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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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beside this hospital from shafa because it is the biggest hospital in that area, a large number of wounded people are transferred there, so attack a place where 7 thousand people live , see how much water and food it needs and different patients there, because there is a hospital in that area west of gaza , the israeli attack is a crime. the people who were in that part of the hospital were stopped, the people who were in that part of the hospital came later, they took 150 patients, the patients who couldn't move, and took them to a room. some people should be quarantined, some people have infectious diseases, the disease is transmitted to other people , besides these, of course, the issue of assault on women has also been raised in the discussion of assault on women, pay attention to this because it has been discussed for many days. we can't confirm it at the moment and we can't deny it, that is, the discussion of al jazeera was said that al jazeera put khabaro b
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on the news and said that it was a narration and this narration should not be investigated until the rest of the witnesses come to see the truth of what happened in the hospital. cannot be confirmed , that is, you say that because the healing hospital is still there is a siege, the zionist military forces are still in this hospital. the investigation of what happened inside this hospital cannot be done completely . it must be postponed to the future. now, one more question , it may be rejected. let's wait for the facts to come out. now these reports are the first time that they are being raised against the zionist military, or similar cases have happened in the past, even in this war.
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man and say sexual words in a room alone. i don't want to say it now, but i have to rape does not mean doing sexual acts . the first one is called sexual harassment . the second one is called rape . there are a lot of sexual harassment recorded and even those who have had this happen to themselves because it is easy to say. for example , they stripped
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me , interrogated me . this had happened , the women who had this happened came to tahrir, but there have been cases of speaking openly about rape, and even in the un report, at least two of them were confirmed. what happened is that ismail al-qol, for example, those who are on al-jazeera are very sensitive. azshafa hospital after this news happened, he explained a point in his tweet last night , right now, it's on twitter, it's on my telegram page, it's there, friends can go and see for themselves . english rip, which is said to have happened in different places, and because of our traditional religious society, which is natural.
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sometimes with our own society , we can imagine in our minds why we had not spoken. women have come to speak in the past few nights about the fact that such incidents have happened . i 'm sorry now, because i arrived quickly , i couldn't see this video, i wanted to send it to you now. i remember the name of that lady . having come to ghareza. because different doctors are now coming from different countries as volunteers , including the canadian medical team and doctor assistants at al-khair hospital, which is in the south of gaza, near al-nasser hospital, he explains this, he says again , i apologize for explaining this. the doctor herself is narrating that she is alive, she is narrating with her own picture, and with ms. jamiliti who says that this is a voice , it is not clear who is different, she says that a woman was raped there for two days, she uses the word rip
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to so much so that i have lost the ability to speak it was naturally due to the shock of the incident and now the physical pressure that mr. khadab. these cases that you are referring to are documented by people claiming to be witnesses and even in the reports of un reporters , these are individual cases of the zionist military or, for example, similar to what isis had, intellectual bases and justifications. in the report that was aired before i spoke, we saw what one of the american officials was saying, saying that they are using it systematically . why are they using it systematically? from the beginning, on october 7, the israelis started and announced that hamas
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used aggression as a weapon in attacking israeli cities and towns, and they continue to use this issue of aggression until now. you are defending, and these are the people who are defending palestine. the un report that came out some time ago talked about these matters in kibut biri and these, of course , were again questioned. the new york times report was of course questioned. what are all these people talking about , that the palestinians are violating these things? it was a lie, but the israeli soldier who doesn't say that these were lies believes them, so this is the first basis of the mind that is filled with hatred to retaliate against the two chief rabbis of the israeli army. currently, someone named brigadier general eyal karim, brigadier general eyal karim, before he was assigned to this position in 1935, sir eyal karim, before he was assigned to this position, there is a hebrew language site called kipa, which i also have this link on my channel.
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at the same time, yediot ahnot also spoke about this, a question had been asked, an israeli female soldier had asked him if aggression in the prize war or not serti pialkari. in the answer he gave, he said that just as eating food that is normally haram becomes halal there, and he had mentioned other things, he said that satisfying this evil desire is also permissible in war , but later he wanted to justify this, he said that it was not meant to rape. it is not, but at the same time , this matter became so loud, some supporters of women's rights in israel say that this person should not be considered as the chief rabbi of the army . if we put these two psychological and ideological bases together, the basis is that then israeli soldiers read, soldiers who have fun killing children and then put this movie on their tik tok, rape will definitely come from them. very well, thank you for your explanation
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. i talked to mr. vahid khadhab, the researcher of the un resistance groups , says that the world is unsafe for immigrants. got wet a global report called the case of missing migrants says: in the last decade, more than 63,000 refugees were killed or disappeared on the migration route. according to this report, one out of every three dead migrants was fleeing from war-torn countries. terrorist attack on a car carrying chinese goods in the north pakistan left at least 5 dead. this car is going from islamabad to the mountain region in the north. it was pakistan that a suicide bomber blew himself up near it. in this terrorist attack, for which no person or group has yet accepted responsibility, several people were seriously injured. the us state of florida
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passed a law prohibiting the use of social networks for people under the age of 14. according to the new law, people under the age of 14 cannot have user accounts on social networks, even with the permission of their parents. this law will be implemented from the beginning of next year. in other states similar laws have been proposed in america. research shows that social networks increase the risk of depression and other psychological challenges in teenagers. the european union is investigating the possible violations of the american technology company. the union announced that if it is determined in the investigation , apple, google meta laws against. if they did not respect the fence , they will be fined up to 10% of their annual turnover. apple was previously fined $2 billion for not complying with european regulations. the migration of foreign nurses from england has quadrupled after the corona period. as reported by the guardian,
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foreign nurses stay in england for less than 3 years and leave this country due to the salary not matching the cost of living. just last year. about 9 thousand foreign nurses left the uk. while there are a few months left for the british parliamentary elections, london accused the chinese government of carrying out covert attacks against representatives critical of beijing and the british election commission, and announced the sanctions and reprimands of the chinese ambassador. cyber ​​security agency of new zealand also linked a group supported by the chinese government to the cyber attack on its government sector , but announced that the attack was repelled and now the third case of the extradition of the whistleblower of the confidential military and political files of the united states was postponed to the court. england has announced: america must guarantee that it will not execute julian assange or
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discriminate against him. according to the court ruling , if the us does not provide such a guarantee, the lawyers of this australian citizen can file an appeal to prevent his transfer to the us. assange due to the disclosure of confidential us government documents, including the crimes of this country's military in iraq. and 5-year-old afghanistan, who is a prisoner in england , the english court ordered his extradition 8 months ago the united states issued an order at the same time as the court hearing . asan's supporters, who are against his commitment to the united states, gathered in front of the court building. as i informed you in the news, the judges of the supreme court of england today opposed the talent of faryasan to america. to check the latest legal status of julian assange, the founder of wikileaks and the whistleblower
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of american crimes against civilians in the iraq and afghanistan wars, we want to go to the city of bass, england, to talk with mr. matthew alfred, a writer and professor at the university of bass, england. you talk mr. alfred, do you have my voice? some of the media that are in england and that have a very close cooperation with sasan and also publish a lot of important information from wikileaks, it must be said that these media announced that
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it will be easy for julian to make this decision useful and correct. he described his benefit, but it should also be said that julian assange is not in an interesting situation in british prisons, and if america gives guarantees that he will not be executed in america, this extradition will continue. it cannot be said that this decision is in favor of julian assange. it has been and in fact it can be said that it cannot be he said that this decision of the british court was a fair decision for them, or they wanted a guarantee or were looking for justice
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, this can be considered more as a public relations and advertising work , i must add that there is also a history that people they were admitted from england in 2011
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, maybe 5 months will be enough for him. three months until the summer of this year are actually over. at least in theory this
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has been done. this period of time has passed. well, there has been an appeal . he should have been released on the day he defeated this case , he should have been released for only two or three months being imprisoned is 63 months away, so he should be released now, why not ? thank you . we have a 3-week deadline given by the british court to the american government to provide guarantees regarding assange's extradition and that his rights will not be violated in america. do you think that if assange is extradited to america, what threats and conditions are there? he is, and
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what may the american judicial and security apparatus do with assange. it's not like they do this, that 's why it looks like maybe they made a promise that they don't seek execution, but they can break this promise, because in the story
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of talent in such cases, it is possible to break that promise, and they are useless as a part of the judicial system , and they want to kill julian. as in the past, looking for an assassination attempt on him through. his situation in america is much worse than belmarsh prison in england and we must keep in mind that in
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this prison. thank you, and finally , do you know the main reason for americans' insistence on easy delivery?
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follow that america has a system of autocracy in the world system and all of this
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is in conflict with freedom of speech. what is defined in the world are countries like iran, china or russia that are against freedom of speech, but in practice america is trying to frame the current situation. america is very hard on the world , but in my opinion, it should also be noted that it seeks to control narratives. look at what is happening in gaza, what is happening in ukraine , and america. he knows to what extent the world is following the narratives in parallel and
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the americans are desperately trying to control the flow. there is information and they strongly want that the narration and control of the information and news in this war should be in their own hands. possibility. it is possible to take such actions and look at the international community and the international system from this point of view, but if julian asan is going to be extradited to america, then we must keep in mind that he is not a political figure and even though he is in in his time, he was a scary person and propaganda was made against him in nato and in america, mr.
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matthew alfred, a writer and professor
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at bass university in english, was presented with such a picture of him. well, we are reaching the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.
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