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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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it makes it so that it comes in everyone's eyes and everyone says , "dad, what's up?" inspired by this verse, economists have come up with a solution to use these assets to be directed towards the official financial markets . well, we now see that in the banking network, banks and institutions non-bank credit design a variety of tools and methods according to customers' tastes , so that customers can choose the right tools for themselves. zahra shafiei of sed and sima news agency , have a good time, dear viewers, we are having a video party with mr. asghar balsini, an expert on economic issues. mr. barsini , i would like to say hello to you, first of all tell us what is the exact meaning of the word kanz and does it only refer to gold and silver or gold, or does it include other goods that have an investment aspect, in the name of allah, the most merciful
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, everything that is related to if it has the meaning of collecting, accumulating, racketeering and hoarding , and if it is true , it can be translated into the concept of kenz. there is, and the second is the concept of capital conservation in the economy, what is discussed the most is the discussion of money conservation in the economy, which means as a tool that can be used for production, for any reason
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, it is out of the framework of investment activities and away from the field of circulation and circulation and does not contribute to economic development, a more general concept is the concept of lack of capital. capital assets can be used in the production process . we have various goods that have the ability to , if in the process the title of production tools means what can be used in the production process if it is not used in this and is removed from this company for any reason.
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we don't have much clarity and it's choppy his excellency's voice, colleagues are trying to contact you again. i will continue our conversation with mr. dr. mahmoudi. asl, dr. we have a word called bakhsh. private is the correct definition of this word, are there people, are they ordinary people , where is the real private sector in the capital market, see now in our country, more than 80% are probably different government and quasi-government production sectors, and the private sector is weakened, and even in the case of our equity shares we could not transfer the management to the people. this same
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private sector has 200 tons of gold according to his excellency , well, this private sector usually makes smarter decisions he takes the low-risk places for himself, that is, generally the capitals are cheap and profitable places for himself, he does not take the previous bitter experiences, the same as the width of the currency reserve that you said, the discussion of resource accounts must be guided towards production and investment. let's see now. we should tell people
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not to buy gold, but we see a contradiction in policies that worries these people, we can no longer assure them and create trust. let's make your assets available as a deposit for production, in any case, to different collections. well, naturally , there have been bitter experiences in the past periods, and also in the market, for example, you. see, about 2 billion dollars of ingots have entered the country, including about 3% of imports. some of our producers are from god. that all producers should export at the real price and receive incentives, and despite the advice of the ministry of economy, the central bank ordered the banks to buy gold, in such a situation that the central bank itself buys, the central bank does banking
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itself. it obliges the banks to buy. well, people have a sixth sense, for example, they feel that there must be some news, why are the banks buying? we will talk to you once the position is clear. our relationship with mr. barsini has been re-established. mr. barsini , there are about 200 tons of domestic gold in our country, the value of this capital is about 400 thousand billion tomans. please tell me what is the solution for this capital to be directed towards production that the investor can ensure. i told you that
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it is not just a question of gold now , considering the nature of this precious metal, which has the ability to be stored, some of the gold is expendable. some of these should be kept by respected families when this turns to maintenance for the purpose of gambling , it can be somewhat worrying and take the economy out of its normal path . the support capability is used in the banking system or in the capital market system, well , this can mean that this amount of gold enters the real economic cycle, the same thing exists in the case of land, well, unfortunately, in our country, what is known as the width it is said that the household
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has a significant volume, unofficial estimates of this number it is estimated at nearly 20 billion dollars . keep in mind that in an economy like iran's economy, in 11 months of 1402, the volume of our foreign trade was close to, for example, 140 billion dollars , this scale is 20 billion dollars when you compare it with 140 billion dollars or, for example, with our non-fatty exports, which were 44 billion last year. it was a billion dollars and you are comparing it. well, the number is a significant number . what will help this amount of money or other valuable assets to enter the economy is that there will be a significant economic stability and a positive outlook in the economy. well, fortunately, now in the last two years , our economic growth rate
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has a positive rate of capital formation, and it is in a very good condition. this all means that our economic prospects are positive prospects, if we can categorize expectations and trends in the general economic environment of iran. controlled, this issue will definitely help us to have stability in markets like our broad market, mr. barsini , excuse me, because our time is limited, very short . it should be pushed and people's risk will be lowered bring their capital to the production side . well, first of all, it should be possible to find this amount of width, for example, if we are talking about width, then these amounts are small amounts that are among families , so it should be possible to design a mechanism that through this mechanism of these available resources should be included in the economic cycle in the banking system in the capital market
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. it also exists , that is, if it is possible with a little help from the existing gold family and with the support of him, he published papers that these papers can be used in investment processes, which practically means that these golds, which exist even in the form of domestic gold , are no longer in the form of rackets and have entered the country's economic cycle. thank you very much. mr. barsini, i invite you, dear viewers , to watch a short segment. a dear guest from mashhad al-reza will be with us. in 2016 and 2017 , about 60 tons of gold went into the hands of the people through the coins handed over by the central bank. four to this, five to this means a number around the intelligence of 26 thousand
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billions of tomans of capital that was taken out of the cycle of economy and production, the issue that economists wanted to return this capital to the economy with the help of a gold investment fund. our goal in setting up these funds was to attract retail funds that wanted to go towards gold. in the following years, other tools were created in the capital market to target people's investment in gold. gold bullion deposit certificate , gold coin option or gold funds were some of these tools. but some market participants say that investors' money is in gold it did not reach production with these tools. the money goes into the cash register. he takes the money, he buys coins and the money stays in the fund, it is not a company, for example
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, he goes to increase capital towards the production of these tools. they also had successful experiences, although with a different hand in markets such as the american capital market, which has various stock exchanges, including the new york stock exchange near chicago. there are deposits based on gold, there are tools such as deposits based on now, it allows people to invest the purchased gold in the production body, and this means the same win-win game. people invested in the gold market, both the production sectors of this capital have turned their wheels and the profits of this rotation have gone into the people's pockets. ownership bonds or preferred stock bonds should be invested on the basis of gold. and the interest on deposit is like premium shares that are traded in the world , it is given an annual interest on deposit and
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also its rate and valuation is based on gold, if this year the same 60 tons of gold is stored in the homes of the people of anbar, it will be 19479 billion tomans. the amount with which the largest refineries of the country can increase capital by about 400 from the place have cash. maryam fadaei, sed and sima news agency. thank you for your attention, mr. dr. brim . yes, in the first phase and the first step, we say , well, production profit should be reasonable and resources should be directly directed towards production. most of these can be in different funds. in the areas of investment in the capital market of various companies
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, it has happened outside of the stock market, people themselves have businesses in the form of businesses that stand here and the production profit is reasonable, now we are in a situation where, unfortunately, some producers sometimes they enter the broad market, gold, and housing to maintain the value of their assets, because the profit margin of production has decreased drastically. in the week, they not only expect inflation , but they do not have the necessary liquidity, and in the next part, well, with different tools that have a successful experience. we have goods in bose, now i said , finally, god willing, the central bank will cooperate , so that this continues, at least the gold producing companies used to come and deposit their assets, and they could buy and sell, and they collected a large part of the liquidity, and this is at the disposal of other sectors. it is also available with different tools, but the first point
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creating confidence and the process of increasing the justification of investment in production, well , another guest has been added to our group, mr. dr. ali nemati, an economist and a member of the faculty of the islamic economics department of ferdowsi university of mashhad, mr. dr. nemati , greetings to you. first of all, please tell me that the mechanism and solution for people to bring their capital, the same gold that was mentioned tonight, towards production with security and with due regard for risk and to preserve the value of that capital, what could be the solution and mechanism for this happening? yes, with greetings and politeness, i am at the service of his highness, the honorable guests of the program and my dear viewers first of all, i would like
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to say something about the noble verse that was recited about kenz in the report of the program, and i would like to return the dignity of our dear people and our martyrs. well, the punishment mentioned in this honorable verse for the slanderers is a painful punishment that i feel is not suitable for our dear people. a large part of our people go to gold, wheat and some other assets to maintain the purchasing power of their own money, and we need to understand that if we want to make a proper system first. this money of ours, which is actually the reserve component of its own value, is unfortunately extremely high we have lost it and we have to correct it, but if we want
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to take advantage of people's interest in gold, in fact, the inevitability of our dear people to turn to gold in a positive direction and in line with production in the economic system from the perspective of islamic economics. rather than introducing gold into the financial market , if we can, as our friends in the commodity exchange have suggested, they have a plan to take this gold to a new payment system based on which people can make their own payments. in other words, we are doing a special job of returning old money to gold and from financial assets turn it into a monetary asset. this will definitely contribute greatly to the non-hoarding of gold , because in fact, the special financial work for gold and its entry into the financial market also involves some degree of honing, but if it enters the payment system and we can, in a sense, the volts that the wallet
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let's define money and payment systems based on gold, this will create a sense of security for our people. to feel that this gold is always with them and at any moment, and in this way, literally, at any moment , it seems that they can put it into production and circulation. the special monetary work of gold is the best way to prevent hoarding of gold. what exactly should happen in this working group, mr. doctor? look, i told you that they are looking for this in the commodity exchange, and when these sources of gold, well, gold funds naturally work with gold deposits. there are gold certificates that are given to them in the commodity exchange , and transactions are made on them, but here, in fact, the gold is deposited in the commodity exchange, and actually this gold itself does not enter into production, this gold itself is actually
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issued in a loan warehouse. under the supervision of the stock exchange. the country's commodity trading method is actually secondary and trading financial derivatives are done like futures and option bonds, which sometimes our believers have problems with this type of stock market transactions and it is not considered legitimate, but if we convert this special financial work into a payment system based on these gold bars , we will tokenize them. let's do it and people can have their own transactions with the money based on these gold ingots created by tokens, and this could actually be the people's wallets . we will definitely follow this issue. it's over, dr. mahmoudi, thank you for your presence
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dear viewers, thank you for staying with us until the end of the special news talk show. have a good night. and begging for prayer. check that. the quality of the gasoline that is delivered to us in the warehouse should be checked so that it is delivered to the people, and the quantity should be checked when it is 20 liters. does it show on the screen whether there is 20 liters in our container or not? we will monitor two important issues for the standard of gasoline in gas stations in the country on a 24-hour basis, both
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the inventory of the products and the readiness of all pumps to work. with the implementation of the nowruz fuel supply monitoring plan, sir, let's refuel the country. now we want to see if the amount we are really using is the same as the display shows, or a little later . well, it was exactly 20, but it didn't fill up, not our zero. this is here, if the zero is here , well, let's consider the volume, maybe this is almost, yes, exactly the control that some people have accepted. until now, if you put gasoline on the screen , it will show a number, then, for example, the amount of gasoline you put in will be another number according to you are
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in this position, it didn't happen to me, not everyone what's inside is usually correct because i check the mileage of my car, right ? no, nothing like this happened. every time you went, we filled with gas. yes, the same amount that you put in the pump . is the number shown on the display the same as the volume that enters the car? this gas station, yes, really, and of course, some people didn't believe that you have to put in gas, the number is one thing, the number you put in is another thing, 100 , for example, how much did you put in, how much was it, now bakpras takes 32, now i'm going to tell you, sir, it's 40. let's go and see how many gas you need to fill now, buck pride usually takes 30 to 32 it means that now it is empty , empty, empty, it is not empty, but now, let me see. it means that now you have to fill up 32 times. legally, yes, let's see how
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many times you fill up after a few minutes. yes, it's probably the air, and the 45 , the 45 to 45 to 45 to no 45 . approved by the standards organization, we tested it and it turned out to be 20, exactly the range of 20, see, exactly zero zero, this is with the same pump that we used before, well, you see , it turned out to be 20, so your hand won't hurt. no, i don't want my hand to hurt. i want it to look like, well, i had a priet . so, does it make a difference to ride with a tank ? it
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must be different. to check the quality, the weight and temperature of the gasoline is measured. it was 745. what does 745 mean? what does it mean? let it be measured with the temperature. now i will measure the temperature for you. the weight of the product according to the bill of lading that came here, right now, it should be around 82. now we can bring the bill of lading and see. is it true or not? well , let's get the bill of lading, we will bring the bill of lading. can it be confirmed? some people say that there is water in the gasoline , sir. i want you to take a water test here to see if there is water in the gasoline that is currently in the tank of this station . we are testing the positions. well, because it is more watery, it settles, and we will test to see if this tank has water or not . yes, it does this. well, this is exactly water, because it is heavy
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, it settles, it is heavier than petroleum products, and we exactly fill the bottom of the tank with this paste. we dip it and put it in the tank for a few seconds we give it a chance, and if it has water , its color will change. what color will it be? it will be purple . we have different models of different pastes. now, different colors will change , but this color will change to purple . you have to wait for a few seconds. the reaction is very fast. you will see that the color remains the same. well, if something has water in it, the color will be completely deep purple and the color
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will change completely. how quickly did he react? exactly this reaction is very fast and it reacts quickly, its color changes. so the color of the dip we saw is that you can see that it is changing color. it is very important to note, dear citizens , that the supply of fuel additives in stations across the country is not permitted and is not approved by the national iranian petroleum products distribution company. it is very important
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to pay attention to the fact that there are no supplements, whether it is nowruz or any other day of the year. don't buy from any station, right, yes absolutely, sometimes my dear compatriots protested that the media is sold in the stations to increase the octane. gasoline is the same as we have, we have informed you that the gasoline produced is really euro 4 gasoline and there is no special problem with the current cars at all . yes, you use it every now and then. it's good . i don't think it has any effect. we used it. the car's engine came down. have you seen my work? yes, you shouldn't buy it. yes, you compatriots can call 096 in case of any problem anywhere in the country. register your complaint jassam samari sedav sima news agency.
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sirzdeh abdre khobran. you have seen the descent , believe it, our faith, the imam of the day of resurrection, the imam of independence, the role of our lives, the martyrs wrapped in the ears of time
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, your cry. payandeh pani and jabdar of the islamic republic of iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate, dear compatriots, greetings to you , good morning, ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, on tuesday evening, in a meeting with mr. ismail hanigi, the head of the political office of hamas, and a delegation that honored the unique stand. he emphasized the palestinian resistance forces and the people of gaza.


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