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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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i have gold, you want to take my gold , so what is my first question, where do you want to take this money, you say production, well, i say, well, there is no money coming from this production , therefore, production and investment in production must be justified, so that this margin their profits show that there is no proper justification at the moment and we have to deal with this . let's deal with this issue right now with your presence. as an example, i am a householder who has 100 grams of 200 tons of gold. 200 grams of this gold. it is in my house. well, in our religious discussions, there is a discussion of money, which is to throw away and save i have been criticized for the extra money that i need, and now we will have a relationship with my loved ones and experts in this field , they will explain to the viewers
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. i have it at home , it is free and we don't need it. i only kept it to preserve the value of my capital . what mechanism should i use to bring it into your production as an expert? the party's capital should be preserved and the owner of the capital should take the risk and his own capital bring it to this market. yes, both sectors are very important. first of all, i said that the production profit should be reasonable, because if you see it as reasonable , i said, let's look at it now, let the buyer do well, on the other hand, no, i mean that exports should be strengthened. definitely , you can see that our balance is negative by 15 billion dollars, because because you have, for example, agricultural goods are exported. if you sell cement and steel, you will tell the central bank that 42 tomans is not worth it, so your export motivation will decrease. but if
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you import goods with a width of 42 tomans, you can go and sell your goods with the width of the open market, well, of course, imports are encouraged. this defective sigil must be corrected . on the other hand, you see, our government has a budget deficit , then the companies put a lot of pressure on production, for example , our feed price is two and a half times the world rate , we included various export duties, while this should be done in a period of time. it should be created temporarily , well, all this will put pressure on production and exports, but this one is a matter of trust. trust must be created. for example, the funds that came to the stock market in the previous government were withdrawn with distrust , now we need to create trust in investment. anyway, it exists for those who have gold if they feel that there is a well-defined and reliable mechanism , because in any case
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, there is a problem and a fear regarding bonds related to foreign currency deposits in the past decades, so it should be ensured that we now have financing bonds issued by a state-owned company. thousands of defaulted bonds have been defaulted without risk, and the relevant state company , for example, should not be worried, this should not happen anymore , it is very difficult to finance such collections. now , to create confidence, a mechanism must first be a completely reasonable mechanism. we discussed these issues in the past, friends, they go very fast searching, for example, pages, seeing queues for sandwiches and , for example, coffee, was mistaken for gold in america , giving prescriptions should be an expert job .
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the gold belongs to the gold producing companies , the gold was issued to it through the bank's warehouse receipt, and this warehouse receipt was traded in the commodity exchange in the form of bonds , which means that everything was safe and this continued . now, for some reason, we do not know exactly the central bank he stopped it. it was very good. the company producing gold in the country was bringing its products and selling them , and money was going. qala buys a real product from in that case, the money would go towards production . we can make similar goods, for example, coins and suns . it is not difficult. we can bring them here . the owner can also sell them. his mechanism easily knows the lessons of tangible goods, on the other hand, that his gold dollar, for example, suppose
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it is in a safe place, its security is established, and for this reason , he can also receive a percentage as a commission. some people feel that if this capital comes to me and it becomes clear that i for example, i have gold, i may be taxed, can you understand these contradictions? yes , we must resolve these contradictions. when we said , sir, declare your assets, then we will come and make such a proposal. this is a very real fear. we must encourage here, for example, someone he participates in this deposit and is exempted from the tax . well, it can be used as a proof. well, the money is at home . as the saying goes, it can be exempted, and those who happen to be seen can be exempted, and we can include a time frame for the due dates it can definitely create a good incentive. okay, thank you very much
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if you agree , we will watch a report together with our dear viewers , we will come back and continue our conversation. keeping and saving property and refraining from spreading it among people is a matter that is mentioned in verse 34 of surah mubarakah towba. they buy and save dollars or gold coins and do not use their money on the way. because they are attacking their own people and society, it is haram in hoarding. hoarding of necessities is definitely haram. in islam , there is no limit to capital. for example, they say, sir, how much property can we own?
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you can own a lot of money, but once it is owned , you have no right to hoard it, you have no right to waste it, it means that it is forbidden to treasure, so what should we do, either give a loan or produce work to create appetite. in the interpretation of this verse, domestic hoarding of property and not spending it has been condemned . one of the biggest disasters that can befall an economy is that capital instead of going towards production becomes a domestic hoarding. the meaning of this blessed verse is not the moderation and custom of the society , but that amount. the other party hangs so much gold and silver on his neck that you can see everyone is coming, everyone is saying, dad , what's going on? economists, inspired by this verse , have a solution to use these assets to be directed towards the official financial markets. well, we now see
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that in the banking network, well, banks and non-banking credit institutions, there are a variety of tools. and the methods according to design worthy of customers so that customers can choose the right tools for themselves. zahra shafiei, sed and sima news agency. dear and precious viewers, have a good time . we have a video party with us, mr. asqar balsini, an expert on economic issues. mr. barsini i say hello to you. first of all , please tell us what is the exact meaning of the word "kanz" and does it only refer to gold, silver, or silver, or other goods? which also includes the aspect of investment , in the name of allah, the most merciful
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, the most merciful. which means to collect , to accumulate, to put a racket and to hoard. to have it and to make it a priority can be extended to the concept of kenz, and the concept of kenz can be extended to him in general. there are two categories of goods and they are included in the scope of money conservation. the first is the concept of money conservation and the second is the concept of capital conservation in the economy. to be used for any reason , to be out of the framework of investment activities and away from the sphere of circulation and circulation and not to contribute to economic growth and
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development. to be used , well, we have different products that have this capability if they are in the kenz process , they will hit an economic cycle. obviously, in these days, the issue of the width of the obsolescence is the things that are called production tools, that is, what can be used in the production furnace, if it is used for this purpose and for any reason, it is removed from the capital, it is actually part of the capital of this capital when it is removed from the economic cycle. can unfortunately, we
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don't have your voice, mr. barsini, very clear and it's cut off . his excellency's voice is trying to contact you again. we have a word called the private sector . what is the correct definition of this word? are there people , are they ordinary people? where is the real private sector in the capital market ? now in our country, more than 80% are probably government and semi-government production sectors, and the private sector has been weakened. and even in the case of equity shares, we could not transfer the management to the people, well , naturally, this is the private sector according to your excellency's narration. 200 for himself means that the capitals
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are in low places and tons of gold. well, this private sector usually makes smarter decisions about low-risk and high-profit places for themselves. previous bitter experiences. it won't go away, the same currency reserve that you said, the issue of dollar easement, the issue of the stock market has also been damaged. it has been taken out, well, naturally , this will go to the gold dollar market, this should not happen, the reason i mentioned is because the profit margin of production has dropped drastically, for the reasons i mentioned , the profit margin of production should be reasonable, the resources must be directed towards production and investment, you see. we should tell people not to buy gold, but we see a contradiction in the policies of these people. face
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as a deposit for productivity at the disposal of each now put different collections, well, naturally , there have been bitter experiences in the past periods, and also in the market, for example, you can see that about 2 billion dollars of bullion has entered the country. about 30 imports have been included, some of our producers, who thank god that all producers export at the real price and receive incentives, and despite the advice of the ministry of economy, the central bank ordered the banks to buy gold in such a situation. that the central bank itself buys, the central bank itself owns companies, and obligates the banks to buy them , well, people have a sixth sense. for example, they feel there must be a news, why banks are buying, banks should not own or buy, in this case we
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can tell people, sir, for example, don't buy gold , don't buy gold, but we must define the low-risk and profitable alternative for them. we will come back to specific . we will talk to you about this position . our relationship with mr. barsini has been re-established . mr. barsini has about 200 tons of domestic gold in the country. we have about 400,000 billion tons worth of this capital. as an economic expert, please tell me what is the solution to divert this capital to production, which is also an investment. he should ensure the security of his capital and preserve its value, and also help the wheels of production in our country . see, i told you that now it is not just a question of gold, well, part of gold is due to the nature of this thing. my expenses are significant expenses. well, it is natural that
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respectable families keep a part of these, but when it turns to maintenance with the purpose of playing games, it can be somewhat worrying and the economy is off its equilibrium path. in such a situation, it is necessary to take out all the gold that exists among the families with the ability to support in it can be used in the banking system or in the capital market system, so this can mean that this volume of gold enters the real economic cycle, the same issue exists with the width , unfortunately, in our country, what is known as domestic width it can be a significant volume . unofficial estimates estimate this number to be close to 20 billion dollars. you should keep this in mind
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that in an economy like iran's economy in 11 months of 1402, the volume of our foreign trade. there should be a significant economy and a positive perspective in the field of economy. well , fortunately, in the last two years, the price of rasht has increased. our economy has a positive rate of growth from capital formation , it is getting a very good situation, this all means that our economic prospects
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are positive prospects. we should have stability in the broad market, mr. barsini, excuse me because our time is limited, very short. as an economic expert, you have understood all these issues . bring them to the production side first of all, it should be possible to calculate this amount of currency, for example, if we are talking about land, then these amounts are small amounts that are among families . well, it should be possible to design a mechanism that , through this mechanism, these existing micro resources will enter the economic cycle in the banking system, in the capital market, in the areas of investment. we enter the economic cycle, the same problem exists with gold , that is, if it is possible
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to issue bonds with the help of the gold available in the family and with the support of that papers in fry. the investment should be used, it practically means that these golds , which exist even in the form of domestic gold , no longer remain in the form of rackets and have entered the economic cycle of the country . thank you very much , mr. barsini. please note that a dear guest from mashhad al-reza will be with us. in 2016 and 2017, about 60 tons of gold went into the hands of the people through the central bank's coins . capital that is out of the cycle of economy and production it became an issue that economists wanted
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to return this capital to the economy with a win-win economic game with the tool of gold investment fund . in the following years, other tools were created in the capital market to target people's investment in gold. gold bullion deposit certificate, gold coin option or gold funds were some of these instruments. but some people involved in these markets say that the money of investors in gold was not produced with these tools, the money goes into the market manager's fund. he takes the money, he buys coins and the money stays in the fund, it is not a company, for example , he goes to increase capital towards the production of these tools . they also had successful experiences, although with a different hand in markets such as the american capital market, which
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has various stock exchanges, including the new york stock exchange near chicago. are deposited there is a gold-based transaction, tools such as gold-based deposits allow people to invest the purchased gold in the production body, and this is the same win-win game that both people invested in the gold market and sectors. a product of this wheel capital they have rotated theirs and the profit of this rotation has gone into the people's pockets, ownership papers or bonds. premium shares should be invested on the basis of gold, and the deposit interest is like the premium shares that are traded in the world, an annual deposit interest belongs to it. and also its rate and valuation is based on gold, if the same 60 tons of gold is stored in the homes of the people of anbar this year, it will be 1949
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billion tomans, the amount with which the country's largest refineries can increase their capital by about 400 from the place. have. maryam fadaei khabar. broadcasting thank you for your attention, sir dr. brim , can you tell us about the solutions that were clearly established? yes, in the first phase and the first step , we say that the production profit should be reasonable and the resources should be directly directed towards production. most of these can happen in different funds in the areas of investment in the capital market of different companies. outside of the stock market, people should have their own businesses in the form of businesses that stand here and the production profit is reasonable. now we are in a situation where unfortunately some
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producers sometimes enter the market of gold and real estate in order to maintain the value of their assets because of the margin. the profit of the production has decreased gradually, not only are they affected by inflation, but they also do not have the necessary liquidity, in the next section. with various tools that we have a successful experience with in bose, now i said, finally, god willing, the central bank will cooperate, and this will continue, at least the gold producing companies themselves would come and deposit their assets and buy and sell, they would collect a large part of the liquidity and in the authority of the gold producing units left this in the hands of other sectors with different tools. the imam's hand is the first point of creating confidence and the process of increasing justification investing in production is very good
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. another guest has been added to our group, mr. dr. ali nemati, an economist and a member of the academic staff of the islamic economics department of ferdowsi university of mashhad. mr. dr. nemati , hello to you. that tonight it was also mentioned that they should move towards production with safety and with low risk and maintaining the value of that capital. what could be the solution and mechanism for this? yes, i offer greetings and politeness to the service of his highness, respected guests of the program and dear viewers. in the report of the program, i would like to mention a point and to restore the dignity of our dear people and our martyrs. well, the punishment mentioned in this noble verse for those who do harm is a painful punishment that
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i feel is not suitable for our dear people , a large part of the people. in order to maintain the purchasing power of their own money , they go for gold, wheat, and some other assets, and we must understand that if we want to make a correct system, first of all , our own money, which is actually the reserve component of its own value , unfortunately, greatly we have to correct the loss, but if we want to, from this interest people's appreciation for gold is actually the inevitability of our dear people to turn to gold in a positive way and
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to use it with production in the economic system. the country's gold producers , for example, zarshouran mine and i think one or two other companies, and facing difficulties in selling their own gold in recent years, although it helps us, and they sell their deposhed gold. it is enough for this gold to enter the financial market, and according to the interpretation of friends, it is very good apparently the communication was established during that period. colleagues, please guide me whether the communication is established or the conversation . well, mr. nemati, your voice seems to be working again, i apologize. it is very limited, please let's go to the solutions as soon as possible. yes, as a solution , i would like to offer you that from the perspective of islamic economy
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, it is better to introduce gold into the financial market if we can, just as our friends have proposed in the commodity exchange. they have a plan to take this gold to a new payment system based on which people can make their own payments. let's turn to gold and turn it from what we have into a monetary asset. this will definitely help a lot in preventing gold from hoarding, because in fact , the special financial work for gold and its entry into the financial market also involves some degree of hoarding, but if it entered the payment system and we can define wallets and payment systems based on gold, this is a
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reassurance for. it will make our people feel that their gold is always with them at every moment, and in this way , they can literally put it into production at any moment. in circulation, it seems that the special work of gold money is the best way to prevent cheating. what exactly should happen in this working group, mr. doctor , look, i said. this is what they are looking for when these sources of gold, well, gold funds naturally work with gold deposits and there are gold certificates that are given to them in the commodity exchange , and they trade on them, but here , in fact, the gold is washed away in the commodity exchange. and practically , this gold itself is not produced, this gold itself is actually exported in a borrowed warehouse. under
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the supervision of the country's commodity exchange, the trading method is actually secondary and financial derivative transactions are done similar to futures and options. sometimes our believers have problems with this type of stock market transactions and it is not considered legitimate, but if we convert this special financial work into a payment system based on these gold bars, these tokenize. let's do it and people can have their own transactions with the money based on these gold bars created by tokens and this can actually be people's digital wallets and there is no need for a single company under the title for example , stock exchange organization or commodity exchange, do this
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and we can use our capacities to mobilize the people to tokenize the gold bars and import them. well, in the last moments of our conversation , we will definitely follow up on this issue. our time is up, mr. dr. mahmoudi , thank you for your presence, simane. my dear and precious viewers, who were with us until the end of the vizhi news talk show, i sincerely thank you for a good night and pray for you.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan with the world, i am with you today. in the first case of tonight's program , we will analyze ismail haniyeh's trip to iran, the head of hamas's political office. payment in the second case , we examine the reports of zionist crimes in shifa hospital in gaza. the third case will also be devoted to the opposition of the uk supreme court to the immediate extradition of julian assange, the american war crime whistleblower. at first , we see the latest developments in the last 24 hours of the war against gaza in the context of palestine.


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