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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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wednesday is the 8th of april, the 16th of ramadan and the 27th of march. the noon call to prayer in tehran will be at 12:00 and the maghrib call to prayer will be at 180:00. dear viewers , thank you very much for being with this news series. have a good day, god bless you.
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the big celebration of the city of household appliances and the city of carpets this time
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is on the occasion of nowruz and the month of may. it's called getting old, so let's go and see them. you don't have to worry too much about choosing new carpets. renovate a large iranian car with exceptional conditions and save money from this purchase enjoy episodes until 2:00 in the morning , i am your host in tehran. the iranian coach, sharaf iran, is playing with a telegram across the country, why are you pricing this month ? your question is an interesting question. you are a football manager , we don't want any kind of treatment. we don't agree
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, it's higher than fer or higher today, wherever we are , you are higher here in our studio, mr. khatib. i am present as the deputy of financial administration and resource management of the minister of science, number and technology, and mr. mehrabani , a university lecturer in the field of educational economics, a member of the academic staff of tehran university, is present to serve both guests. we are in the middle of greetings , may god bless you, i want to start with mr. khatibi, and ask mr. khatibi how the higher education budget is distributed between universities, now some non-governmental universities also use this budget, or is it a non-governmental non-governmental university or not? basically just all the great funding for college.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, i offer my greetings to you, mr. bozor nasab, and the respected viewers of this program. happy new year and wishing you to accept the prayers and prayers of my dear compatriots. the budget for higher education is what is seen in the general budget of the country and is reserved for public universities under the ministry of university sciences. hi non-governmental, non-profit universities that are managed in a way... cost-income means they charge tuition fees and provide services for the tuition they receive. it is explained between our universities , research institutes, science and technology parks , educational institutions where we provide free services , how much is this budget for 1403 and how much it was in 1402. 4003, you still have a summons, the budget
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is not closed, there is a back and forth between the parliament and the government , but in 1402, the general budget and expenses it was current and approximately 6 thousand billion tomans in the construction and acquisition budget . thank you, mr. mehrabani. in your opinion, as an expert in the field of educational economics, the higher education budget should be for all university students or only for public university students. hello, dear viewers, and happy new year and eid milad to imam hassan mojtaba. basically, when you divide higher education into government and non-government , logically, the government budget should be allocated to
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universities and sometimes government sector students, so that we question whether the government budget should be for everyone's knowledge. the procedure has been like this in our country and in all the countries of the world, the government approves a budget and allocates it for public universities so that students can actually achieve the goals that the governments have in mind from holding higher education through access to public higher education. find so if i want to give a very clear answer , i can almost say no, because the non-governmental sector must provide its own expenses, and logically , the government sector and its budget cannot
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be allocated to non-governmental students except in special cases. for example, it can be seen that students from the lower classes of society are present in the non-governmental sector. and if there is no support from the government and their budget is subsidized by the government, the access of this group to higher education will be distorted. here, sometimes, different countries include this type and section of students in the government budget, so you are against the idea that the budget for higher education is for everyone. students, yes , very well, let's see a report, if you agree, at the beginning. the opinion of other experts is about the topic we are discussing , let's see it together and come back and continue our discussion. about 3,200,000 students across the country, nearly 14% of them
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are studying in public universities for free, according to the 30th principle of the constitution, which states that the provision of higher education facilities is free up to the level of self-sufficiency by the government. we asked some experts: do you agree or disagree with free higher education? do you agree or disagree with the explanation of government credits in higher education in the current form? ali baqer taheri niyar, head of the research and planning institute of higher education, agrees. according to the second part of the second part of the second part of the article 30 of the constitution, which it is related to higher education, it is free as long as the country needs to train and provide skilled labor. and that the market and industry. and whether the society needs a skilled and university-educated workforce or not, a question that should be asked to the society and the industry. in any case, in case of 8 percent growth and business boom, it can be said with confidence: we
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need more graduates, but in the current situation, it seems that the number of our student population is more than the current needs of the market. mohsa rashidi: the researcher against the current explanation model of public credits in the higher education sector has fundamental flaws the important point in this regard is to pay attention to the quality of education, which means that public funds should be spent on quality education. based on this, even universities and non-governmental higher education centers that provide high-quality education can also benefit from public credits. therefore, the existing model of explanation that public credits are only available to universities and government higher education centers regardless of the quality of education provided is fundamentally flawed and one cannot expect resource efficiency and improvement of the quality of university education. ali omrai, a member of the transparency watch education commission
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justice agrees. higher education seems to have reached self-sufficiency. but the ability to train specialist forces in the country should be continuous. be that is, we need to train specialist staff at any time, because some of the specialist staff are reduced due to various reasons, including immigration retirement, which the training of specialized and efficient forces should be completed, so in order to achieve self-sufficiency, there should always be free education facilities in the country. researcher hossein nasiri is against allocating government credits to universities based on student per capita regardless of the quality and economic status of students, the higher education system has weaknesses in terms of efficiency. explain this. in some cases, credits are not based on the country's need for expert personnel, and some applicants for priority fields
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are decreasing due to unemployment and insufficient support. therefore, it is necessary to achieve changes in the distribution of financial resources of universities according to the goals of the principle of the constitution. well, we saw the report together, mr. khatibi, what was your opinion? several experts have criticized the current situation regarding we mentioned the principle of quality education the explanation is based on the needs of the country. yes, it was a good report . look, mr. bozor, we have introduced a category that we need to pay attention to. it is about the quality of higher education, not about how to provide education . we are following up on what we have in this period of the ministry of science. the aim of higher education is , what should we teach, what new field should we create, and we want it to be free, by the way , we emphasize that in terms of our legal obligation
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as a government, education should be free up to the limit of self-sufficiency. now this is our legal obligation. you say the limit of self-sufficiency once, for example, in there is a special field in a field that does not have a job market . aiming for higher education and paying attention to the attachment of employment for each field, that is, any field that wants to be created , in any faculty, in any university, wants to hire new students, the university officials of that field must be obliged to continuously bring employment, they must justify and convince the officials of the ministry of home affairs. if this the field should be created because it is supposed to be free, in fact , public funds will be used for his education. does
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the graduate of this field have a job future or not ? it depends on this issue. well, we have reduced the student capacity of many fields to zero. the job market has become stagnant and there is no need for higher education that these fields should continue. on the contrary , this is the case with the new fields that are being created . are we really at the limit of self- sufficiency? can we put a ceiling on science, for example, on technology ? let's face it, we are emerging sciences today we have such things as artificial intelligence, quantum science , nano science, nuclear science, we still need to do so much research in these issues, we need to have so many graduates so that we can meet the needs of our own country, so the issue of the border of self-sufficiency is not. he gave a general ruling on the number of graduates . we cannot set a limit for self-sufficiency. we must
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examine the field by field to see if this is being done. now in the ministry of science, we actually have a supreme council, the supreme council for the development of higher education, which the job is to establish the disciplines that require the permission of the body what are the majors in your new university? are these majors a graduate? it should be done free of charge and the honorable government has obliged itself . we can see the number we have for the budget of the universities. it is all related to this case that these credits should be spent on free education for the fields that have benefits for the country and the system. he can solve the problems of the country and most importantly
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, he should follow the issue of employability for our graduates. thank you, mr. mehrabani. you have also seen the report . please give your opinion about the points that were raised. we had challenging discussions in different meetings in various assemblies and institutions. the problem is that every expert looks at the subject from one point of view, and what he is concerned about is a very small part, and based on his point of view , he highlights the issue more. if i want to enter according to the economic and financial literature of higher education, we should consider the principle of
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efficiency and justice in allocating resources and budgeting for higher education and our universities. as an opponent, at the very beginning you asked, i specified my opinion on this because of my opposition, the existing procedure and the so-called freeness which was clearly mentioned in principle 3 have created problems from both perspectives, that is, the existing method of allocating resources to higher education is also in the realization of the principle of work. it has been in trouble, of course, it has been before , not that it is a problem that is currently the problem of our day, that it is related to, for example, the government or a certain parliament , it has always been like this, and justice has not been observed. let me see the universities based on the number of students
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and the cost per student. they get funding and credit well, at first glance, any university that has more students will receive more funding from the government. what implications will this have? one of the results is that now we don't name a particular university at the undergraduate level in 1400 for every 45 faculty member. the admitted student has one of the subsystems of the ministry of science that is not in the average format of the ministry of science. the average of the ministry of science itself, i.e. the public universities that are under the ministry's supervision, for 1400, this number for them is about seven
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. please consider the difference between 7 and 45. why? because that university. those universities towards accepting more and more is precisely rooted in this way of allocating resources. if we change our way of allocating resources and make it more efficient , this difference will not happen so dramatically . see when we specify an approved budget that universities based on the number of students receiving it, how can we really expect universities to move towards higher quality in providing more and more comprehensive and high quality education and products in other educational and research situations from educational services etc.
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unfortunately, our budgeting is in the same way that if an executive body, for example, a public university, for a specific purpose, for the admission of students, it wants to receive a certain amount of funds, and it is supposed to receive it if it comes through hasan's assumption. managed or efficient. the act of managing this cost will lower itself in the implementation, a gap will be created between the actual cost and the budget that has been approved and is supposed to be provided to the university. this gap is created instead of a mosque
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the type of reward should be given to that executive body or university from the hands of that institution, and in our executive , usually including universities, governments tend to show themselves to be spendthrift, and this is the opposite of efficiency and the principle of efficiency, and distorts it. thank you, mr. khatibi, please see that your statements are correct. it was not implemented. when we talk about the higher education budget , first let's see what the elements of this budget are , what can be spent, and then we'll see how much. the percentage comes for the admission of students. you have a summons yourself are you a scientist? currently, more than
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85-90% of the higher education budget is spent on paying salaries and wages. this has nothing to do with attracting students, that is, we have more than 32,000 academic staff members in the universities of the ministry of science. the same number of official contractual employees and over 80% of our credits are only being spent on things that we call inevitable. currently , at best, more than 12% of the budget is not allocated to itself, that is, a university like tehran university with, for example, 50 a thousand students and a small university in a corner of the regions. our border is set taken the thing that is related to the number of students is finally 12%. but
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it is more important than this whether we can guarantee, maintain and promote the scientific growth of the country with this kind of allocation of credits with these kinds of expenses. this is a more fundamental question. how is the budget of the universities being explained anyway? but in any case, if we want to have a say in the world of our research, our academic rank, which is really the result of the efforts of my faculty colleagues during the past years, during the past governments, well, our academic members are working hard, this is the academic rank we have. we do not determine this rank. by the way , the countries are determining this rank because they are not very friendly with us, but when they get here, they are forced to land on the ground. anyway, the 16th rank in the world
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, the first rank in the region , these have hidden costs that if we let's not look at it and just let's say, for example, that due to the number of students, now there are 7 or 45 per capita . we have research institutes in many places. research cost of research in del the cost of higher education is hidden, and if we are to base the cost of higher education solely on the student index, well , we did not look into the matter. we are the number of students. however,
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there are 11 other indicators besides this. one of the most important indicators that shows its effectiveness is the number of scientific articles and documents published by that university. in international journals. another indicator that stands out in the allocation of credits. the number of scientific journals published in the languages ​​of the world it is indexed in international scientific databases. another indicator that stands out in the allocation of credits is the number of 1 percent and 2 percent international scientists. well, this has nothing to do with the number of students. we have many research institutes whose number of students is less than the number of scientists. so this view is not the right view that we say encouragement in some places. they can hire students because they want to increase their budget, maybe it was during this course, i agree, now that i look back, i see the footprints
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of some places showing themselves to be more expensive than the budget. they should get more, but this is not the case now, we really have indicators now, we are now monitoring how many faculty members there are, how many published articles , how many international scientists there are, how many journals. internationally, how many academic companies have come out, how many unique products have they produced? these are actually items that go hand in hand so that we can arrive at a fair and efficient budget explanation. you cannot claim that the higher education budget is inefficient. it is explained in if you see efficiency in the structure of higher education, it means that they do not go together, please. we have a final sentence, yes i would like to say that only and only in the distribution of the budget , the indicators that are actually very large
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are not taken into account. we have many hidden costs in the university, and these hidden costs are mainly the costs caused by the high cost of research. what you mentioned constitutes 12% of the university's budget . can i add one more thing? yes, yes , i thank you for your time. see dr. khatibi. and personnel, staff and number of faculty members in the university government agencies, there is a positive correlation. it means that you say that a significant part of that budget is spent on salaries and wages of faculty members or employees. it is absolutely true. well, when we accept this positive relationship, then in a way, we have that budget again with that amount from another aspect.
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we connect the so-called gross to the students' number, which means that the real story is in its place and not hidden , that's why i want to say that of course this transition from the status quo, well, we are also very happy that this happened and is happening, but during the decade the recent events in our country have been like this and we should let's accept that a significant part of this budget allocated by the government to the higher education sector could be better spent, and maybe if it was better spent , the position you mentioned today would be much better and higher . sixth, that mr. doctor knows much better than me, and they are interested in these topics , seeing this issue as a way of wanting to be resolved clearly
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in the law. the sixth program has come, except for schools, the basis of budgeting and determining the approved budget of the university and the executive bodies in general should be based be on performance. in the world, foreign countries are moving in this direction, allocating their budgets based on structured performance . but unfortunately, in our country, there is only one article left in the law. i don't know, maybe it's because of the difficulty of implementing it, but in any case , this performance-based budgeting, which should include higher education , has not happened. we have to start from somewhere . tuna can take the lead and be a leader for other economic sectors
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to solve this problem, in other words, to go towards efficiency in allocating higher education resources in the world has chosen the performance-based budgeting method, but unfortunately, although we fortunately went in this direction, we accepted it, but it should be implemented in practice. there is also a point in the report regarding the quality of education and explanation based on it. regarding the needs of the country , what is your opinion on this matter, because you mentioned it in your previous order, related to the issue of your own border. he finds self-sufficiency, that is, an expression and a perception of the speed of self-sufficiency, they say that this free higher education and the support of the government should be up to that point. it will solve our needs for specialized manpower. if we want to base this on, we can look at the issue much more clearly
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, where, for example, in the fields where we see that the unemployment rate of graduates is the upper limit has been reached, so as a rule , financing is being done beyond the level of need, and we have passed the limit of self-sufficiency, in other words , that's why the discussion of needs is raised, which is the answer and clarification of the discussion of its own border. there is a defense , as a rule, we should go in this direction, but unfortunately , we did not act in this way, that is, obviously, the ministry of science. what should you do now in this regard , that is, there are some fields that now, for example , it seems that there are not many applicants anymore, or that the country has reached a point where there is no need to provide free education, you say that these the budget should be removed, in fact , we should have a dynamic view, mr. dr. khatib.


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