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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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last year , there were very serious differences of opinion regarding the issue that i presented to you regarding the implementation method , whether inflation adjustment should be done or not, and all other issues that we will discuss in the higher debate today, please accompany us until the end . in addition to the greetings of god , i would like to allow both guests of the program to start with mr. nasiri and basically ask the question, what is the reason for your opposition to what is written now as a tax for capital , in the name of god. hello, i am polite. you see , i am not against tax for capital. this is part of our wishes to have this type of tax in this country if it is established and implemented, i consider it to be a tool for regulating the system , it can help us a lot in terms of explaining the income . allocation of resources can
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help and strengthen productive activities against non-productive activities, and it can act as a shield against fluctuations , so i have no objection to the principle, and all my efforts in my career are this. there are such mechanisms in the economy. in fact, it should be installed and implemented. the problem is that in the plan that has been written, the approval process has been completed. something is written that i think it cannot be implemented or it is very difficult, and if it is implemented with this formula, it will challenge the economy. if i want to be very brief, i understand.
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i will come and take people's various assets, then i will say that this is the property, this is the car that you bought and sold, this is the gold, this is the value of my share. i do n't have it, i don't know, i don't have anything to do, so i take a part of the assets . i will say if it is part of the collection if the accumulated value is less than one year, i
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will tax it at 10% higher than 35%, that is , 45% of it is taxed, if it has been between 1 and 3 years , from the gap between purchase and sale, i will say 35% to 35% , which will soon increase to 35%. we reach %, which means that it is very easy for someone to have more than 40-50 million tomans. you have to give 35% to the government, and then if it takes 3 to 6 years , 50% . what you say is, well , i will get rid of inflation, and i will tax it at rates of up to 35%
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then the next question that comes up and i would like to discuss this in the next part is, how do we implement this? i want to separate from the discussion of its implementation and say that this design is a complex and non -straightforward design, a design that creates resistance, and a design that can be implemented. this is not the only way to try this model, we should take into account the closing time and... so you disagree with this method . yes, thank you, mr. azizi, what is the reason for your agreement with the capital id tax. i agree and their execution method is more. yes, i am. hello i would like to serve you and mr. dr. nasirah aghdam and the viewers of bride capital's tax discussion program . well , it has been discussed and discussed in the country for years, and various plans have come and gone, and
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even we already have a direct law with one article . 60 if i'm not mistaken, we had this until 1971, which unfortunately was removed in the field of real estate, and now there is a plan in the islamic council, which was approved and went to the guardian council, and the guardian council returned your objections and is waiting for reform. the observer entered into the discussion , the discussions that mr. doctor said, in my opinion, mainly there are valid arguments and i agree with them a bit. in fact , maybe i have a difference of opinion in two ways . that is, even though i myself have some criticisms of the plan, but regardless of those criticisms, i believe that finally, the country's experts, or actually those who are influential on the plans , have gone ahead and reached this point, and maybe they will come back. ok, and
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maybe it will never come here again, after all , there are many benefits in not taking it, although i also believe that your statement is correct, if we design somehow. in fact, if it is incorrect that it causes complexity in our implementation , it can actually fulfill the same intention of zainafan and never actually be implemented, but regarding the current plan, i think it is actually two or three sections wide let me say it very briefly, one of them is that this can, of course , disturb the efficiency of the tax a little, but considering the country's native atmosphere , many exemptions are considered in the plan , which has caused, for example, the example that mr. doctor said that with a id is actually taxed, i don't think this actually happens ifte means, considering that, for example, in the field of real estate, every person over the age of 18
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is exempted from a residential unit, or the exemptions that are even in commercial real estate are actually considered in different assets, while i am fine. in my opinion , it would have been better to consider this, but in the end , he almost abandoned a part of the society, in fact, in the matter of tax, what he considered better means that these exemptions should be less. in your opinion, yes, it could have been less and it could have been more effective. ok, but finally, the political economy that was formed during the approval of these exemptions has been removed from it on the other hand, i would like to say that considering these exemptions, it can be said that id is actually caused by the so-called inflation. if we say here , in fact, it loses its relevance in a sense for many sections of the society, regarding the sections that actually have more than this, in my opinion , they themselves with the purchases and sales that they do with hoarding doing is somehow effective in causing inflation and price increase, that is, if
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we want to give them this extra point of rome that we actually deduct inflation from our tax , we have actually guaranteed that you you can come and enter this market with a large volume, shake the market, and we will provide you with this capital guarantee, although i think it is open to talk about the plan, the plan has worked well in the meantime, what was approved in the first version. well, with iran , the guardian council and the high supervisory board will probably make changes again, but they have tried to create an intermediate space. keep in mind that i actually disagree with him. in my opinion, it should not be adjusted at all regarding the implementation infrastructure , even though many complications have been considered. as someone who has been following the plan for a few years, i thought it would have been
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easier to enter into the discussion, or even that it was not so comprehensive in the beginning, but finally, this path went forward and these infrastructures were also included. considered however, in my opinion , it is possible to work with the same plan in such a way that a simpler and actually faster method can be implemented with some restrictions and factors. however , it needs to be explained, so in the next section, i will ask you, mr. nasiri, i agree that you will be adjusted in that section you agree, see now. before i address your question, let me raise this point that you see that when we come to design the system from an aggressive perspective
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, we consider the system in an ambitious way, which wants to solve all our problems at the beginning. hey , we have to. the people who do agriculture say, "well, there is no problem." in my opinion, the result of these adjustments is not to abandon those poor people, but to respond to that aggressive look at our system , we think of the economy, which is very easy, for example, a spaceship is moving at a low speed.
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he wants to go to the faras , he wants to, he can do this very easily, no, it's not like that at all . then, in order to answer this, we hit the system , then now it's like a cat with its whiskers pulled out , it can't move, so this imbalance , we had a balance in the economy. in general , the general balance of the system is disturbed by this mechanism , see your assumption. i came here and taxed the property secondary market, then there were several other places where the secondary market was free, what will be the result, the result is that instead of putting their money in property and producing property in the market if they support secondary property, they will go to those other markets, for example, suppose they go to the stock market, then to the stock market, will this lead to an increase in capital? no, it will not necessarily lead to an increase in capital . why? because in the capital market, someone increases the capital so that it is possible
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to sell this product. when you sell the property, the rebar will not be sold . i don't know about the rebar . i don't know the cement. there is no incentive for capital increase at that time he finds out where and what i know. our cement company and other companies that maybe more than 200 industries are related to our property industry, this does not mean that we should not tax property, it is right and we should do this, but the issue is this imbalance. by your imbalance , do you mean that we should buy from the shares of the garden and i don't know if we should buy it in a balanced way ? not only for the other person, until his child wants to buy a house , let's see, the problem is that you have this balance and
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we disturb the general balance of the system . there are related containers. you tilt this container, then this will cause this container to fill up and there will be nothing. now we have to create a balance. in order to create a balance, we have to attack the system and bring the rates down, adjust it, and have a more moderate approach to inflation. you may tell me that some country should see the inflation. tax rate, tax rate, see now. the tax rate will soon reach 35 and less than a year 45 well, this system is my point , we have to come to the system, even if we know it
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, even if we accept it . he is harming the system and the system for his own benefit. i say let's assume that we accept this speculation, for example. we can't solve the problem by attacking and aggressively, first you have to do something to get this car running, thank you. mr. azizi, do you believe that the rates should be reduced or not? basically, you think that the rates should be the same, but this did not happen, that is, yes , in my opinion, the truth is that some of the points made by the tour are the strengths of the plan, not the strengths that he wants. the tax is actually more severe or the scientific design is actually stronger in that
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, but when the government finally decided to put this market where the investment infrastructure is produced. in fact, to increase, he had finally preferred to spend money in other markets. well, this is it he gave the exemption, although i am personally sorry, i am not familiar with it, and it seems to me that it could have been included at a low rate or at least in another way regarding the secondary real estate market. what i have noticed is that the real estate developers finally make a profit , naturally, they also make a profit from the construction of housing, in fact , from these purchases and sales between this space, and in fact
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, mr. doctor says that if we take this profit , it will actually weaken us. we were produced, which means it is one- sided. yes, i think this has two or three answers one is, well, he actually made it, which is exempt , but by the way, in my opinion, this is actually a criticism tool in the field of pre-production , by the way, it is the right thing to do, as it should be, but to expect a person to make it and not sell it, or between himself, for example. formation hand in hand in order for them to reach a profit that they are expecting, this damage is definitely more than that , and i think that this plan, considering that it is set in such a way that only the construction is exempted , and these are going in a different direction by the way, we adjust our housing market to the construction market it means that the party is forced to build a unit
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that will be sold quickly and that unit that people need, that is , in my opinion, this discussion is taken into account, but the pre-sale is actually exempted up to one or two times. actually, it doesn't hurt to talk about the low rate, which the doctor says, according to the experience of some countries , just like that, in fact, with the purpose you say , the entry should be a little slower. i think that exemption will help here, that is, it exemption helps us with less population. in fact, let's face it and that population is much less than me in fact, i have no objection to being dealt with a bit more harshly. of course, you said that my rate is 10 percent higher than the actual income tax rate , which is 35 45. in fact, it is no longer in the current plan, and now there is a bill that has come in the tax for the income of individuals. he predicted 35 here
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and 10, and 45 more there. there is also because, well, finally , there should be a difference between this activity that we say is not productive, according to mr. actually, leonard berman says that it is stupid, dirty, sterile, these words are, after all, the economist. in fact, it is a tax in america between the person who has finally established a factory, yes, if we actually lower the rate, which we are going to do in the next bills, this can also be adjusted according to it, but in my opinion, it must be higher, and secondly, according to the number of views you are a good number, i think it should be more, that is, more, yes, especially
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for the first years, 10% could be even more than this twice, that is, more than 35 or 45. every few years, when it happens, we have to adjust it in such a way that compared to the inflation, it could be even faster, sir. nasir aghdam, in your opinion, it was faster, wouldn't it be better , the number of cash is very high, we did a lot of work, can we put an atom bomb under the economy and say that yes, for example , two people are making profit, let's come to our economy , the tax system they are implementing, the double tax system, the double tax system is like this. he says that i
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will tax the workforce in a staggered way on their income, but we will tax the capital according to the contemporary rate that we have . i'll take 45 or less in that pike, for example, let's go to 80. let's take to control it, i am against this because it is not possible. if it was possible, then we could discuss whether it is good or bad. i say, basically
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, there is no such possibility available to us. then see, regarding the secondary market of your property, you say that if i go, it will limit the secondary market. i will do it, but i will include it in the construction, i will exempt it, and this is very good, but the problem is that these are not separate islands, if you pay attention to me in a market of this single width , then i will come to a market. the car, which is a major problem , is built in the market. come to the main market of our property let's say it's the secondary market, sir, i treat it as if it's a possibility and i 'm going to tax it. 35, 45, 50, go up. and because of this, i don't care about my shares , come help me come to the capital market, it's not news at all that you
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are completely connected to each other, and in fact, the whole system is collapsing, so my point is that even at some point, we will say, sir, this rate should be this much. first, let's create the necessary infrastructure for the simplified implementation of brady capital tax. the time has come to reduce and increase these screws much easier, the infrastructure of the tax collection infrastructure , brady, other capital, how do we recognize the idd , how do we include it, how do we guarantee its implementation, and now this is the next part of my conversation , which should be discussed in detail. what do you see about inflation adjustment, finance, and you didn't say that the number in the current situation, if we want to tax for capital, the current 35
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, how much should it be in your opinion, 10% 10% , except for the first successful year, 10% at the current rate for the first year , how much should it be for the first year look, i don't agree that the party buys today and sells tomorrow, so it's clear but someone who, for example, buys a house and two. we don't charge any tax from this base, currently no one is subject to this , and you make it equal to the rest of the bases, it has a regulatory effect , so i say, sir, let's get here, then you say yes, for example, this was low, i saw the good effect of this.
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it is different from the property. the currency is different from the property. i don't know. the car is different from the property. it is short-term and long -term.
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in the source, let's get something simplified and finish it. thank you, sir. yes, thank you very much. i just want to say one thing. and you , i think we are talking about the housing economy after hiroshima. in my opinion, unfortunately, the housing situation, especially the non-high quality housing, is even worse than this. it is an example of my violation . in fact, we have always said that the issue is actually england, after the war. since the second world war, when these activities started , it happened very fast and very fast. now we don't expect that , not those rates, not even a ban on the 10% that mr. nasir aghdlam says, for example, for the second year. then see if you agree. there are two disadvantages in my opinion the low rate means that i understand their concern, they are actually helping the low plan, but considering that there is concern in my opinion
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, one of the issues is this. it is true that if the rate is low , it will lose its regulatory properties , not only will it lose its value, but the burden will be transferred, that is , if you actually impose a small tax , the sellers can easily pass it on to the consumers, but in the rates of the rate. above , this risk is almost according to those experiences and this is much less. the next issue is that it is short-term and long-term. please i don't agree that a year or for example a few days and a short period of time should be given a discount. i think that in the real estate market , it takes more time because of the peaks that we have in our history . it usually happens once every few years. it happens every 4 or 5 years and at least 3 years. the next discussion is that if we give a little time, for example, 6 months to a year, this can easily expand the normal documents, that is, the party will say, well
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, let's sign something together for a year or so. next year , for example, let's make this official. in my opinion , this is actually the issue, besides now back to benbeh, it is a good time, which in my opinion, of course , has a lot of time, but it was put in place because the plan that was approved says that, sir, from the time , for example, the infrastructure is provided, from, for example, three years later, for example , this will start, which means that there is no room for neglect, in fact, it is not a shock to enter the market. i think your statement is correct. i mean, i agree , but in my opinion, it is set with this, that is, the culture that we finally have and we want to correct it , it will not be corrected quickly. the last order of my doctor, the discussion is that we should actually deal with taxes at the same time, and enter into these discussions. let's not do it. i completely agree. of course, if the plan hadn't reached here, the initial version of the plan that was in the previous parliament would have been like this, but most of the friends who have an influence on it are in their minds.
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yes, yes, their mind is actually on the topic of directing towards the collection of income tax, which i myself do not really agree with this, in my opinion , this is in its own place and it is in its own place in the next few years, it can actually be combined, thank you. we discuss this inflation adjustment a lot with you . do you agree that this should happen? no, i completely disagree. in my opinion, inflation should not be deducted at all. even this is because the plan is actually half adjusted now. because the supreme supervisory board, unfortunately , in my opinion , objected to this adjustment under the title of tax justice, apparently it is supposed to be completely adjusted, but i am completely against it, even if it was not actually with the mindset of a politician that finally this plan after years it has come to this point. in my opinion, if it was not approved, it might even be better than if it was approved with an adjustment. thank you, mr. nasir yakadam. first
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of all, talk about inflation adjustment. see, capital income tax is capital income tax, so it is better to talk about wealth. we should not tax the capital id, that is, the principal of the capital is in its place, we will tax it, when we do not adjust for inflation, that means we are taxing the principal of the capital, then we should change the name of this project and call it a tax.
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we will leave the base at all , we will tax it, but we will not make an inflation adjustment for that 3%. another thing that has been done in the world is to reduce the rates by steps. i am against this, but i reduced it for one main reason. the third or fourth thing that has been done is to come. to make a double tax system is to say the fact that we tax the capital through inflationary supports that we do not adjust and come to be taxed at the bottom of the rates of other sources of income is just a matter of discussion and criticism, sir, why don't you do this openly.


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