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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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what does it look like? it gives a direct subsidy to the fa, which is now the governing body of aviation in the united states, and it is giving direct subsidies to a number of places that it wants to destroy irina so that communication can be established. i also believe that if all these are removed, the allies are removed, the price is freed, and the government naturally has to go in this direction to support a series of paths, which are the duties of regulating the country in the direction of development. in any case , we can see that the proposal we have is that this is actually a subsidy in the pocket of the airline industry maybe it's going into your pocket, i'm sorry for your presence, three and a half percent or four percent, which is again 4, well , the official statistics of the statistics center and it's not even a number , this statistics center shows that the cost of air travel in the household budget is 600 percent, sir.
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excuse me, we are saying that we can arrange a mechanism so that, sir , a significant part or even all of the resources that have been provided will come back to the airline industry . let's say, sir, you have 1 million tomans, 2 million tomans, whatever, and this subsidy to go to a certain hotel in a certain city, in kish, in a certain region. you can use this subsidy anywhere in mashhad , well, it comes from the airline agency, in fact, or you have this quota with which you can buy tickets. do not let the airline industry itself spend money on the tehran metro, but we are giving up on this now because of the hypothesis that if the price goes up.
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we will have a decrease in demand, which i will explain in the next section. let's go to my next question let's see the report that mr. bayat said that now is not the time. in your opinion, when is the time? today is too late . in my opinion, it's very good. if we agree, let's go. of course, not shocking things, not that the price of fuel will increase from tomorrow, 27 thousand tomans, the price of my ticket will go up. we need a community plan. in fact , we should have a phased plan, but from now on, it should be clear that it is 5 years. what is going to happen next? oh, it means that this will happen with a slope. in your opinion, very well, we have your opinion as well. my colleague in sada vasima news agency's energy group prepared a report , we will see it together, we will come back, i will follow the debate in december this year and the public's reaction to the publication of the news of the annual allocation of 35 thousand billion tomans in subsidies for airplane fuel
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. really, 35 thousand billion tomans are subsidized for fuel. airplane , i wish we didn't say, it will really regret more, the amount of subsidy that is being paid does not really reach the lower middle class, then the subsidy will be given to those who don't have it, not to those who have it. the islamic council has become a subsidized airplane gasoline . or at the fob price of the persian gulf, at the fob price of the persian gulf, social justice requires that subsidies should definitely not be given to penzen hapama, domestic travel should be subsidized, and foreign travel by fob persian gulf should be a subsidy that can be used by all sections of the society before holding elections. an expert debate was also held on this issue, especially in the higher election program, it is possible that a
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flight that now costs 1 million, for example , will reach 2 million to 3 million and more when the market does not have the traction of the producer. services it can't raise the price that much. on the 11th of esfand, the people at the polling stations expressed their opinion about the allocation of subsidies for airplane fuel and the effect of these programs. that everyone uses, most people can't ride it, so it must be removed at its original price . due to the high prices of plane tickets, many people are denied the opportunity to travel by plane. well, this is a kind of discrimination and lack of administration . are these things on your list or not? roughly
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, ruqiyeh hoyda of the sed and sima news agency, yes , we saw the report together, the report of ms. hoyd dawood's colleague, mr. bayati. one point you mentioned was that the prices were discussed. you also mentioned that people , if this change it may happen that many people who are using airplanes will not be able to use this transportation anymore . what is your reasoning and how much do you think the price will change? we will not see the effect in the field of aviation, that is, the company airlines because the demand is extremely high now. the supply of chairs is relatively low and naturally the high demand will reach a balance with the current supply. this is our belief. the market size will be small. we should not worry . no, we are not worried. yes, we are not worried about this.
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what is the size of the market? now it is not small . it's my opinion, now or a series of thoughts that are with us is that the companies are not harmed by it, they say they have an excuse to release their rates , they say, mr. sokhto, release my ticket rates, they are free to reach their own goals, but from the national point of view and the interests of the people. and the country in the internal service network, we believe that there may be damage in the regulation of our network, our air transportation system, our employment system , the system has not been developed and strategic during the past three or four decades, naturally, if this happens
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, the format of the market share they have means the largest their market share is 10% of airports the same 17,500,000 people are moving around the country as last year. in domestic flights, they are moving around 5 airports . my main airport, which has about 12 to 13 million passengers in these 5 airports, well, i am an airline company, when the demand is relatively low, mashhad, now mehrabad, which is the center of tehran as kersh. you can see mashhad, shiraz, ahvaz, tabriz, isfahan, this is the main network, we see it from the other side. in the event that if it happens, the airline companies will not be able to fly because the size of our air fleet is not suitable for our flight routes. high frequency and high frequency, you
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ask me for the farsi, it is a high number of flights per week and per day, which is one of the important indicators of development, so that we can increase the frequency of our daily and weekly flights. let 's provide access at different times for that area so that this connection can be established with that place or that province or that area, everything here will definitely decrease and because of the size of our fleet, 70% of our air fleet has more than 100 seats. and this mistake , i will tell you that we have some faults that we cannot have a common language here. we have to find our own problems by insisting that this so-called subsidy should not be removed for the time being. we are covering it. i have to admit that i am from my own industry, so if this happens, the airlines because their fleets are large and have a capacity of over 100 seats, all because they keep their seat occupancy rate high, they go to these five airports, where the demand is the highest
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, this way, the aircraft will be deprived of its use and efficiency for a series of routes that people need, and the role of the government is vital here, so that they can get this subsidy if they want to. with a gentle slope reduce the explanation, see it with better justice and see it more accurately and with the so-called progress plan. a modern person should look at this matter, not that now our friends said that the so-called subsidy has been removed, people should go to themselves, and these were the events that happened in 1990-1991 to the purpose of subsidies . now that we have discovered this hidden subsidy , for example, we can see comfort in a part of the society , but in the aviation sector in particular, our goal is to develop the fleet, our goal is to improve the fleet, our goal is better quality, our goal is to create more businesses and it is more diverse in the airline sector, and
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in the airline sector itself, the number of these companies can increase so much that it becomes a competition, and this competition ultimately benefits the people because they can compete with each other in the pricing of their services. the thing is, sir, now is not the time to do this, because iran's aviation industry is facing sanctions. it is international in nature, and in the meantime, we have a problem with currency , just like the so-called rial revenues in the domestic network, from that side, foreign currency costs are nearly 70% of the cost of airplanes in that sector. could it be that the internal bureaucracy to secure its own currency is a story that really needs to be talked about seriously, and i'm in the middle of it, so to speak. i want to ask you three short questions because i want to ask my master, how much effect does the price change have? on the ticket
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reduce the cost of seats. if you say decisively that each person is that much, you don't know how much my seat occupancy rate is, but the fixed cost of the flight is divided by 100 people and divided by 100 people , it becomes 50 people. this fixed cost is divided by 50 people. it is calculated for the operating cost of approximately 2 we have about 130 documents for a flight for a narrow-body aircraft. if we convert this to persian gulf fob, which is 66 cents, now with the same 27,000 tomans , this number will reach 54 to 55
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. you can see how much more it costs in one hour of flight and i can calculate it for you. at least it is in my mind that it can add 650 to 70 thousand tomans in one hour, that is, for example, tehran mashhad, which costs almost an hour, now tehran mashhad is an hour more because the approximate plan is yes , it can be said that it can cost almost 900 thousand tomans he can add this extra flight to the total of 9 flights that are now available. for the whole flight, from harit, each seat, each
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seat, now the ticket, depending on the plane , mashhad, and the seat, will be 900,000 tomans, around 650 to 60 to 700. 1000 tomans, roughly how much has the ticket changed now? it's close now. well, the price of tehran mashhad is not in my mind right now. 1 , 300, 1, 400. now everyone has a different price. in order to add to the cost of this route to tehran, there is another point that i would like to mention, which is currently being discussed in the economic commission i don't know if it is a sub-commission or the main commission in the government, the problem is that they set a percentage of the above, that is, say 30% , 20% , 40% compared to the above, that is, it is not going to be 27 thousand tomans. to 100 gentlemen of art , did you agree with this calculation or some other number, approximately now , because each person consumes 40 liters
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of fuel per hour, in fact, what kind of airplane does it use? let me do this and it will match your numbers: 24, 40 liters multiplied by 600,000 toman. the division for the same width is for the route, yes , so now 2% of the plane ticket is allocated to fuel, and every plane that goes from tehran to mashhad, for example. as you said, the cost of the fuel can be paid in full . now, let's do the math. if he sells two chairs , the cost of the fuel will be included. so, even if the price of fuel doubles , that means it will be 600 tomans, 120 tomans, which means another 600 tomans will be added to the expenses. the operation of the plane, that is, 2% is not a number, that is, 2%
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should be added to the cost of the ticket . you or let's say, now we calculate the above , it should be 40 times, it should be 40 times from 600 tomans, it should be 27 thousand tomans, about 40 times, it should be 40 times 2%, that is, 80 times, we have an increase in cost, and i am telling you that in many ways, this decrease in demand and the volume of the market will not follow business trips. they are very less flexible compared to the price of foreign trips and trips that have a long distance and there is no substitute for it. the party cannot be on the road for 9 hours and 10 hours . he has to use a plane. the price of two tickets it is equal, and as i said, the top 3 deciles
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are using this, 4% of the society is using it. let's go back to the discussion we had, maybe there will be a misunderstanding in the mind of the audience that we know the solution in price liberalization. this is not the case at all. in your presence, many carriers , especially gasoline, which has a high social sensitivity , are not in any way in favor of shock therapy and price liberalization, but some of the carriers, such as lpg or liquefied gas, are actually fuel. there is no problem with the plane, whose target society is very small, we will release it and no one will be hurt and its interests will be in
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in fact, it can be explained fairly between people. i told you that you can. how can it be? another point i have to say is that if we ask you to come here, it will be a mental approximation . see, we came to make bread smart. in the ministry of economy, an interesting statistic was obtained. we saw 2 % of bank cards in the country. they are buying 20% ​​of the country's bread, which means 2% of the society or 2% of the card and 20% of the electricity. approximately 20% of consumers are inefficient and consume 80 sources of electricity . so, for example, in bread, we may go to target only this 2%, why not the whole society? let's include these two percent and add 50% to their price, for example, there is a deficit and smuggling problems and
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all this will be solved with this 2% in airplane fuel, it is the same now. 85 or actually 4 % of the population use airplanes , if we double these , there will be no problem with their prices and the resources that are created can be spent on the development of the tourism and aviation industry . in your opinion , how much is that period? it should be 5 years, and here we have two offers at the same price. as i said, any type. underselling and selling fuel at a lower price compared to the actual export cost or export price is a hidden subsidy and hidden or non-hidden subsidy, the result does not make a difference in the government budget and its economic effects , it actually has an effect and we, especially now
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, have less of this hidden subsidy. it becomes an obvious subsidy, we are about four this year. we imported a billion dollars of gasoline. next year , it might be 7 billion dollars . we are the first country with oil and gas reserves in the world . we have imported gasoline. in a few years , we will be importing gas. let's import 30 billion dollars of liquid fuel to replace the drop in south pars production. 30 billion dollars of fuel import means that not only the islamic republic but also the civilization of iran. it is exposed to collapse and danger. it is not possible at all . we have to change the rail. thank you very much, mr. bayat . we have almost three minutes to get together, of course , this is what the doctor said. it shows that we do not have a strategic policy in consumption, an important point that is also important for us in the aviation sector, that if consumption wants to be freed , we should be able to control it, and of course if
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the price of this subsidy should be freed. on the other hand, my ticket price should be freed. i have to do a deregulation at the same time and in line with my friends in my aviation governing body, so it is not a decision to be made unilaterally. this decision is for several devices and its effects should be fully seen in the end, i believe that the increase in operating costs will shrink the market, it will cause the aviation business not to form or develop , in the conditions of sanctions where the economy has no strength , and finally, we have built so many airports in the country's regions, the costs should be covered. it's up to the government provide for him and the outcome of this story is that this is the opportunity cost that you said, against this 35 thousand, which i believe the government is somehow
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selling its gasoline to the government. like you, it gives a number , it goes to the government , it goes to the budget, the organization takes the program, approves it in the parliament, it means it is selling the government goods to the government itself, and we say that you should tell me the finished price, how much is my share, how much is my share how much does the government have left? in the name of god , sell it to any number you want in fob khaleej fars is and is not. in the end, we should see this as a supportive view from the airlines so that the companies can endure the pain of the currency and the pain of the embargo, and finally the quality of expression of the four percent that you say we should do , 400, we should do 50% and this the deregulation that takes place here becomes an automatic thing , businesses become diversified, and new business models of airlines are formed, like the low-cost companies in the world, and anyone can do it with that poverty , for example, the less fortunate. the transport customer, thank you for both guests of the program good viewers, especially barater program, who have always accompanied us until this moment , may god protect you, or better than any or higher
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today, wherever we are, we will be higher tomorrow. in 2016 and 2017, about 60 tons of gold went into the hands of the people through the coins handed over by the central bank, 2 to 3 to 4 to this, 5 to this, which means a number around 26,600 billion tomans of capital that was removed from the cycle of economy and production. the issue that the economists wanted
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to return this capital to the economy with a gold investment fund. our goal of launching these funds it was the attraction of small capitals that wanted to go towards gold. in the following years, other tools were created in the capital market. to target people's investment in gold. gold bullion deposit certificate, gold coin option or gold funds were some of these tools. but some people involved in these markets say that the money of investors in gold was not produced with these tools. the money enters the fund, the marketer takes that money and buys coins. and the money stays in the fund, not the company, for example, go and increase the capital towards the production of these tools, and have successful experiences they had, of course, with a different hand in
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markets such as the american capital market , where there are various stock exchanges, such as the new york stock exchange near chicago. to educate the production body, and this means the same win-win game that people invested in the gold market , and the productive sectors of this capital have turned their wheels, and the profits of this rotation have gone into the people's pockets . gold is the basis of investment deposit interest is like premium shares that are traded in the world. an annual deposit is given to it, and its pricing and valuation is based on gold. if the same 60 tons of gold
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are stored in the homes of the people of anbar this year, it will be 19479 billion tomans, which is the amount that the country's largest refineries can use. 400% increase in capital from cash deposit. maryam fadaei of the sed and broadcasting news agency.
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maxi in gando service guarantee. easy purchase of train tickets to sar tasar in iran on fly today.
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the big celebration of the city of household appliances and the city of carpets this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr get an id for every purchase from the city of household appliances and the city of carpets. the specialized reference for carpets and household appliances has been talking about eggs and its properties. today , saffron egg shampoo has all these properties . saffron egg poo. receive a gift for every purchase from the great iranian house. a gift for every iranian in
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baran sarai iranian gift. until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, greetings to the section. by announcing that the average daily consumption of gasoline has reached about 120 million liters, the deputy oil minister asked the people to reduce the time of refueling at gas stations. use a personal fuel card. targeting the location card is an emergency card that can be used in special situations. during travel


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