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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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to solve the country's economic problems, it is the issue of production, domestic production, national production. that is why we have relied on our production in the past few years. the secretary general of the ansourullah yamman movement said that his country has a hostile approach towards any arab country. justice said that
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we are at war with the axis of evil, that is, america, england and the zionist regime. on the eve of the 9th anniversary of yemen's national resistance and stand, seyyed abdul malik badreddin announced that 9 years have passed since the beginning of the invasion of the land of the beloved nation of yemen and our people are still resisting and persevering. he added: aggression against yemen with direct supervision washington and in the framework of american planning and design. britain and the zionist regime and with the implementation of the members of the aggressor saudi-emirati coalition. secretary general of yemen ansourullah also appreciated all the parties who stand by yemen, especially iran, hezbollah and iraq. in another part of his speech, the secretary general of ansarullah amal also said that our military operations against zionist ships in the waters of the red sea continue in support of the palestinian nation. continues. with the increasing wave
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of zionist military attacks on civilian areas and the defenseless people of gaza, anti-zionist gatherings are taking place all over our country is devastated. a number of tehrani citizens and students declared solidarity with the people of gaza in protest against the export of fuel and goods from turkey to the zionist regime in front of the turkish embassy. they gathered in tehran, the name of israel is the demand of our people, they have come to tehran in front of the turkish embassy in israel to support the oppressed people of gaza. we have a specific demand from the turkish government, and that is to stop sending fuel and food to the zionist regime. let's
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declare in support of the oppressed people of shab and israel's dirty policies, and we support the oppressed people of gaza and palestine.
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we are witnessing nations, because of the smallest issue in europe, the voices of international assemblies were raised. are palestinian children not human beings? they consider stopping the crimes of the zionist occupiers in practical unity. these conditions are really incomprehensible. i can't imagine what is happening to them, as if it is happening to all of us muslims. the duty of muslim governments.
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sardar radan, since 24 esfan, we have unfortunately lost 269 of our compatriots in traffic accidents. we are witnessing 42 casualties a day and we are losing our lives, which is not worthy of our dear people, and more than 12500 people were converted to islam. over out of 8 thousand fasting and pilgrims every night at the iftar table of imam reza (peace be upon him). by the end of the holy month of ramadan, more than half a million people will be blessed. enjoy the table. an effort to establish one of the oldest traditions in the holy month of ramadan with
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the establishment of feeding tables for nearby pilgrims in the holy shrine of razavi. well, about two tons of rice here is equivalent to about 10,000 people per day. we have about 100 women who discuss preparation and other items in this blessed campaign. everyone from all over the country plays a role in getting a maid of honor. when a maid of honor comes in the shrine, he is coming here because of his own heart. when you work with your heart and come with the person you love, you have a special peace here . i have been working at hazrat guest house for 3 years. i come from ahvaz once a week. he is in a good mood. one day of my life, mine, mine, imam reza's property
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, may god be great, with the sound of maghrib call to prayer, the servants are ready to receive pilgrims and neighbors at the iftar table . next to imam reza, we break our fast iftar, a success for us after 25 years of sitting in mashhad, the first time we came here and this it is also our part that daily more than 8,000 people are guests of the generous meals of imam reza (peace be upon him) in the holy shrine of razavi, at the head of this table are all the neighbors of hazrat reza (peace be upon him). well, the foods that are being explained are in different areas of mashhad, well, they are dear neighbors . the good tradition of breaking the fast
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in the holy shrine of razavi is one of the long-standing traditions that is celebrated every year in the holy month of ramadan. a pilgrimage is held nearby. dawood sharifi of mashhad tv news agency and specialists of a knowledge-based company managed to produce tezmin flow guarantee device. this product is one of the prohibited goods and is used in the upstream industry to measure the amount of solid particles deposition . its application is that it helps you in the oil industry, as you know, hydroc tanks. we strongly contain solid particles called asphaltene, which is one of the biggest problems in the oil industry at the moment, and this device helps us to know how much sediment we will have and where we will have sediment. and whether it is possible to reduce this sediment with solvent or
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reduce the amount of sediment to its lowest level in some way until the next section.
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to you on the other side of the table, your eyes are a martyr, to you in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, my dear compatriots . new year to you. may all the employees of the world be blessed, and god willing, we wish you and all our compatriots a year full of goodness and blessings. in today's front page program, another servant of the iranian nation will be in front of the camera to talk about policies, strategies, and of course, decisions that it became operational last year, and god willing , it will be continued in 2003. come on, mr. doctor sahraei, minister of education
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, welcome to the program on the first page , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i say hello to your excellency and all the viewers. happy new year, god willing, full of goodness and blessings for all my dear compatriots, especially for my teachers and students we start the first question with the hardworking managers and personnel of the education department. last year , the exams of the 10th, 10th and 11th grade students were held for the first time . both students and our parents first we will see a report on this matter and then we will talk about it. yes, this year only the 10th and 11th will be final. last year, the 12th was only final. can these final exam questions be finalized
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? some cyberspace channels claim that the final exam questions have been leaked. the main questions of the final exam are exactly the same. it is a lie . no one has access to the questions before the exam, and these answers are all questions that are published. there is a fraud aspect, we went to several exam areas to
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find out in which area this paper is available for service you have been printed and if god forbid. if something happens to the question paper in the form of taking a picture, we will immediately find out which of our areas this happened . it is also clear that in the last year's final exams, education dealt with 500 cases of cheating and violations , so it should carry a communication device, but not use this exam. today it will be banned, but whoever carries it and uses it and is discovered later, this is it
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the entire june exam will be banned, and sometimes a more serious decision may be taken and the final exams will be banned from 1 to 10 years . dear doctor , in order to ensure the safety of these exams to the extent that the families and students themselves are comfortable, yes, you see , the issue of quality of education and educational justice is one of our very serious concerns during this time that i had the opportunity to serve in his office for almost 10 months. the ministry period and the 2 month period of supervision are all our efforts it was that these two issues were seriously
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pursued on saturday , reducing the impact factor of the entrance exam and its test in the future of the children. we implemented this in the twelfth grade, it was implemented with complete security . in addition to all the psychological pressures that came on the candidates , the entrance exam mafia tried hard to cancel this resolution , but by the grace of god, with the support of the serving government , especially mr. president, who is for them. it was important that the future of the children was determined in a 3-hour exam the national curriculum should not be implemented properly and we have a duality between the school and the entrance examination institute , which one is the priority for us to refer to the book teacher and the school that exists throughout the country, now the quality may be slightly different compared to the external institutes that there is really
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not much supervision over them, it was our serious concern, well, in 1402, this work was performed. motivation has appeared in the education system . today, the issue of quality of education is on the table of mr. president of the republic. which president in the history of the country or head of state has the issue of the quality of education in schools on his table? and that happens to be 11 provinces, whose share of the top 3,000 university seats is between 50 and 15 percent higher than the ratio. there are as many provinces whose share has been reduced , their share has been rationalized, and those lower provinces have increased their share, for example, sistan and magerchestan, which used to collect only 16% of its share , is a justice index number, this year it is 48 percent . students from underprivileged areas were able to get many good university seats in
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the top 40 entrance exams, i.e. 3 to 10 in the 3 main fields and 2 to 5 in the language entrance exam. the art of a significant number of children from deprived areas was from s-frame, it was from chahar imagh , it was from pol dokhtar, it was from istanbul , gharb. justice is a consequence of this resolution. the national curriculum is a package that takes into account six hours of education . he passed our entrance exam in the single scientific hour and in that single scientific hour he also took us to the reserve. but today, all the six training hours of the transformation industry are of interest. the high levels of my knowledge are of interest . by god's grace, the issue of security will be implemented better this year than last year. there was even one case of mr. abedini 's rumors that the questions were leaked , he didn't have time because they wanted to say that if
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it is implemented, the question will be leaked . i am sure it will be better than last year. here, i would like to tell the dear families something . dear fathers, mothers, precious parents, this event is basically for your child to prepare for his own glorious future, find independence and increase his abilities. grow all around . do not listen to these rumors. from me to you i assure you if
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our efforts to update our abilities have naturally increased. of course, we all must try, even the parents must try to make it happen. in the past year, mr. dr. abdini, we published the questions one after our own test, that was when this system those who are gossiping about becoming russia , exactly the question that went into our domain, we published it ourselves , then they said that the published question was leaked, our duty is not to give the answer to you, otherwise the question is gone.
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i am a 32-year-old teacher, but in this multiplicity of service , i was one of the first-class priorities of the issue of teacher training in fact, teacher training is an important trust. children are the most valuable asset of their family . they are the greatest treasure of the country's future. this should be entrusted to someone who can fulfill it well. therefore, teacher training is our main concern. in may 1401, an incident happened. history fell, and the same resolution that was part of the quality of farhangian university, which came into effect as a result of the foundational transformation document of this university, has more than 18 provisions in it , which are all related to improving the quality of teacher education . we are a significant part of the problems of today's education system.
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our education is the result of not taking advantage of education teachers i have to give you a statistic, mr. doctor and noble people of iran , between 2009 and 2012, 816,450 teachers entered the educational system, almost without exception from the path of teacher training . when we said, let's go to one place, let's go to the university and make a teacher a teacher, a teacher must find the identity of a teacher, have the nature and spirit of a teacher, he must have the passion, love and passion of a teacher. reforming the educational system of our teacher training has revolutionized our space supply system. the central recruitment board of farhangian university has reformed all the systems in favor of farhangian university in such a way that this university is a mission-oriented university with
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the aim of providing teachers needed in the future through full- time education. we have approved the 7th plan, we have to increase by 25% every year. this year, naturally, it will increase by 25% . of course, last year we also did a historic thing with another university on the issue of dual degrees. we let students study there for two years if possible, he will come to us, he will learn these scientific courses there , he will learn the professional courses of a teacher with us, i am sure that this will create a great change and we must make this path so strong that you implement the law, it becomes the law. he says that no one should enter education except from the path of teacher training , i.e. farhangian university and maybe rajai. today , unfortunately, we have more than our teacher training universities, with the hiring of mr. dr. last year. in fact, four courses were held for a new teacher to join the education jirga. exactly how many
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were recruited in 1402? but let's be careful, for the honorable government and mr. president himself, quality is more important than the committee . it was a great victory that we were able to have both quality and quantity this year. we have a teacher dissatisfaction that goes back to its roots. about 10 years ago, when teacher dissatisfaction and shortage of teachers peaked there , the officials announced in 1400 ardi behesht , before the presidential election, that the head of the manabe humane center and his son informed about the crisis retirement tsunami that was coming. unfortunately, this tsunami took us in mehr 1401 42. my reason was that some people tell us that how about the previous years. no reason. we were in the ranking because the implementation of the ranking was from 311400, but the law itself was passed in 1400, it was promulgated in 1401, and
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it came into effect at the end of august 1401. these people who are known to keep the ranking can use the ranking for 2 years. this happened in the early years after the seal of 1401 and 1402. well, the quality is more important than the committee, but last year we had the same number of graduates in the same year, almost fifty thousand more than the previous ones. unfortunately, we are confused, but this year we have this recruitment at farhangian university
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shahid rajaei will also have about 20,000 graduates, and this recruitment of 72,000 will be done with the new qualitative method that we have, in which people go through the evaluation centers, and from the previous method, which involved thousands of branches, 3 people would sit with a person for 15 minutes. they are talking and confirming now. he comes at 7 in the morning, files a case, enters the center , does four stages , leaves at 1 in the afternoon, and sees for himself what indicators he has to pass in order to be measured in reality , he sees his score, everything is put in the systems. it is a wonderful work, i hope, god willing with these recruitments, we will supply another significant part of our teacher shortage this year . fresh teachers with a new spirit, who are less in age with our students, will enter education . a promise has been made to change the textbooks, both from you and education authorities, we will first see a report on this matter, then
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we will talk about this issue, which is very important for students. the contents of the textbooks were bad. i read the sequels again in the 7th and 8th years i read and because the pictures of the books are not updated , there is exactly the same picture in their 7th year book . it changed in siro . give examples to us with pictures like this , we learn the material better. the photos are much better, the color is better. added new content about body parts. last year there was nothing like that. for example, in subjects like physics and mathematics, those formulas should not be just formulas. put a series of explanations for it. the children say that some of the contents are still empty in the books. for chemistry lessons and lessons physics should have more animations and pictures.
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the teacher says that some pictures are not consistent with the lesson content. now this lesson is about nature. teacher , i can't find any connection with nature in this picture . the text here gives respect to parents. there is no picture you see that has no external existence. some lessons need more pictures for better understanding. there are no pictures of the background of the august 28 coup, the effects and those who played a role in this coup. the solution of one transformation document says that the volume and content of textbooks should be adapted to the ability and characteristics of students. redesign there should be a revision of the curriculum.
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god willing, it is in the final stages, it will be number b, new books will be presented to the children, the pictures of 100 textbooks will also be changed, so now it will be distributed in the first and second elementary schools, but the titles of the books have not been finalized yet, but we are aiming for this number. we started printing the textbooks for the next academic year 6 months ago. the authors of these books say that the changes in these books will attract the attention of students and teachers. we saw the report. at what stage is the situation now? change textbooks. see well let's be familiar with the authoring process, mr. doctor. the process of producing the textbooks of mehr 143, which we are in, will begin, god willing. it started from august 1402, which means
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it takes us 14 months to produce books. mr. doctor, because the country is highly diverse and alhamdulillah , the government has provided the book issue from the first day , we deliver the book to the people with 80, almost subsidized , 155 million volumes of the book have been printed, so the process of change naturally takes some time, but what has happened this is our problem with the curriculum. we must be aware that changes in the curriculum must happen, that one part of it can be changed. book the transformation of the curriculum means the transformation of the teacher , the transformation of the educational system, the transformation of the textbook, the transformation of the school, the physics of the school, the evaluation, the assessment , the exams, the expectations in many things this year , the basic competencies that we expect our children to achieve. we turned to the explanation of mr. president, the extensive work and expertise of the method has happened, what should our students achieve in each grade, this is the introduction of the change of textbooks
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. and we start the change from the first grade of elementary school. this year, the books of the first grade of elementary school will be new books, a significant number of books to the best of our ability , the image should be changed, the quality of the book should be improved, the content should be checked, the continuity of this educational system should be maintained. it will be seen, god willing , the transformation document in education seems to be a lasting document to create transformation for the progress of the country . first, we will see a report about the principle of this transformation document, then we will talk about it. god, except for 12 years of studying, i only study mathematics now. i know physics , apart from these, one should know a number of other things it is true that we do not know this.


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