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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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let's look at the issue more clearly, where , for example, in the fields that we are witnessing, the unemployment rate of the graduates has reached a high level, so the financing is being done beyond the required level, and we have that level of self-sufficiency in other words. we passed, that's why the discussion of needs is raised, which in answering and clarifying the border of self-sufficiency, we should go in this direction, unfortunately, we did not act in this way. for example, it seems that you are applying now if it doesn't have too much or it has reached a level in the country that there is no need to provide free education, you say that these should be removed from the budget. actually, look.
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dynamically, we should have that mr. dr. khatibi has also mentioned this issue. i hope that most of our governments will enter this field with great action . when you talk about the need, the need has the characteristic of being dynamic over time . acceptance capacity change the students over time for the courses that are supposed to be offered , it should not be a fixed number in the notebook of the evaluation organization for student admission . more in line with the market conditions, can you give us an example? for example, in
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the fields of technical sciences and engineering, we see that the unemployment rate of our graduates is significantly higher. i don't want to explicitly mention the field that didn't have good results ok, but see, in a certain technical engineering group , our resources and our capacities must be moved. maybe.
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everyone says that, for example, the fields should discuss their employment on the transfer of credits, but this work has been started seriously in the ministry of science for more than two years. we cannot be static in the ministry of science. the nature of our work is such that we are 100% dynamic. we are, we have 100 dynamics , we can't at all, when we have modern world science , where does this show itself, you may have a special field that you are considering in the educational headings, the title of the field is the same, but the educational headings if you look at it now, it's different from 4 years ago. we may not change the field in many places, but we are basing the education on the current needs. for example, we are a vocational technical university. now, according to you, it is reasonable condition for us
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to continue to provide that education , it is not necessary anymore, but the title of the field is the same as the field of electricity and telecommunication that you mentioned, it happens to be one of the fields that we have to go to graduate studies , that is, more. today, when we are talking about quantum science in communication science , we are talking about communication technologies, and if there are still numbers graduates who are based on this need are not as many as i can count on my fingers. well, this requires that we have to strengthen this field, not that because now the graduates are in a period of employment discussion, the general point of my employment. i agree, we have also
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reduced the capacity of a significant number of fields to zero, which means that admission to that field will no longer take place as it is now . now, it's up to the students to graduate here, yes , those fields may be in your hands, but let me tell you, we are at work now. but the fields that we really monitor in the vice-chancellor of education of the ministry of science, whether the graduates of these fields go to specialized work or not, and that is the indicator that actually guides us whether we should continue this field or stop it. let's say that this dynamic is already a little faster. it used to be less, now it is happening at a much faster speed , that is, we are adding and reducing the number of courses we have, the number has become too high, where we cannot add more courses , we are increasing the titles from the bottom up, mainly to meet the needs of the market. the discussion of employment even in science fields
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you see, we are talking about the slogan of the year . production with the participation of the people , we want to give a leap in production . where does the factor of training and the factor of human resources fit into the leap ? we are definitely one of the points that we should pay attention to in the discussion of leaping production, the training of our manpower is ours, if our labor force is our labor force , our production force is education. if the training is updated continuously , it will definitely affect the production output. when should you do the training? university is definitely a must do. if we want to have arvan type production, we can to have further education. let's have training based on production, for example, which has already
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expired, both production and training have expired. therefore, dr. roshni, we cannot stand still in the ministry of science. in the administration of the ministry of science, we can't be static at all, the process is definitely a dynamic process , a dynamic process, but they agree, maybe you can say what is happening, considering the needs we have today , they are still like two runners, one is ahead. it has a fuzzy lead , it jumps a few seconds or minutes earlier, its speed actually. it has started to run, but i can claim here
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that we started our movement phase a few minutes late. in humanities societies, in the field of technology and industry, however , we may need a little, but we can't. you want to put your foot on a staircase , but you can't remove the few moments when your foot is in the air, because then you can't climb the stairs anymore, we have to go up the stairs to scream. let's go, in order to go up the stairs , our hands may be in the air for a few moments, we cannot remove this, but the important thing is that the path we are taking is the path to excellence, the path is advanced , it is a path that must be completely reviewed in the fields of education . it has been done excellently in the training methods , skill-oriented training has been carried out in fields that have continuous employment and fields that, well, of course, this may not be good to say, but the proof of our claim
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is these groups that are stealing our graduates, well, it is showing after all, we are graduates. thank you so much they are taking the lead in many industries , both inside and outside the country, mr. mehrabani, mr. khatib said that part of your statement was inaccurate . regarding the point you said in the previous section , can you give a more precise answer? my statement was correct in my opinion. i said that my conclusion is not accurate and it is in line with the current situation. i said that i accept the main issue, but we are very slow now. we do not agree. this is not very accurate, mr. doctor. pointing out that the dynamics have increased in the last two years, i mean most of these four decades. it is recent , it means the result of performance based on the principle of 30 beginning
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in my speech, i mentioned that my aim is not to criticize the performance of the government or a specific time or a specific parliament. this whole period of time was meant for me. performance result tone. for example, 2 years, 5 years , it was a significant long-term period of several decades that created this structure, so i confirm that mr. doctor called my speech inaccurate, but i did not mean the last two years, the whole of these recent decades. i meant this part about change the headlines mention about now, because we were talking about the electrical addition and subtraction of the strings , how do you evaluate it? it is a very good idea and in my opinion, i completely
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accept the doctor's order. i completely agree with the principle where it cannot be deleted. for example, we changed the headline, but let's go to the real world because i am a teacher myself . what is meant by changing the headline is actually happening it doesn't work, maybe you can give a better example, for example, the resistance of lecturers to their own topics . this is where the problem comes from . i would like to say to mr. doctor, maybe the vice-chancellor of the ministry of education, if attendance would be better , would guide me. science is correct, this goes to the ministry
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and it is approved, then according to a letter, the ministry of science announces to all universities that this is the new title for, for example, 5 years, the time period is 5 years , so see when this is done centrally from above. it is done downwards. a lot of university government officials will not be under the burden of it. many specialists, experts, faculty members are not under the burden of the fact that this heading that should be changed is the one that has been communicated to us now, so they resist it . it doesn't find it, that's why, as a teacher, i say that this problem exists and you have to solve it in a different way. perhaps i am expressing my personal opinion, dr. khatibi
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, leaving this change of title and even the change of majors to the universities themselves, why should we not give the same importance and status to our own faculties? define the expression of a specific heading and present the degree of compliance with it. universities, as a rule, the degree and extent of its implementation is reduced in practice. see, to the extent that universities have authority, they have much more than this . let me give you an example. we announce generalities in the headlines, for example, we have mining engineering in a university. in that neighborhood the geography where that university is located and its policy is localization , the students who go there, for example
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, the methods of extraction and extraction, for example, egypt , are taught about the mining of egypt, if we are in that city. we don't have a mine in egypt at all, and on the contrary, for example , we have a mine of a very rare element that needs to be trained. this is happening now. regarding the groups, not only at the level of the university, but also at the level of the group , there are certain topics that you must have mentioned, your excellency. other optional courses and elective courses are recognized by an educational group, for example, in a place where we have veterinary medicine and the industry of the people, the employment of the livestock people is light, we should not come again, for example , to give medical training on rare domestic animals . groups are available there are faculties up to the university educational council
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, but there is a discussion beyond this. you see, in the field of higher education budgeting, a unique event took place in 2014, when we passed bill 4d and bill 43, which were drafted in 2014, then the ministry of science proposed that 15 % of the current credits of universities should be spent on research activities. you see, this is one of those hidden costs that cannot be seen, so it happens to be the first place where they pay for it . the financial officials of the universities reduce the budget , they leave the research field, they say because there are not many oppressed fields there, but above all. very influential. well, the respected minister of science, an international scientist, is currently the helmsman of the ministry of science of this country . he has a hand in research
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. he is famous in the international arena. once again , hold a meeting like this in public , and then we will examine the effects of performance-based budgeting, and then, mr. mehrabani, sum it up in two minutes . i have no problem with the principle of the issue that mr. doctor says, but see. dr you mentioned it yourself. 15% should be applied in words, it is determined and imposed, but in practice , when we come to the implementation, according to your words, the vice-presidents of the finance department of the universities, when they reduce it , they apply it from another place. it is not planned to be implemented in 43, not even if
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it is entered, like the rest of the things we have seen. its implementation is difficult because when you consider the current needs, when it reaches the stage of implementation , the deputies and heads go in this direction to fill the challenge from one place. and making another headline, that's why i say a mechanism should be developed by the ministry of science to actually implement this guarantee.
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you don't see anything as a support for its implementation. i'm worried. thank you to both guests of the program, all the good viewers, especially the higher program, who accompanied us until this moment. may god protect you. happy eid, and thank you very much to ali, wherever we are today. you are more
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this time, on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr , get an id with every purchase from the city of home appliances and the city of farsh. a specialized reference for carpets and household appliances. receive a gift for every purchase from the great iranian house. a gift for every iranian at baran sarai irani gift until 2:00 am in
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tehran, i am your host. the meeting of the astana process hosted by iran was held on the sidelines of the united nations general assembly in new york. this meeting is about regional changes about syria, the efforts made to create a solution for peace and comprehensive stability in this country, the fight against terrorism and measures of trust. it was consulted. the foreign ministers of iran, russia and turkey, as well as the un secretary general's special representative for syrian affairs
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, were present in this meeting. astana talks from bahman 2016, and it started with the initiative of iran and russia and with the support of turkey, with the aim of resolving the conflicts in syria and ending the unfortunate conditions in this country. commander of the navy. the irgc informed about the design and construction of amphibious and hybrid drones, dadiadar tangsiri said that amphibious drones are capable of carrying bomb missiles and hybrid drones have two launch engines and a moving engine, which will soon join the navy. in the navy, we came up with a plane that can fly and sit on water. this is at the hands of our own youth. in fact, we created a new feature, this one it is a new feature, god willing, in the future, this will be added to our collection
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of drones that we built in our own force . and identify sardar tangsiri , also the construction and addition of three vessels in the class of shahid soleimani with the names of shahid hassan bagheri, shahid siad shirazi and shahid rais ali delwari until the end of this year , the country's education assessment organization announced in a notice the regulations of the national exam of 143 the measurement organization emphasized in this announcement. done next year's national exam
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will be held based on the policy and criteria for organizing the assessment and admission of applicants for higher education, which is the cause of the supreme council of cultural revolution. in this announcement, it is also emphasized that in the next year's national exam, the share of the total score of the 12th grade of nizam 63 in the main experimental groups of mathematical and technical sciences, experimental sciences, and humanities will be 50%, and in the first round groups of the next year's national exam, the 6th, 7th of ardibehesht 1403 and the second round of the exam will be held on the 7th and 8th of july . noor 3 sensing and identification satellite with a messenger satellite in the air force research organization corps built around 9 o'clock. 20 minutes full today. a allahu akbar
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, allahu akbar, allahu akbar. we will benefit from the collection and collection of products that this satellite collects from the surface of the earth and releases to complete the irgc's information requirements . well, this satellite and its launch are along the roadmap of satellite launches of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, which is in the form of a chain. at each stage , we find newer, more modern phenomena. 10,000 mehr housing units were handed over to applicants in the campus. the managing director of omran pardis company announced this
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news in salam correspondent program and said: from 1981 units the remaining 12,000 residential units will be delivered to applicants by the end of the year. one of the real deliveries will be that of the entire substation. why did it take so long? we tried to prepare all the infrastructures, electricity, gas, water and sewage. by the end of this year , we will try to deliver about 12,000 more units, the remaining 7,000 units are left because their physical progress is below 50% , god willing. it is possible that next year we will be able to celebrate the completion of housing. let's meet in the new city of the campus, the rashid combined cycle power plant, with the presence of the head of the country's program and budget organization in torbat heydarieh. the country's national electricity network is connected. this power plant
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was put into operation with an investment of 96 thousand billion rials. at the same time as the week of unity , the power plant project was put into operation in torbate de dariye with the presence of the vice president and the head of the country's program and budget organization. the government has made efforts and today we are witnessing the implementation of a half-finished project that started 12 years ago. yes, yes. god willing, the infrastructure of the region is being completely completed, and we hope that the second phase will be ready and operational by the next year. one unit of 546 mw rashid combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 183 megawatts and creating 60 direct jobs , it is a project that plays an essential role in supplying the electricity needed in central and eastern asia.
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electricity production in the form of a network is effective in the whole country, our province also has an imbalance, unfortunately, and we are very hopeful that with the opening of this power plant and other power plants, both regionally and nationwide, we will see a reduction in the electricity imbalance for producers, including farmers. be dear one of our prides here is that this 100 power plant is actually designed with internal knowledge. built , installed and launched the animation of the baby zarang won the best sale of iranian animation. in the first three days of its showing, this animation had 30,000 viewers and sold half a billion tomans. bacha zarang is the story of a boy who considers himself a superhero and embarks on an adventurous journey to save the last iranian tiger. this film
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was made by the efforts of nearly 250 young iranian artists. and last year it managed to receive crystal simorgh for the best animation of fajr film festival. archie is looking for me, here is a city looking for me. i went to phantom. let's go into the heart of the adventures. have a nice ride. a boy's journey baby love hero of the game to the heart of the forest. the vice president of research of the ministry of health and medical education announced the first rank of iran's science production in the region and the 15th rank of our country in the world. according to dr. panahi, in order to maintain and improve the scientific rank of the country , institutional universities and the fourth generation should be supported. institutional universities are like this. in general
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, their research is in accordance with the needs of the organization and we really like that all universities do the same things in the ministry of health, that is, our university should become a social university like the fourth generation universities and enter the society in the society. in other words, he should have a recipient without the society that has problems and issues and carry out the research accordingly. makran coast development document has been prepared with the aim of coordinating the activities of executive bodies. the secretary of the makran coastal development council announced this news and said that this document will be finalized on the 15th of mehr and unveiled on the 25th of mehr. the documents that have already been prepared are macro and general. we tried to bring it down to the lowest level, which is almost what happened on the maps with a scale
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of 15000. then we implemented all these tests on the ground naturally, we should have been able to achieve this . in order to offer a round with all the devices, we went ahead with this , in the sense that we invited the device . attention to the same study document as before. and this new look that exists now. the statue of the 5th edition of mustafa award in the hands of selected scholars of the islamic world. with the closing ceremony of the 5th mustafa award, the winners were awarded the badge of this event. technology exchange and networking among world scientists islam was one of the most important goals of holding this event. i am very proud to be one of the chosen ones.


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