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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, please accompany us with the economic news: the first ripe wheat ears in the country were harvested from the wheat fields of tanbgaran village, ghaleganj city, in the south of kerman. gun's first impression. considering that this year the rainfall was very low in the region, we hope that due to the mechanized cultivation we had, using the experiences of other farmers and the services of agricultural jihad, we hope to have a good harvest in the region. he also used chamran sirvan field
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, our cost had really increased compared to last year, approximately 12 13 per hectare. we have given millions of fertilizers, except for government fertilizers , we have given free fertilizers and various poisons such as aphids and other poisons that we have given to wheat. thank god , according to the words of hazrat agha, who said the year of production leap with the participation of the people. we expect the authorities to pay the wheat harvesting fee on time, according to mr. agha, it will not be like last year. inshallah, it will be a good year. it is expected that more than 190 thousand tons of wheat will be harvested and sent to the market this year, based on technical data. last year, we considered 3 issues so that we can increase the quality and reduce the waste. role
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we should have more . the first was the issue of density and planting date , which was almost followed . and the third discussion was pest management, especially the age of wheat, about 80 to combine now at my level. there is, but our need is more than 120 tons of campaign. the price of freight from the farm to the shopping center will be prepared like last year. god willing , the wheat harvest in qalganj city will start from the 6th of april. from the beginning and until the end of may , the story of qalganj sed and broadcasting news agency , the researchers of the south kerman agricultural and natural resources research center in
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jiroft have achieved the technical know-how to produce hybrid varieties of greenhouse peppers. production of hybrid seeds in the south of kerman , since 2018, the center for agricultural research and education and kerman monastery has been conducting various breeding programs for the production of peppers, cucumbers, and the same type of non-flowering tomatoes. fortunately, we have created very good hybrids about the types of pepper in one of these projects , we managed to obtain 10 hybrid capsicums of kapi and shamshir. these capsicums were compared with foreign and imported cultivars and assessed as having a good competition in terms of quantitative and qualitative traits . let's get about 7 lines. but because
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our climatic conditions were good and we could cultivate two seasons a year, after six or seven generations we were able to obtain pure lines . the products are sent abroad. nowadays, the price of seed products the greenhouse is very high and this has greatly increased the cost of production. for example, one hybrid pepper seed in a greenhouse costs 15,000 tomans. if we estimate the turnover of greenhouse products , currently the level of cultivation of greenhouse products , especially for the four main crops of cucumbers. there are about 13,000 hectares of peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants , and the cost of importing these four products is about one and two-tenths of hammet's estimate. this number is very high. the technical knowledge of the production of
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hybrid vehicles, which is of special importance in the country it has the problems of diseases and quarantine pests that have entered the country along with forced imports in recent years and a big challenge in the production of products such as tomatoes and flappers . considering the 2,500 hectares of greenhouse cultivation in the southern area of ​​kirwan province, by acquiring the knowledge of hybrid seed production in this area, in addition to the needs of greenhouses in the south of kerman province, the need for seeds in other greenhouses of the country will be provided. ali saeedi, sed and sima news agency. and the deputy minister of registration of statistics gave that in 1402 more than 1300 units shutdowns in industrial partnerships returned to the production cycle . in total, in the last two years, 8 thousand closed and
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semi-active units have resumed production with the support of providing facilities for the supply of raw materials and removing some obstacles . it has been two years since this factory the production sound is heard. after a gap of 15 years. the work situation was good the year i was here. thank god , we are working again in this collection. a collection that has been turned off for years due to problems in providing raw materials and working capital. here, in 1985, he got the necessary permits. but unfortunately, because now there are no problems with the supply of raw materials. and now mali could not continue its activities , it was closed from 2006 to 1400. to restart this production unit, which is located in one of the industrial towns around tehran, the industrial towns company only
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provides the basic production infrastructure. so far, we have not received riyals from banking facilities. it was only our own investment that we did. but you bought the discussion. malik, and now the people here , alborz province partners, helped us a lot by turning on the lights of this industrial unit, both for the workers from shirin and for about 50 people. since we are educated, we are not paying for our living expenses. we were really stressed that he would sleep here. we are content to take a bite of bread with us on our journey . it produces when there is actually a power outage, your systems now run from the computers or servers of banks, hospitals, if we can really supply the raw materials here, maybe up to 100, for example, two or three. next month, we can reach
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from the beginning of the 13th government, the movement to revive the units closed and semi-closed economy, with the help of the industrial estates company, some of the production obstacles were removed from the production units. as announced by the movement for the revival of economic units and the industrial towns company , in the last two years, about 8,000 closed and semi-closed units returned to the production cycle. nowruz beygi news agency. i am very grateful to all of you , asking for prayers and
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god's protection. in the name of god, the light . in the
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name of god, the light. allah is the witness of god. hai ali al-salah hai ali al-salah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-falah
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to qasim aslani, he started working to revive the customs and traditions of qasim abad, now the story. a number of these people are written in a book titled "yaresh
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". the word "yaresh" is a gilkian word. in fact , it is bravery for the book's ability, which has reached the schools of gilan province for the first time. it is about the concerns that there are problems in the provinces, which is the province and 21 some of their children came to gilan and solved those 21 problems. heroes on the side this is the book that we recently published , yarash textbook. this textbook was printed for the purpose of teaching the story of your life to students in school. it is a textbook-style book that shows children and teenagers that success is not impossible. another one of these stories is the story of gholamreza mohammadpure, a beekeeper who, with a diploma , actually attended beekeeping classes and built devices that only examples exist abroad
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. most of my students are farmers. ali kazemi is a rural farmer with his good observation, he was able to identify an exquisite and healthy iranian rice. the textbook, which is now an advanced narrative , combines the students' homework with life experiences. in the beginning , our income was mostly from selling cheese, the money was not much , but it was good for living. headline in this book, he talks to the children himself. chapters like sow seeds of hope in your heart, pave the way with knowledge , don't be a manager, be responsible, topics that show each of the book's messages, mitra labafi , sda news agency, amir mehr's book, a selection of works of art, about amir mominan alaihi
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peace be upon every hidden work that is revealed. in this book , there are poems by 123 artists describing the life of amir al-mu'minin and photos and paintings about him. the common thread that has been of interest to all the artists of this land since long ago in this 13th and 14th islamic centuries is amir al-mu'minin and this book is a kind of devotional letter of artists to alavi's holy watch. amir mehr's book reviews and describes the pilgrimage letters of hazrat ali , peace be upon him, such as the pilgrimage letter of aminullah . binding has a very long history in iran and we tried to always do something let's hope that it is true and what work is better than the work of amir mehr, who
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has the beautiful and blessed name of mr. amir al-mu'minin. the book aims to attract the thoughts and attention of worshipers of science and affairs. it has entered the field of research so that the words and description of the life of amir mominan are not neglected in the present era. the readers of this book are a wide range of people who are interested in the personality of hazrat mullah, who has always had a spiritual attraction for art lovers. following the wisdom of islamic art by introducing the book of amir mehr, taken from the collection of artists' visual works in a simple and fluent language.
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sadr was the link of the world, he was ali , he was the shape of the earth, and time was ali. 200 works out of 132 the artist has been published in this book, 70 of which are calligraphy by mehdi sarzabi of the salah and sima news agency in 1961, during the war of al-sadegh high school, which once was in there was spying. seyyed mohammad hossein khorasani, esmailade and mustafa namazi were the students of this high school who, like their other friends, could not last behind the school bench . we are fighting this war until the last moment of our blood and we will not die until disbelief is destroyed. dear students of
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islamic revolutionary guard corps high school the book yaran high school of the children of sepah high school says that they year in 1962 and 1963, high school friends left for the fronts , mocking that friends who went together and were brave and proud in the fronts, became martyrs. about half of the 900 students of this school took up arms and defended the homeland in the operations of wal-fajr, 8 karbala, 5 operations of kurdistan, in the cases of the end of the mersad war, these children are martyrs, and about 100 of these children are martyred. 150 some of them become veterans and about 300 people get injured. in this book
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, the memories of 500 people, including the remaining high school students of al-sadegh school and the families of the martyrs, are narrated. the interesting memories of this class about the holy war and defense today are included in this book, and there are about 9 chapters , a research work has been done for 3-4 years . we were able to collect these interviews, we found them , we interviewed them. this high school is known by the name of its 11 martyrs and its stories are full of.
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noor roz 1402 channel 3 portrayed the competition among athletes with the champion race. we tried to keep the spirit of competition aside. let's create a lively atmosphere, let's make our unique iranian features very bright in it. 3 days in april in 1402, hoshiar competition was broadcasted on education network with the aim of achieving educational justice. all mothers and their daughters were also guests of panj sima channel in khordad with cooking competition with mom. two minutes to see
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where this work of art can be reached in the remaining two minutes? we are trying to popularize forgotten iranian dishes in this program along with authentic iranian dishes. here we learn that sir, in 35 minutes to 40 minutes, we can prepare a simple meal and eat it together. atara is another atara. we are looking for moments to be able to think, smile and face health let's connect together and offer flowers to the viewers of bella and far away from them. shokofa is here to introduce you to a series of elite young people so that we can achieve success with hope and motivation, and success can only be achieved through teamwork. in december 1402, the best scientists competed in the shkofa competition on channel one. with the information we receive from them on age, we can
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almost make a good decision about which team can be worthy in every episode that is introduced to people. to the people inside the house and they can help them in this collective financing leave the video, don't apply. well, leave it. on the last day of autumn, the new season of gobe khand, with the aim of finding talent in the fields of humor and poetry, was aired on the nasim channel. i am also your mother . we are looking for people to really have a good time. have fun, but have some content with it. we want to participate again. time of doomsday? sir, at 2 o'clock: i was going back, but that day when you were a thing, i was going back in january of 1402, those who are interested in criminal police competitions with sar nakht competition on nasim network
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, deal with the decoding of many criminal cases. the work that is done in the police complex is not physical work, it is work that takes place in the minds of people with the knowledge and expertise they have, and we tried to promote a part of this expertise in the form of a competition where we give a criminal case to two people. who are the participants and assistant detectives and they try to find the clues in the murder scene of the crime scene we have and then identify the suspects and then interrogate them to get the answer to a case. the sixth season of bazashu was also aired on nasim network with the aim of interaction between children and their families. the shastadia competition is also with a purpose
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bridging the gap between generations was broadcast on do sima network in january 1402. the contest is completely questions and answers and a physical part that can be said to be general information. bushehri families were also guests of channel 3 with the documentary about our house competition . all of them were sold. how many did you sell so far? it's good . it's a very good sale . it moves the families away from consumerism and offers them a way of life . we are always open and welcome again. it is new for them, it is a documentary because the people in this program are not real actors, but those who have experience of their own life and an environment and climate and
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a new location will be introduced . it is attractive for the audience. the pantolik contest was also broadcast last february on channel 3. option 1, 6 , 27. general information and creativity in performing beklam shows is the subject of this contest. our first participant is mr. rozbahani from dar in february of 1402 , a 100% video telephonic competition on channel two depicted the competition between three families. hello mr. emami, we are the family of yaser rozbahani.
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this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr with every purchase from the city of household appliances and the city get an id carpet. a specialized reference for carpets and household appliances. happy nowruz year 1403 with haft sin and haft sarai, full of variety and discounts in the great iranian sefere haft sintan
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mamloonha. happy new year's health and happiness to the great house of iran . we will defeat all enemies. naare, naare, laare, laare, laare, wonderful, ahleh ahadeh ahleh, hello, andna, andna, andna, hello, nahlah , nahlah, lashahid, lashahid, la shahlehna, yala.


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