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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm IRST

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excuse me, mr. mr. farsh, the prices have broken in all mr. farsh branches. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful , we present our greetings to you, the esteemed viewers of khabar news network at 16:00, together with my colleagues. the head of iranian customs said that 29 tons and 969 kilograms of gold bars worth one billion and 936 million dollars were cleared from the country's customs in 1402 and entered the country. according to mr. rizvanifar, more than 74% of the weight of gold bars imported through imam khomeini airport customs, 16% from
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bashmagh customs and 7% from tabriz customs. the head of customs added that the rest of the import of gold bullion is from mashhad customs, isfahan airport, and airport respectively shiraz and isfahan customs have been completed. in december 1401, the government board made a facility for the import of gold ingots to be established, and after that, the import of gold ingots into the country began. the head of the iran stone association says that our country has the annual production capacity of 30 million tons of building stone, but half of this capacity remains empty. according to mr. shakuri , using all the capacity of this industry can bring 5 billion dollars to the country . from the heart of the mountains when it comes out, its design
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is eye-catching. decorative or building stones of which 20% of the reserves in the world are in iran. we in terms of the diversity we have in stones, we are really the first rank in the world. in zakhairim, and anyway, from qulu hoosh, for example, 16-17 billion tons of reserves that exist in the world, finally, 3 billion tons are located in our country. with these reserves, iran's production capacity. every year, it has 30 million tons of decorative stones, which provides both domestic needs and a share of global markets. right now, we have a good capacity in the processing sector and we hope that in the coming years we will be able to have a larger share in the market , in this way we can better use the processing capacities that we have in the country. benefiting from these god-given capacities and completing their value chain with modern equipment and machinery . in the past, there was a total ban on the entry of cars. now, fortunately, in this government
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, facilities have been created and some openings have been created, but the reality is that our type of mining, with these prices of stone in the market, is not economically viable for us to go to a machine. buy it new and pay a lot of money for it. the secretary of iran stone association says: benefiting from all the capacities of this document can offer 5. billion dollars for the country to have with with the effort that if the economic activists themselves do it and the help that the government as a policy maker does with appropriate policies and sufficient support for this industry and the law , good laws will actually be enacted in the parliament under the shadow of this policy or these laws. support and finally self-effort of economic activists, if we can, in fact, the market.
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let's create something good for our product. in fact , the stone industry can generate at least 5 billion dollars for this country. the outlook for the turnover of decorative stones in the world by 203 is about 54 billion dollars. with the capacity and variety of decorative stones that exist in the country , it is not far from the expectation to get an acceptable share from the world markets. mohsen qalagazli of sada news agency. reuters news agency reported several explosions in kiev, the capital of ukraine. according to witnesses, there were at least three strong explosions in kiev , which were the result of a missile attack on the city . the remains of missiles were found in three areas of the city. following these explosions, the alarm sounded in kiev. the flood in the kurdistan region of iraq caused three deaths.
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the rains in dohuk are more than reported in other areas, more than 150 houses were completely destroyed in this flood more than 100 other houses were also damaged. thousands of residents of these areas have also become homeless. the martyrdom anniversary ceremony of seyyed jalaluddin ashraf (peace be upon him) was held in astana ashrafieh city. according to historical documents, agha seyyed jalaluddin is the brother of imam reza (peace be upon him). when we enter the city, the mood of astana ashrafieh is different. flags and cloths of condolence writings have been installed for the anniversary of the martyrdom of imamzadeh. i really feel sorry for the people of astana ashrafieh who live next to imam reza's brother and i am happy for their happiness. mr. seyyed jalaluddin ashraf according to the authentic narrations of the imam's brother
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the eighth shiite is hazrat ali bin musa reza, peace be upon him. when a man is martyred, he comes to ask for his blood. during the year of his rule, he fought against the tyrannical rulers in the region until he was seriously injured in one of these wars, then he was martyred, and astana is martyred every year on the night of martyrdom.
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the spiritual and spiritual growth, influence and education that we have from the school of ahl al-bayt is our greatest cultural and social capital. the mourning ceremony of seyyed jalaluddin ashraf is one of the traditional rituals of astana ashrafi people. alireza kargar of sada wasima news agency astana ashrafieh. ilam province highway. announced from at the beginning of nowruz trips, more than one million vehicles traveled on the transportation axes of this province . ilan province has been a tourist destination in recent years due to its proximity to the exit borders of atbat and its natural and historical attractions.
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the beginning of holidays and the beginning of nowruz trips. if you want a resort. see the natural sights, historical places and religious shrines in one place . travel to ilam province. ilam is really full of beauty from the north to the south. i invite all people to visit this beautiful province and enjoy the four seasons and you in terms of nature. if you go to the regions its nature has really beautiful scenery, ilam is the lost paradise, with its natural and unique attractions, in addition to all these, the handicraft industry of ila province can be a very good place for
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nowruz travelers. tafari biyan says that we have definitely planned to buy a rug, god willing, by creating a nowruzgah , we will create that enthusiasm among the people who will travel to ilam province . also on the agenda assalamu alik or ansar allah , along with all these natural and historical beauties , you can see the martyrs' footsteps and operational areas of the province by traveling to ilam province. during nowruz holidays last year, more than 3 million tourists visited the scenic areas of ilam province . maryam armonpour, ilam broadcasting agency. thank you very much for your attention. in the
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next few moments , i will inform you about the news of the stock market, my colleague mirzaei. we have built a garage for you, so you can come and see , this is called an installment purchase. they can come as you want , different accessories of each model and name, don't worry. don't buy different knots, come to the house, come to the house , come to the house. as you wish
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, i am your host in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan until 2:00 am in the city of tehran. 10 20 30 rasa city household appliances, 10 months, 20 months, 30 months.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most respected viewers. hello, good evening. welcome to the news of the stock exchange. the head of the stock exchange organization said that last year more than 470 thousand billion tomans were financed in the industry and development projects were completed in the capital market. according to mr. eshghi, this financing was done using available capital instruments and through issuance of sukuk the increase of the collective financing capital and the formation of the joint stock company of that project took place. the head of the stock exchange organization also listed the initial offering of profitable companies focusing on knowledge-based companies as one of the capital market opportunities. according to mr. eshghi, last year more than 30 new companies entered the capital market with initial offerings. the capital market indices had a positive return on the second trading day of the new year
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. at the end of the market, more than 60% of the symbols were in the positive range. the total capital market index today increased by 77 hundredths of the positive range of 17,200 units and reached 2,536 million. both weight it had an increase of 8900 units, and with the efficiency of buying and selling of real people , it shows about 40 billion tomans of money coming into stocks and mutual funds. at the end of today's trading, more than 60% of symbols were in the positive range. the bulk car group also accounted for the most transactions . the value of purchase orders is 505 billion and orders. the sales volume was 400 billion tomans , while 89 symbols reached the purchase page and 39 symbols
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were placed on the sale page at the end of the transactions . the average per capita purchase and sale of real persons was recorded as 28 and 29 million tomans respectively. real people were in the groups of computer products, computers and oil products, and in contrast , bank equity funds and multi-disciplinary industrial groups had the most money outflows. the iran commodity exchange hosted the supply of more than 2 million 312 thousand tons of products. in the hall of industrial and mineral products, 723 thousand tons of steel sections were offered . also, more than 1 million 23 thousand tons of cement were sold in the hall of petrochemicals and 156 tons of petroleum products. types of products and in the open auction hall 330
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, modification of the executive order, disclosure of information, ranking of publishers, continuation of holding the industry table, modification procedure for transactions with related parties and formulation of the order. valuation of securities is one of the actions that are on the agenda in 1403. ali akbar iranshahi, head of the center for monitoring and investment funds of the exchange organization, this year , the regulations of the risk hedge fund will be drafted. according to the current conditions, the regulations formulated for
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some funds need serious revision. ali naqvi, ceo of iran energy exchange. for the year 1403 , we have the agenda of launching the transactions of scattered production power plants in the market to improve energy consumption and wastewater transactions. mohammad ali shirazi, managing director of farbour exchange, in 1402, in the field of financing small and medium-scale projects , 262 projects were financed in the context of crowdfunding , which compared to 1401 with more than 325. the petrochemical complementary industries development office announced the base price of petrochemical products for supply in the commodity exchange . seyed hamid jamal al-dini, legal deputy and ministry of health, by defining funds in hospitals and medical centers and introducing them to the stock market
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, we can achieve a model for providing capital and working capital. fouladgar, deputy minister of mining industry and trade, it is necessary to attract people's participation and more efforts should be made to use the capacity of knowledge bases on financing tools through the capital market. saving a billion kilowatt hours of electricity in the face energy optimization market. according to the managing director of the energy exchange, energy certificates will be traded in the energy exchange in the first 3 months of 1403. these materials were to be turned into goods. a small part of the damage that we suffered today was that we had no power from 10:00 am until sunday afternoon. more than 200 million, the car sleep costs us 2405 million as well as side costs. losses and
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losses that affect the industry in the hot season of the year to be due to the electrical outage that happened in the last few days , our machines were damaged and we decided to temporarily stop production, and the same industries are also struggling with other problems in the cold season, now that the peak hour has started. and we shut down five of them. all these shortages in the electricity or gas industry originate from the annual energy consumption in the country . unfortunately, our energy consumption intensity index is two and a half times the world average. now, we are going to manage these shortages in the year 2016 in the shura. excellent energy, the law of energy optimization market was approved to have a female article if an investment is found , he can modify a process or carry out an optimization plan, and
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we will issue a certificate for the already saved gas. first 6 years later. this energy optimization plan was implemented by concluding a contract between the ministry of energy and the national gas company. in the field of electricity, the project that was approved was the replacement of light bulbs in kurdistan and yazd provinces, and after that , a second project is also a project in one of the hospitals in mazandaran province, which will optimize their systems. in the field of gas, there are several projects in some provinces of the country by bakhsh gas company it is privately managed. in the field of brick kilns, most of the buyers form these certificates in order to be able to compensate their electricity and gas needs during outages. according to the regulations that are in force now, those who have savings certificates are placed in the last stage of consumption management and will not
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be subject to the blackout regulation. according to the managing director of the energy exchange , the trading of these certificates will begin in the first 3 months of 1403 in the energy exchange. maryam fadehi, sed and sima news agency. iron ore faced many fluctuations in the past year. according to experts, conditions china's economy and the decrease in demand were the main reasons for these fluctuations, and he predicts that the conditions of the world iron ore market in the new year will be better than the previous year. the price of iron ore in the world markets decreased by 81% in the last year. china as the largest importer of iron ore because of the crisis it faced in its construction sector . experts believe that the countries of brazil and australia, as the largest
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exporters of iron ore in the world , continued their production process in early 2024 as last year. india as a large country with a population of more than one billion, who was able to show good economic growth from himself and he saw economic growth above all. this has raised hopes that we will probably see an increase in demand in the new year from the place of economic growth and from the place of projects defined in this country . according to analysts, in the last meeting of the chinese people's congress , there are specific written plans from china to stimulate demand in the housing market, which can lead to an increase in the price of iron ore in the coming months, despite the existence of economic crises and
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military and regional tensions. in the world can affect the fluctuation of coal prices in world markets. zahra, a scientist of sed and cima news agency. thank you for your companion. hello, welcome to the happy new year program
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. we are at the service of mr. faizinejad. we are the deputy of the technical and insurance department of the entire country's pension fund. you are very welcome to our program . be healthy. i am also at your service. dear viewers , i would like to congratulate you on the blessed month of ramadan and the prayers of these loved ones. god willing, we hope that your pledge will be accepted. you have done a lot of work in the last year. where should you start? i will offer you a pension fund of 1 million 730 thousand. there are retired people and about 400 thousand people. joint pensioner or obligee. the main work that is done in the technical assistant department is mostly the discussion of laws and regulations
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and the follow-up of issues related to the establishment of pension rights and the duty of these loved ones. we had about 8,500 retirees this year. more than 76 thousand of them. being a cultural retiree or the ministry of education. our main work is in the discussion of retirement and the issuing of judgments for these loved ones. you had some positive actions this year. yes, look at the same discussion about the establishment of pensions. this year, we have issued an average pension order. about it has been 9 days. that is, from the time when the file for the establishment of pensions of the employees of the executive bodies was handed over to the fund or with the provincial administrations , from the moment
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it was actually registered with the system secretariat, a text message was sent to these loved ones and their mobile phone number that your file arrived. it was in the fund and from that date to the time when their verdict was issued, it was about 9 days. actually, we issued a retirement order for 10,000 of these loved ones about 2 months before they were to retire. it is necessary to look for whether their retirement case will be resolved or not. at the same time as their employment, their retirement order has been issued, and in fact there is no gap between their employment and retirement time .
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now, due to the reasons that the rulings had not been issued and the financial burden had not been met, these had been delayed. we issued an order that for the first time it was done in a centralized manner at the headquarters, which means that the provinces themselves entered into this issue it was not found, but it was done completely electronically and at the headquarters, and on average , about 37 million tomans
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were paid to these loved ones, the difference between these correction orders , what is the most important concern of the retirees and the pension fund to solve that concern. see what has been done . the most important concern of retirees may be the issue of our treatment. well, anyway, when you get older, the issues related to people's health and well-being, well, anyway. there is a question, article 85 of the civil service management law provides that it is the duty of the employee's office to the participation of the government and the retiree, that retired person and the family of his dependents in the first-class takafel , so-called supplementary insurance coverage.
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due to the fact that the regulation has not yet been compiled, this work has not been implemented because this work is actually an example on the ground, and on the other hand, the obligation that the pension fund has for retirees , although the rules and regulations do not really define a duty for the fund in this regard, but we every every year , we sign a contract with an insurance company and cover the treatment of retirees in the supplementary insurance section, although it is not our specialty now. our real concern for our dear retirees is that such a regulation is approved and that the executive bodies fulfill their duties as stipulated in article 85 of the civil service management law and
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that the retirees are covered by supplementary insurance just like the employees. in this respect, we will not have any more problems, god willing, in the discussion of the treatment of dear retirees . every year, how many thousand retirees are added to our pension fund, on average, between 70,000 and 90,000 people . the number of our retirees will be added then we have a program for them. well, when a person retires , from that date onward, he is a member of the pension fund. i said that we are following up on the issue of their treatment.
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we said that for the use of irangordi and jahan garadi hotels for the next one year, that is, from march 20 , 1402 to march 20, 1403, these dear ones. now they go to irangerdi and jahan garedi hotels all over the country , we give them a 60% discount on accommodation, and also on reception, which means using the hotel and restaurant have a 15% discount, the rest of this is 20% in cash, and we and the rest will be earned from their salaries in 6 months. this is for 1403 and 1411.


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