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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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the quality of public schools should also improve this year. you see, in this one year that i was able to serve, the issue of public schools is really the number one concern. first , let's correct a misunderstanding. and that the public school is not necessarily inferior in quality to the non-public school. many of our public schools are showing the peaks of education. the teachers, administrators , and school staff are working hard and committed , and despite the bottlenecks , many educational peaks can be seen in the schools. i invite everyone to follow al-fata. see the transformation of the teacher and his website, see what great things are happening in the schools, but what did we do, mr. dr. abdini , where do we send these new teachers that we hire to the public school , good teachers.
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our veterans also have to spend half of their duties in public schools . what has made them weak? this dissolution of educational affairs has led to the destruction of public schools. 19,000 educational coaches, counselors and educational coaches come to the school it is the final exam to strengthen public schools and their quality is high. today, behind the exam hall, mr. doctor, there is no more exam book, no more booklets, the children's own textbooks , the teachers on the students this year, in addition to another evaluation that is done by the teachers and the students themselves. they will appreciate that this should also happen . mr. president has announced a priority for each of the 18 ministries of home affairs to each of them . it is surprising for the honorable nation of iran to know that the priority announced to me by mr. president in this year that is ahead of us is: there is one of the improvements that education and
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strengthening public schools and for this purpose a bill is being prepared, of course, according to the 7th plan , we may issue a bylaw instead of a bill under the title of the support bill for public schools or the bylaws for the support of public schools . let's go ahead and emphasize the point that i said at the beginning of my presentation, one of the problems of the officials, one of whom is my servant , and of course the journalists of tehran, see the idea of ​​iran. there is something happening in tehran, they decided to give it to iran, see mr. doctor, we have 18,000, almost 500 non-government schools, 16,700 schools. we have a government. really, when we look at the quality of schools, this happened in a certain number of schools, but we have much higher quality in our other public schools . the government gives a delegation. the government is the witness of the government, the example
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of the government is the government. we have to reduce this diversity . this is also on the agenda . it is the president's direct order to reduce the diversity of schools. we have a government school and a non-government school inside the government school. until the let's train our best talents with more facilities and a quality that matches the talent and capacity . god willing, mr. doctor, somewhere you said that the school modernization organization is like a workshop. school construction , construction workshop, school construction, you have converted and are converting, how is the situation now, how many schools were built and how many schools were handed over to education in 1403 ? really , the 13th people's government of iran is going to the workshop of the school, and whoever said that, his sentence is a good example mr. doctor. from the beginning of the government until now, nearly
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6900 schools have been completed, equipped or built, that is, some of these were from the previous government , we completed them. ye jo has a spirit of completion, for example, he forbids us to pick up where we are at half-time, mr. doctor, a significant number of schools. for at least 5 years, the restoration of 690 schools in sima has been stopped, that is, every 8 days, 8 schools in the country have been built, working days and this school building workshop. whether it has been done or not, yes, and the support of the benefactors , which i also feel is necessary here, as a representative of the education system , to thank each one of these good-minded future builders and invite all the people of iran to join the group of benefactors who build schools and, of course,
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help for our needs. i invited the benefactors to take over a laboratory, build a laboratory inside a school , build a workshop in conservatories, that is , based on the needs that the government supported , whatever the government says is fine. donors in the past year more than doubled what they pledged to bring in 1403, by god's grace, if our credits are secured. we hope that this will happen to my government . we will enter about 2,800 new schools into the education system and, god willing, space and equipment infrastructure. which is one of the six systems of the fundamental transformation industry , it will be realized more than ever before, mr. doctor, our educational space has reached about 5 meters and 40 centimeters in the country, do you know how much it was before the revolution, it was one meter, that is
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, let each it was 1 meter, the pen meter is 40 cm . the fundamental change document asks us to say that 8 meters is a little higher. as a result, everyone is following a very good situation. i would like to thank the governors here i would like to thank the education councils of the provinces for the good side of all this coming together and god willing , this process will continue with strength. one of our important tasks is to build large-scale schools this year. i don't know the laboratory, the prayer room, the mosque, the gymnasium, everything should be together and the education law of the neighborhood should be all there, the school doctor. for education, it is clear in which of these provinces or in which of these cities the most schools are needed and yes, to be precise , we have a system, the document itself says in the horizon of 50 next year, this microphone will be in my pocket. i can't take it out of the document. i want
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to put the document on your haft sin. these are the documents that you should see in the horizon of 50 years. it means that if you want to build a school at this point, look at it 50 years from now and do this. this is where i ask my colleagues who have concerns about the people to allow us to move forward according to this document. sometimes friends have concerns, we feel pressured that here we want a school, we say to them there, let us move forward according to the plan. yes, to be precise , there is a software. it is interesting to tell you this software the application was made by the charity assembly of isfahan province, it was made for their own province, then it found national capability. we now have it in the whole country. we now know where in the country our population is less than the national average, where it is more, where should we focus, where should we build a conservatory, where should we build a girls' school, where should we build a school ? we must demolish it in the next 3 years and build a new school. all of this is clear. there was a discussion about reducing high school branches from five to two . how is the current situation in this area? see, these are ideas of transformation that
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are proposed by specialists have been prominent for years it has also been mentioned in our course and we will definitely check them carefully. look, mr. doctor, math and experimental are only 4 hours apart in the 10th grade, people don't know this. in the 11th grade, they are only 7 hours apart . in the 12th grade, it will be 20 hours. well, the children themselves tell us that you are from morning to night. you come to us, school, class, class, tomorrow, we will say it again , school, classroom, exam, school, classroom, exam , so what will happen to the educational environment, what will the children need, what will happen, this is a very important matter , it is a national matter, the supreme education council of the country has it. studies research institute. education is bringing global studies , what we have now, from global studies, specialization in middle school has almost disappeared in the world . it is good, it is definitely needed
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, but not everyone wants to go to university , that's why we strengthened the conservatories, mr. doctor . today, the average grade point average for admission to art schools in the city tehran, many provinces have reached more than 19. today, 398 students of the second intermediate level of theory in the whole country are going to the conservatory. today, there is a competition between the provinces in the neighboring conservatories . some of the neighboring conservatories have now reached about 100. they read that they are working, they are learning there , which means that the working age of children is decreasing , we must continue this, we said 50 in the seventh program. naturally, no decision can be made until a detailed study has taken place, and let these studies be done. express yourself, show yourself, sometimes they say that there is a group that immediately attacks, sir, why
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do you say this, father, let them think , let the thought be expressed, this statement should be written , checked, validated, if it is performed well , the performances will definitely be difficult. make the same decision. but in general, we need to strengthen the skills and reduce the variety. this is the overall opinion, but until these studies come out and the council approves, naturally, no decision will be made . you arrived and now how is his condition? yes, one of our sad stories is the children who miss school during the corona era. this has reached its peak, mr. doctor. of course , they have been all over the world. literacy went down. there were a large number of students who could not study because it became electronic, and the equipment
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was not available to everyone. during the corona period, education has honestly taken a worthy effort. how did the radio and television help when the iranian school was built? since the beginning of the government, we have started the project of identifying students who have left education with the name of martyr aziz mahmoud vand . 911 thousand students were identified. next we checked the reasons why they stayed in place? you know my identification. we take the rate of births in the year 6 years earlier, then we take the rate of entering the school trap, this is how we find out how many places are left , then we see why there are places. there has been an immigration fight in cases, but the main broker of the cultural and economic reasons of livelihood issues has been involved in some of our border provinces where the children of the village were left behind. we have already started we worked on it. i personally have the experience of living in these schools
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. there are elementary schools in different villages, then the children are assigned to the first round. then we have to say the first secondary school or our former middle school. well, not all villages have schools like 10. there is no more knowledge in that school, dr. iftikhar dolat, the fact that i have about 3,000 teachers who are moving with this number for one student for two students. the number of their students is less than 20. well, this school, when you want to say that it is a secondary school, we can no longer have 13 teachers for each subject. let's send a teacher. it is logically possible. we have started to strengthen ashari and shabana rosi village schools from the mustafafan foundation, right here in front of you on behalf of the noble nation of iran. i thank the president of this foundation for starting schools with us. help us build shabanzi for these areas. we will pay their expenses , we will give them money, we will help them. we are making these children express themselves and start working. in these two years , we were able to
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send a total of about 130,000 to 40,000 of them back to school. this is more than the path of our formal education . all what we are saying is that they are left out of education, mr. doctor , not all of them are 6 years old. some of them, for example , have completed the 5th grade. there is a new development that will bring them back to education, and of course, the issue of literacy and new indicators of literacy is also the opinion of our new movement that is following, but what is certain is that it is our special concern in the seven national projects that i mentioned to we filmed the presence of mr. dr. mokhbar, one of them is the national project of preventing illiteracy and bringing back people who have missed out on education the austerity of this project has been undertaken by dr. mokhbar, his first deputy . let's follow this work
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, a camp from the islamic revolutionary guard corps is also helping, and i thank them all, imam hassan mojtabi jihadi camp, god willing , we will all return to education, god willing, our children , that is, students in the world olympiads, well, sometimes i have very high ratings, but sometimes they drop, you checked. to see what is the cause of this rise and fall in the field of education, see first what this government did in the field of the elites, the level of cultivation in the entire government, what do you expect that the government itself has 20 members of the university professor's cabinet, generally, it is a full professor , which means that the government has gone in this direction. the world in the field of medicine, we give them an operating room, that is , the president, once upon a time in this country, we used to go
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and give gold here and there, and now we go , we give laboratory equipment , we go, we give the equipment of our scientists. they build and repair therefore, the government has gone in this direction, the regulations for the support of scientists, which is a task for all institutions, but what did he do, he did two important things , firstly, the sampad of his organization. alhamdulillah , he came back at the end of the previous government because he was completely lost . he came back in this government and two good things happened to him. one was that he completed the sempad course, that is, he said that it was a 6-year study period . secondly, a great thing happened . we have 700 sempa schools in the whole country , we have more than 130 thousand students. what we did was that we took the mirror to the government and said that if the children of disadvantaged areas are accepted , the president will personally pay one to four tenths of their expenses. this means that you know that
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it was given from these budgets because it was not foreseen in the budget. mr. president had ordered the former minister to be dangerous. i followed it, when i brought the government, the head of the budget organization is not at all , mr. president said, because i promised, this is under the title of the contribution that i have to pay, i will tell you, mr. doctor, 35% of the number of sampadi in the tenth decade increased from one to four, and scholars are also completely closed. done its charter was approved in shaargi, it was revived, a grand building was given to it, mr. president, about two months ago, it was inaugurated, and this happened in 2022 and 2023, we brought 30 gold medals. in 2 years, this government is comparable to 64-6 years of the government of corona rome, you should pay attention to it. maintaining this position is a natural ups and downs , it is a competition. in general, the olympiads are back at daneshpejvan university and they are working seriously
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. hopefully, we will not have a drop. we will meet in 2022, which was historic. it was due to the fact that many of the major countries of the world were involved in the corona virus, for example, england, the united states did not participate, china did not participate at all, well, this year the number of participants will increase, and fortunately, another thing has happened. they have houses for students . my new olympiads are coming . i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. philosophy and logic olympiad. god willing, we will follow this path. dear parents. i also request you to send the children to the olympiads worrying about the final exams, your children may not be able to survive, we will take care of it .
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there are times in life when we have become familiar with books and have suggested those books to each other. now it doesn't matter what book. a book that is suitable for our age, we have learned from it or taken us to the past and we have experienced the joy of reading with it. the introduction of these books is for those who read a lot, like writers they read and write. maybe not so simple. because the volume of my reading is high , it is difficult to choose among the books i have read. if i want to tell the truth about all kinds of books and what to read, it is very difficult. all the books are good, but unfortunately, we have a lot of my book. from these conversations , the world of writers
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is as colorful as books. someone reads a research book, if you are one of them. the history of the revolution refers to the eternal family of mrs. ram hormazieh in relation to the life of martyr ishrat. dari, who was assassinated by hypocrites in front of his children in his house in 1960, is a poet who offers his own book my last book is farda after toh, which is a collection of ghazals, and some other books
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were a collection of stories from dolestan and golestan by mr. mohammad hamzezadeh, who actually created new stories in the manner of old stories. azam azimi, and before it was selected as the book of the year , we happened to read it and talked about it. the book "the wound on the wound" by mr. zabanakhet is a book that is really worth reading. perhaps the blood zone was the best book i have ever read. i was lucky enough to be among the first to read the blood zone. i read it and i even had a review for this book when i met i think it was held. it is one of the best works that can be considered as a very good source in the field of documentary writing, even in the field of sacred defense. proposals that pursue a goal. an invitation to study . students must devote some of their free time to reading during eid
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. a look at bookstores these days also speaks of books that sometimes even invite us to read on their covers. media and statistics of bestsellers are also helpful in choosing the right book. according to the statistics of the book house. iranian literature in in 1402, nearly 200,000 book titles were published in our country, works that add to our experiences by reading each of them, and nowruz is an opportunity to travel with these books. mitra labafi, sed and sima news agency. april the government presented its one-year performance statistics for job creation, according to statistics from the statistics center , the unemployment rate last year reached 9% in
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1401, which is the lowest unemployment rate in at least the last two decades, and promising statistics, along with the unemployment rate announcement, the unemployment rate has decreased. at the same time, we are witnessing the reduction of women and the unemployment rate of graduates we were the rate. the number of labor force decreased by 5% in 1401, but in the first meeting of the employment council, the president did not consider this figure to be favorable and gave the task to the government officials. this year , i urge my dear colleagues to focus on the provinces that have the highest unemployment rate so that we can actually emphasize the issue of employment within the provinces. publication of the center's first quarterly report. statistics of the unemployment rate in the spring of 1402 showed that this statistic decreased by 1% compared to the spring of 1401 and reached 8 tenths of a percent, a statistic that
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was unprecedented in the past decade. participation rate the economy has reached 41%, it has increased from 40.9% , the unemployment rate of graduates and students has decreased by 1.1% , and in the summer of 1402, good employment statistics were published. the minister of labor cooperation and social welfare announced the decrease in the unemployment rate in 21 provinces and announced that in the last two quarters of 1402, more than 650 thousand job opportunities were registered in the monitoring system, which was an unprecedented statistic of job opportunities being registered by executive bodies. . it can almost be said that in the last 19 years this summer record has been unprecedented and the record. fortunately, the 13th government, with the efforts of investors and the help of the people, has turned the past in the field of employment
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the interest of entrepreneurs is broken. in the fall of 1402, the trend of the unemployment rate was decreasing. deputy minister of employment of the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare came to the national media with promising news about job creation. one year leading to the end of the fall of 1402 showed that the unemployment rate reached its lowest level in the years after the revolution and reached 7.6%, which was a decrease compared to the fall of 14016. at the end of the year, the 1402 unemployment rate file was closed in the statistics center and a one-year report was also published. the deputy minister of employment of the ministry of labor cooperation and social welfare says that the winter unemployment rate is higher than the same period last year with a decrease of 1.11% , it has reached 8.610%, a statistic that, including
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the last three seasons , has led to breaking the quorum of the unemployment rate in the country. the annual unemployment rate reduction record for the year 1402 was recorded. the total unemployment rate for the year 1402 was 8 for the first time in recent decades. from 7 percent, that is almost the same 8 percent , that is, the unemployment rate is a significant decrease in unemployment, which according to mr. biranvand is accompanied by an increase in the economic participation rate in the country , the economic participation rate for the whole year 1402 reached more than 41. it shows this year's rate unemployment in 20 provinces is single-digit, and among graduates, the unemployment rate of graduates has decreased. it is more than 1.1% decrease compared to 1401 and reached the number of 117. deputy minister of employment
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of ministry of labor and welfare. stating that the unemployment rate of graduates has decreased over the past few seasons, the community said that the trend is decreasing, but it is still not favorable. we hope that you will bring the gap between the unemployment rate of faru tahsilan and the total unemployment rate in 1403 to less than 200. sadam news agency . the big festival of the city of household appliances and the city of carpets this
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time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid get an id with every purchase from the city of household appliances and the city of carpets, the specialized reference for carpets and household appliances , the lottery of the prizes of washlet, the new house , congratulations, the first place prize, a two -bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials, cash and 10 years of washland's monthly salary a land full of awards , the iranian grand palace opened a well-equipped and specialized digital palace in an area of ​​over 5,000 square meters in the iranian palace of qom. all kinds of mobile phones, personal computers, tablets, gaming devices and other digital accessories with unbelievable prices and
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long-term photos of the digital equipped house in the large house. iranian people
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hello, welcome to the half-day news. the leader of the revolution in a meeting with poets and people of persian culture and literature, persian poetry. it is rare and powerful in the era of media war. the translation movement should be created so that poems with poetic, expressive and strong victory are available to others. the gaza barrage and the martyrdom of 30 palestinians an hour after the ceasefire resolution was approved by the security council.


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