled in the organization , we have issued more than 55 permits. it is really the current center. we know about our second wing , along with our commercial consultants, well, it is very important that we really value the centers, give them special access , give
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them special support. they are not practically inactive and they are trying to reach the level we expect from them . the main responsible for the creation of these centers in the beginning was the government sector, but gradually to achieve commercial goals in the target markets, especially outside the borders of the neighboring countries, they are participating. more private than ever it was noticed that commercial centers should be opened by giving the so-called permission to the khosi sector. this can be more successful because that person , zainefa, will have to pay for it and the government will provide a series of so-called facilities and so-called assistance. this can it should be more successful, it should not be a burden on the shoulders of the government in that way, just come along and provide the support aspects. we have programs that
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we check the activity of the commercial center once every three months. if it is not possible to continue for a period, we will cancel it the goal is not to increase ama, the goal is to help businessmen in order to improve their activities and make sense of their problems in this country. the development of marketing and export of iran's products and services abroad, facilitating the cooperation between the business centers of the two countries, and the policy of monitoring the activities of commercial and marketing centers abroad are declared to be the most important goals of establishing these centers. in some countries where we don't have any advisors, or some of the transfer of very advanced technologies or some of the exports that we are doing is only due to the efforts of the trade center. takes place providing market advice, marketing, marketing of export products and services, providing commercial and economic consulting services to merchants, helping to
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conclude commercial contracts, providing legal services, receiving tenders and helping commercial companies to participate in them are among the most important duties of brokers to establish commercial centers abroad. is. mohammad mohajeri radio news agency. these students occupy this class in the london college, they are the details of the movements. coordinate in support of palestine. these students are preparing for the week of opposition to israeli racism. here to the students and
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staff of the university about the palestinian struggle for freedom of information and in this way we will put pressure on the university to end its collaboration with genocide. the campaign of solidarity with palestine accuses british universities of complicity with the zionist occupation. these universities are connected with the zionist occupiers. they invest in companies that cooperate with the zionist regime. the value of these investments reaches more than 400 million pounds. here at goldsmith university, students started their movements since the zionist invasion of gaza. after the university did not show up, the students demanded the condemnation of the genocide and sanctions accept the zionist regime, they occupied an entire building in the university. i
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started my career as a lawyer in the field of human rights and i teach human rights. the invasion of qaza started at the same time as the beginning of the new school year. i said to my student, how can i teach human rights in this situation ? students believe that the week of opposition to the racism of the zionist regime in british universities is a kind of soft struggle against the occupiers. their goal is also to put pressure on the university.
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buy a lot of money, they will kill you, don't tell me, they won't kill you , the method of gentlemen in the city, home appliances, zero karma a maximum of one percent in the city of home appliances, any way you calculate it. in total, you are the winner of this washland prize draw festival. congratulations, the new house
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. the first prize is a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary. washland, a land full of prizes. nowruz 1403 with haft sin and haft sarai, full of variety and discount in the big iranian sarai. your seven-seated table is full of health, happiness, new days, and the great iranian palace.
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welcome to the half day news. 30 martyrs. in today's attacks of the zionist regime on gaza, at the same time as the siege of the shifa hospital of the iranian people continues in the cities big cities such as tehran, mashhad, tabriz, hamadan and qom gathered. to defend palestine. support the people of gaza.


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