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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 3:30pm-4:03pm IRST

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the need is fulfilled and we have crossed the limit of self-sufficiency, in other words, that's why the discussion of needs is brought up, which is possible in answering and clarifying that there is a limit of self-sufficiency . obviously , what should the ministry of science do now in this regard, i.e., some fields that now, for example, seem to not have many applicants or have reached a point in the country where there is no need to provide free education? that these should be removed from the budget, in fact, a dynamic view should be taken let us know that mr. dr. khatibi has also mentioned this issue. i hope that more of our governments will enter this field with great action . they have exactly approved your order. sometimes we may remove some fields, the fields that are needed.
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let's create because when you talk about the need, the need has the characteristic of being dynamic over time. you have to go to delete the field and create fields . change the capacity of accepting students over time for the fields that are supposed to continue to be offered. it should not be a fixed number in the notebook of the assessment organization for accepting students now by the way, this is happening well. your opinion is not very dynamic, that is , it can happen more simultaneously and in accordance with the market conditions . can you give us an example ? the unemployment rate of our graduates is significantly higher .
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it may not be good, but see, in a specific engineering group, our resources and our capacities should be transferred, maybe between the two fields of computer and electricity, we should make such a choice, which one? let's narrow down which one to develop more and as a result, the issue will be related to the amount of financial resources that will be allocated to these fields. thank you, mr. khatibi . you see, they point out the right points, but they are not precise because the generalities are acceptable . everyone says that the fields should, for example, discuss their employment on the transfer of credits, but this work has been started for more than two years in a serious manner in the ministry of science. you see, we cannot stand still in the ministry of science. the essence of our work is
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that we are 100 dynamic, we have 100 dynamics we can't at all, when we are moving forward with modern science, we can't stand still in one place and say where it shows itself. you may see a specific field in the educational headings that you are considering, the title of the field is the same, but look at the educational headings now. are you saying that it is different from 4 years ago? we may not change the field in many places, but we are basing the education on the current needs . well, one day, transistor televisions will be taught here now, in your opinion, it is a reasonable condition that we should continue to provide that education . there is no need at all anymore, but we should go towards graduates
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, which means more education, but the topics should be different . when we are talking about quantum science in communication science today. we are doing communication technologies, and if the number of graduates who are based on this requirement is not as many as the number of my fingers, then this requires that we should strengthen this field, not because now graduates in a course i agree with the general point of employment we have also reduced the capacity of a significant number of courses to zero, which means that admission to that course will no longer take place. like now, the title of the course goes to students who have completed their studies. here, yes , they may be in your own hands. that.
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is it special or not, and it is an indicator that actually guides us whether we should continue this course or stop it. this dynamic used to be a little slower, now it is happening at a much faster rate, which means that we have increased the number of courses we have. we make and reduce, the number is too much where we can't add or subtract subjects , we raise the headings from the bottom . employment even in the fields of humanities, you see, we are discussing the slogan of the year. well, the supreme leader said that the jump in production with the participation of the people, we want
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to give a jump in production. where does the factor of education and the factor of manpower fit into the jump? it is definitely one of those points that should be discussed. production leap, let's pay attention to it. training of human resources is our responsibility. if our workforce , our workforce, our production workforce receives updated training, the training should be updated continuously, definitely in the output of its production will be effective . when should the work and training be done? definitely, the university should do it. if we want to have a productive type of production , we can have training based on production, for example, which has already expired. both production and education have expired, so mr. dr. roshni , we cannot be static in the ministry of science , we cannot be static at all in the ministry of science, the process is definitely a
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dynamic process, a dynamic process, but they agree, maybe you can tell what is happening. with attention according to the needs we have today , we are still like two runners, one of whom has a phase lead, a few seconds, a few minutes earlier , his speed has actually started to run, but i can claim here that we are moving with a few minutes of phase delay. we started, we come together somewhere, the place where we come together is where our education is completely in line with the needs of the market, the needs that and the needs that, in any case, whether in the humanities or in the field of technology , but it may need a little. let's face it, we can't anymore . you want to lift your foot from a staircase put a step higher, you can't
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remove it for a few moments when your foot is in the air, because then you won't be able to climb the stairs , we have to go up the stairs in order to jump. ok, we can't remove this, but the important thing is that the path we are taking is the path towards excellence, the path towards the advanced is the path where a complete review has been done in the fields of higher education , in the methods of education. to have continuous employment and fields that, of course, this may not be good saying it but proving the claim. these groups are stealing our graduates, well, he is showing us. anyway, we are graduates. they are taking the lead in many places, in many industries, both inside and outside the country. mr. mehrabani, mr. khatib said. that part
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of your statement was imprecise. regarding the point you said in the previous part , please give a more precise answer. my servant was right in my opinion and that my conclusion was not accurate. i don't agree, this is not very accurate, mr. doctor , pointing out that the dynamic has increased for the last two years, i mean most of the last four decades, that is, the result of performance based on principle 30. at the beginning of my speech , i mentioned that my goal is not to criticize the performance of the government or a specific time and a specific parliament. this whole issue was in my mind at the time that if we see today the unemployment rate of our graduates is high
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, we are talking about the number of numbers above 40, this cannot be the result of the performance of, for example, 2 years , 5 years. it was a decade. which created this structure therefore, i confirm that mr. doctor called my speech inaccurate, but i did not mean the last two years, the whole of these last decades. in my opinion, this is the part that mentions about the change of headings . now, since we were talking about additions and subtractions and some fields , how do you evaluate it? it is a very good idea and in my opinion, i completely accept the doctor's order. i completely agree with the principle, where the field cannot be deleted, we changed the title, for example, but let's go to the real world, because i am a teacher myself . in reality, there are many changes
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we do not witness the dynamic, which means that sometimes the headings change , but what is meant by changing the headings does not happen in reality . this is where the problem comes in. i will say to mr. doctor , maybe the vice-chancellor of my ministry, if there is a better attendance, they will guide me to a university , he will change the title and suggest to the ministry of science. science announces to all universities that this is the new title for, for example, 5 years it is true that the period of time is 5 years. well, when
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this work is done centrally from top to bottom , many public universities will not be under the burden of it. he used to say that this is what has been communicated to us now, so he is resisting it . in practice, what we aimed for is not realized dynamically, that's why , as a teacher, i say that this problem exists , we have to solve it in a different way. changing the title and even changing the majors to the universities themselves, why shouldn't we give our own universities the honor and position that they themselves define and present the expression of a particular title
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, so that the level of compliance with the current conditions and needs is higher, when you take a specific topic from a university, you communicate it to all the universities , as a rule, the degree and extent of its implementation will decrease in practice. thank you . take two minutes for mr. mehraban to see that the universities have a lot of authority in addition to this, i will give you an example . we announce generalities in the headlines, for example , we have a mining engineering major in a university, in the geographical area where that university is located, and its policy is localization, and the students who go there, for example, exploitation and extraction. for example, egypt is being taught about the mining of egypt, if we
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do not have any egyptian mining in that city at all, and vice versa, for example , we have a mine of a very rare element that must be taught. the university can definitely come up with other topics at the level of the group hazratali istihar, what are the optional courses and elective courses? today, an educational group recognizes, for example, in a place where we have veterinary medicine and the people's industry is light . by the way, this is at the disposal of the groups , it is at the disposal of the faculties, up to the university education council, but there is a discussion beyond this. you see, in the field of higher education budgeting, a unique event took place in the year 403, when we passed bill 400d and bill 43
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, which in 402 was compiled, well, the ministry of science suggested he said that 15% of the current credits of universities should be spent on research activities. you see, this is one of those hidden costs that cannot be seen, so it happens to be the first place where they pay for it . the financial officials of the universities cut the budget to the extent that they leave the field of research, they say, because there is not much oppressed field there, but it is extremely effective. well, the honorable minister of science, an international scientist , is the helmsman of the science ministry of this country today. well, they have a hand in research, they have a name in the international arena. suggesting 15% of current university credits should be research. i i hope this will happen. in the space of a few more mornings
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, organize a meeting like this again. the effects of performance-based budgeting and then examine this way. mr. see in two minutes , i don't have any problem with the principle of what the doctor is saying, but see, mr. doctor , you yourself mentioned that 15% should be applied verbally . when the universities are lacking , they do it from somewhere else, it doesn't happen in practice, that is, the things that haven't been implemented are supposed to be implemented, not even if they enter. let it be like the rest of the issues that we have seen, the implementation will be difficult because of all the current needs
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, when you consider the implementation, when it reaches the implementation stage , the vice presidents and heads will go in this direction to fill the challenge from one place, we had so many cases. various matters that are taken from other places and used for other matters and put under another heading, that's why i say that a mechanism should be developed by the ministry of science, which will actually make this 15% implementation guarantee a little clearer for us, and let's hope that 15% will be realized. find it, otherwise, if it's just setting the rate, i'm worried about that. based budgeting i am the function that i mentioned in the law of the 6th plan was approved and its implementation is very weak. it means that you say that you are disappointed . both guests of the program
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, all the good viewers, especially the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment, may god bless you and protect you. 300 people are pouring the quota until the last tenth, we can deliver the rest, we have to be released , we are not at all in gasoil pump, our effort is low, it is really low, it means that we will not
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be able to work with gasil, reduce our quota. it means that if we really want to work, we will not get enough gas. we see some places , we don't find gas at all , we sleep. their car is lying down, they bring their cards , they give us the parking space, we go, we borrow from our friends , we go, we buy cars that are in the garage of the drivers. from bahman 2013, it was decided to launch a system based on gas oil mileage should be allocated, i.e. gasoil against the performance of a complete system
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. the prediction is that it will be ready at the beginning of 2015, according to the announcement of the fuel consumption optimization company, this plan was not implemented with all its margins. but finally, in may 1402, with the support of the budget law, the fuel consumption optimization company, the road organization, the national oil products distribution company and the police signed a memorandum of understanding. up to his foot system. by the end of the year, we will see that according to the law of the islamic council, which came in our budget we can
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let's consume and reduce the consumption, part of it is daily and part of this burden, we can reduce the dissatisfaction , god willing, with the end of the deadline for the implementation of the budget law of 1002 ... 4002, the reports of the road administration indicate that the work is left on the ground. this action was taken to discuss the bus fleet. before arriving at the road police station, all the information of my fleet, such as the operating hours of the driver's vehicle, the speed of the vehicle , and all the things related to the safety of the vehicle , are exchanged to the road police station and the fuel is allocated intelligently. it is provided to the fleet through the system of depositing and navigation that is done considering that now we are a little behind the time that was considered in 1402, but immediately after the selection
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of the investor, the implementation phase of installing the system on the country's cargo fleet will be entered into, this law remains on the ground, but in the law this year's budget has also arrived . it is hoped that in 1403, we will be able to equip namagan bari with the deposit system with this appropriation law. the fuel-to-mileage extra-urban fleet enters its 10th year of operation. ruqiyeh hoyda, radio and television news agency. preventing pests of products, increasing the storage time of materials food and productivity development. this year's rice is also very white. it is very good that the conditions achieved by the production of different irradiation systems in the agricultural industry, by
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irradiating food and agricultural products , it can increase their pest susceptibility and their shelf life or their preservation, and in this way it can increase by about 30%. waste the problem that the country is facing in this field should be curbed and controlled. the production of gamma radiation systems in different capacities by experts in the nuclear industry has led to the development of the market for farmers . we are a producer of date pulp. most of our products are durable. it has been two to three months with the help we got from perto to the northwest of the country and now our products are under radiation . in the field of agriculture, radiation does not end only with gamma systems, and nuclear industry scientists industrialized microwave and electromagnetic systems.
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by removing pests from agricultural products , especially legumes, grains, medicinal plants and date raisins, this device can increase the amount of storage , increase the duration of storage, this is the country's need. it actually affects insect larvae and insect eggs and destroys them without changing the taste of the product . the irradiated device of the donated blood was produced from sitting, irradiated , packaged and opened. it is ready to use. the mechanism of its effect, as you know, is that it absorbs water and because
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it is made of polymers that are very small, it enters the body tissue. blood vessels after the water has been absorbed into them, that water it absorbs to itself and makes it easy to control the bleeding from the place where there is bleeding. it is easy to control with this powder. he throws it. it destroys the thistles or, in fact , takes them out of the reproduction mode, which means that they cannot reproduce again, and in the same way, it causes the patient's body to not show a reaction, according to the strategic document of the nuclear industry, the establishment of 12 radiation poles in the country. it is one of the goals pursued by nuclear experts . mohammad ghasem kiaei, sed and cima news agency. kohn shahrhar shusher these days with the works of the world register of beaches eye-catching, handicrafts and traditional bazaar, because
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of nowruz guests from all over iran, the vastness of south khorasan, birjand, we came from tehran , saharistan, shiraz, we came from tabriz, and shusher is really wonderful, well, it's a city, i think it was on the way. which has room for development and it is possible to work on the issue of attracting tourists . here, the collection of waterfalls and mills in the world record is the most popular destination for nowruz guests. it was good at this time. i came from tula . i looked at these water instruments. it is really admirable and surprising . boating is also one of the most popular interests of tourists. it was very nice in shushtra shushtar, the people were nice and hospitable, sometimes the ride was great . the gargar river tour starts from the series of waterfalls and asia , which continues to khan's historical garden, and you will see the surrounding works of the river, in short, if you
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are a guest these days. you are in khuzestan, a trip to the ancient city of shushtar with a set of historical, natural and cultural capacities can be memorable for nowruz guests.
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what ingredients do you prepare with? sweets with flour, oil, cream oil, turmeric, fennel, sugar. in the village, these days are the time for reconciliation, seeing and visiting and giving gifts to children. if the spring
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of nature has become symmetrical with the spring of the qur'an and the mood of the village is different than ever . we held a qur'an class. most of the children are under 6 years old . during nowruz, be sure to visit the villages of kermanshah province, villages with pristine nature and hospitable people. samayeh darshi of the sed and broadcasting news agency of samle seflan village.
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maxi in gano's guarantee of the celebration service. big city of household appliances and city of carpets this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr with every purchase from the city home appliances and city rugs get idi. a specialized reference
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for carpets and household appliances. we have built one and a half million hotels and... residences all over the world with flytoday for you to come and see. this is called installment purchase. they come as you want. they come with different accessories of each model and name. don't worry about buying . they have a variety of prices, come to the house, come to the house. biya sera has a lot of farad discounts for anywhere you want. it has cool items. so what happened? farid qasti , whatever you want. big iranian sera in tehran , qom and isfahan . i am your host until 2:00 in the morning in tehran.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, our greetings with the news section at 16:00, you will be accompanied by the managing director of the country's fazadlab water engineering company .


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