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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm IRST

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it takes 2 to 3 weeks for the payment to be made. special thanks and god bless. in the name of god. hello
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, you are accompanying us with the news section at 17:00. the director of supervision of financial institutions of the stock exchange announced the cancellation of the activity license of a portfolio management company and an investment consulting company due to significant violations last year. mr. arabzadeh said that the activity license of two other financial institutions that have a portfolio management license was also revoked. director of supervision of financial institutions . azman bours has announced the increase in fines for financial institutions' violations and said that if a violation occurs, it will cause damage to the capital's interests. if the founders of the company are to be regulated, the license of that company will be revoked. mr. arab also pointed to the intensification of the systematic supervision of financial institutions and said that a system called bidar has been launched to supervise the financial institutions of the securities.
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the minister of energy said that in 1402 , water was supplied to 5 thousand villages, there are 5 thousand villages left, and these 5 thousand villages are also the implementation operations, many of them have started and are in various progress , sometimes 10%, 20%, even we have projects that are in the final stages. yes, we have planned that, god willing, with the support we get, we will be able to do it by the end of 1403 , we will also complete the rest of the villages, god willing. with the suspension of the operation of the shafa hospital following the large-scale air attacks of the zionist regime on this hospital, now the al-mu'amdani hospital in gaza is witnessing the presence of a large number of patients and wounded in the genocidal war of this occupying regime. some of the wounded
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have difficult conditions, but due to the lack of hospital equipment , it is difficult to provide services to them. we are now in al-momadani hospital , which is full of wounded and sick. after the hospital was taken out of service, this hospital was the only shelter for a large number of wounded and sick people done we are now with a patient who is suffering from malnutrition. despite the shortage. the facilities and the large number of injured people are being provided by al-momadani hospital. due to the lack of facilities , we lost many wounded. some of the wounded are in a difficult situation, but we are not able to provide services to them due to the lack of equipment. the occupiers destroyed ashfa hospital and we cannot use the equipment in that hospital. despite the lack of facilities, we try to continue our work. the number of wounded
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is very high, the rooms are full of wounded how much does it affect the condition of the patients and the wounded? it has a lot of impact. the number of wounded is very high, but we don't have enough beds for the wounded. many of the wounded lie on the ground, and this affects the health of the patients. this patient suffers from feeding problems, what do you do in this situation? flooded southern sistan baluchistan started with sending the second convoy of educational equipment and investment . the head of the country's school modernization, development and equipment organization said that in the first phase, nearly 4 billion tomans worth of equipment will be sent. and in the second stage, nearly 10
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billions of tomans worth of equipment will be sent to flooded areas. equipping flooded schools after the flood. the second stage of sending the convoy of educational and cooling equipment to the flooded schools was a gift of student martyrs, a shipment worth 10 billion tomans. with the efforts of all the dear ones , this program was arranged so that all the schools that may have some problems in the flood now have their facilities fully provided. the recent flood in the southern regions of sistan baluchistan province.
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schools have been speeded up and all flooded schools will be equipped by april 14. therefore, during the second phase , we sent equipment to the flooded areas, such facilities, including tables and chairs the equipment, especially the cooling equipment, which will be explained in this shipment, god willing, will be 150 polars. the final stage of sending the equipment will be in august of this year. this equipment is for more than 6 thousand students. watershed according to the natural resources and
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watershed officials of ilam, in the last two years, 20,000 cubic meters of mechanical operations and 5,000 hectares of biological operations have been carried out in the watersheds of this province. rainfall, flooding of the river, followed by damage, and a drop of rain is very life-threatening. this is the story of the flood of 1398 ad 1400 ad and 4001 ad in this region, which only in 1401 ad 35 billion toman brought character, the shop cost more than 300 million, the material inside is free, we have a complete refrigerator. destruction will come, we witnessed more than 50 mm of rain in badre city, serious damages were caused to the infrastructures, which caused the implementation of watershed projects to be put on the agenda, and in these two years, 4 billion tomans equal to 19 damages of 1401 watershed structures. at the top of this city
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, we were able to measure 5 thousand cubic meters in the area of ​​badre sazeh, until these days, with 90 mm of rain, we have seen damage in this. an example of it can be seen upstream of ilam city. the watershed works in the ilam area of ​​13,000 hectares have been able
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to control this flow, and the implementation of these projects in dere sher city, in addition to preventing damage , has led to the prosperity of agriculture in the downstream. oh, the dams that opened at the mouth of the rivers will hold the flood. alhamdulillah, our crops are very good now. in the last two years, 50 billion tomans have been allocated for watershed projects in the province. 20,000 cubic meters have been spent. we implemented biological projects from the area of ​​1 million hectares of ilam province in 635 a thousand hectares of watershed projects have been implemented and based on the opinion of the work. continuity and speed in the implementation of these projects requires more people's participation in this field, and a large bridge in the city of baltimore, america , broke and collapsed after a cargo ship hit it. after this incident, 20 people were trapped and several cars
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fell into the river. did rescuers are still trying to find the missing. the port of baltimore is located on the east coast of america. thank you very much for your company. have a nice day. god bless you. i would like to say hello again to you, my dear countrymen, and i would like to say that during today in the actual provinces on the southern shores of the caspian sea, shahed in terms of temperature. we are experiencing an increase in temperature in these areas, but due to the waves passing through the northern parts
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of our country from wednesday to friday, this increase in temperature will give way to a decrease in temperature in these areas due to the rain that entered the country in the past two days. today, its activity has ended in the western half of the central regions of the country, the only witnesses of rains are in the provinces of golestan, north khorasan , razavi khorasan, south khorasan, our province, and the northern parts of hormoz province. we know that gradually, simultaneously with the departure of this yirisa system, the rains will fall in these areas as well it is coming to an end, but due to the passage of successive waves until friday in the northern parts of our country , cloudy skies were reported in the northwestern parts of the country from this afternoon , rains will gradually begin in the northwestern parts of the country during the day. on wednesday, these conditions continue in the northwestern parts of the country, in addition to the northwestern parts of the country. on the southern shores of the caspian sea, in the northeastern parts of the country, in north khorasan province
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, we also witness these rains. on thursday , there will be rains in the northwestern parts, the western regions, the slopes of the center of zagra, the southern parts of the caspian sea. we predict the slopes of alborzt and the northeastern parts of the country. we expect that on friday, the rains will reach the parts of the eastern part of the country, these rains will be in the northeastern parts, the eastern areas. we will have rains in the south-eastern parts and the central areas . on saturday, the rains will continue in the north-western parts and the slopes of the zagros, but another phenomenon that will be seen in the next 24 hours is the sport of strong winds in the central parts of the in the east and south-east of the country, we expect the wind speed to increase in some hours , causing strong winds to blow in these areas and the soil to decrease. air quality as well. in the next 24 hours , we will face the persian gulf due to the wind, and tomorrow the persian gulf and
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the strait of hormuz are expected to be rough . thank you for accompanying us until this moment.
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making a living is such an important issue that it is said that the healthy and moral life of the people of a country is formed based on this income and job. now suppose that in a country as big as iran, the government has a heavy responsibility for the employment of graduates and university graduates and individuals. he has professional skills and what kind of disaster can the smallest management weakness
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bring to the point where one of the indicators of a government's success or weakness comes back to the issue. creating jobs. in the previous government, the number of inactive population or in simpler words the number of people who left the labor market increased so that from 1397 to 1400, 3 million and 300 thousand people were added to the number of inactive people in our country . it was annoying to the society that the elimination of unemployment was considered one of the main issues in the election promises. with the coming of the 13th government, the unemployment rate became single digits. and this happened for 2 consecutive years, which was unique in the last two decades. attention to capacities such as production works, knowledge-based companies, etc even reopening the factories that
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were closed in the previous government and activating these capacities is the basis of the rate reduction. something happened in the 13th government so that today a large number of people who had lost their jobs in the past are returning to the job market, and this is so sweet that it is considered a turning point for creating hope in our society today and it can have a favorable effect for the leap. it should be produced with the participation of the people and it should be a declaration of readiness for the new year slogan of the supreme leader. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen , welcome to this part of iran young countries of the world and every year a huge number of
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university graduates can potentially enter the labor market. creating new job opportunities along with maintaining existing employment is one of the important concerns of the government. in the 13th government, the aforementioned policy has been pursued in the form of economic growth regeneration policies, support for employment, support for production, support for non-fatty exports, prevention of closure of production units, and facilitation of business start-up. what were the results of the policies i mentioned? one of them this is because the unemployment rate remains in the single digit range and on the other hand, the rate of economic participation has experienced a relative improvement day by day. if i want to give an example, i must tell you that the unemployment rate in the fall of 1402 compared to the same period last year , i.e., the fall of 1401, decreased by 6.1 percent, and this shows that the policy the government's efforts in the field of employment
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have been fruitful and have made us more hopeful about the future of this country's economy. you must have heard this sentence many times in the movies when they say, mr. groom, what is their job? this means that employment is important even for forming a life. any country that has more employment capacity has a better and more important position in terms of economic power. the 13th government took care of the businesses and revived the tradition of master and apprentice. the flow of production became everywhere in the country and by designing the national labor market system, it helped the job seekers to reach their favorite jobs. looking at the private sector is considered one of the most important economic approaches of the country after the islamic revolution, which the 13th government
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strengthened by granting banking facilities and by encouraging the economic center to attract people. he took the business specialist towards becoming a professional, which created the motivation for professional work in the country. it might be interesting to know employment has a direct relationship with the prosperity of reverse migration and even the improvement of a country's national security. therefore , paying attention to employment is also considered to pay attention to the country and its people. it is predicted that the world population will reach about 9.3 billion people by 2050, that is, 256 years from now. based on this prediction, they say
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that iran's population may be more than 100 million in the next 10 years. so, creating sustainable jobs along with providing food for this population is one of the concerns of policymakers who have to make decisions ahead of time and plan from the side of the government's recruitment system. it is not like the past and there have been changes and now job creation is based on people's skills and their creativity. the lack of skills in university education has caused some business experts to oppose it, on the other hand , there are some who agree with the educational policies of universities . i must say that business experts say. they say that the two fields of service and agriculture have succeeded in attracting young workers compared to other fields . the unemployment rate in the 13th government
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is very low . it is approaching the level of oecd countries. it has reached 6%, while in the fall of last year, this rate was 8.2%. during the winters , the participation rate during the corona period was very low. doing physical or informal work. continue the informal work you did during the corona period, however, the government has tried to recover the labor market in these two or three years after the corona virus and has tried to
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increase the participation rate . in the winter of last year , it was 405 tenths of percent, so my opinion is that our job market is now you are in a good position, we have only one problem that needs to be there. and that is the field of university graduates, where the government is trying to use the legal capacity of tabsare 18 or note d of the budget law 1403 to direct many resources to the field of employment for academics with knowledge-based employment. let's achieve a favorable participation rate. one of the main achievements of the 13th government in the field of employment. 1. the number of workers this summer has reached 24 million 685 thousand people, which is more than
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the summer of 1400, which is the beginning of the 13th government. 1 million 280 thousand people have increased. 2. the country's unemployment rate started from 84 and was 119% before the beginning of the 13th government. now on channel 8. the percentage is located. 3 in 3 years, more than 67 thousand billion tomans have been allocated from the government's general budget resources to support production and employment. four: the unemployment rate of female graduates has increased from 22.6 to 19.4 percent. the unemployment rate of young women between the ages of 15 and 24 has increased from 37% to 28%. 5. focusing on strengthening and developing the quality of job applicants, building institutions to support business activities, creating incentives for employers to employ labor.
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and business development with an emphasis on micro and small businesses. well, let me look at you now. hello , have a good time. thank you very much, stay healthy. are you serious? i am adel sarani . i am a teacher and an elevator technician . it worked because i had the experience that if i didn't have material needs, i still had a feeling of needing to work. you can't stay unemployed, so if someone uses the excuse of if he has enough income, he wants to close the business
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, he does the first damage to himself and then he deprives the society of his skills, experience and efforts. it's good that the unemployment rate has come below 88, so it's promising. in any case, there has been an improvement compared to previous years . i pray to god for some of our youth. that makes them not go into business, god willing, they will take it. god willing, this year will be a good year for young people, full of work and business. thank you very much, teacher. good luck, please, please. at the end of 1402, thank god, the unemployment rate has decreased in 21 provinces of our country, this rate has decreased in 24 it is a single-digit province and 19 dear provinces of our country
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have an unemployment rate of less than 7%. the unemployment rate has decreased along with the increase in the rate of economic participation with the efforts of the 13th government and the synergy and cooperation of various agencies and institutions in the field of employment. having said that, the goal of creating more than one million jobs per year has been achieved by the 13th government, thank god, but we should not stop at this point and we should try to move forward according to the seventh development plan so that the employment sector becomes more and more active day by day. the 13th government stands firm in dealing with unemployment and creating employment for you, the lovely people of iran. until the i leave the next program to the great god and may god protect you.
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the big celebration of the city of home appliances and the city of carpets this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr , get an id with every purchase from city of home appliances and city of carpets . where are you? how are you? we are fine. don't worry. we have come to sarai irani. cooler. this is the time of the year. with this rush, the special sale of gas air conditioners has started in iran's big house with exceptional conditions . special sale without cash, payment without guarantor in iran's big house until 2 o'clock in the morning in
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tehran . . i am your host , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, dear countrymen at 17:30 with some news from the field of science and technology. support of the ministry of oil for knowledge-based activities the minister of oil said that the types of goods and services needed by the technologists have been announced so that the knowledge-based companies can produce them. today, more than 650 knowledge-based companies are working, and twice in the discussion of using the first stage of construction


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